Mary, w. Rev. Benjamin, Mar. 16, 1798. [in her 47th y. GR1]

Benjamin, Rev., D.D., h. Mary, Jan. 18, 1826. [in his 76 y. CR1]

WAIT (Waitt)

Jonathan, s. Jonathan and Eliza, Aug. 24, 1793.

Jonathan, h. Eliza, Jan. 12, 1821.

–––––, d. John and Loisa Wheeler, at Wenham, Nov. 26, 1821.

James W., s. Peter and Pamelia, Oct. 20, 1829. PR132

WAITE (Waitt)

Sarah Trask, d. Peter and Pamelia, Mar. 30, 1848, a. 10 y. 7 m. GR11

WAITT (Wait, Waite)

Cyrus, s. Jonathan and Betsy, Aug. 11, 1788, a. 8 m. GR8

Jonathan, s. Jonathan and Betsy, Aug. 4, 1793, a. 1 y. 11 m. GR8

–––––, s. Samuel and Lydia (Woodbury), Aug. 28, 1818.

Lydia (Woodbury), w. Samuel, Oct. 8, 1818.

Jonathan, Jan. 12, 1821, a. 57 y. GR8

Betsy Baker, d. Jonathan and Betsy, Jan. 24, 1824, a. 27 y. GR8

–––––, s. Samuel and Harriet (Carter), 2d w., Dec. 14, 1829.

Henry Alonzo, s. Samuel and Harriet (Carter), 2d w., Apr. 1, 1843. [a. 4 y. 6 m. GR11]

Betsy, w. Jonathan, Apr. 27, 1847, a. 84 y. 8 m. GR8

Oliver Obear, s. Samuel and Harriet (Carter), 2d w., consumption, Feb. 27, 1849. [a. 29 y. GR11]

WALCUT (Walcutt)

Polly, d. John and Sarah, July ––, 1782.

Elizabeth, d. John and Sarah, July 14, 1788.

Sarah, d. John and Sarah, Aug. ––, 1788.

John, s. John and Sarah, May 21, 1790.

John, h. Mary, Sept. 22, 1811.

Sukey, d. John and Rebeccah, Aug. 1, 1813.

Sarah, wid. John, Oct. 29, 1813.

Jonathan, h. Lydia, Mar. 25, 1826. [a. 33 y. 8 m. PR60]

Jonathan, wid. [h. Lydia (Gale). dup.], yeoman, s. John and Sarah [(Gardner). dup.], old age, Nov. 18, 1844, a. 82 y. 2 m. 16 d.

WALCUTT (Walcut)

–––––, w. Dea., July 17, 1830.


Nathaniel, "as he was driving his team, he fell down & his cart wheel went over his Body," Sept. ––, 1771. PR10

–––––, young ch. wid., "fell into the fire & Burnt so that it Died in about two hours after," Oct. ––, 1771. PR10


Sophia, d. Rev. Samuel and Sophia, Mar. 3, 1814. [a. 5 y. GR48]

Samuel, s. Rev. Samuel and Sophia, Oct. 13, 1815. [Oct. 3. dup.;, a. 9 m. GR48]

Samuel, s. Rev. Samuel and Sophia, Dec. 28, 1819. [a. 2 m. GR48]

Mary G., d. Rev. Samuel and Sophia, Sept. 28, 1821. [a. 7 d. GR48]

John, s. Samuel Leach and Sally (Skidmore), ––– ––, 1825.

Samuel, Rev., h. Sophia, July 7, 1826. [in his 48th y. GR48]

Harriet W., d. Samuel and Sophia, Mar. 26, 1829, a. 11 y. GR48

Sophia, w. Rev. Samuel, Oct. 7, 1831. [a. 49 y. GR48]

Stephen, s. Samuel Leach and Sally (Skidmore), Jan. 17, 1832.

WALLACE (Wallis)

–––––, Mr., old, suddenly, Sept. ––, 1773. PR10

WALLIS (Wallace)

–––––, ch. James, Feb. 10, 1797. PR7

Deneson, Aug. 16, 1825. [a. 69 y. GR48]

James, ––– ––, 1832.

Nane, wid. Dennison, Nov. 14, 1833, a. 77 y. GR48

Daniel, h. Betsey (Goodale), Nov. 16, 1840. [a. 73 y. GR11]

George Frederick, s. Gordon H. and Mary J. (Lamson), Sept. 3, 1846.


Caroline Mansfield, d. Joseph and Mary Roberts (Cummins) [slow fever. dup.], Sept. 12, 1847. [a. 6 y. 7 m. dup.]

Eliza Cummins, d. Joseph and Mary Roberts (Cummins), [consumption. dup.], Dec. 9, 1847. [a. 17 y. dup.]


Betsey, Apr. 15, 1820.

Nathan Poor, s. Henry Brown and Margaret Silver (Poor), Aug. 8, 1842. [Aug. 11, a. 8 y. GR52]

Horace, s. Henry B[rown. dup.], and Margaret S[ilver (Poor). dup.], dropsy in the head, July 12, 1844, a. 1 y. 10 m. 12 d.


–––––, ch. –––––, ––– ––, 1830, a. 1 y.

Hannah (Kimball), [b. Boxford. dup,], w. Jonas, heart complaint, Mar. 28, 1844. [a. 57 y. 5 d. dup.]


–––––, Mrs., Dec. 24, 1841. PR8


John, h. Rachel (Tarbell), at Carlisle, ––– ––, ––––, a. 90 y.

John, Lt., Apr. 29, 1760, a. 65 y. PR77

–––––, w. Stephen, consumption, Apr. ––, 1774. PR10

Abel, h. Lydia (Trask), May 24, 1786.

Lydia, wid. Abel, Sept. 1, 1815, a. 79 y. GR11


Otis, s. Nathaniel and Mary, Aug. 18, 1808.


–––––, ch. Nathaniel, Oct. ––, 1775. PR10

Eunice (Porter), w. Nathaniel, ––– ––, 1786.

Francis, s. Nathaniel and Eunice (Dale), 2d w., Feb. 3, 1792.

Francis, s. Nathaniel, jr. and Nancy (Raymond), at Lyme, ME, Sept. 13, 1802.

Porter, s. Nathaniel, jr. and Nancy (Raymond), at Portland, ME, May ––, 1803.

John, s. Nathaniel and Eunice (Dale), 2d w., in the South, ––– ––, 1818.

George, s. Nathaniel and Eunice (Dale), 2d w., at sea, May 6, 1818.

Nathaniel Porter, s. Nathaniel, jr. and Nancy (Raymond), at sea, Oct. 2, 1825.

Nathaniel, h. Eunice, Oct. 13, 1831.

Michael, Nov. 3, 1831.

Nathaniel, jr., h. Nancy (Raymond), Oct. 11, 1837. [a. 67 y. GR8]

Eunice, wid. Nathaniel, Mar. 27, 1842, a. 83 y. GR8

Charlotte Ann, Apr. 23, 1842, a. 2 y. 4 m. GR11

Mary Eliza, May 26, 1842, a. 4 y. 4 m. GR11


Albert R., s. Elijah C. and Sarah, Feb. 1, 1811. [a. 4 m. 21 d. GR48]

Almira W., d. Elijah C. and Sarah, Oct. 16, 1814.

Francis P., July 31, 1842, a. 29 y. GR50

Sarah (Dole), w. Elijah C., Dec. 16, 1842.

Elijah C., h. Sarah (Dole), June 28, 1848.


George Henry, s. Daniel and Lyria (Ricker), disease of the brain, at Berwick, ME, June 6, 1846.

WELCH (Welsh)

Elizabeth, w. John, Nov. 6, 1838, a. 62 y. GR11

Mary, w. Jacob, Mar. 3, 1840. PR8

Matilda, Miss, Nov. 29, 1840. PR83

–––––, ch. Solomon, Mar. 16, 1842. PR8

–––––, inf. ch. Josiah and Mehetable, Oct. 15, 1844, a. 13 1-2 h.

John Henry, s. John, jr. and Caroline, lung fever, May 27, 1846, a. 9 m.

Helen Batchelder, d. John and Caroline (Shelden), teething, Dec. 27, 1849.

WELLINGTON (Willington)

Mary, Dec. 25, 1833, a. 69 y. GR1


Benjamin, s. Willebe and Mary, July 16, 1801.

Sally, d. John and Lucretia, Sept. 13, 1801.

Willebe, h. Mary, Jan. 14, 1813. [a. 38 y. GR8]

John, h. Lucretia, "at sea," Dec. ––, 1816.

Lucretia, w. John, Apr. 6, 1823.

Harriet, Mrs., Sept. 6, 1837. PR83

WELSH (Welch)

Jacob, June 5, 1842. PR8


Joel, at the almshouse, Nov. 23, 1843, a. 94 y.


Hannah F., w. Samuel, Dec. 17, 1842, a. 56 y. GR52


Julia A., w. Samuel, b. Aug. 6, 1789, d. Nov. 12, 1848. GR11


Eliza, ––– ––, 1788, in her 37th y. GR48


Sally, w. Abel, formerly of Charlton, NC, Dec. 28, 1837, a. 86 y. GR53

–––––, d. stillborn, Asa and Mehitable, Aug. 1, 1844.

Helen Lee, d. Benjamin Saunders and Caroline Matilda (Lee), dysentery, Aug. 30, 1849.


Samuel, s. Samuel and Susana, Mar. 25, 1813. [a. 7 m. GR11]

Samuel, 2d, s. Samuel and Susana, Sept. 30, 1814. [a. 4 m. GR11]

Phebe Smith, d. Stephen and Eunice P., Dec. 7, 1817.

Dorcas, d. Samuel and Susannah (Hayward), Jan. 15, 1819. [a. 8 y. GR11]

Samuel Hayward, s, Samuel and Susannah (Hayward), Oct. 9, 1828. [a. 9 y. GR11]

Dorcas Townsend, d. Samuel and Susannah (Hayward), Mar. 10, 1838. [a. 16 y. GR11]

–––––, Miss, Mar. 13, 1838. PR8

Elizabeth, Mrs. [wid. Samuel. GR9], June 9, 1840, a. 84 y. PR8

Amelia, b. Concord, VT, small pox, Jan. 28, 1844. [a. 29 y. GR8]


Samuel, sr., Dec. 5, 1773.

Samuel, s. Samuel, jr. and Lucreatia, May 4, 1792.

–––––, ch. John, Aug. 24, 1796. PR7

Samuel, jr., h. Lucretia (Derby), at sea, abt. ––– ––, 1800. [Apr. 21. PR7;, a. 37 y. GR48]

Samuel, h. Hannah, May 18, 1821.

Lydia, d. Sarnuel, jr. and Lucretia, ––– ––, 1822.

–––––, ch. Mr., Oct. ––, 1826.

Oliver Osborn, s. Oliver and Rebecca (Brown), Oct. 11, 1828.

Nancy S., d. Joseph and Huldah (Smith), Nov. 19, 1837.

Lucretia, wid. Capt. Samuel, June 18, 1842, a. 80 y. GR48

–––––, ch. Joseph, Sept. 3, 1842. PR8

–––––, d. Daniel and Lucinda (Wyatt), Dec. 27, 1842.

John Charles, s. John and Margaret (Smith), at Lowell, Jan. 28, 1844.

Samuel, m., b. Salem, laborer, fits and spasms, Jan. 16, 1845, a. 53 y.

Joseph, h. Huldah (Smith) [s. Samuel, consumption. dup.], June 28, 1845. [a. 45 y. 11 m. 17 d. dup.]

Samuel, "formerly Whitefoot,", h. Elizabeth Quiner (Groves), July 16, 1845.

–––––, s. stillborn, Samuel Quiner and Sarah Ann Parsons, Apr. 11, 1846.

WHITERIDGE (Whittredge)

Ruth, d. Richard, jr. and Lydia, Nov. 8, 1843.

WHITIMORE (Whittemore)

Sarah, Feb. ––, 1823.


–––––, s. stillborn, John and Maria (Shed), Oct. 11, 1832.

John Hubbard, s. John and Maria (Shed), July 29, 1838.

WHITTEMORE (Whitimore)

–––––, youngest ch. Joseph, Sept. ––, 1773. PR10

Mary, d. Joseph and Mary, Oct. ––, 1774, a. 1 y. 6 m. GR48

Mary, d. Joseph and Mary, Apr. 3, 1785, a. 9 y. 9 m. GR48

Mary, w. Joseph, Sept. 22, 1805. [a. 62 y. PR44]

Hannah, d. Joseph and Mary, Aug. 9, 1806. [a. 26 y. PR44]

Joseph, June 12, 1821, a. 79 y. PR44

Daniel, h. Persis, July 14, 1825. [July 12. PR44]

Mary Eliza, d. Joseph and Eliza [(Estey). dup.], burned to death, Dec. 19, 1844, a. 9 y. 2 m. 5 d.


Mary Ann, d. William Hiram and Mary Morrison (Welch), at Beverly, Sept. 5, 1838.


Mary, d. Noah and Mary (Whittier), May 24, 1824. [a. 18 y. GR8]

Mary (Whittier), w. Noah, Feb. 10, 1839. [a. 54 y. GR8]

Sophronia, d. Noah and Mary (Whittier), Dec. ––, 1841. [Dec. 19, a. 18 y. GR8]

WHITTRADGE (Whittredge)

Ebenezer, s. Richard, jr. and Lydia, Dec. 30, 1769.

Lydia, w. Richard, jr., Nov. 9, 1771.

WHITTREDGE (Whiteridge, Whittradge, Wittredge)

Thomas, at Salem, ––– ––, ––––.

Richard, "fell from steeple of meeting house," Nov. 1, 1774.

WIAT (Wyatt)

Joshua, "Prentice to Asa Putnam," Oct. 5, 1754.


Chase, b. Wolfboro, NH, laborer, apoplexy, Dec. 27, 1849, a. 70 y.


Emily, b. Hamilton, U.C., July 28, 1839, a. 20 y. GR48


Sally (Burnham), w. Amos, Oct. 2, 1826. [a. 37 y. GR8]

Amos, h. Sally (Burnham), jaundice, June 17, 1848, a 65 y.


Joseph, Apr. ––, 1776. PR10

Mary, d. Zadoc and Abigail, Sept. 2, 1813.

Elizabeth, d. David and Mary, Sept. ––, 1821.

Martha Allen, d. John G. and Dorcas, Jan. 15, 1825.

Zadoc, h. Abigail (Berry), Mar. 22, 1832.

Abigail (Berry), w. Zadoc, Jan. 19, 1833.

S., Mrs., Dec. 28, 1833. PR8

Lucy, b. Middleton, wid., d. Elijah Wilkins, organic affection, Sept. 12, 1844, a. 76 y. 8 m. 4 d.

Charles C., s. David. S. and Martha. W., throat distemper, Feb. 22, 1846, a. 1 y. 7 m. 22 d.

–––––, s. stillborn, Frederick A. and Sarah K. (Fuller), May 1, 1846.


Samuel Warren, s. Aaron and Mercy (Wilson), Nov. 28, 1836.

Henry Harrison, s. Aaron and Mercy (Wilson), Feb. 4, 1842.

Samuel Warren, s. Aaron and Mercy (Wilson) [typhus fever. dup.], Sept. 23, 1844. [a. 6 y. 10 m. 8., d. dup.]

Margaret, d. Aaron and Mary, bowel complaint, Sept. 4, 1845, a. 11 m. 15 d.

Mary Elizabeth, d. Aaron and Mercy (Wilson), Sept. 4, 1845.

Abby Wilson, d. Aaron and Mercy (Wilson), Jan. 17, 1846.

Abba W., d. Aaron and Mercy, croup, Dec. 23, 1846, a. 6 m. 13 d.


Esther, Apr. 28, 1802. PR7

Henry, Aug. 2, 1826.

Ebenezer, Dec. 15, 1833, a. 66 y.

Lydia Ann, d. Samuel and Lydia (Newhall), Sept. 22, 1836. [a. 1 y. 11 m. GR53]

Elizabeth N., d. S. and L., Apr. 10, 1837, a. 1 m. GR53

Sarah, d. George and Mary (Tapley), Mar. ––, 1839.

Otis E., s. S. and L., Mar. 16, 1841, a. 2 y. 1 m. GR53

Lucy Ann, d. Burzilla B. and Martha Ann, bowel complaint, Sept. 5, 1844, a. 14 d.

Hannah Rea, d. Thomas and Mahala (Needham), June 25, 1845.

Lydia, w. Samuel, Jan. 30, 1849, a. 37 y. GR53

WILLINGTON (Wellington)

Thaddeus, Jan. 11, 1816.

Benjamin, grandfather [of the children of Jonathan and Rebecca Perry], June 15, 1824. [a. 60 y. GR1]

WILLSON (Wilson)

Hannah, d. Jonathan, Nov. ––, 1773, a. abt. 15 y. PR10

Samuel, s. Robert and Sarah, ––– ––, 1790.

Robert, jr., h. Mary, Nov. 9, 1803. [a. 27 y. GR30]

Naby, d. Robert and Sarah, July 28, 1811.

James, h. Susan (Osborn), May 13, 1832.

–––––, inf. ch. Samuel and Mary (Southwick) [mortification. dup.], Aug. 28, 1846. [a. 11 d. dup.]

WILSON (Willson)

John, s. Benjamin and Lydia, ––– ––, 1774.

John, s. Robert and Sarah, Jan. 18, 1778. GR30

Job, h. Sarah, Feb. 24, 1791.

Benjamin, jr., s. Benjamin and Lydia, Nov. 14, 1792.

Mercy, d. Robert and Sarah, Oct. 13, 1796. [a. 9 y. GR30]

Robert, h. Sarah, Jan. 4, 1797. [a. 51 y. GR30]

Clarissa, w. John, Apr. 11, 1797. GR30

Hannah, d. Job and Sarah, Sept. 2, 1797.

Sukey, d. Isaac and Dolly, Apr. 29, 1801.

Mary, d. William and Mary, May 21, 1801, a. 23 y. GR48

Lydia, w. Benjamin, July 5, 1811. [a. 73 y. GR49]

Abigail, d. Robert, July 28, 1811, a. 30 y. GR30

Nathaniel, s. Jonathan and Ruth (Wilson), July 18, 1813.

Mary, w. William, Sept. 4, 1816, a. 56 y. GR48

Polly, d. Benjamin and Lydia, Apr. 14, 1817. [a. 47 y. GR49]

Benjamin, h. Lydia, Jan. 6, 1818. [a. 84 y. GR49]

Clark, h. Deliverance (Searle), Aug. 21, 1818.

Ruth, d. Benjamin and Lydia, ––– ––, 1820.

Betsey, d. Job and Sarah, Apr. 3, 1821.

Joseph, h. Ede, Nov. 5, 1825.

Sarah, wid. Job, Aug. 9, 1827.

William, s. Elisha and Sukey (Webb), apoplexy, at Charlestown, Aug. 20, 1831.

Sarah, w. Newhall, Dec. 3, 1831, a. 72 y. GR46

–––––, w. Noah, Dec. 4, 1831.

James, May 13, 1832. [a. 53 y. GR52]

Newhall, Sept. 22, 1832, a. 77 y. GR46

John, s. John and Clarissa, Oct. 13, 1832. GR30

Thomas T., s. Malachi and Sarah G. (Tate), ––– ––, 1834.

Edward H., Mar. 14, 1835. GR30

Sarah F., w. Robert, Nov. 20, 1836, a. 85 y. GR46

Francis, s. James and Betsey (Richardson), Aug. 8, 1838.

Fanny, Sept. 15, 1842, a. 46 y.

Hannah, w. John, heart complaint, July 31, 1843, a. 63 y.

Mary Ann, d. Jonathan and Rebeccah (Nichols) [disease of the heart. dup.], Apr. 19, 1844. [a. 10 y. 10 m. GR11]

James William [cordwainer. dup.], s. James and Betsey (Richardson) [consumption. dup.], July 26, 1845.

Abigail [F. dup.], d. Malachi and Sarah G. (Tate) [typhus fever. dup.], Sept. 12, 1845. [a. 22 y. 9 m. 3 d. dup.]

Jonathan, Oct. 30, 1848, a. 57 y. 2 m. GR11

John, jr., h. Hannah (Wilson), Jan. 5, 1849.

George, h. Olivia (Andrew), fits, at Salem, Apr. 10, 1849.

Thorndike Proctor, s. Newhall and Phebe (Wilson), consumption, July 3, 1849.

Deliverance (Searl), wid. Clark, apoplexy, Sept. 19, 1849.


Lemuel, s. Lemuel and Lydia (Flint), at Tewksbury, Oct. ––, 1801.

Lydia, 2d, d. Lemuel and Lydia (Flint), at Tewksbury, Mar. ––, 1811.

Lydia Flint, w. Lemuel, at Tewksbury, Mar. 28, 1812.

Mehitable, d. Silas and Dolly (Wilson), Sept. 30, 1813.

Mehitable, d. Silas and Dolly, Sept. ––, 1815.

Silas, s. Silas and Dolly, Apr. ––, 1816.

Bancroft, h. Sarah Low (Frost), in Maryland, Oct. 24, 1832.

Mary Ann, d. Perez L. and Sally (Jacobs), Dec. 16, 1838.

Lemuel, h. wid. Margaret (Smith), 2d w., Jan. 17, 1841. [a. 100 y. PR8]

Margaret, Mrs., Oct. 26, 1841, a. 87 y. PR8

George Harrison, s. Isaac, jr. and Maryett (Tyler), Dec. 1, 1842.

Maryett (Tyler), w. Isaac, jr., Jan. 7, 1843.

–––––, d. stillborn, Isaac, jr. and Mary (Russell), 2d w., at Salem, Nov. ––, 1844.

Nancy Poor, d. Perez L. and Sally (Jacobs), dysentery, Sept. 14, 1849.


James, s. Joshua and Hannah, at Leghorn, ––– ––, ––––.

Nehemiah, s. Joshua and Hannah, at West Indies, ––– ––, ––––.

James, ––– ––, 1800.

Hannah, w. Joshua, Aug. ––, 1824.

David, s. Joshua and Hannah, at Plymouth, NH, "about" ––– ––, 1827.

Sally (Putnam), w. Belcher [dropsy. dup.], Dec. 22, 1844, a. 72 y.


Samuel, h. Sarah, lockjaw, July 22, 1839.

WITTREDGE (Whittredge)

Sarah, wid. Thomas, Mar. ––, 1819, a. 86 y. GR45


Phebe [(Proctor). dup.], w. Israel, Jan. 12, 1802. [a. 40 y. GR46]

Phebe [(Parker). dup.], 2d, w. Israel, Nov. 18, 1816. [a. 54 y. GR46]

Israel, jr., June 29, 1830, a. 33 y. GR46

Israel, Dec. 16, 1834., a. 75 y. GR46

Hannah, b. Wolfboro, NH, dressmaker, w. George, consumption, Jan. 11, 1846, a. 36 y. 6 m.

Mary, wid., b. Ireland, consumption, Jan. 12, 1846, a. 75 y.

George, h. Hannah (Philbrick), suicide, Sept. 10, 1849.


Nathaniel, May 28, 1828, a. 70 y. GR48

David, s. Edmund and Eunice (Goldthwait), Sept. 14, 1833.

Sarah, w. Nathaniel, Jan. 21, 1836, a. 78 y. GR48

David, s. Edmund and Eunice (Goldthwait), Aug. 4, 1839.

Charles Milton, s. Benjamin Franklin and Emily Jane (Flower), at Topsfield, July 15, 1840.

Daniel, s. Hezekiah and Eliza (Averill), Aug. 24, 1840. [a. 8 y. 8 m. GR1]

Mary Page, d. Oliver and Mary (Caldwell), Nov. 23, 1840.

Eunice (Goldthwait), w. Edmund, Dec. 4, 1840.

William Averill, s. Hezekiah and Eliza (Averill), [brain fever. dup.], Aug. 22, 1843. [a. 14 y. 1 m. 6 d. dup.]

Jane M., d. Zebulon and Maria, ––– ––, 1849. GR52


–––––, Mr., Jan. ––, 1775. PR10


William, Feb. 17, 1846.

Sarah E., w. Wyatt B., d. Perley and Sally Tapley, consumption, Mar. 6, 1848, a. 22 y. 10 d.


–––––, ch. stillborn, James and Hannah (Small), Oct. ––, 1834.

Charles, s. James and Hannah (Small), May 7, 1839. [a. 3 y. GR40]

Emily, d. James and Hannah (Small), June 2, 1839. [a. 2 y. GR40]

Mary [(Parker). dup.], w. James, consumption, Mar. ––, 1847, a. 24 y. 4 m. 23 d. [Mar. 21. GR40]


Mary, July ––, 1830, a. 3 y.

Mary Elizabeth, d. Ezra and Sally, July 4, 1831, a. 3 y. 9 m. GR48

Eliza Ann, d. Ezra and Sally, Dec. 22, 1840, a. 3 y. 5 m. GR48

Ezra B., Jan. 28, 1843, a. 43 y. GR48

Ezra B., m., last maker, consumption, Feb. 14, 1844, a. 44 y.


George Dodge, s. Daniel and Mary Ann (Wiggin), June 10, 1843.

Jesse Wilkins, s. Hiram and Lydia (White), Sept. 26, 1843. [1842. PR83]

Martha A., b. Charlestown, NH, w. Willam O., typhus fever, Oct. 12, 1846, a. 28 y.

WYATT (Wiat)

Sarah, w. George, Aug. 29, 1774, a. 48 y. GR4

George, Dec. 29, 1800, a. 79 y. GR4

Mary, "formerly wife of Samuel Holten, father of Hon. Judge Holten," Dec. 20, 1813, a. 94 y. GR9

Emma, Mrs., Dec. 1, 1834. PR83

George, heart complaint, June 10, 1847, a. 83 y. 2 m. 8 d.


James, May 11, 1792, a. 34 y. GR48

–––––, drowned, ––– ––, 1830, a. 24 y.

–––––, ch. wid., Mar. ––, 1831.

Betsey (Poor), w. Rufus, at Salem, Nov. 10, 1844. [a. 54 y. GR52]

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