NorthShore Slavery


Phillis, a ch. Samuel Parker, bp. June 29, 1746. CR1

Dinah, ch. belonging to Samuel Stevens, bp. Nov. 8, 1747. CR1

Rose, ch. belonging to Samuel Parker, bp. Nov. 8, 1747. CR1

NICHOLS, Merrium, "molatto child, under ye care or S. Stevens," bp. Sept. 4, 1748. CR1

Prince, ch. belonging to Richard Messer, bp. Oct. 15, 1749. CR1

London, servant of Caleb Hall, bp. June 9, 1754. CR1

Salem, servant of Caleb Hall, bp. May 18, 1755. CR1

Hephsibeth, servant of John Parker, bp. June 5, 1777. CR1


Sucay, bound girl of James and Meribah Sargent, bp. Aug. 24, 1791. CR1