Anna, May 18, 1822.
Jacob, Aug. 9, 1826.
Royal, s. Timothy, "by a fall from the bank near Merrimack river," May 5, 1826.
Sarah, m., cancer, Apr. 6, 1846, a. 45 y. 5 m. 22 d.
George [W. GR3], s. Phineas [and Sally. GR3], Oct. 7, 1834, a. 15 y. CR2
John, Feb. 27, 1732-3
_____, ch. David, --- --, 1816. CR2
John Francis, b. Mills, s. Jonathan and Frances S., Oct. 9, 1844, a. 10 m. 26 d.
_____, ch. Jesse, July 7, 1817.
Sarah, w. Micah [w. Michael. CR2; formerly, w. John Sargent. GR2; fever. CR2], Mar. 1, 1814. [a. 49 y. GR2]