NorthShore Slavery


John William, s. John and Ruth, brain fever, bur. Sandy Hill, d. Dec. 10, 1846, a. 17 y. 6 m.

Ruth, w. John, spine complaint, Feb. 4, 1849, a. 50 y.

TAYLER (Taylor)

Mary [C. GR1], d. Archabald, Nov. 23, 1823. [a. 33 y. GR1]

Sarah, Jan. 6, 1842. [1843, a. 66 y. GR1]

TAYLOR (Tayler)

Walter [s. Walter. CTR], Feb. 11, 1686-7.

James E., father E.H.B., lost at sea, Dec. --, 1814, a. 32 y. GR1

Dorothy, wid. Archabald, June 1, 1837.

_____, s. Edward H.B. and Sally, Dec. 22, 1837, a. 10 d. GR1

James Otis, s. [eldest, s. CR4] Jonathan [and Sarah A. GR1], July 19, 1838. [a. 3 y. 8 m. GR1]

Robert Wood, s. [youngest, s. CR4] Jonathan [and Sarah A. GR1], July 30, 1838. [a. 2 y. GR1]

Edward H.B., m., shoemaker, s. James and Maria, hemorrhage from the liver, bur. Ferry, d. Oct. 30, 1844, a. 33 y. 5 m. 9 d. [Oct. 31. dup.]

Sarah E[dwards. GR1], d. Edward H.B. and Sarah C., inflammation of lungs, bur. Ferry, d. Jan. 29, 1845, a. 4 m. 24 d.

John, b. England, fever, Nov. 9, 1845, a. 70 y. 6 m.


Johnson, s. Johnson [and Anna. GR3], July --, 1823. [July 21, a. 19 y. GR3]

Johnson, farmer, diseased liver, Sept. 11, 1844, a. 67 y.

TEUXBURY (Tuxbury)

Dorothy, w. Dea. David, Feb. 12, 1799, in her 65th y. GR1

Emily, d. David and Nancy, typhus fever, Nov. 30, 1848, a. 28 y.


George [Munroe. GR1], b. Mills, s. William and Susan [Mary. GR1], diabetis, Mar. 23, 1845, a. 14 y. 2 m.

THOMPSON (Thomson)

Sarah P., m., b. Guilford, NH, d. Jacob and Rachael Thompson, Sept. 4, 1844, a. 27 y. 9 m. 24 d.

Hannah E., Aug. 6, 1846, a. 21 y. GR1

David, s. Jacob and Rachel, at Jalapa, Mexico, May 25, 1847, a. 28 y. GR1

Jacob, m., laborer, b. Guilford, NH, s. David and Rachel, suicide by hanging, bur. Sandy Hill, d. Oct. 3, 1849, a. 58 y.

THOMSON (Thompson)

Olney, 18: 3m: 1837, a. 69 y. CR3

Betsy [Mrs. CR2], Nov. 11, 1841. [Nov. 16, a. 40 y. CR2]

TIBBETS (Tibbetts)

Alfred, trader, b. Sanford, ME, consumption, Sept. 15, 1848, a. 24 y.


Oliver, Capt., soldier in Revolutionary War, b. 1729 d. --- --, 1795. GR1

Susan B[atchelder. PR51], d. Oliver and Mary [Philbrick (Cram), scarlet fever. PR51], Sept. 28, 1842, a. 4 y. 6 m. GR1

James W. Fowler, s. Alfred and Dolly, Aug. 23, 1844, a. 2 m. 28 d.

Hannah, consumption, May 11, 1848, a. 79 y.

TRESSEL (Trussell)

Henry, Apr. 9, 1731.

Martha, w. Henry, Mar. 11, 1737-8.


Nancy [wid. Robert. GR1], influenza, Apr. 22, 1848, a. 64 y.


_____, ch. Samuel, Sept. 26, 1832.

TRUSSEL (Trussell)

Henry, Dec. 2, 1814.

TRUSSELL (Tressel, Trussel)

Moses, Apr. 18, 1806.

Mary, w. Henry, hung herself, Mar. 29, 1814.

William, s. Moses, June 8, 1827. [a. 41 y. GR1]

Abigail [Challis, wid. William. GR1], Aug. --, 1831. [Nov. 7, a. 44 y. 10 m. GR1]

Philip C., June 1, 1843, a. 29 y. 7 m. GR1


Polly, Aug. 14, 1801. PR61

Daniel, s. David T., Dec. 27, 1836.

Enoch, s. Elisha, Oct. --, 1840.

Eliza [H. GR3], w. Elisha, consumption, bur. West Amesbury, d. Nov. 2, 1844, a. 37 y.

Elisha, jr., m., farmer, s. Elisha, canker, Oct. 20, 1845, a. 40 y.

Mehitable, w. Elisha, consumption, Feb. 1, 1849, a. 75 y.

TUEXBURY (Tuxbury)

Martha, Jan. 12, 1729-30.

_____, ch. Stephen, Apr. 3, 1805.

John, Mar. 4, 1815.

Moses M., m., farmer, dysentery, s. Moses, bur. "On his Farm at the Pond," Sept. 7, 1847, a. 49 y.


John, Rev., Aug. 17, 1752.


Benjamin, s. Dea. John and Hannah, Jan. 14, 1718-19.

TUXBERRY (Tuxbury)

John, s. John and Hannah, Jan. 7, 1714-15.

TUXBURY (Teuxbery, Teuxbury, Tewksbury, Tuexbury, Tukesbeary, Tukesbury, Tuxberry)

Jacob, June 13, 1754, in his 31st y. GR1

Isaac, Dea., Nov. 17, 1765.

Abigail, w. Dea. David, Mar. 1, 1779, in her 50th y. GR1

Sarah, wid., Nov. 13, 1803.

Selley, d. Moses and Lydia, Jan. 24, 1808. [Jan. 1, a. 17 y. 6 m. 12 d. GR1]

John, Sept. 7, 1812.

David, Dea., Jan. 2, 1813, a. 85 y. GR1

Polley B., w. Daniel, Feb. 26, 1814, in her 40th y. GR1

Abigail C., d. Isaac and Mary, Oct. 29, 1817, a. 4 m. GR1

Lydia, w. Moses, Oct. 26, 1822. [a. 58 y. GR1]

Priscilla, w. Moses M., Nov. 8, 1822. [a. 20 y. 9 m. 1 d. GR1]

Daniel, June 7, 1823.

Hannah H., d. Isaac and Mary, Sept. 4, 1824, a. 1 y. 3 m. GR1

Sarah Agnus, d. William [and Mary. GR1], Sept. 7, 1828. [a. 19 m. GR1]

[Mary Jewell. GR1], w. William, Oct. 7, 1829. [a. 29 y. 6 m. GR1]

Moses, Dec. 25, 1831. [a. 74 y. GR1]

Jerusha, Apr. 22, 1832.

Isaac, Aug. 22, 1835, a. 80 y. 7 m. GR1

Rufus B., s. Moses M., Oct. 28, 1837. [a. 13 y. GR5]

Anna, Feb. 12, 1842, a. 86 y. GR1

Frances Elvina [Frances Malvina. dup.], d. Moses M. and Mary, canker, Sept. 10, 1845, a. 1 y. 6 m.


William P., s. William, consumption, July 19, 1848, a. 24 y.