NorthShore Slavery


Pompey, an Indian, and Mary Green, a Mulatto [resident in Andover. int.], Nov. 7, 1738.*


_____, Abraham, and Dido, a Mulatto [servants to Mr. James Bridges. CR1], Oct. 31, 1744.*

_____, Boassee [Bussen. CR1], and Moriah, servants to Samuel Chickering, Feb. 15, 1755. [Feb. 13. CR1]*

_____, Candace, and William, free negroes, resident in Andover, Jan. 23, 1781.

_____, Clois, formerly servant of Dea. Thomas Hovey of Dracut, and William, formerly servant of Paul Moody of Byfield, now free residents in Andover, int. Dec. 21, 1780.

_____, Cuff, and Bette [Elizabeth. CR2], servants, Sept. 16, 1762.

_____, Dido, a mulatto, and Abraham [servants to Mr. James Bridges. CR1], Oct. 31, 1744.*

_____, Bette [Elizabeth. CR2], and Cuff, Servants, Sept. 16, 1762.

_____, Elvinah, and Jack, "slaves, Charleston, SC," June --, 1835. CR3

_____, Fortune, and Alce Smith, servants of Mr. Nathaniel Lovejoy, int. May 31, 1757.

_____, Fortune, and Lydia, servants, Dec. 27, 1762.

_____, Hap, and Prince York, residents in Andover, int. June 1, 1784.

_____, Jenny, servant of Jerimiah Danford of Ipswich, and William, resident in Andover, formerly servant of Paul Moody of Byfield, int. Nov. 6, 1778.

_____, Jack, and Elvinah, "slaves, Charleston, SC," June --, 1835. CR3

_____, Kate [servant of Mr. Moody Bridges. int.], and Pompey [late servant of Mr. Henry Phelps. int.], free negroes, Jan. 15, 1772. [Jan. 16. CR1]*

_____, Levi, and Zurah, June 15, 1775.

_____, Lydia, and Fortune, servants, Dec. 27, 1762.

_____, Moriah, and Boassee [Bussen. CR1], servants of Samuel Chickring, Feb. 15, 1755. [Feb. 13. CR1]*

_____, Nan, servant to Capt. Joseph Osgood, and Primas, servant to Maj. John Osgood, Oct. 23, 1735.*

_____, Nancy, a free woman [mulatto. CR1; late servant of Capt. James Parker. int.], and Salem, a free negro [late servant of John Poor. int.], Nov. 4, 1771.*

_____, Phillis, "Servant of Mr. John Hale" of Boxford, and Cesar, "Servant of Mr. John Barker," at Boxford, May 27, 1772.*

_____, Pompey, and Rose, servants to Capt. [William. int.] Lovejoy, and John Foster, Dec. 26, 1751.*

_____, Pompey [late servant of Mr. Henry Phelps. int.], and Kate [servant of Mr. Moody Bridges int.], free negroes, Jan. 15, 1772. [Jan. 16. CR1]*

_____, Primas, servant to Maj. John Osgood, and Nan, servant to Capt. Joseph Osgood, Oct. 23, 1755.*

_____, Rama, and Salem, servants, Oct. 16, 1760.

_____, Rhoda, and Stafford, sevants, May 7, 1761.

_____, Rose, and Pompey, servants to John Foster and Capt. [William. int.] Lovejoy, Dec. 26, 1751.*

_____, Rose, and Thomas, servants of Mr. Oliver Peabody, Mar. 6, 1755.*

_____, Salem, and Rama, servants, Oct. 16, 1760.

_____, Stafford, and Rhoda, servants, May 7, 1761.

_____, Thomas, and Rose, servants to Mr. Oliver Peabody, Mar. 6, 1755.*

_____, William, resident in Andover, formerly servant of Paul Moody of Byfield, and Jenny, Servant of Jerimiah Danford of Ipswich, int. Nov. 6, 1778.

_____, William, formerly servant of Paul Moody of Byfield, and Clois, formerly servant of Dea. Thomas Hovey of Dracut, now free resident in Andover, int. Dec. 21, 1780.

_____, William, and Candace, free negroes, resident in Andover, Jan. 23, 1781.

_____, Zurah, and Levi, June 15, 1775.

BRISTO, Sarah, and Zadock Lew of Dracut, May 15, 1794. [May 1. CR1]*

BRISTOW, Lydia, and Cato Freeman, Dec. 24, 1789.*

CHADWICK, Timan, and Flora Dole [residents in Andover. int.], Nov. 15, 1779.*

DALE, Catharine, and Prince Fields, int. Mar. 8, 1797.

DOLE, Clohis, of Rowley, and Cesar Freeman, resident in Andover, int. Apr. 10, 1780.

DOLE, Flora, and Timan Chadwick [residents in Andover. int.], Nov. 15, 1779.*

DRAKE, George, and Lucy Johnson, Sept. 14, 1820. [Sept. 4. CR2]*

ELFILY, Mars, and Cloe Porter, free negroes [residents in Andover. int.], Apr. 4, 1780.*

FIELDS, Prince, and Catharine Dale, int. Mar. 8, 1797.

FREEMAN, Bristo, and Eunice Picket of Middletown, int. July 19, 1795.

FREEMAN, Cesar, resident in Andover, and Clohis Dole of Rowley, int. Apr. 10, 1780.

FREEMAN, Cesar, and Jenny Savery [residents in Andover. int.], June 12, 1782.*

FREEMAN, Cato, and Lydia Bristow, Dec. 24, 1789.*

FREEMAN, Cato, of Newburyport, and Rose Parker, int. Nov. 21, 1793.

GILMAN, Antony, and Esther Nedson [resident in Andover. int.], Oct. 12, 1797.*

GREEN, Mary, a mulatto [resident in Andover. int.], and Pompey, an indian, Nov. 7, 1738.*

JONES, James, and Rhoda White, residents in Andover, June 16, 1807.*

LEW, Zadock, of Dracut, and Sarah Bristo, May 15, 1794. [May 1. CR1]*

NEDSON, Esther [resident in Andover. int.], and Antony Gilman, Oct. 12, 1797.*

PARKER, Rose, and Cato Freeman of Newburyport, int. Nov. 21, 1793.

PARKER, Rose, and Prince Walker, Jan. 23, 1812.*

PICKET, Eunice, of Middletown, and Bristo Freeman, int. July 19, 1795.

PORTER, Cloe, and Mars Elfily, free negroes [residents in Andover. int.], Apr. 4, 1780.*

SAVERY, Jenny, and Cesar Freeman [residents in Andover. int.], June 12, 1782.*

SMITH, Alce, and Fortune, servants of Mr. Nathaniel Lovejoy, int. May 31, 1757.

YORK, Prince, and Hap, residents in Andover, int. June 1, 1784.

WALKER, Prince, and Rose Parker, Jan. 23, 1812.*

WHITE, Rhoda, and James Jones, residents in Andover, June 16, 1807.*

YOUNG, Thomas J., of Boston, and Ann Kimball, Sept. 6, 1829.*