NorthShore Slavery


Charles Grandison, and Abigail Rea of Boxford, int. May 5, 1803.


James [Nason. int.], of Boxford, and Ruby S. Kimball, Apr. 2, 1840.*


Samuel, and Fanny Peabody of Middleton, int. Apr. 25, 1817.

Benjamin, and Nancy Beard [Barnard. CR2], Jan. 29, 1818.*

Timothy Bullard, and Martha F. Abbot, July 4, 1826.*

Mary, of Billerica, and Jedidah Burt, jr., int. May 17, 1828.

Ebenezer, and Sally Wright of Westford, int. Mar. 17, 1832.

Susan [Mary Ann. int], and Moses Bailey, July 28, 1841.*

Clarissa [B. int.], and Samuel [G. int.] Bailey, Nov. 29, 1842.*

Sterns, of Hollis, NH, and Hannah Bailey, Sept. 5, 1882.*


Phebe, and Thomas C. Trow, July 12, 1838.*

NEWAL (Newall)

Charles, and Hannah [Chandler. int.] Shattuck, Nov. 28, 1805.*

NEWALL (Newal, Newell)

Andrew, of Boston, and Abigail Bridges, Oct. 21, 1779.*

Patience M., of South Berwick, ME, and Carlton Parker, jr., int. Apr. 5, 1843. [dup. int. Mar. 27, 1845.]

NEWELL (Newall)

Charles, and Nancy Holt, Oct. 21, 1800.*

Mary, and James Moran, int. Mar. 23, 1838.


George L., and Mary Ann Whitman of New London, CT, int. Aug. 5, 1842.


Mark, and Sally Phillips [of Boston. int.], at Boston, Sept. 29, 1795.*

Mark, Esq., and Mrs. Abigail Dodge of Tamworth, NH, int. Oct. 21, 1814.

Mark H., and Mary Dickinson of Amherst, int. Sept. 13, 1828.

Hannah H., and Rev. Samuel A. Fay of Northboro, Sept. 26, 1833.*

William J., Rev., and Caroline S. Cooper of Cooper, ME, int. Oct. 24, 1836.

Mark, jr., and Elizabeth Wilkins of Middleton, int. Aug. 26, 1843.


Isabel, and William Harvey [residents in Andover. int.], Nov. 21, 1738.*

NICHOLES (Nichols)

James, and Margaret Glin, Jan. 23, 1734-5.*

NICHOLS (Nicholes, Nickols)

Ruth, and William Darling [resident sometime in Andover. int.], Oct. 1, 1724.*

James, and Anna White, Nov. 6, 1728.*

Moses, Dr., of Amherst, NH, and Lucy Furbush, Oct. 19, 1784.*

Phillip, and, wid. Sarah Foster, Mar. 7, 1799.*

John, 3d, and Mary Bubier, May 2, 1805.*

Betsey [Elizabeth. int.], and Asa Breed of Lynn, May 23, 1809. CR2*

Stephen, of Brownington, VT, and Charlote Town, int. Nov. 4, 1813.

Seth, of Reading, and Abigail Eaton, Oct. 12, 1815.*

Joseph, of Merrimac, NH, and Elisabeth Thompson, int. Feb. 17, 1817.

Joseph [of Lynn. CR1], and Jerusha Mason, Dec. 6, 1821.

Phoebe, and George Laton, Jan. 1, 1829.*

Stephen, jr., of Amesbury, and Lucy Spofford, Jan. 28, 1830.*

John E., and Sarah Eaton of Reading, int. Apr. 7, 1830.

Charles A., of Lowell, and Elizabeth A. Greenleaf, May 8, 1834.*

Abigail, and James C. Prescott, int. May 2, 1835.

Lavina, and Elbridge G. Wardwell, Sept. 27, 1835.*

Annah, and Jacob E. Prescott, int. May 14, 1838.

Rodolphus, and Lavina Frost of Tewksbury, int. Aug. 28, 1839.

Harriet, and Andrew F. Curtis, int. Nov. 24, 1840.

Mary E., and Jesse Emerson of Middleton, at North Reading, Nov. 3, 1842.*

John G., and Hannah W. Eaton, Apr. 9, 1845. CR4*

Margaret S., and Nathan Town [of Cambridge. int.], June 22, 1845.*

Norris, and Arvilla Woodward of Lowell, int. Jan. 4, 1848.

NICKASON (Nickerson)

Esther, and Joseph Wood, jr. int. July 9, 1785.

NICKOLS (Nichols)

Ebenezer, of Reading, and Rebecca Hayward, May 19, 1789.*

James, and Mercy Leatherbee of Lynnfield, int. Sept. 30, 1815.

NICKOLSON (Nickerson)


Reuben, of Norway, ME, and Eliza Ann Kimball, Dec. 1, 1833.*

Mary W., a. 27 y., d. Amos and Betsy, and Isaac Monroe, a. 25 y., cabinet maker, s. Andrew and Mary B., Nov. 18, 1847.*


Orrilla, of Lowell, and John T. Bailey, int. July 23, 1836.


Samuel, of Rowley, and Sarah Adams, June 2, 1780.*


Sarah, of Boxford, and William S. Marland, int. May 2, 1835.


Abigall and Samuell Martin, Mar. 30, 1676.

Judith, of Salisbury, and [Dea. int.] David Forster, at Salisbury, Oct. 4, 1748.*

Hannah, and David Stiles, Aug. 7, 1760.*


Hannah, and Jacob Shed, Oct. 15, 1820.*

NOYES (Noys, Noyse)

Rachel, of Newbury, and Joseph Martin, at Newbury, Aug. 5, 1725.*

Sarah, and Samuel Brown, jr. of Billerica, at Billerica, Aug. 16, 1759.*

Samuel, and Hannah Faulkner, Jan. 24, 1765.*

Betty, and John Frye, 3d [4th. int.], Oct. 2, 1781.*

Susannah, and Pierce Gage of Pelham, NH, Jan. 23, 1787.*

Elizabeth, and Samuel Brown, jr. of Billerica, Nov. 29, 1787.*

Hannah, and Zachariah Frye of Bluehill, int. Sept. 25, 1789.

Ward, Dr., and Prudence Stevens, May 19, 1791.*

Mary, and Joel Baldwin of Billerica, Jan. 26, 1792.*

Sarah, and Joseph Martin, jr., Sept. 4, 1793.*

Hannah, and Peter Frye, June 9, 1796.*

Susanna, and Amos Stevens, jr., Oct. 6, 1796.*

Nicholas, and Phebe Hutchinson, Dec. 21, 1799.*

Mary, and Simeon Farmer of Billerica, Feb. 20, 1800.*

Jonathan, and Lois Parker of Methuen, int. Mar. 11, 1809.

Frederick, and Hannah Varnum of Dracut, int. May 19, 1809.

Rhoda, and Richard Liscomb, Apr. 2, 1812.*

Fanny, and Washington Parker of Methuen, int. Mar. 25, 1815.

Sarah W[ard. CR1], and Archelaus Putnam of Danvers, July 10, 1817.*

Sophia, and John Mooar of Bradford, May 14, 1819.*

Sarah, and Nathaniel Frothingham [jr. int.] of Boston, Dec. 13, 1821.*

Wadleigh, and Phebe Ballard of Peterboro, NH, int. Oct. 28, 1826.

Aaron, and Betsy B. Johnson of Methuen, int. Jan. 9, 1830.

Mary, and Bimsley Stevens, Oct. 21, 1830. CR3*

Hannah [V. int.], and Moodey B. Abbott, Dec. 8, 1830. CR3*

Fanny, and William Chickering, Oct. 6, 1836.*

Phebe, and William Gile, Oct. 5, 1837.*

Mary, and Daniel Stevens, Feb. 6, 1840.*

Sarah, and [Rev. int.] Joseph P. Burbank of Plattsburgh, NY, Aug. 28, 1840.*

Emily, and Daniel Shannon, int. Mar. 19, 1847.

NOYS (Noyes)

Ward, jr., and Claresa Foster of Tewksbury, int. July 18, 1798.

Aaron, jr., and Dolly Jordan, Dec. 1, 1803.*

Lydia, and Samuel Osgood, jr., Jan. 31, 1804.*

NOYSE (Noyes)

Timothy, and Sarah Abbot, Apr. 5, 1753.*

NURSE (Nuss)

Samuel, of Salem Village, and Dorothy Faulkner, Nov. 25, 1708. CR1

Benjamin, and Eliza Lees of Lowell, int. Apr. 6, 1836.

NUSS (Nurse)

Susannah, of Wilmington, and James Holt, int. Jan. 11, 1734-5.


Richard, and Miriam Gray [wid. int.], June 17, 1718. CR1*

Joseph, and Mary Abrahams [resident in Andover. int.], Nov. 21, 1738. [Nov. 2. CR2]*

David, and Mehitoble Turner, residents in Andover, int. Feb. 8, 1807.


Harriet, of Bangor, ME, and John U. Parson, int. Aug. 11, 1831.