NorthShore Slavery


_____, Aesop, s. Dinah, a woman belonging to, wid. Mary Larcum, bp. Nov. 12, 1775. CR1

_____, Bartholomew, s. twin, John, dec., bp. Dec. 13, 1801. CR1

_____, Bathsheba, ch. servant, Elisha and Mary Dodge, bp. Oct. 6, 1734. CR2

_____, Ceesar, s. Jethro and Juno, "Servants of Jeoffry Thistle and David Larcom," bp. May 16, 1756. CR1

_____, Cloe, d. Jethro and Juno, "Servants of Eben Ellingwood and David Larcum" bp. Nov. 13, 1763. CR1

_____, Chloe, "servant to Benjamin Corning," bp. July 8, 1764. CR2

_____, Dinah, d. Jethro and Juno, bp. Mar. 13, 1757. CR1

_____, Enoch, s. Jethro and Juno, bp. May 14, 1769. CR1

_____, Flora, d. Jethro and Juno, "Servants of Jeoffry Thistle and David Larcom," bp. May 16, 1756. CR1

_____, Fortune, s. Jethro and Juno, "Servants of Jeoffry Thistle and David Larcum," bp. May 16, 1756. CR1

_____, Fortune, s. Fortune and Sabina, bp. May 23, 1762. CR1

_____, Jethro, s. Jethro and Juno, bp. July 27, 1766. CR1

_____, Juda, d. Jethro and Juno, "Servants," bp. Apr. 29, 1758. CR1

_____, Phillis, d. Jethro and Juno, bp. Mar. 13, 1757. CR1

_____, Reuben, s. Jethro and Juno, bp. May 10, 1761. CR1

_____, Dick, ch. servant, Elisha and Mary Dodge, bp. July 1, 1733. CR2

_____, Spencer, s. a negro woman belonging to the, wid. Robert Cleaves, bp. June 13, 1773. CR1

_____, Titus, s. Jethro and Juno, "Servants of Jeoffry Thistle and David Larcom," bp. May 16, 1756. CR1

BLACK, Cato, "servant to Leut Robert Brisco,", s. Hollon, "servant to Capt John Abbit of Salem," and Sue, "servant to the sd Leut Brisco," Nov. 15, 1772.

BLACK, Puelah, "servant to Leut Robert Brisco,", d. Hollon, "servant to Capt John Abbit of Salem," and Sue, "servant to the sd. Leut Brisco, Jan. 21, 1713-14.

BLACK, Stephen, "servant to John Ober,", s. Hager, of Salem," servant to Mr. William Prist," July 7, 1707.

FREEMAN, Amos, s. Dinah, dec., bp. Aug. 30, 1789. CR1

FREEMAN, Charles, s. Cato, bp. Mar. 4, 1798. CR1

FREEMAN, George, s. Dinah, dec., bp. Aug. 30, 1789. CR1

FREEMAN, John, s. Cato, bp. July 16, 1797. CR1

FREEMAN, Polly, d. Cato, bp. July 16, 1797. CR1

FREEMAN, Michael, s. Dinah, dec., bp. Aug. 30, 1789. CR1

FREEMAN, Rhoda, d. Dinah, dec., bp. Aug. 30, 1789. CR1

LARCOM, Reuben, s. Reuben, bp. Oct. 29, 1797. CR1

ROSE, Charles, s. Benjamin and Fanny, Feb. 2, 1817.

ROSE, Fanny, d. Benjamin and Fanny, Feb. 3, 1813.

ROSE, John, s. Benjamin and Fanny, Apr. 22, 1815.

ROSE, Lucretia H., d. Benjamin and Fanny, Aug. 12, 1820.

ROSE, Richard D., s. Benjamin and Fanny, May 12, 1823.

RUSSEL, Emma, d. Cesar, bp. Dec. 7, 1794. CR1

RUSSEL, Philenda, d. Cesar, bp. May 26, 1799. CR1

RUSSEL, Sally, d. Cesar, bp. July 13, 1794. CR1

RUSSEL, Violet, d. Cesar, bp. July 13, 1794. CR1

RUSSELL, Hannah, d. Cesar, bp. May 28, 1797. CR1

RUSSELL, Mary, d. Cesar, bp. Oct. 4, 1801. CR1

SIPPEO, Zadock, s. Salem and Dinah, Feb. 23 or 25, 1752.

THOMSON, Sylpha, d. Henry, bp. May 4, 1800. CR1


_____, _____, grand, s. wid. Priscilla Patch, bp. June 5, 1768, a. 7 y. CR1

_____, Joshua, s. _____, bp. June 10, 1804. CR1

_____, Nehemiah, s. _____, bp. Nov. 8, 1685. CR1

_____, Nicholas, s. _____, bp. June 10, 1804. CR1

_____, Rose, d. _____, bp. Nov. 8, 1685. CR1

_____, Samuel, s. _____, bp. Oct. 6, 1793. CR1