NorthShore Slavery

EAMS (Ames)

_____ , wid. Nathan, July 17, 1765, a. 78 y. CR2

Abner [Ames. GR1; s. Joseph and Jamima. BC], June 30, 1745, a. 36 y. CR2 [June 28. GR1 and BC]

Jemima [Mrs. Jemima Ames. GR1; d. Joseph and Jamima. BC], Jan. 3, 1745-6, a. 22 y. CR2

Jeremiah, July 5, 1744, a. 37 y. CR2

Joseph, Dec. 27, 1753, a. 73 y. CR2 [a. 71 y. BC]

Mary, d. Joseph and Jemima, June 24, 1749, a. 29 y. CR2

Moses, [s. Joseph and Jamima. BC], Mar. 9, 1754, a. 36 y. CR2

Nathan, "suddenly," Jan. 11, 1765, a. 80 y. CR2

Rebekah ["Condemed for a witch, received sentence of Death but was not executed." BC], May 8, 1721, in her 82d y. GR1

William, s. Jonathan, Jan. 2, 1748-9, a. 4 y. CR2

William, inf. s. Jonathan, Sept. 15, 1749. CR2


Francis Welch, s. Rev. Peter and Sally (Stone), at sea, Nov. 15, 1821. BC [a. 21 y. CR2]

Joseph Webster, s. Rev. Peter and Sally (Stone), Oct. 29, 1821. BC [a. 17 y. CR2]

Joseph N., s. Rev. Peter and Sarah, Oct. 24, 1824, a. 17 y. GR1

Mary, d. [Rev. GR1] Peter [and Sarah. GR1], June 20, 1797, a. 14 m. CR2

Peter, Rev., s. Joseph and Mary, clergyman, b. at Haverhill, lung fever, Apr. 14, 1848, a. 83 y. 29 d.

Sally [Sarah. CR2] (Stone), w. Rev. Dr. Peter, Jan. 15, 1824. [a. 57 y. CR2]