NorthShore Slavery


John B., and Rebecca Gould, at Topsfield, Feb. 28, 1840. BC

Silas P., a. 22 y., shoemaker, of Topsfield, s. Silas and Phebe, of Topsfield, and Arabella J. Goodale, a. 18 y., d. Samuel and Nancy, int. Sept. 16, 1848.


Mary, of Middleton, and William Bradford, --- --, 1737. BC [int. Oct. 23, 1737.]*

William G., of Boston, and Sally Perley, May 9, 1820.*



Elizabeth N., of Boston, and John Sawyer, int. Sept. 3, 1842.

Samuel, of Andover, and Sarah Ann Sawyer, int. June 15, 1832.

LANCASTER (Lancester)

Thomas, of Rowley, and and Mary Moulton, Apr. 1, 1799.*

LANCESTER (Lancaster)

Sewall, of Augusta, ME, and Adeline E. Symonds, Sept. 6, 1836.*


Charles H., of Gloucester, and Eliza Gould, Nov. 29, 1840.*

Lewis F., of Loudon, NH, and Charlotte Mitchell, July 14, 1834.*


J.T. Gilman, of Lowell, and Mrs. Orissa B. Foster, int. Sept. 19, 1835.


Asiel H., widr., a. 26 y., trader, of Cambridge, s. John and Priscilla, and Charlotte H. Burnham, a. 27 y., d. Seth and Caroline, Mar. 18, 1848.*


Lydia S., of Sanbornton, NH, and Edward Howe, int. Oct. 18, 1844.



John W., a. 22 y., carpenter, s. Theodore and Deborah C., and Susan M. Hovey, a. 20 y., d. Samuel C. and Marrian, int. Oct. 21, 1847.

LINDAL (Lindall)

Sarah, of Ipswich, and Nathaniel Andrews, jr., int. Nov. 1, 1753.

LINDALL (Lindal)

James, of Bradford, and Sarah Perkins, at Bradford, Jan. 26, 1775*

Sarah, of Bradford, and Moses Tyler, at Bradford, May --, 1783.*


Jacob, and Hannah Stickney, Nov. --, 1810.*


Elizabeth B., a. 22 y., b. at Andover, d. Elijah and Elizabeth, and Henry A. Towne, a. 27 y., shoemaker, s. Samuel and Charlotte, Apr. 2, 1846.*

Hannah, and Jabez Hayward of Andover, Feb. 6, 1812.*

Henry, of Topsfield, and Catherine Perley, May 4, 1842.*

Mary, of Andover, and Samuel Gould, int. Mar. 19, 1807.

Susanna, and Nathan Dresser, --- --, 1817. [int. July 5, 1817.]*

William B., of Andover, and Sarah H. Carleton, Dec. 30, 1840.*


Ebenezer, Capt., of Ipswich, and Mrs. Lucy Low, Apr. 25, 1808.*

Lucy, and Josiah Choate of Gloucester, int. Nov. 1, 1817.*

Sarah, of Ipswich, and John Hale, jr., int. Oct. 26, 1765.


Peter [Lovis. CR1], of Marblehead, and Lucy Stiles, Nov. 1, 1764.*


John, "a Trancient Person," and Ruth Buswill, int. Jan. 28, 1775. [Marriage forbidden by the woman.]


Jonas, and Jane Davison of Bradford, int. Nov. 15, 1800.

LOWE (Low)

Mary A[nn. CR1], and Edward Howe, Dec. 28, 1841.*

Solomon, a. 66 y., farmer, widr., s. Nathan and Lucy, and Martha Merriam of Topsfield, wid., a. 43 y., d. Thomas and Hannah Eastman of Sanbornton, NH, int. Feb. 17, 1849.

LUFKIN (Lovekin)


Benjamin, and Elizabeth Weed, Nov. 24, 1747.*

Elisabeth, of Rowley, and Richard Tyler [Tiller. int.], at Newbury, Feb. 14, 1725-6.*

Merebe, of Rowley, and James Black, int. Sept. 10, 1727.


William, of Charlestown, and Mary Isabella Reynolds, May 2, 1831.*


Mary [of Bradford. int.], and Jonathan Sherin [Sherwin. int.], Nov. 26, 1728.*