NorthShore Slavery


James G., of Georgetown, a. 24 y., shoemaker, b. Epsom, NH, s. John and Judith, of Epsom, NH, and Hannah H. Spofford of Georgetown, a. 26 y., d. Daniel and Hannah Hardy of Georgetown, June 11, 1844.


Jacob W., of Boston, and Ruhamah B. Tenney, Oct. 3, 1826.

Waterman, and Deborah Ann Dexter, Nov. 25, 1841. [ Sept. 25. dup.]


Ruth, of Haverhill and James Simpson, at Haverhill, Apr. 22, 1786.


John A., and Hannah R. Burbank, Nov. 26, 1840.

REYNOLDS (Reynnolds)

Job, and Abigail Hovey of Ipswich, at Ipswich, Nov. 19, 1733.

Stephen, and Hester Hovey of Ipswich, at Ipswich, Nov. 20, 1728.


Betsey [of Boxford. dup.], and Benjamin Kimball of Boxford, Jan. 12, 1819.


Daniel, and Polly Morse, Sept. --, 1786.

David, and Betsey Burbank, Sept. 14, 1794.

Doratha, and William Sawyer of Amesbury, Oct. 4, 1798.

Hannah, and Folansbee Noyes of Newbury, Oct. 15, 1805.

Henry, widr., of Dracut, a. 39 y., farmer, s. Jonas and Joanna, and Sarah Carlton, a. 35 y., d. Benjamin and Sally, May 16, 1849.

Hepsibah, and Moses Davis of Haverhill [at Haverhill. dup.] Apr. 24, 1740.

James, and Mary H. Carleton, Apr. 6, 1825.

John, of Haverhill, and Patty Parker, Dec. 21, 1826.

John [jr. CR2], and [wid. CR2] Philomelea Gile, Apr. 15, 1827.

Joseph, and Dorothy Rowe, May 10, 1747.

Joseph, jr., and Hannah Noyes of Newbury, at Newbury, Feb. 7, 1782.

Mary, and Bezaleel Carleton, Feb. 13, 1797. [Feb. 1. CR1]

Phebe, and Samuel Page [both of Haverhill, at Haverhill. dup.], Jan. 24, 1750.

Sarah, and Joseph Chandler of Andover, Dec. 10, 1741.

Sarah, and Nathan Eames, Apr. 19, 1775.

Sarah, and Daniel Hopkinson, Jan. --, 1783. [June, 1781. PR22]

Sarah, and Bezaleel Carleton, Apr. 10, 1828. CR1

Stephen, and Anna Wilkins, Mar. --, 1813.


William, Rev., see Ruhey, William, Rev.


Josiah, and Rebecca K. Townes, Aug. 30, 1836.

ROBERTS (Roberds)

Alice [Elizabeth. CR2], and Stephen Hooper of Newburyport, Dec. --, 1780.

Thomas, and Johannah Haseltine, Feb. 14, 1742-3.


Asa, of Boxford, and Lois Hardy, Sept. --, 1784. [Apr. 13, 1785. CR2]

ROBINSON (Roberson)

Betsey, of Haverhill, and Nathan Johnson, at Haverhill, Nov. 21, 1797.

Ephraim [Robinson, of Andover. CR1] and Hannah Kimball, Dec. 6, 1750.

John, and Alma H. Carleton, Mar. 28, 1837.


Joel, and Betsey [Elizabeth. PR9] Greenough, Dec. 18, 1789.

Luther, Dr., of Portland, ME, and Hannah Bailey of West Newbury, June 23, 1834. CR2

Sophia H., of Rowley, and Nathaniel H. Griffith, Oct. 29, 1834.

ROLFE (Rolf)

Abigail, and John Annis of Newbury, at Newbury, Dec. 16, 1724.

Elisebeth, and Joseph Genins, Dec. 5 [15. CR2], 1735.

Elisabeth, and Capt. Daniel Thurston, at Newbury, Sept. 17, 1767.

Easter, and Nathaniel Burpe, Apr. 19, 1748.

Ezra, and Ruth Tuttle of Ipswich, at Ipswich, Sept. 17, 1728.

Hannah, and Elizer Burbank, Apr. 14, 1731.

Martha, and John Marsh of Dracut, Dec. 1, 1737.

Mary, and Samuel Bailey, Feb. 2, 1727-8.

Rebackah, and Benjamin Hardy, Sept. 27, 1738.

Susanna, and William Wicoim [Wicom. CR1], Mar. 12, 1750.

ROLLINS (Rawlens, Rawlings, Rawlins, Rolenings, Rolens, Rollin, Rollings, Rolons)

Catherine W., and Jeremiah M. Holt, Nov. 7, 1838.

Charles P., and Sarah R. Gale, June 7, 1842.

Eliphelet, and Mary Lessen, Dec. 20, 1748.

Eliphalet, and Hannah Follensby of Newbury, at Newbury, Jan. 23, 1755.

Eliphalet, jr., and Patty [Polly. CR2] Sergeant, Sept. --, 1782.

Eliphalet, and Sarah Carlton, Mar. 24, 1789.

Eliphalet, and Alice George, Dec. 1, 1835.

Hannah, and Job [Jacob. CR2] Hardy, Sept. 24, 1744.

Hannah, of Newbury, and Jonathan Chace of Newburyport, Aug. 13, 1767.

Hannah, and John Tenny, jr., Apr. 9, 1820.

Jabez, and Lydia Harskell, July 15, 1792.

Jese, and Bettee Chaney, Nov. 10, 1763.

John and Mary Savory, July 31, 1722.

Joseph, and Martha Ames, Nov. 5, 1778.

Joseph, and Rachel Latham, Oct. 6, 1799.

Polly, and Thomas Savory, Sept. --, 1786.

Samuel of Exeter, NH, and Elis[abeth. dup.] Palmer, May 21 [12. dup.], 1714.

Sarah, and Rolf Annis, at Newbury, Sept. 1, 1757.

Sarah W., wid., of Haverhill, a. 47 y., d. Matthew & Anna A. Pettengill, and Moses E. French, widr., a. 45 y., chaise maker, s. John & Sarah E., Oct. 31, 1847.


Benjamin G., of Apalachicola, FL, and Caroline Silsby, Oct. 2, 1840.


Abigail, and John Haseltine, Aug. 11, 1701.

Sally, and Israel [Alfred. CR2] Varnum of Andover, June 7, 1810.

Susannah, and John Gage, Dec. 25, 1706.

ROWE (Row)

Dorothy, and Joseph Richardson, May 10, 1747.

James, and Abigail Buswell, Oct. 18, 1814.

Sarah, and Samuel Atwood, Oct. 5, 1748.


William, Rev. [Richey. CR1], of Canton, and Clarissa Kimball, June 29, 1811.

RUNDLETT (Rundlet)

Edmund P., and Catharine [H. CR2] Stickney, July 3, 1831.

James H., shoemaker, and Martha A. Watson, Oct. 15, 1843.

RUNNELS (Runels, Runiels, Runils, Runnils)

Abigail, and William Atwood, Dec. 24, 1739.

Abigail, and Jeremiah Kimball [jr. CR1], Dec. 6, 1757.

Abigail, of Haverhill, and Benjamin Hagget, at Haverhill, June 30, 1785.

Job, and Mary Woodman, Oct. 5, 1758. CR1

John, and Sarah Kimbal, June 8, 1758. CR1

Jonas, of Boxford, and Anna Merril, Nov. 25, 1802.

Leonard, a. 26 y., shoemaker, s. Theodore and Hitty, and Sarah M.S. Bradley, Nov. 13, 1843.

Mary, and Daniell Buzzil, Jan. 25, 1759. CR1

Moses C., of Haverhill, and Eliza B. Perry, Sept. 29, 1825.

Samuel, and [wid. CR1] Anna Sessions, Feb. 18, 1730.

Samuel, and Joanah Plats, Mar. 14, 1758.

Samuel, of Boxford, and Anna Hardy, Sept. 1, 1795.

Sarah, and Nathaniel Lakeman [of Boxford. CR1], Jan. 23, 1733-4.

Sarah, and Nathaniel Griffin, Dec. 31, 1778.

Theodore, of Boxford, and Mehitable, Phillips, June 22, 1816. [June 20. CR1]

Thomas, of Haverhill, and Lucy Lapham, Aug. --, 1792.

RUSSELL (Russel)

Betsey, and Moses Merrill of Newbury, Oct. 4, 1802.

Jeremiah, of Rowley, and Judith D. Peabody, Sept. 22, 1831. CR1

John G., and Hannah Kimball, Jan. 9, 1820.

Jonathan, and Elisabeth Hutchins, at Newbury, Sept. 19, 1722.

Lucy, and Samuel Wood, July --, 1783. [Jan., 1784. CR2]

Lucy, and Nathaniel Balch, Oct. 2, 1790.

Lydia, and George Burroughs, Apr. 26, 1827.

Polly, and Lt. Ephraim Emery of Newbury, Sept. --, 1785.

Sally, and John Wardwell, jr. of Andover, June 26, 1796. CR2

Sally, and Moses Gale, jr. of Haverhill, Nov. 25, 1802.

Stephen, of Dracut, and Abigail Gage, Oct. 25, 1743.


Alexander [of Boston. CR1], and Betsey Kimball, Apr. 1, 1827.