NorthShore Slavery


Benjamin, s. Joseph and Phebe, July 5, 1803.

Levi, d. Joseph and Phebe, July 2, 1828.

Phebe, w. Joseph, Oct. 7, 1829.

DALE (Deal)

_____, ch. Ebenezer, Jan. 14, 1799. PR7

_____, ch. Ebenezer, June 27, 1800. PR7

_____, Mrs., --- --, 1828.

_____, s. Frederick and Mary (Hutchinson), June 4, 1833. [1834. PR8]

_____, s. stillborn, John and Elizabeth (Demsey), Apr. 16, 1835.

_____, s. John and Elizabeth (Demsey), May 2, 1836.

_____, ch. John, Oct. 5, 1840. PR8

Abigael, w. John, "in part of Salem now Danvers," June 24, 1744.

Archelaus, Feb. 27, 1797, a. 77 y. GR4

Archelaus, Aug. 24, 1829.

Caroline, Oct. 5, 1825, a. 24 y. GR8

Eben, jr., Nov. 16, 1818, a. 16 y. GR4

Elizabeth (Demsey), w. John, Oct. 18, 1837. [a. 26 y. 1 m. GR11]

Frederic, Dec. 4, 1833. PR8

Hannah, w. Eben, July 20, 1831, a. 55 y. GR4

Harriet Matilda, d. John and Elizabeth (Demsey), Oct. 5, 1840.

John, Apr. 13, 1763, a. 77 y. 5 m.

Lucy, d. Archelaus and Margaret, Apr. 25, 1776.

Margarett, Mrs., Sept. 23, 1815, a. 86 y. GR4

Philip, jr., h. Mary (Peabody), Mar. 24, 1829.

Roger, s. Archelaus and Margaret, Sept. 1, 1753.


Edwin Joshua, s. Joshua and Lydia, Oct. 27, 1831.

Eunice G[ilbert. GR1], d. Joseph and Lydia (Flint), Dec. 27, 1839. [a. 21 y. GR1]

Hannah Page (Stanley), d. Aaron Flint and Hannah Page (Stanley), Feb. 27, 1848.

Hannah P., b. Beverly, w. Aaron F., dropsy, Feb. 29, 1848, a. 32 y.

Harriet, d. Joseph and Lydia, Aug. 26, 1823.

DANIEL (Daniels)

Elizabeth, Feb. 14, 1831.

DANIELS (Daniel)

Abigail, d. Robert S. and Lydia, Nov. 29, 1829.

David, h. Betsey (Shillaber), Dec. 16, 1827.

Ebenezer, s. David and Betsey (Shillaber), July 12, 1818. [a. 15 y. GR48]

Betsey (Shillaber), w. David, Feb. 10, 1831.

Eunice, w. David, Sept. 21, 1849. PR83

Martha (Poor), w. David, jr., Nov. 28, 1825.

Robert Shillaber, s. Robert S. and Lydia, Dec. 4, 1825.

Sarah Frost, d. David, jr. and Eunice (Safford), 2d w., Aug. 22, 1839.

William Thorndike, s. Thorndike Asa and Sarah Wilkins (Frye), Oct. 7, 1839. [a. 6 y. 2 m. GR48]


George, "Brother to Mrs. [Ann Davidson] Brown, living with them," Mar. 19, 1832.

DAWS (Dorrs)


Charles Augustus, s. Charles Almor and Mary Lathe (Dickson), June 20, 1840.


Harriet [(Galeucia). dup.], b. Lynn, w. James M[adison. dup.] and, d. Simeon and Dorcas Galeucia, pleurisy and lung fever [childbed. dup.], July 10, 1843, a. 33 y. 8 m. 17 d.

DEMPCEY (Demsey)

Elizabeth, w. Christopher, Feb. 6, 1762.

Jacob, s. Isaac and Ruth, Sept. 20, 1752.

Jacob, June 30, 1762.

Ruth, w. Isaac, Apr. 11, 1761.

DEMPSEY (Demsey)

_____, ch. stillborn, Isaac and Hannah, Apr. 28, 1766.

Clementine, w. Jacob, Sept. 11, 1824.

Henry Augustus, s. Jacob and Clementina (Smith), Feb. 26, 1832.

John, s. Isaac and Hannah, "at St. Jago on the Island of Cuba," Oct. 16, 1822.

DEMSEY (Dempcey, Dempsey)

_____, ch. Isaac and Hannah, Mar. 5, 1765.

_____, ch. Isaac, Feb. 6, 1797. PR7

Abraham, s. Bartholomew and Mary, Nov. 8, 1800.

Bartholomew, h. Mary, Jan. 27, 1828.

Catherine, d. John and Elizabeth (Long), in Ireland, May 18, 1837.

Elizabeth, d. Bartholomew and Mary (Britton), Oct. 18, 1837.

Isaac, Nov. 8, 1834, a. 68 y. PR8

Timothy, s. John and Elizabeth (Long), at Lowell, May 11, 1844.


Edgar Honey, s. Thomas and Ellen (Thomas) [dropsy. dup.], Aug. 10, 1846. [Aug. 20, a. 5 m. 17 d.]


_____, inf. ch. John and Judith W. (Sawyer), at Essex, Apr. 2, 1812, a. 3 d.

Eliza (Elwell), 3d, w. John, apoplexy, June 4, 1841, a. 59 y.

Emeline, d. John and Judith W. (Sawyer), at Essex, May 11, 1828, a. 10 y.

John, s. John and Judith W. (Sawyer), at Essex, Apr. 10, 1803.

Judith W. (Sawyer), w. John, consumption, at Essex, Aug. 10, 1815, a. 48 y.

Sarah (Hooper), 2d, w. John, at Essex, June 3, 1816, a. 40 y.

Thomas Jefferson, s. John and Judith W. (Sawyer), at Essex, Oct. 1, 1806, a. 1 y.


Catherine, d. Thomas and Betsey (Pepperill), Feb. 25, 1828.

Emeline Augusta, d. Thomas and Betsey (Pepperill), Jan. 20, 1838.


Laura E., d. Henry G. and Irene H., diarrhoea, Aug. 18, 1845, a. 1 y. 9 m.


Elizabeth T[rue (Goodale). dup.], w. Benjamin C., consumption, May 30, 1847, a. 28 y. 2 m. 8 d. [May 29. dup.]


Nabby, d. Jeremiah, Dec. 31, 1799.

Daniel, Mar. 11, 1833, a. 55 y. GR48

Daniel, s. Daniel, jr. and Emma Clough (Noyes), July 25, 1839. [1837, a. 1 y. 4 m. GR52]

Grenville, s. Sylvanus and Julia Therese (Phillips), Oct. 6, 1829.

Hannah Endicott, w. Thomas E., Dec. 31, 1832. PR97 [a. 22 y. 6 d. PR98]

Hannah, wid. Daniel, Sept. 28, 1838, a. 59 y. GR48

Hannah Maria, d. Daniel, jr. and Emma Clough (Noyes), consumption, Mar. 24, 1842. [Mar. 23, a. 15 y. 6 m. GR52]

Joana, d. Daniel and Hannah, Jan. 9, 1803. [1804. PR66]

John P., s. Joshua, jr. and Abiah, Jan. 24, 1805.

Joseph, Oct. 3, 1829.

Joshua, s. John and Mary, Oct. 27, 1775.

Joshua, Mar. --, 1817. PR66

Lydia Ann, d. Daniel, jr. and Emma Clough (Noyes), Nov. 18, 1836. [a. 2 y. 6 m. GR52]

Martha, w. Joshua, July --, 1818. PR66

Martha, Dec. 21, 1841, a. 75 y. PR66

Mary Appleton, d. Francis and Rebecca Appleton (Brown), Apr. 12, 1848. [a. 14 m. GR11]

Sally, Sept. --, 1842. CR3

Thomas Shed, s. William, jr. and Mary (Shed), July 14, 1842. [a. 2 y. 5 m. GR11]


James C[hristopher. dup.], s. James and Mary (Elliott), Oct. 12, 1849. [Oct. 11. dup.]


Jeremiah, s. Benjamin and Olive, May 8, 1806.

Mary Jane [(Moulton). dup.], w. William T., childbed and mortification, Dec. 25, 1844, a. 22 y. 1 m. 19 d.

Ruth [wid. dup.], Sept. 7, 1828, a. abt. 90 y.

Sarah Boardman (Titcomb), w. Moses, Oct. 27, 1838.


Mary Jane, d. Robert and Honora (Querk), at Boston, Dec. 25, 1837.


DOUTEY (Douty)

"Henry" [sic. Error for Hannah.], w. Henry, Aug. 1, 1826.

Henry, h. Hannah, June --, 1818.

DOUTY (Doughty, Doutey)

Elizabeth (Needham), w. Jacob, Aug. 5, 1832.

Hannah, w. Henry, Aug. 1, 1826, a. 50 y. GR34

Jacob [h. Elizabeth. dup.], consumption, at the almshouse, Apr. 2, 1841, a. 48 y. [Apr. 3. dup.]

Jasper Lafayette, s. Jacob and Elizabeth (Needham), at Randolph, Feb. 19, 1842.

Joseph, h. Ruth (Twiss), July 12, 1824.

Joseph, s. Jacob and Elizabeth (Needham), consumption, Feb. 18, 1849. "His name was altered to Reed. "

Mary Twiss, d. Jacob and Elizabeth (Needham), at Cambridge, Sept. 13, 1832.

Ruth (Twiss), wid. Joseph, Nov. 6, 1825.


Experience, Aug. 26, 1818, a. 56 y. GR48

Richard, Oct. 14, 1790. [Oct. 12, a. 32 y. GR48]

Richard, h. Ruth, May 1, 1820.

Ruth Harrington, w. Capt. Richard, June 1, 1843. GR52


William Henry, s. illegitimate, Judith Twiss, dysentery, Oct. 8, 1849.


Ann E., d. Leprelet and Ann (Perkins), fever, at Boston, Oct. 22, 1836.

Charles P., s. twin, Leprelet and Ann (Perkins), fever, at Wenham, Mar. 12, 1841.


David P., b. Saxonville, s. James and Mary, scarlet fever, May 10, 1846, a. 21 y. 4 m.

DUNKLE (Duncklee)

Ezekiel, Mar. 28, 1829.

DWINNELL (Dwinnells)

_____, Mrs., Nov. --, 1847, a. abt. 102. PR83

Charlotte [(Prince). dup.], housekeeper, w. Henry, consumption, Oct. 11, 1847, a. 42 y. 4 m.

Francis E[dward. dup.], s. Hezekiah and Sophronia [(Bomer). dup.], white swelling, Nov. 20, 1846, a. 16 y. 9 m.

Joseph Porter, s. Stephen, jr. and Mehitable P., b. --- --, 1820 d. --- --, 1838. GR8 [Mar. 27, 1839, a. 19 y. PR8]

Joseph Alonzo, s. Joseph, jr. and Lucy (Welch), Sept. 16, 1842. [a. 10 m. GR11]

Mary Rea, d. Stephen, jr. and Mehitable P., b. --- --, 1808 d. --- --, 1835. GR8 [Feb. 3, 1836. PR8]

[Mehitable P., w. Stephen, jr. GR8], Dec. 7, 1829.

Phebe Goodale, d. Stephen, jr. and Mehitable P., b. --- --, 1816 d. --- --, 1826. GR8

Sally Putnam, d. Stephen, jr. and Mehitable P., b. --- --, 1811 d. --- --, 1811. GR8

Stephen, h. Hitty ["Soldier in the War of 1812. " GR8], Sept. 21, 1825.

William Rea, d. Stephen, jr. and Mehitable P., b. --- --, 1812 d. --- --, 1812. GR8

DWINNELLS (Dwinnell)

Esther (Swinerton), w. Joseph, Dec. 24, 1819. [a. 46 y. PR121]

Joseph, h. Ruth (Goodell), Jan. 15, 1806.

Ruth (Goodell), w. Joseph, May 6, 1836. [May 7, a. 87 y. PR8]