NorthShore Slavery


_____, Cate, belonging to, wid. Mary Woodbury of Beverly, and Cato, belonging to Samuel Holten, jr., int. Aug. 10, 1771.

_____, Cato, belonging to Samuel Holten, jr., and Cate, belonging to, wid. Mary Woodbury of Beverly, int. Aug. 10, 1771.

_____, Fortune, servant of Capt. William Deadman of Salem, and Violett, servant of Joseph Putnam, jr., Nov. 27, 1755.

_____, Hager, belonging to Benjamin Prescott, and Plato, belonging to Dea. Mathew Whiple of Ipswich, int. July 7, 1763.

_____, Jane, servant of George Small, and Primus, servant of Hon. Benjamin Lynde, Esq. of Salem, Dec. 30, 1757.

_____, Kate, servant of Benjamin Fuller, and Tiro, servant of Jonathan Wilkins, all of Middleton, Nov. 22, 1757.

_____, Filis, servant to, wid. Elisabeth Buxton, and Sipio Shaw, servant to, wid. Hannah Shaw, Aug. 22, 1777.*

_____, Plato, belonging to Dea. Mathew Whiple of Ipswich, and Hager, belonging to Benjamin Prescott, int. July 7, 1763.

_____, Primus, servant of Hon. Benjamin Lynde, Esq. of Salem, and Jane, servant of George Small, Dec. 30, 1757.

_____, Primis, servant to Benjamin Lynds of Salem, and Rose, servant of, wid. Miriam Putnam, Sept. 14, 1777.*

_____, Rose, servant of, wid. Miriam Putnam, and Primis, servant to Benjamin Lynds of Salem, Sept. 14, 1777.*

_____, Sambo, and Zilpha Johnson, int. Nov. 7, 1789.

_____, Tom, belonging to Capt. Daniel Epes, jr., Esq., and Zelpha, belonging to Benjamin Buxton, Aug. 14, 1759.*

_____, Tiro, servant of Jonathan Wilkins, and Kate, servant of Benjamin Fuller, all of Middleton, Nov. 22, 1757.

_____, Violett, servant of Joseph Putnam, jr., and Fortune, servant of Capt. William Deadman of Salem, Nov. 27, 1755.

_____, Zelpha, belonging to Benjamin Buxton, and Tom, belonging to Capt. Daniel Epes, jr. Esq., Aug. 14, 1759.*

BARGILA, Phebe, and Ceaser Brooks, Mar. 18, 1782.*

BROOKS, Ceaser, and Phebe Bargila, Mar. 18, 1782.*

COLTS, Ruthy, and Chandler Curtiss of Lynnfield, int. Apr. 2, 1825.

CURTISS, Chandler, of Lynnfield, aud Ruthy Colts, int. Apr. 2, 1825.

CROMWELL, Oliver, of Hutchinson, and Ann Middletown, a mulatto of Salem, Feb. 12, 1776.

EPES, Tom, and Jane Goodale, Apr. 4, 1776.*

FORTUS, Daniel, of Topsfield, and Nancy Thompson, int. Apr. 13, 1822.

FOSTER, Cato, and Rose Goodale, May 28, 1784.*

FRANCIS, Peter, resident in Danvers, and Judith Jackson, June 26, 1806.*

FREEMAN, Jethro, and Anna Jacobs, int. Nov. 13, 1813.

GENINGS, Henry, of Salem, and Betsey Jacobs, int. July 24, 1817.

GOODALE, Rose, and Cato Foster, May 28, 1784.*

GOODALE, Jane, and Tom Epes, Apr. 4, 1776.*

GROVES, Taner, and Cesar Taylor, int. Apr. 15, 1769. (Marriage forbidden.)

JACOBS, Anna, and Jethro Freeman, int. Nov. 13, 1813.

JACOBS, Primus, and Dinah Smith, Mar. 20, 1776.*

JACOBS, Betsey, and Henry Genings of Salem, int. July 24, 1817.

JOHNSON, Zilpha, and Sambo, int. Nov. 7, 1789.

MIDDLETOWN, Ann, a mulatto of Salem, and Oliver Cromwell of Hutchinson, Feb. 12, 1776.

POOL, Milow, and Jane Ward of Salem, int. Apr. 20, 1776.

REED, Patience, and Brister Trask, int. Oct. 18, 1801.

SHAW, Sipio, servant to, wid. Hannah Shaw, and Filis, servant to, wid. Elisabeth Buxton, Aug. 22, 1777.*

SMITH, Dinah, and Primus Jacobs, Mar. 20, 1776.*

TAYLER, Cesar, and Taner Groves, int. Apr. 15, 1769. (Marriage forbidden.)

THOMPSON, Nancy, and Daniel Fortus of Topsfield, int. Apr. 13, 1822.

TRASK, Brister, and Patience Reed, int. Oct. 18, 1801.

WARD, Jane, of Salem, and Milow Pool, int. Apr. 20, 1776.