NorthShore Slavery


Elizabeth, of Ipswich, and David Choate, int. Dec. 15, 1827.


Sarah, of Beverly, and Jonathan Kent, at the Kent, at the Hamlet, Nov. 4, 1773.


James B., of Gloucester, a. 28 y., mariner, b. Cape Breton, s. William and Margaret, and Charlotte Ann Grant of Gloucester, a. 18 y., b. Cape Breton, d. Duncan and Joanna, Dec. 22, 1849.


John C., of Manchester, and Lucy Ann Procter, int. Mar. 7, 1840.


Ebenezer, of New Gloucester, ME, and Hannah Burnham, int. Mar. 3, 1834.


John, a. 75 y., and Lucy Goldsmith, a. 40 y., both of Manchester, July 20, 1820. CR


Jonathan, and Elizabeth C. Holmes of Dunbarton, NH, Apr. 15, 1832.*


Daniel, of Hamilton, and Hannah Norton, Mar. 14, 1827.*

John, jr., of Hamilton, and Hannah M[aria. int.] Story, Jan. 6, 1828. CR

Sarah, of Hamilton, and Daniel Story, int. Nov. 7, 1819.


Lydia, Mrs., and Abner Burnham, jr., int. Jan. 10, 1829.


Eliza L., and Benjamin O. Henderson of Danvers, int. Apr. 4, 1844.

Mary J., a. 18 y., d. Michael and Mary, and James B. Gott of Gloucester, a. 23 y., mariner, s. Solomon and Abigail, of Gloucester, Jan. 8, 1846.*

Sarah B., and George P. Nutter, May 16, 1843.*


Shepard G., of Franklin, a. 24 y., machinist, a. Joseph and Lucy, and Joan E. Burnham, a. 21 y., d. Jacob and Joan, Apr. 5, 1845.*


Joseph, of Ipswich, and Mary Holmes, int. Sept. 10, 1825.

WOODBERRY (Woodbury)

Benjamin, and Thirza Woodberry, both of Hamilton, at Hamilton, June 1, 1824. CR

George , of Hamilton, and Ruth Foster, May 11, 1828.*

Joan, of Hamilton, and Elam Burnham, Nov. 27, 1832.*

Thirza, and Benjamin Woodberry, both of Hamilton, at Hamilton, June 1, 1824. CR

WOODBURY (Woodberry)

Anna, and Hasadiah Smith, jr. of Beverly, at Beverly, Jan. 30, 1708-9.

Daniel, of Danvers, and Sophia Burnham, May 21, 1840.*

Justus, and Mary [S. int.] Lakeman, Jan. 6, 1836.*