NorthShore Slavery

GAFFNEY (Gafney)

Abigail [Story. GR5 ], w. Daniel, Mar. 20, 1827. [Mar. 22, 1827, a. 22 y. GR5 ; bur. Mar. 25. CR6 ]

Allen A. [Ellen. GR5 ], d. Michael and Lucinda [T. GR5 ], consumption, Feb. 6, 1848, a. 17 y. 9 m. 3 d.

Emma F., d. Michael and Lucinda T., Dec. 28, 1845, a. 4 y. GR5

Eunice F., d. Michael and Lucinda, dropsy of the head, Dec. 28, 1845, a. 4 y. 20 d.

Jacob, s. Daniel and Elisabeth, 2d w., Feb. 1, 1837. [1838., a. 18 m. GR5 ]

Jefferson, bur. Mar. 7, 1844, a. 38 y. CR6

Lucinda T., dressmaker, d. Michael and Lucinda [T. GR5 ], consumption, Jan. 30, 1846, a. 19 y. 1 m. 17 d.

Lucinda Frances, d. Michael and Lucinda, dropsy in the head, Feb. 21, 1848, a. 1 y. 9 m. 12 d.

Michael, bur. Feb. 24, 1838, a. 88 y. CR6

Otis H., s. Daniel and Elizabeth, Mar. --, 1849, a. 15 m. GR5

Otis, s. Daniel and Abigail, dysentery, Aug. 27, 1849, a. 1 y. 2 m. 24 d.

Thomas Jefferson, shipwright, consumption, Mar. 6, 1844, a. 39 y. 6 m. 7 d.

GAFNEY (Gaffney)

_____, w. _____, bur. Sept. 3, 1832, a. 69 y. CR6

_____, d. Daniel, bur. Feb. 1, 1837, a. 6 m. CR6

John Grotton, s. Mathew, bur. Dec. 3, 1841, a. 3 y. CR6

GAMAGE (Gammage)

Benjamin, s. Samuel G. and Nancy E., Aug. 13, 1814. PR362

Ebenezer, h. Nancy [(Lurvey). PR360 ], Dec. 27, 1832.

Irene, Mrs., consumption, Aug. 19, 1840. CR5

James, Aug. 28, 1834. PR360

Nancy E., d. Samuel G. and Nancy E. (Knutsford), Dec. 12, 1824. PR362

Stephen, h. Mary (Haskins), Aug. 20, 1834. PR358

Thomas, Nov. 15, 1846. PR360

GAMMAGE (Gamage)

Anna, d. John and Anna (Gott), --- --, 1768. PR357

Anna (Gott), w. John, Apr. 9, 1828. PR357

Dolly (York), w. John, jr., Mar. 12, 1828, a. 55 y. PR357

Ebenezer, s. John and Anna (Gott), Dec. 27, 1838. PR357

Epes, s. John and Anna (Gott), Feb. 22, 1809. PR357

James, s. John and Anna (Gott), Apr. 23, 1824. PR357

John, h. Anna (Gott), Apr. 23, 1824. PR357

Stephen, s. John and Anna (Gott), Aug. 22, 1824. PR357

GARDINAR (Gardner)

James, s. James and Elizabeth, Oct. 5, 1663.

GARDINER (Gardner)

Sara, d. James [and Elizabeth CTR], Apr. 21, 1662.

GARDNER (Gardinar, Gardiner)

_____, ch. stillborn, Joseph, Mar. 24, 1696.

_____, ch. stillborn, Aug. 7, 1698.

_____, Mrs., Oct. 28, 1789, a. abt. 84 y. CR2

_____, inf. ch. R., June --, 1840. CR1

_____, s. William and Mary, lung fever, July 1, 1844, a. 1 d.

Abagail West, w. Richard, Jan. 31, 1846, a. 38 y. CR1

Anna, w. Robert, Mar. 28, 1788, a. abt. 48 y. CR2

Coas, July 21, 1807, a. 60 y. CR1

Eliza A., d. George and Polly, typhus fever, July 24, 1847, a. 12 y. 3 m. 22 d.

Elezebeth, w. James, Mar. 4, 1683-4.

George, s. James and Elizabeth, Mar. 22, 1664. CTR

Hannah, w. Daniel, --- --, ----. [after June 20, 1765?]

James, Dec. 8, 1684.

James, s. John, jr. and Lydia, --- --, 1754, a. 11 m.

John, s. John, jr. and Lydia, Sept. 6, 1760.

Joseph, m., b. Salem, baker, s. Joseph and Nancy, consumption, Sept. 21, 1848, a. 72 y. 11 m. 12 d.

Mary, d. James [Elizabeth. CTR], Oct. 25, 1671.

Mary, Sept. 29, 1708.

Mary, at the workhouse, May 4, 1806. [May 5, 1806, a. 75 y. CR1 ]

Meriam, d. John and Meriam, Nov. 9, 1704.

Robert, at the workhouse, Feb. 14, 1816. [Feb. 15., a. 82 y. CR1 ]

William Henry, s. William and Mary, Mar. 1, 1841.


Elender, Oct. 5, 1759. PR369

Elias, Sept. 1, 1801. PR369

Elizabeth, bur. June 7, 1818. CR6

Betsy, Mar. 26, 1838. PR369

Hannah, w. William, Jan. 29, 1767. PR369

James, Dec. 29, 1804. PR369

John, July 10, 1760. PR369

John, jr., Sept. 29, 1787. PR369

John, Dec. 11, 1789. PR369

Joshua, Aug. 2, 1794. PR369

Lydia A., d. Nathaniel and Margaret, Apr. --, 1837, a. 7 m. 4 d. PR368

Polly, Nov. 13, 1765. PR369

Polly, Apr. 16, 1834. PR369

Nancy, d. William and Eliza, consumption, Jan. 6, 1849.

Nathaniel B., s. Nathaniel B. and Lydia (Thurston), June 6, 1804. PR144

Nathaniel B., s. Nathaniel B. and Lydia (Thurston), Oct. 1, 1811. PR144

Nathaniel B., h. Lydia (Thurston), Aug. 8, 1819. PR144

Samuel, Oct. 4, 1773. PR369

Samuel, jr., Sept. 3, 1798. PR369

William, s. William and Hannah (Adams) [July 17, 1759. PR369 ]

William, 3d, --- 18, 1762. PR369

William, Jan. 19, 1798. PR369

William, Capt., bur. Nov. 26, 1816, a. 80 y. CR6 [d. Nov. 24. PR144 ]

GEERING (Gaerrin, Gearing, Gerin, Gerren, Gerrin, Gerring)

Edward, Feb. 2, 1841, a. 47 y. PR908

Edward, m., mariner, consumption, Feb. 4, 1845, a. 49 y.

Edward Henry, Mar. 24, 1845. PR908

Edward H., s. Edward and Sally, dropsy in head, Mar. 29, 1845, a. 9 m. 7 d.

Fanny, w. Edward, consumption, May 15, 1847, a. 74 y. 9 m. 5 d.

George, s. Joseph and Sally, Mar. 29, 1841.

Henry, s. Frederick and Dorcas, June 20, 1841. [1842., a. 6 y. 1 m. 9 d. GR10 ]

Joseph, h. Sally, lost on Cape Cad in a Smack with 7 others, Oct. 3, 1841.

Joseph, mariner, s. Joseph and Susan, sailed on the schooner General Scott, drowned in a gale, Nov. 25, 1846, a. 21 y.

Lois, w. John, --- --, ----. [after 1824?]

Lydia, Apr. 14, 1841. PR908

Roxanna, 2d, w. John, --- --, ----. [after 1831?]

GERIN (Geering)

_____, ch. _____, bur. Mar. 4, 1814. CR6

Lois, d. John, bur. June 11, 1835, a. 6 y. CR6

GIBAULT (Gibaut)

John [Esq. CR6 ], Aug. 10, 1805, a. 38 y. GR1


Daniel, Esq., Mar. 21, 1762, in her 61st y. [a. 60 y. GR1 ]

Mary, w. Daniel, Jan. 27, 1769, in her 60th y.

GIDDINGS (Gidings)

_____, ch. _____, Esq., of Sandy Bay, bur. July 16, 1825, a. 2 y. CR6

Aaron, of Essex, bur. Aug. 9, 1832. CR6

Benjamin, s. Josuah and Abigaill, Feb. 4, 1708-9.

Benjamin, s. Joshuah, Nov. 11, 1712.

Elizebth, w. Georg, May 10, 1727, a. abt. 54 y.

James, s. Lawrance and Elizabeth, Nov. 13, 1721, a. 21 d.

Jane, d. Joshua, Dec. 13, 1722, a. abt. 11 y.

Joshua, on board a fishing sloop, John Davis, master, lost at sea on his return voyage from Cape Sable, Oct. --, 1716, a. 38 y.

Laurance, s. Laurance and Elizabeth, July 30, 1720.

Laurance, s. Laurance and Elisabeth, July 3, 1725, a. 14 d.

Lucy, w. Aaron, of Sandy Bay, bur. Mar. 22, 1830, a. 68 y. CR6

Mary, Apr. 9, 1706.


Abigaiel, d. Larvance and Elizebth, Oct. 19, 1731, a. 5 y. 3 m.

Larunc, at Canso, May 8, 1727, a. 41 y.

GILBERT (Gibault)

_____, ch. twin, Jonathan, Nov. 10, 1782, a. abt. 15 m. CR2

_____, d. Jonathan, cough, May 11, 1787, a. abt. 2 y. CR2

_____, w. Capt. Jonathan, Jan. --, 1791, a. abt. 76 y. CR2

_____, ch. Jonathan, burnt, Nov. 29, 1806, a. 3 y. CR1

_____, ch. Samuel, Dec. 13, 1807, a. 4 y. CR1

_____, ch. Capt. Jonathan, Kettle Cove, Mar. 28, 1813. CR2

_____, inf. ch. Capt. Jonathan, Feb. 27, 1814. CR2

_____, w. Samuel, bur. Mar. 26, 1832. CR6

_____, d. Benjamin, bur. Nov. 20, 1836, a. 13 m. CR6

Elisabeth, d. Jonathan and Abigal, --- --, ----. [after Mar. 1756?]

Ester, consumption, June 21, 1815, a. abt. 23 y. CR2

Fitz E., h. Eliza, Mar. --, ----, [25, 1833. PR372 ]

Fitz, bur. Mar. 27, 1833, a. 28 y. CR6

Foster, s. Ignatius and Sarah E., throat distemper, Jan. 10, 1849, a. 1 y. 23 d.

Ignatius, m., carpenter, s. Jonathan and Sally, typhus fever, Sept. 12, 1848, a. 29 y. 10 m. 6 d.

Jonathan, Capt., May 9, 1800, a. abt. 87 y. CR2

Jonathan, May 9, 1836, a. 96 y. CR1

Jonathan, m., seaman, s. Jonathan and Lucy, consumption, Feb. 14, 1845, a. 72 y. 4 m. 3 d. [Feb. 18. GR16 ]

Lucy, w. [Capt. CR2 ], Jonathan [child-bed consumption. CR2 ], Dec. --, 1814. [Nov. 24., a. 37 y. CR2 ]

_____, [Moses, jr. PR372 ], bur. Oct. 26, 1804. CR6 [d. Oct. 23. PR372 ]

Rachel, d. Samuel and Sarah, --- --, 1809, a. 6 y. GR5

Rachel, d. Moses and Rachel [(Ross). PR372 ], bur. May 3, 1809, a. 13 m. CR6

_____, [Rachel. GR16 ], w. Jonathan, Feb. 7, 1826, a. 76 y. CR1

Rachel R[oss. PR372 ], w. Moses, May 3, 1831, a. 52 y. GR5

Samuel [s. Samuel and Sarah. GR5 ], consumption, June 9, 1827, a. 23 y. CR1

Sarah, w. Samuel, Sept. --, 1811, a. 29 y. GR5

Sarah, d. Samuel and Sarah, --- --, 1812, a. 7 m. GR5

William, jr., Mar. 15, 1808, a. abt. 25 y. CR2

GILES (Gyles)

_____, d. Samuel and Margaret, Oct. 8, 1825, a. 3 w. PR270

Abagail, d. Thomas and Mary Soper (Marshall), Jan. 31, 1799. PR373

Calvin, s. Matthew S[mith. PR375 ], and Sally [(Webster). PR375 ], Sept. 28, 1828.

Darius, ch. Matthew Smith and Sally (Webster), Apr. 12, 1842. PR375

Betsey C. (Lane), w. Capt. John James, June 11, 1835. PR593

George Vinton, s. Thomas and Olive, Sept. 10, 1821. [1820. PR404 ]

George V[inton., s. Thomas and Olive (Tarr). PR404 ], consumption, Sept. 7, 1842. CR5

Mary Soper (Marshall), wid. Thomas, Sept. 27, 1822. PR373

Mary, d. Matthew Smith and Sally (Webster), Oct. 20, 1840. PR375

Olive [(Tarr). PR404 ], w. Thomas, Mar. 3, 1831.

Samuel, h. Margaret Davis (Norwood), June 25, 1817. PR270

Samuel, s. Samuel and Margaret Davis (Norwood), Oct. 7, 1825. PR270

Sarah, d. Samuel and Margaret Davis (Norwood), Oct. 22, 1837. PR270

Sally, consumption, Mar. 7, 1840. CR5

Thomas, h. Mary Soper (Marshall), Nov. 18, 1795. PR373

Thomas, s. Thomas and Olive, at sea, Mar. 9, 1832.

William, s. William and Hannah (Gott), Sept. --, 1826. PR377

William, s. William and Hannah (Gott), June --, 1833. PR377

William, s. Matthew S[mith. PR375 ], and Sally [(Webster). PR375 ], July 19, 1834.


Frederick, Capt., while on a journey for his health, at Reading, May 19, 1798, a. 33 y. GR1

Mary Langdon, w. Arthur, eldest, d. Dr. William Coffin, Apr. 29, 1799, a. 20 y. GR5


_____, s. Steevens [and Ruth. CTR], Aug. 5, 1664.

_____, d. Capt. William, bur. Apr. 10, 1825, a. 2 y. 3 m. CR6

Abigail, Mar. 17, 1808, a. 70 y. CR1

Abigail, at the workhouse, bur. July 24, 1835, a. 22 y. CR6

Benjamin T., m., mariner, b. Cape Cod, drowned at sea, Oct. 6, [1849. in pencil], a. 27 y.

Elizabeth, w. Charles, 6: 1m: 1647.

Ruth, w. Steevens, Aug. 16, 1664.

Steven, Dec. 10, 1686.


Elisabeth, at the workhouse, Mar. 12, 1807.


Abigail, Dec. --, 1726, a. abt. 18 y.


William, servant to Samuell Griffin, Sept. 27, 1726, a. abt. 21 y.


John, h. Sally (Story), Apr. 23, 1817, a. 37 y. PR363

Lucy, d. John and Sally (Story), Sept. 4, 1820. PR363

GOODIN (Gooding)

Richard, sr., Mar. 5, 1708-9.

GOODING (Goodin)

Daniel, Apr. --, 1717, a. abt. 30 y.

Elinor, July 3, 1722, a. abt. 42 y.

Mary, May 11, 1693.

GOODRICH (Goodridge)

_____, Capt., --- --, 1781. CR2

_____, Mr., Nov. 5, 1826. CR1

Caleb, h. Mary [consumption. CR6 ], Mar. 13, 1829. [a. 30 y. CR6 ]

John Carter, s. John C. and Mary [Betsey B. GR1 ], canker on bowels, Aug. 6, 1848, a. 1 y. 11 m. 17 d. [a. 2 y. GR1 ]

Joseph, bur. Aug. 24, 1815, a. 45 y. CR6

Mary, Mrs., Nov. 21, ----, a. 68 y. CR1

Sarah Elizabeth, d. Caleb and Mary, dysentery, Aug. 30, 1849, a. 22 y. 1 m. 10 d.


Charina M., laborer, w. Moses, inflammation of the head, bur. at Shapleigh, d. May 13, 1847, a. 36 y. 1 m. 10 d.

Elisabeth, w. William, Sept. 13, 1760.

Hannah, wid., Feb. 4, 1724-5, a. abt. 80 y.

Samuel, Aug. 18, 1745.


Eliza, d. Solomon and Sarah, Aug. 29, 1774, a. 10 m. GR1

Solomon, Dec. 21, 1795, a. 47 y. GR1

Susannah, youngest, d. Col. John and Elizabeth, Mar. 18, 1832, a. 81 y. GR1


George W., b. Essex, s. George W. and Rachel, fever, July 25, 1846, a. 2 m. 17 d.


Allen, s. William and Abigail (Gould), Sept. 12, 1820. PR168

Edward, s. William and Abigail (Gould), Feb. --, 1827. PR168

Eliza, d. Dr. James and Polly [Jaquith. PR399 ], Sept. 18, 1800.

George Washington, s. Dr. James and Polly Jaquith, June 18, 1828. PR399

Hannah [Smith. PR399 ], 2d, w. James, Jan. 30, 1827.

Polly [Jaquith. PR399 ], w. Dr. James, July 3, 1800.

Richard, Capt., Oct. 3, 1764, in his 53d y. GR2

Richard, Capt., June 15, 1769, in his 53d y. GR2

Sally Jackson, d. William and Elvira, May 13, 1825.

Sally Jackson (Pool), w. William, June 18, 1836. PR400

Sylvester, s. Dr. James and Polly, Apr. 10, 1836.

William, at the poorhouse, Sept. 26, 1828, a. 69 y.

William [h. Sally Jackson (Pool). PR400 ], consumption, Nov. 4, 1845. CR5


_____, Sept. 3, 1800, a. 75 y. PR398

_____, ch. James, jr. Dec. --, 1809. CR3

_____, wid. _____, Apr. --, 1821, a. near 80 y. CR3

_____, inf. ch. Abner, Feb. 19, 1832, a. 6 or 7. CR3

_____, s. stillborn, John and Emily, Jan. 11, 1848.

Abigail, w. Benjamin, Jan. 8, 1756, in her 36th y.

Nabby, d. Daniel and Nabby (Goss), Mar. 13, 1806, a. 9 m. PR958

Abigail, at the poorhouse, Jan. 13, 1832, a. 88 y.

Abner, Dec. 12, 1809, a. abt. 70 y. CR3

Abner [of Annisquam. CR6 ], May 22, 1832. CR3 [bur. May 20, a. 30 y. CR6 ]

Benjamin [A. PR392 ], s. Eli and Hypsa [(Lane). PR392 ], Oct. 13, 1830, a. 2 y. GR2

Benjamin Atwood, s. Eli and Hipsa, Oct. 13, 1839.

Bethany, wid. Samuel, Apr. 23, 1755, in her 68th y.

Daniel, s. Daniel and Nabby (Goss), May 16, 1807. PR958

Daniel, h. Nabby (Goss), Dec. 7, 1817. PR958

Deborah (Pool), d. Joshua and Deborah (Pool), Dec. 7, 1800, in her 17th y. PR398

Deborah [(Poo)l. PR398 ], w. Joshua, Jan. 8, 1801, a. 39 y. 8 m. GR3

Deliverance, Sept. 3, 1800, a. 73 y. PR567

Ebenezer, h. Betsey (Goss). PR388 , s. John and Hannah (Gamage), --- --, 1797. PR387

Eliza Cummings, d. Jabez Richardson and Hannah Belknap (Jewett), Aug. 31, 1818. PR395

Betsey, d. Daniel and Nabby (Goss), June 18, 1807, a. 3 y. 4 m. 9 d. PR958

Betsy, at the poorhouse, Dec. 2, 1839, a. 2 y.

Elisabeth, d. Eli and Hepsy [(Lane). PR392 ], consumption, Nov. 6, 1849, a. 16 y. 9 m. [a. 15 y. GR2 ]

Eunice [F. GR2 ], d. Eli and Heypsa [(Lane). PR392 ], typhus fever, Oct. 27, 1846, a. 16 y.

Frederick, s. John and Esther, Oct. 22, 1813. PR391

Hannah, d. Samuell and Hannah, Feb. 5, 1726-7.

Hannah, d. Samuell, jr. and Hannah, Apr. 13, 1728.

Hannah, d. Mary, Apr. 17, 1750. PR367

James, 3d, Jan. 19, 1807, a. 36 y. CR3

James, s. James, 3d and Lydia [(Pool). PR389 ], Sept. 21, 1812.

James, jr. [s. Eli and Hypsa (Lane). PR392 ], Feb. 8, 1829, a. nearly 30 y. CR3

James, consumption, June 18, 1846.

James E., s. James and Esther M., lung fever, Feb. 12, 1847, a. 1 y. 3 m.

James, s. Eli and Hypsa (Lane), Feb. 23, 1848. PR392

James, s. Abner and Mary, lung fever, Feb. 23, 1848, a. 80 y. 5 m.

John [h. Esther (Robbards). PR390 , s. John and Hannah (Gamage). CR6 ], of Sandy Bay, bur. Feb. 10, 1812, a. 57 y. CR6 [Feb. 8. PR387 ]

John, Capt., Dec. 8, 1812. PR391

John, s. John and Peggy, at sea, Aug. 5, 1828.

John, Capt., Nov. 24, 1845. CR5

Joseph, jr., Mar. 17, 1755, a. 3 y. 7 m. 12 d. PR398

Joseph, Apr. 30, 1755, in his 30th y.

Joseph, s. Joshua and Deborah (Pool), Dec. 29, 1800, in the 21st y. of his age. PR398

Joshua, s. Joshua and Deborah (Pool), Aug. 3, 1786, a. 19 d. PR398

Joshua [h. Deborah (Pool). PR398 ], a soldier of the Revolution, Mar. 22, 1846, a. 92 y. GR3

Lydia, d. Samuel and Margeret, Dec. 20, 1717, a. 6 y.

Lydia, d. Samuel and Margret, Oct. 22, 1722, a. abt. 3 y.

Lydia, d. James, 3d and Lydia [(Pool). PR389 ], Sept. --, 1814. [ Sept. 26. PR389 ]

Lydia, d. James, 3d and Lydia [(Pool). PR389 ], May 6, 1838.

Margret, w. Samuell, Nov. 1, 1722, a. abt. 46 y.

Peggy (Tarr), w. John, Apr. 17, 1839. PR390

Mercy, d. Josuah and Deborah (Pool), Dec. 27, 1800, in her 9th y. PR398

Nancy, m., d. Joshua and Deborah (Pool), Oct. 29, 1835, a. 47 y. 3 m. 27 d. PR398

Nathaniel, s. Samuel and Margret, June 20, 1720, a. abt. 2 y. 8 m.

Nathaniel, May 10, 1752, a. 25 y. GR3

Roger Williams, at the poorhouse, Jan. 28, 1839, a. 1 y. [Feb. dup.]

Samuel, Lt., Nov. 3, 1748, a. abt. 71 y.

Samuel, jr. [s. Hannah. PR367 ], Mar. 26, 1750, a. 25 y. GR3

Samuel P., s. Nathan and Loisa, Oct. --, 1839.

Sarah, w. Joshua, Feb. 1, 1807, in her 54th y. GR3

Sarah Augusta, d. James and Sarah J., dysentery, Aug. 28, 1849, a. 1 y. 9 m. 7 d.

Solomon, s. Abner and _____, drowned, Aug. 29, 1779, a. 18 y. CR3

Solomon, at Portsmouth, Apr. 3, 1826. CR3

William, s. William and Elisabeth (Wanson), Aug. 18, 1746.

William, suddenly, bur. July 12, 1831. CR6

William, s. William and Mary, dysentery, Aug. 30, 1849, a. 2 y. 5 m. 8 d.

GOURDON (Gordon)

Moses, s. Daniel, jr. and Jenny (Davis), July 15, 1751.


Abigail, May --, 1841, a. 83 y. CR1

Naomi, at the workhouse, Jan. 12, 1806. [Jan. 13., a. 78 y. CR1 ]


_____, d. Phillip, bur. Mar. 21, 1840, a. 17 m. CR6

Clarissa, inf. d. Philip, bur. Oct. 24, 1836. GR6

Clarissa, d. Phillip and Harriet, Sept. --, 1838.

Betsy, w. Edward [L. GR1 ], consumption, Jan. 10, 1844, a. 58 y. 5 m. 8 d. [June. GR1 ]

Hannah, w. Phillip, consumption, bur. Apr. 6, 1842, a. 27 y. CR6

Martha (Riggs), w. Francis, Apr. 6, 1849. PR19

William, bur. May 11, 1815, a. 73 y. CR6

GREEN (Greene)

_____, d. James, croup, bur. Apr. 26, 1829, a. 14 m. CR6

_____, ch. Henry and Lucy, fits, July 5, 1846, a. 11 d.

James H., b. Salem, s. James and Emily, croup, Nov. 14, 1846, a. 1 y. 6 m. 5 d.

John [measles. CR1 ], supported by the town, at the workhouse, May 16, 1816, a. 4 y. [May 17. CR1 ]

Mary Somes, inf. d. James, bur. Sept. 8, 1825. CR6

Nathaniel Warner, s. James, bur. May 28, 1824, a. 5 m. CR6

Samuel, at the workhouse, Mar. 16, 1817, a. abt. 7 y.

GREENE (Green)

Caroline [E. GR11 ], w. James [jr. GR11 ], consumption, June 9, 1843, a. 17 y. 3 m. 15 d. [a. 18 y. GR11 ]


_____, wid., bur. Mar. 1, 1835, a. 72 y. CR6

Rebbecca, Feb. 19, 1836, a. 72 y. GR8

William, consumption, May 25, 1817. CR1

William, suddenly, bur. Nov. 5, 1824. CR6

GRIFEN (Griffin)

Betsey [wid., old age. CR1 ], at the workhouse, Aug. 22, 1816, a. 88 y. [Aug. 23, a. 84 y. CR1 ]

Betsey, at the workhouse, Dec. 4, 1821, a. abt. 57 y.

Fanny, wid., Mar. 2, 1807. CR3

Gustavus, s. Gustavus and Anna [Nancy. GR2 ], Sept. 8, 1802. [a. 1 y. 4 m. 27 d. GR2 ]

Gustavus [Capt. GR2 ], h. Anna, Feb. 10, 1807. [a. 36 y. CR3 ]

Mary (Wise), w. [wid. CR3 ], Oliver, June --, 1821. [bur. June 7. CR3 ]

Mary A., d. Enos and Mary W., May 29, 1848, a. 10 m. GR3

Oliver, h. Mary (Wise), --- --, 1815.

Peter [consumption. CR1 ], at the workhouse, Aug. 22, 1816, a. 44 y.

Sarah, w. Daniel, Mar. 31, 1737, in her 22d y. GR3

Sarah M., d. Enos and Mary W., May 29, 1843, a. 27 d. GR3

GRIFFIN (Grifen)

_____, w. Epes, July 21, 1805. CR3

_____, ch. wid. Mary, Sept. 11, 1805, a. 2 y. CR3

_____, ch. Peter W., whooping cough, Oct. 10, 1810, a. a few, w. CR3

_____, ch. twin, Capt. Epes, June --, 1815. CR3

_____, ch. Joel, Sept. 14, 1818. CR3

_____, ch. David, Aug. 29, 1820. CR3

_____, ch. David, bur. Oct. 2, 1825, a. 5 or 6 y. CR3

_____, inf. ch. Amos, Oct. 11, 1825. CR3

_____, inf. ch. Joel, July 1, 1828, a. 5 m. CR3

_____, ch. Noah B., Oct. 16, 1829, a. 6 or 7 m. CR3

_____, w. William, of Annisquam, bur. Apr. 11, 1832. CR6

_____, s. Enos and Mary, fever, May 28, 1843, a. 1 y.

Abigail, d. Samuel, 3d and Mary, smallpox, Nov. 21, 1778, a. 31 y. CR3

Abigail [Nabby, w. Joel. CR3 ], Oct. 10, 1831. GR14 [bur. Oct. 16. CR3 ]

Adison, bur. Jan. 11, 1831. CR3

Albert, s. Joel and Clara L., d. Feb. 20, 1839. GR9

Ambrose, supposed to be lost upon the Banks in a violent storm. Apr. --, 1774. CR3

Amos, m. [h. Lucy (Hariden). PR407 ], mariner, consumption, Feb. 19, 1849, a. 63 y. [a. 63 y. 5 m. GR3 ]

Andrew, Dea., Nov. 27, 1829. CR3

Charles, in Batavia, May 27, 1821, a. abt. 23 y. CR3

Charlotte Dane, d. Samuel and Elizabeth, nervous fever, June 4, 1773, a. 4 1/2 y. CR3

Charlotte, d. Andrew, June 7, 1809, a. abt. 3 y. CR3

Deborah, wid. _____, May 6, 1815, aged women. CR3

Ebenezer, s. Daniel, jr., and Susanna, consumption, Mar. 24, 1776, a. 5 y. CR3

Eliphalet, Capt., at the Vineyard coming in from the southard, Oct. --, 1813. CR3

Elizabeth, d. Amos and Lucy (Hariden), Oct. 9, 1825. PR407

Epes, jr., drowned [on a passage to Charleston, SC. PR410 ], --- --, 1827. CR3 [Dec. 17. PR410 ]

Epes, h. Lucy, Jan. --, 1837. PR410

Esther, d. Oliver and Mary, --- --, 1807. PR405

Fanny, at the poorhouse, Apr. 30, 1828, a. 54 y.

Hannah, w. Samuel, jr., fever, Dec. 10, 1774, a. 45 y. CR3

James, s. Samuel, jr. and Margaret, [Oct. 27, 1749, in his 20th y. GR2 ]

James, jr., Jan. 10, 1816. CR3

James, h. Judeth (Woodbury), Feb. 10, 1817. PR406

James, Aug. 12, 1828, a. 73 y. CR3

James, s. Enos and Mary, dropsy, Aug. 3, 1848, a. 15 m.

Jane, w. Dudley, Oct. 25, 1802, a. 28 y. GR2

Jane (Marshall), w. Timothy, Jan. 20, 1838. PR415

Jeremiah, Feb. 6, 1821. CR3

Joel W., s. Joel and Clara L., d. July 1, 1828. GR9

Jonathan, s. William, in the hospital at Philadelphia, July 14, 1825, a. 19 y. CR3

Joseph, s. wid. Jonathan, deceased, drowned off the coast, coming from Europe, Apr. --, 1806. CR3

Joshua, s. Jonathan, quinsey, Feb. 7, 1773, a. 4 y. CR3

Judith, d. Thomas and Judith, a complication of disorders produced by a great cold, Feb. 20, 1773, a. 16 y. CR3 [1772, in her 5th y. GR2 ]

Judith, w. Thomas, Apr. 8, 1793, in her 55th y. GR2

Judith [(Woodbury). PR406 ], w. James, bur. Sept. 3, 1814. CR3 [d. Sept. 4. PR406 ]

Lucy, w. Capt. Epes, Apr. 27, 1823. CR3 [Apr. 11, 1824. PR408 ; Mar. 29, 1824. PR410 ]

Lydia, Nov. 10, 1792, in her 24th y. GR2

Lydia, d. Capt. Eliphalet, Dec. 7, 1812. CR3

Margaret, d. Samuel, Oct. 12, 1805, a. 35 or 40 y. CR3

Mary, w. Samuel, jr., Sept. 10, 1767, in her 51st y. GR2

Mary, wid. Jonathan, May 4, 1806. CR3

Nathaniel, s. Samuel, jr. and Margaret, July 15, 1740.

Olive, d. William, Mar. --, 1810, a. 7 y. CR3

Olive, w. William, Apr. 10, 1832. CR3

Oliver, s. Oliver and Mary, killed in an engagement at sea by a musket ball from an English privateer, on board a brigg 40 leagues from Bilboa, Nov. 25, 1779, a. 15 y. CR3

Oliver, drowned [expected lost on their passage from Providence, RI, towards Charlestown, SC. PR408 ], --- --, 1827. CR3 [Dec. 17. PR410 ; Mar. PR408 ]

Peter Woodbury, consumption, Dec. 6, 1812. CR3

Reuben P., s. Thomas and Sally, croup, Dec. 24, 1843, a. 6 y. 2 m. 27 d.

Samuel, jr., jaundice, Jan. 15, 1781. CR3

Samuel, blind man, June 18, 1813. CR3

Sally, grand d. Dea Dove, Jan. 20, 1809, a. 16 or 18 y. CR3

Sally Sargant, d. Timothy and Sally [(Clark). PR185 ], Aug. 2, 1832, a. 25 y. GR2

Sarah Jane, d. Timothy and Jane (Marshall), Jan. --, 1835. PR415

Sarah Jane, d. Timothy and Jane (Marshall), Jan. 15, 1838. PR415

Sarah T., d. Laurence and Susan, July 3, 1839. PR416

Solomon, at the southard, --- --, 1814. CR3

Suky, unm., Jan. 17, 1830, a. over 50 y. CR3

Thomasin, d. Samuel, 3d and Elizabeth, fever, Dec. 12, 1774, a. 18 y. CR3

Thomas, jr., Dec. 13, 1791, in his 29th y. GR2

Thomas, Feb. 13, 1796, in his 62d y. GR2

Timothy, s. Timothy and Sally (Clark), May 27, 1845. PR185

Tristram, on his passage to the Isle of St. Thomas, West Indies, Feb. --, 1822. CR3

Warren, s. Noah B. and Rhoda, May --, 1831.

William, s. Elias and Eliza [T. GR10 ], Aug. 26, 1844, a. 1 y. 3 m. 12 d. [1845. GR10 ]

William, s. Jonathan and Susan, cramp, Nov. 9, 1849, a. 18 y. 6 m. 17 d.


Abigail, [wid. CR6 ], at the workhouse, May 25, 1814, a. abt. 80 y. [bur. May 26. CR6 ]

Nabby, at the workhouse, Feb. 2, 1815, a. abt. 43 y.

John Bagley, Jan. --, 1829. PR419

Mark, h. Tammy (Priestly), Mar. 15, 1836. PR419

Nancy, at the workhouse, Feb. 7, 1807.

Tammy, Mrs., Dec. 10, 1847. PR739

William, s. Mark and Tammy (Priestly), Aug. 26, 1830. PR419


_____, wid., suddenly, Jan. 4, 1809, a. 80 y. CR1

_____, ch. Joseph, Jan. 10, 1811, a. 8 m. CR1

_____, ch. Josiah, jr., hydrocephalus, Feb. 17, 1828, a. 16 m. CR1

_____, Mrs., Oct. --, 1832, a. 32 y. CR1

_____, ch. _____, of Sandy Bay, bur. May 31, 1833, a. 2 y. CR6

Abel, Sept. 13, 1799. CR5

Abigail, w. Richard, --- --, ----. [after 1748?]

Abigail, Jan. --, 1795. CR5

Abigail, at the poorhouse, July 23, 1835, a. 22 y.

Amanda, d. William and Harriet, Apr. 8, 1825.

Amos Singleton, s. Joseph and Sarah (Page), --- --, 1775, a. 14 d. PR423

Daniel, --- --, 1761. GR1

Eben, s. Ebenezer and Sally (Tarr), Aug. 26, 1799. PR426

Ebenezer [h. Margaret (Jeffords). PR214 ] Dea., Oct. 25, 1761. CR5

Ebenezer, s. Ebenezer and Sally (Tarr), Dec. 23, 1796. PR426

Edmen, s. Nehemiah and Abygal, May 29, 1729.

Edmund, Capt., drowned in VA, Feb. 8, 1742. PR422

Edmon, Eld., Feb. 5, 1761. CR5

Eleazer, Dea., Dec. 25, 1795, a. in his 86th y. GR1

Eliezer, s. Eliezer and Hannah, drowned, July 13, 1805. [in his 11th y. GR1 ]

Eliezer, May 15, 1833, a. 67 y. CR1 [a. 69 y. GR1 ]

Eliza Ann, d. Josiah and Sally, Oct. 24, 1825.

Emily, d. John and Mary, July 31, 1836.

Hannah, d. Josiah and Hannah, Mar. --, 1719-20, a. 15 d.

Hannah, Aug. 17, 1832, a. 69 y. CR1 [Aug. 13. GR1 ]

John, s. Joseph and Sarah (Page), --- --, 1805. PR423

Joseph, s. Joseph and Sarah (Page), drowned, --- --, 1780. PR423

Josiah Willard, s. Josiah and Sally, Apr. --, 1824.

Josiah Willard, s. Josiah and Sally, Feb. 17, 1828.

Josiah W., consumption, Aug. 19, 1828, a. 24 y. CR1

Josiah, consumption, Sept. 24, 1829, a. 51 y. CR1 [1824. GR1 ]

Josiah Willard, s. Josiah and Sally, Feb. 23, 1832.

Letitia, consumption, Dec. 29, 1810, a. 33 y. CR1

Letitia, consumption, Aug. 5, 1818, a. 12 y. CR1

Marget, d. Nehemiah and Abygal, Oct. 18, 1728.

Patty, bur. Nov. 30, 1812, a. 30 y. CR6

Mary, Mrs., May 16, 1757. CR5

Mary, Feb. --, 1799. CR5

Nehemiah, s. Nehemiah and Abygal, May 29, 1729.

Nehemiah, Jan. 13, 1761. CR5

Sarah (Page), w. Joseph, --- --, 1778. PR423

Thankful, w. Dea Eleazer, May 18, 1786, a. 73 y. GR1

Timothy Eaton, s. Joseph and Sarah [(Page), --- --, 1758. PR423 ]

William [Capt. GR5 ], m., mariner, s. Eleazer and Hannah, consumption, Apr. 17, 1846, a. 57 y. 5 m. 27 d. [Apr. 16., a. 58 y. GR5 ]


Mary, w. Philip, child bed, July 31, 1725, a. abt. 34 y.