NorthShore Slavery


_____, wid., Aug. 17, 1820. [a. 85 y. CR]

Esther [pulmonic consumption. CR], Apr. 10, 1818. [a. 18 y. CR]

Fanny Burke, d. David, Feb. 26, 1801.

Hulda, d. David, hydrocephalus, Feb. 26, 1801, a. 6 y. CR

Mary F[aulkner. CR], d. Lt. Dennison [and Mary Elizabeth. GR1], June 27, 1837. [a. 9 m. CR]

[Mary Elizabeth. CR], d. Dennison [and Mary Elizabeth. GR1], throat distemper and scarlet fever, Apr. 19, 1839, a. 1 y.


Martha, b. Hamilton or Danvers, w. George, at Ipswich, Dec. 26, 1845, a. 27 y.

Susanna, Mrs., cancer, May 21, 1841, a. 86 y.


[George. CR], of Newburyport, "committed suicide in this town," abt. Nov. 1, 1827. [a. abt. 45 y. CR]


_____, d. Dea. Matthew [chin cough, measles and fever. CR], Feb. 17, 1797, a. 4 y.

_____, inf. ch. [stillborn. CR], Samuel, May 26, 1798.

_____, wid. Capt. John, very sudden, Sept. 18, 1807, a. 87 y. CR

_____, s. stillborn, Daniel, Nov. 12, 1829.

Catharine, w. William [consumption. CR], Jan. 15, 1829, a. 78 y. [a. 75 y. CR; a. 74 y. PR3]

Betsy, w. Dea. Matthew, fever, July 31, 1830, a. 66 y.

Elizabeth, d. Nathaniel, old age, senility, Apr. 25, 1849, a. 87 y.

Ephraim, farmer, s. William, inflammation of the bowels, May 1, 1843, a. 18 1/2 y.

Ephraim D., b. Ipswich, s. Daniel, dropsy in the head or hydrocephalus, Oct. 5, 1845, a. 1 y. 1 m.

Eunic, d. John, 4th, angina maligna, Dec. 2, 1794, a. 12 y. CR

Hannah, unm. [fever. CR], Oct. 28, 1821. [a. 75 y. CR]

Hannah, w. Daniel [consumption. CR], Dec. 20, 1833, a. 27 y.

James O., m., farmer, s. Oliver and Mary, dropsy, July 7, 1846, a. 24 y.

James O., jr. s. James and Lucy, Jan. 15, 1848, a. 1 y. 2 m.

John, s. William [pulmonic consumption. CR], Jan. 12, 1797, a. 18 y.

John, jr. --- --, 1805.

John, jr., lung fever, Jan. 21, 1806, a. 58 y. CR

John, Capt. [lung fever. CR], May 28, 1832, a. 89 y.

Jonathan [colic. CR], Sept. 18, 1816. [a. 61 y. CR]

Lucinda, d. Oliver, jr. [and Polly. CR], May 3, 1831, a. 2 y.

Lydia, w. Oliver, consumption, Dec. 16, 1843, a. 42 y.

Martha, wid. [paralytic old age. CR], Jan. 20, 1798, a. 86 y.

Martha, w. Capt. John, [angina pectoris. CR], Mar. 27, 1816. [a. 75 y. CR]

Martha D., w. William, throat distemper, Apr. 23, 1843, a. 62 y.

Martha, wid., old age, senility, Nov. 23, 1848, a. 93 y. 12 d.

Mary, wid. Dea. Nathanial, fever, Mar. 2, 1810, a. 86 y. CR

Mary, unm., "strangled by taking a piece of meat into the mouth," Nov. 29, 1838, a. 94 y.

Mary Elizabeth, d. Oliver, and d. adopted, John Tuttle, fever, Mar. 29, 1844, a. 14 y. 8 m.

Matthew, Esq., at Gloucester, Dec. 28, 1840, a. 76 y.

Nathaniel, Dea. [fever. CR], Dec. 19, 1809, a. 89 y.

Nathaniell, "caused by a fall about 8 days before his death," May 11, 1834. [a. 55 y. CR]

Oliver, widr., farmer, s. William, consumption, May 13, 1847, a. 58 y. [a. 69 y. CR]

Sally, w. Oliver, consumption, Aug. 20, 1830, a. 32 y.

Sarah, d. William, consumption, Aug. 5, 1837, a. 18 y.

Susanna [consumption. CR], Dec. 13, 1819. [a. 70 y. CR]

William A., s. Edward, consumption, Apr. 2, 1833, a. 19 y.

William, fever, May 27, 1835. [a. 87 y. CR]

William H[arrison. CR], s. James and Lucy, dysentery, Jan. 14, 1848, a. 2 y. 9 m.

William, s. Daniel, Oct. 26, 1848, a. 10 d. GR1


_____, s. William, atrophia infantilis, Aug. 11, 1796, a. 9 d. CR

Dolly, Mrs., consumption, Dec. 10, 1843, a. 34 y. [a. 54 y. CR]

George [nervous fever. CR], Oct. 29, 1824, a. 25 y.

Martha, wid. William, pauper, influenza, Mar. 9, 1842, a. 82 y.

Walter, Nov. 16, 1824. [a. 25 y. CR]

William, "a pauper," June 26, 1834. [a. 89 y. CR]

WHITTREDGE (Whitridge)

Eunice, wid. John, palsy, Nov. 11, 1845, a. 69 y.

John [consumption. CR], Nov. 17, 1824. [a. 78 y. CR]

John [apopletic fit. CR], Mar. 4, 1830, a. 56 y.

Lucy [bowel complaint. CR], Jan. 7, 1816. [a. 16 y. CR]

[Lucy. CR], wid. John [dysentery. CR], Sept. 7, 1828, a. 77 y.


_____, 2d w. Rev. Samuel, at Newburyport, --- --, 1784, a. 89 y.

[Mary. GR1], w. Rev. Samuel, June 6, 1723, a. 28 y. [Dec. 9. GR1]

Samuel, Rev., Sept. 3, 1768, in his 80th y.


Harry, s. Abijah [quinsy. CR], Dec. 9, 1798. [a. 17 m. CR]


_____, s. Isaac [angina maligua. CR], Nov. 17, 1796, a. 17 m.

_____, w. Benjamin, chronic, Feb. 29, 1808, a. 92 y. CR

_____, inf. ch. Thomas, May 19, 1808. [May 16, a "few hours. " CR]

Andrew, "yellow fever in the West Indies," Feb. 19, 1795, a. 20 y. CR

Andrew [liver complaint. CR], Oct. 15, 1834. [a. 67 y. CR]

Anna, d. Isaac [consumption CR], Sept. --, 1802. [ Sept. 9, a. 19 y. CR]

Asa, in the West Indies, Oct. 23, 1800, a. 22 y.

Dudly, s. William, colic, Aug. 21, 1796, a. 12 y. CR

Edmund, at the West Indies, Dec. --, 1793, a. 20 y. CR

Elisabeth, w. Capt. John, [dysentery. CR], Sept. 16, 1824. [a. 55 y. CR]

Betsy, w. Nicholas, consumption, Dec. 30, 1830, a. 59 y.

Fred A., s. George, consumption or disease of the heart, Nov. 9, 1848, a. 20 y.

Hepzibath, w. John, [dysentery. CR]. Sept. 17, 1796, a. 48 y.

Isaac, s. John, jr. [scarletina. CR], Dec. --, 1803, a. 3 y. [Dec. 19, a. 4 y. CR]

Isaac, s. Nicholas, worm fever, Jan. 26, 1810, a. 6 y. CR

Isaac [angina pectoris. CR], July 29, 1815. [a. 82 y. CR]

Isaac [very sudden, in a fit. CR], Nov. 6, 1815. [a. 77 y. CR]

Isaac, s. Nicholas, consumption, May 2, 1842, a. 32 y.

Jemima, unm., consumption, May 7, 1842, a. 74 y.

John [asthma and dysentery. CR], Oct. 3, 1825. [a. 83 1/2 y. CR]

Joseph [influenza. CR], Oct. 6, 1841, a. 76 y.

Lydia, d. Capt. John, "debility, caused by a fall 30 yrs. before," Mar. 8, 1840, a. 46 y.

Lydia, wid. Andrew, fever, Jan. 14, 1845, a. 79 y.

Marcia, w. John, sudden, Mar. 4, 1841. [a. 71 y. CR]

Mary, w. William, dropsy and fever, Aug. 9, 1796, a. 45 y. CR

Mehetable, Mrs., Feb. 20, 1841, a. 86 y.

Marcy, Miss, Apr. 12, 1838. [a. 74 y. CR]

Nicholas [pulmonic consumption. CR], May 24, 1797, a. 42 y.

Nicholas, wheelwright, s. Isaac, palsy, Apr. 19, 1847, a. 77 y. 5 m.

Rachel, Mrs. [dysentery. CR], Sept. 23, 1824. [a. 36 y. CR]

Sophia [consumption. CR], Oct. 1, 1819. [a. 24 y. CR]

Thomas, at sea, Dec. --, 1809, a. 29 y. CR

William ["asthma & waisting of ye flesh - perhaps of ye Hepatic or pulmonary Glands, long standing. " CR], Jan. 20, 1797, a. 57 y.

William, Mar. 26, 1801, a. 20 y.