NorthShore Slavery


Abigail, d. Isaac and Mary (Eatton), Dec. 15, 1737.

Dorothie (Swan), w. Samuell, Oct. 21, 1700.

Isaac, h. Mary (Eatton), at Cape Breton, [aft. 1744.]

John, s. Samuell and Dorothie (Swan), slain by Indians, Aug. 29, 1708.

John, s. Isaac and Mary (Eatton), Dec. 27, 1737.

Jonathan, s. Isaac and Mary (Eatton), Jan. 3, 1737-8.

Mary, d. Isaac and Mary (Eatton), Dec. 27, 1737.

Mary (Eatton), w. Isaac, July 6, 1758.

Samuell, Aug. 23, 1708.


Rushton, Capt. [formerly of Boston. CR1], "at Mary Ayers" [gout. CR1], Jan. 20, 1828. [a. 65 y. CR1]


Mary, w. Henry, Dec. 3, 1822, a. 21 y. GR7


_____, ch. James, jr. and Sarah, July --, 1694.

_____, inf. ch. Joshua and Hannah (Johnson), Mar. 17, 1823.

_____, d. Moses and Betsey, Oct. 14, 1831, a. 2 d. GR4

Abigail (George), w. Samuel, jr., July 11, 1752.

Abigail, d. James and Abigail (White), July 24, 1797.

Abigail, wid. James, Feb. 26, 1844, a. 87 y. GR2

Amos, s. Samuell and Deborah (Barnes), Apr. 25, 1686.

Amos, Jan. 22, 1810, a. 81 y. GR5

Benjamin, s. Ephraim and Hannah (Eastman), Dec. 10, 1713.

Caroline M., d. John and Susan O. (Balch), Oct. 23, 1837.

Christian, w. Thomas, Apr. 7, 1668.

Daniel, s. James, jr. and Elizabeth (Eaton), at Pemaquid, Apr. --, 1689.

Deborah, d. Samuell and Deborah (Barnes), Sept. 25, 1669.

Deborah, wid. Samuell, Jan. 14, 1718-19.

Edward Orestes, s. John and Susan O. (Balch), Sept. 4, 1842.

Elisha, s. James and Sarah (Bayley), Dec. 8, 1721.

Elisha, h. Grace (Shaw), Jan. 18, 1738-9.

Elizabeth, w. James, Jan. 21, 1683.

Elizabeth, d. Ebenezer and Patience (Hutchison), July 31, 1710.

Elizabeth, d. John and Hannah (Heath), July 29, 1727.

Elizabeth, d. John and Hannah (Heath), Jan. 7, 1736-7.

Elisabeth, d. Samuel and Katherine (Hastings), Sept. 19, 1736.

Elisabeth, d. Daniel and Esther (Barney), July 17, 1746.

Betsy (Mooer), w. Charles, June 14, 1829.

Ephraim, s. Ephraim and Mary (Johnson), Mar. 29, 1662.

Ephraim, h. Mary, Sept. 28, 1679.

Eveline, d. John and Polly, Oct. 19, 1838, a. 19 y. GR8

Ezra, s. James, jr. and Sarah, Dec. 20, 1702.

Hannah, d. James, jr. and Elizabeth (Eaton), July 5 [8. dup.], 1650.

Hannah (Eastman), w. Ephraim, Aug. 13, 1748.

Hannah, d. Amos and Hannah, Dec. 25, 1752. PR32

Hannah, w. Amos, July 28, 1799, in her 77th y. GR5

Hannah (Buck), w. William, Aug. 6, 1836.

Hannah (Johnson), w. Joshua, Mar. 27, 1841.

Hannah, wid. [w. Amos. GR5], b. Chester, NH, d. Phillip and Ruth Griffin, dysentery, Aug. 5, 1846, a. 80 y. 11 m. 12 d. [Aug. 6. GR5]

Harriet Parker, d. John and Susan O. (Balch), Aug. 21, 1839.

James, Jan. 29, 1678, a abt. 96 y.

James, July 18, 1694.

James, h. Sarah, Apr. 5, 1708.

James, s. James and Abigail (White), May 2, 1791.

James, jr., May 15, 1817, a. 19 y. GR2

James, h. Abigail (White), Sept. 15, 1825. [a. 74 y. GR2]

Johanah, d. Ephraim and Mary (Johnson), Sept. 27, 1673.

John, s. James, jr. and Elizabeth (Eaton), killed in Canada, --- --, 1690.

John, s. John and Hannah (Heath), Apr. 22, 1735.

John, s. John and Hannah (Heath), Feb. 14, 1736-7.

John, h. Sarah (Barney), July 14, 1781.

John, 1st, May 4, 1847, a. 53 y. GR1

Jonathan, s. Ephraim and Mary (Johnson), small pox, Dec. 7, 1690.

Jonathan, b. Chester, NH, s. Jonathan and Martha [Polly. GR8], brain fever, Oct. 20, 1845, a. 17 y. [Oct. 27. GR8]

Joseph, s. Thomas, Sept. 15, 1671.

Joshua, s. Joshua and Hannah (Johnson), Dec. 10, 1824.

Katherine (Hastings), w. Samuel, Aug. 3, 1734.

Margaret, d. James and Abigail (White), July 13, 1797.

Mary, d. William and Mary (Calee), Feb. 14, 1701-2.

Mary, d. William and Mary (Calee), Jan. 6, 1709-10.

Mary, d. William and Mary (Calee), Dec. 19, 1718.

Mary, d. John and Hannah (Heath), Jan. 2, 1737-8.

Mary (Calee), w. William, Dec. 5, 1747.

Mary T., d. Joshua and Hannah (Johnson), Oct. 23, 1836.

Mehitable, d. Joshua and Hannah (Johnson), Feb. 12, 1841.

Melency Ann, d. Elbridge G. and Elizabeth B., consumption, Dec. 6, 1845, a. 1 y. 7 m. 2 d.

Nancy, w. Joshua, Apr. 15, 1834.

Rebekah, w. James, jr., Aug. 13, 1824, a. 32 y. GR5

Richard, s. James and Sarah (Bayley), June 12, 1721.

Sadah, d. Amos and Hannah, June 28, 1753. PR32

Samuel, h. Deborah (Barnes), Sept. 10, 1696.

Samuel, s. Samuel and Katherine (Hastings), May 10, 1707.

Samuel, s. John and Hannah (Heath), Jan. 1, 1737-8.

Sissilla, w. James, May 28, 1673.

Thomas, July 27, 1683.

William, s. William and Mary (Calee), June 27, 1720.

William, h. Mary (Calee), Sept. 11, 1753.

William, h. Hannah (Buck), Apr. 9, 1827.


Theophilous, July 20, 1665. CTR

William, h. Mary, Apr. 15, 1665.


Benjamin, s. John and Mary (Scott), Jan. 14, 1689-90.


Mary Ann, d. Oliver H.S. and Caroline N. (Prescott), Jan. 21, 1842.


Job M., s. Job and Susan, croup, Jan. 20, 1845, a. 13 m.

DINSMORE (Densmore, Dinsmoor)

_____ [Densmore], Mrs., July 26, 1792. CR3

Adam, s. Francis and Elisabeth (Mitchel), June 2, 1762.

Caroline [Dinsmoor], w. John B., and, d. John and Polly, June 18, 1843, a. 32 y. GR1

Lydia [Densmore], unm., old age, Aug. 2, 1849, a. 67 y.

William [Densmore], s. Francis, Sept. 7, 1775. CR3


Abigail (White), w. Joseph [inflammation on brain. CR1], Dec. 28, 1805. [a. 58 y. CR1]

Deborah T., w. Thomas, anemia, Aug. 21, 1848, a. 41 y. 7 d.

Ebenezer, Apr. 28, 1779, in his 30th y. GR1

George Cleaves, s. Rev. Joshua and Mary [liver complaint. CR1], July 7, 1817, a. 7 m. GR1

Gilman, h. Eliza (Eaton), at Boston, Jan. 13, 1841.

Joanna, d. David and Martha (Esgate), Oct. 20, 1735.

Joseph, h. Martha (White), at Salem, Nov. 28, 1822.

Martha (White), w. Dea. Joseph [consumption. CR1], June 11, 1816. [a. 68 y. CR1;, a. 67 y. GR1]

Susanna, d. David and Martha (Esgate), Mar. 29, 1731.


Benjamin, drowned in Merrimac River, May 24, 1807, a. 25 y. GR1

Edward P., s. Paul and Lydia T. (Souther), June 23, 1836.

Betsey, w. William, July 3, 1808. [a. 32 y. GR1]

Mary L. (Chase), w. Paul, Oct. 11, 1830.

Mary Ann, d. William and Polly (Ayer), Aug. 3, 1833. [Aug. 8, a. 18 y. GR1]

Mary, d. Paul and Lydia T. (Souther), June 15, 1835.

Paul, h. Lydia T. (Souther), Mar. 19, 1836.

William, h. Polly (Ayer), Apr. 9, 1816. [a. 46 y. GR1]


Joseh, h. Sarah (Kinrick) [typhus fever. CR1], Oct. 18, 1820. [Sept. 15, a. 27 y. CR1; a. 28 y. GR1]

Joseph Augustus, Mar. 8, 1824, a. 4 y. GR1


James, s. James and Auroner, scarlet fever, Jan. 20, 1849, a. 7 y.


_____, ch. Henry and Elizbeth (Colbie), Oct. 13, 1693.

_____, "Anonima," ch. John and Sarah (Browne), Dec. 29, 1696.

_____, inf. s. James and Martha T., July 9, 1846. GR1

Abraham, s. John and Sarah (Browne), Apr. 11, 1716.

Albert, s. John and Polly (Plummer) [dysentery. CR1], Aug. 7, 1817. [a. 2 y. CR1]

Ann, d. Samuel and Ruth, May 19, 1706.

Ann, w. Stephen, Feb. 3, 1714-15.

Dorcas, d. Thomas and Dorcas (Kemball), Apr. 3, 1673.

Elizabeth, d. John, jr. and Meheteball (Haines), Sept. 11, 1737.

Hannah, d. Samuel and Ruth, Aug. 29, 1721.

Harriot Scott, d. John and Polly (Plummer), Apr. 7, 1840. [a. 18 y. 1 m. 10 d. GR6]

Hezekiah, b. 1794, d. --- --, 1843. GR1

Isaac, h. Lydia (Foster), Jan. --, 1779.

James, s. Nathaniel and Mary (Hendrick), Feb. 3, 1737-8.

James, Jan. 31, 1839. [a. 66 y. 8 m. 16 d. GR6]

Joanna, w. Stephen, Oct. 29, 1734.

John, h. Mary, Nov. 26, 1672.

John, s. John and Sarah (Browne), June 9, 1698.

John, s. John, jr. and Meheteball (Haines), Sept. 14, 1737.

Joseph, s. John and Mary (Page), Mar. 16, 1688-9.

Joseph, s. John and Sarah (Browne), Aug. 10, 1699.

Martha, d. Stephen and Ann (Storie), killed, Mar. 15, 1696-7.

Martha, m., d. Phineas and Mary Nichols, dropsy, Dec. 17, 1849, a. 77 y.

Mary, d. John and Mary (Page), Apr. --, 1668.

Narciss, b. 1805, d. --- --, 1841. GR1

Ruth, w. Samuel, July 25, 1751.

Samuel, s. Samuel and Ruth, May 28, 1722.

Samuel, h. Ruth, Dec. 30, 1749.

Sarah, old age, Jan. --, 1798, a. 93 y. CR1

Stephen, July 3, 1717.

Stephen, h. Mary (Hutchins), June 17, 1743.

Thomas sr., May 31, 1654.

Thomas, s. Thomas and Dorcas (Kemball), Nov. 4, 1669.

Thomas, h. Dorcas, June 21, 1676.

Timothy, s. Stephen, jr. and Mary (Hutchins), Sept. --, 1698.


_____, wid., Dec. 11, 1797, a. 90 y. CR3

David, s. John, jr. and Molly (Ayer), Mar. --, 1838.

George Washinging, s. John, jr. and Molly (Ayer), Sept. 13, 1802.

Molly, d. John, jr. and Molly (Ayer), June 23, 1812.

Molly (Ayer), w. John, jr., Sept. 8, 1820.

Nanny, d. John, jr. and Molly (Ayer), Apr. 16, 1795.


Louisa, d. Ephraim K., Mar. 13, 1835.


Adam, s. Adam and Hannah (Brewer), July 6, 1709.

Adam, h. Hannah (Brewer), Nov. 4, 1711.

Elisha, s. Adam and Hannah (Brewer), June 21, 1705.

Hannah, d. Adam and Hannah (Brewer), May 5, 1706.

Samuell, s. Adam and Hannah (Brewer), Sept. 5, 1704.


Emily (Page), w. Elbridge G., June 21, 1839. [June 20, a. 22 y. GR1]

Mary, b. Newfield, ME, consumption, June 4, 1844, a. 55 y.

Rebecca E., unm., b. Newfield, ME, d. John and Mary, consumption, May 14, 1848, a. 20 y. 2 m.

Samuel Gile, s. Nicholas B. and Susan (Sargent), Jan. 7, 1837.

Thomas, m., shoemaker, b. Newfield, ME, s. John and Mary K., consumption, July 8, 1846, a. 37 y. 9 m.


Louisa Henriette, d. Louis H. and Elizabeth, dysentery, Aug. 22, 1849, a. 15 d.


Mary C., unm., b. Ireland, Sept. 11, 1845.


_____, inf. ch. Charles H. and Mary Blake (Leavitt), Feb. 22, 1834.


Benjamin Willis, s. James Henry, Esq. and Mary (Willis) [cholera infantum. PR5], Oct. 22, 1830.

Elizabeth, w. James, Sept. 4, 1779, a. 64 y. GR1

Elizabeth, w. James, Nov. 9, 1785, a. 49 y. GR1

George, s. James and Elisabeth, Apr. 7, 1766, a. 14 y. 6 m. GR1

George, s. James Henry, Esq. and Mary (Willis) [croup. PR5], Feb. 17, 1840.

Hannah, w. James, Aug. 3, 1813, a. 83 y. GR1

James, July 24, 1817, a. 93 y. GR1

James, Esq., h. Rebecca (White) [s. James and Elisabeth (Bell). dup.], Jan. 5, 1821. [Jan. 5, 1822, a. 65 y. 8 m. 14 d. PR5]

Mary, d. James and Elizabeth, Oct. 31, 1777, a. 28 y. GR1

Rebekah White, d. twin, James Henry, Esq. and Mary (Willis), Sept. 22, 1827.

Rebecca [White. GR1], wid. James, very suddently, Nov. 4, 1838. [a. 84 y. 2 m. 25 d. PR5]

Samuel White, h. Mary (White) [consumption. PR5], Oct. 21, 1824. [a. 33 y. 10 m. 2 d. PR5]


_____, ch. illegitimate, William, Apr. 11, 1818., a. 1 d. CR1


Lovicy M. (Heath), w. Elias, Dec. 26, 1841.

DUSTON (Dustan)

Amelia, d. Thomas and Susanna (Kimball), Jan. 7, 1801. [Jan. 20. PR6]

Ann, w. Timothy, Oct. 15, 1829, a. 67 y. GR2

Augustus, s. Thomas and Susanna (Kimball), Apr. 18, 1849.

Dolly (Harriman), w. David, Feb. --, 1828.

Hannah (Russel), w. Jonathan, Mar. 9, 1801.

John, s. Thomas and Hannah (Emerson), Jan. 28, 1689-90.

John [Dustan], moritification, July 8, 1797, a. 73 y. CR1

Jonathan, s. Jonathan, jr. and Susanna (Farnom), Feb. 7, 1748-9.

Joseph, s. Jonathan and Ruth (Perry), Jan. 9, 1774.

Joshua, h. Rachel (Jackman), Aug. 5, 1771. [in his 43d y. GR1]

Joshua, s. Thomas and Susanna (Kimball), Jan. 25, 1832. [Jan. 26, a. 40 y. GR1]

Martha, d. Thomas and Hannah (Emerson), killed, Mar. 15, 1696-7.

Martha K., d. Thomas and Susanna (Kimball) [fever, at Lowell. CR1], Feb. 25, 1830. [a. 18 y. CR1; a 19 y. GR1]

Mary, d. Thomas and Hannah (Emerson), Oct. 18, 1696.

Mary (Ayer), w. Nathaniell, Apr. 17, 1725.

Mary (Ingals), w. Thomas, Oct. 29, 1732. [Oct. 9, 1732. PR6]

Mary, d. Joshua and Rachel (Jackman), Mar. 5, 1803.

Mehetable, d. twin, Thomas and Hannah (Emerson), Dec. 16, 1694.

Nathaniel, h. Sarah (Gage), Feb. 17, 1762.

Nathaniel, h. _____ (Hardy), Aug. 16, 1806.

Rachel, Apr. 14, 1794. CR3

Sarah (Johnson), w. Timothy, July 20, 1735.

Stephen, s. Thomas, jr. and Mary (Ingals), Aug. 24, 1750.

Susanna (Farnam), w. Jonathan, Aug. 22, 1757.

Susannah [(Kimball), w. Thomas. dup.], w., b. Plaistow, NH, fever, Mar. 3, 1845, a. 71 y. [a. 69 y. GR1]

Thomas, s. twin, Nathaniell and Mary (Ayer), Feb. 25, 1716-11. [sic. should be 17.]

Thomas, h. Mary (Ingals), Feb. 24, 1767. [in his 84th y. GR1]

Thomas, s. Susanna (Kimball) [fits. CR1], Sept. 1, 1817. [a. 49 y. CR1]

Thomas H., s. Thomas and Susanna (Kimball) [unm., trader, intemperance, dup.; apoplexy. CR1], Dec. 12, 1844. [a. 38 y. CR1]

Timothy, h. Sarah (Johnson), [aft. 1733.]

Timothy, July 23, 1840, a. 75 y. GR2

Tryphene (Haseltine), w. Nathaniel, jr., Jan. 3, 1759.


Joseph, h. Ruth (Whittier), Jan. --, 1813.

Ruth (Whittier), w. Joseph, --- --, 1816.