NorthShore Slavery


_____, ch. Benjamin, Sept. 8, 1773.

Mary, w. Benjamin, Jan. 10, 1801.


----, inf. ch. Hannah, at Aaron Kinsman, Apr. 15, 1805.


Ruth, wid. [John. PR3], Dec. 19, 1838, a. 94 y.


Stephen C., s. wid. Lucy, drowned, Aug. 12, 1814, a. 8 y.

RAYMOND (Raimond)


Joseph, Apr. 24, 1839, a. 63 y.


Daniel, s. Daniel and Mary, measles, June 23, 1849, a. 1 y. 4 m. 3 d.

Elizabeth, w. Jonathan, Feb. 6, 1814. [a. 30 y. CR1]

Elisabeth, w. Jabez, Jan. 14, 1839. [a. 72 y. PR3]

Humphrey, s. Jonathan and Elizabeth, Oct. 24, 1807. PR114

Jabez, Apr. 17, 1849, a. 72 y. CR2

John, "lost overboard from Barque Leopard," [four days out of the port of Boston. CR1], Feb. 10, 1841, a. 31 y.

Mary Jane, d. Daniel and Mary E., dysentery, Aug. 8, 1848, a. 1 y. 11 m. 16 d.

RICHARDSON (Richerson)

Elizabeth Jane, w. Paschal, Aug. 10, 1837, a. 25 y.

Harriet, of Litchfield, ME, Oct. 10, 1839, a. 20 y.

RINDGE (Ringe)

_____, wid. John, --- --, 1801.

Anna, d. Daniel, deceased, and Martha, "now Martha Wood," Apr. 15, 1730, a. 6 y. 10 m.

Catherine, Mrs., at Salem, bur. Dec. 15, 1835, a. 38 y. PR3

Daniel, s. Richard and Sarah, July 6, 1729, a. 2 y. 9 m.

Daniel, Capt., Nov. 30, 1738, a. 80 y. [a. 84 y. GR1]

Daniel, s. Daniel, May 16, 1773.

John, Oct. [18. GR1], 1801. [a. 42 y. GR1]

John, at sea, Oct. 18, 1817, a. 28 y. GR1

Martha, wid., Oct. 4, 1795, a. 95 y.

Mary, w. Samuel, Dec. 28, 1746.

Mary Kimball, w. Daniel, Oct. 28, 1801, a. 79 y. GR1

Richard, "drowned in Ipswich river," Mar. 2, 1730.

Samuel, Feb. 25, 1769.

Sarah, w. John, Oct. 17, 1824, a. 58 y. GR1

RINGE (Rindge)

Daniell, Feb. --, 1661. CTR

Daniell, s. Daniell and Hannah, June 6, [1668?].

Daniel, Aug. 9, 1800., [a. 79 y. GR1]

Elizabeth, w. Isaac, May 3, 1700.

Elisabeth, wid., Aug. 14, 1796.

Hannah, w. Daniel, July 9, 1684.

Margaret [Sarah. CR1], wid. John, Oct. 17, 1824, a. 59 y.


Campbell, fever, abt. Nov. --, 1801, a. 22 y.

RIX (Ricks)

ROBERTS (Robards, Roberds)

_____, wid., bur. Dec. --, 1731. PR2

_____, inf. chn. triplets, Francis, bur. Sept. 20, 1771. CR4

_____, wid., Nov. 13, 1786.

_____, ch. stillborn, William, Mar. 16, 1788.

_____, ch. William, Sept. 4, 1806.

Abigail, Oct. 16, 1841, a. 63 y. PR97

David, chronic disorders and age, Dec. 25, 1792, a. 88 "nearly. ". CR5

Epes, consumption, Apr. 2, 1817, a. 29 y. CR4

Mary, w. Thomas, Apr. 17, 1795, a. 36 y. GR5

Rebekah, d. Thomas, Feb. 1, 1844, a. 11 y. PR3

Sarah, d. William and Agnis, Sept. 20, 1728.

Sarah, wid., Jan. --, 1802.

Susannah, w. Francis, bur. Sept. 30, 1771, a. abt. 18 y. CR4

Thomas, s. David, bur. Oct. --, 1736. PR2

Thomas, m., farmer, b. Gloucester, mortification, Mar. 12, 1849, a. 57 y.

William, Capt., jaundice, Apr. 22, 1821, a. 45 y. CR1


James, of Chichester, NH, Aug. 28, 1817, a. 21 y.

ROBINS (Robbins)

_____, ch. John, Dec. 6, 1739.

_____, wid., Dec. 6, 1801, a. 99 y. 11 m.

George, Feb. 1, 1746.

William, Jan. 22, 1747.


_____, s. Job and Dinah, Aug. 20, [1680?]. CTR

_____, inf. s. Daniel and Elizabeth, Mar. 8, 1767.

Ammi, a number of years distracted, Feb. 26, 1784.

Charles, s. Richard and Mary, Sept. 6, 1743.

Charles, s. "late" Daniel and Elisaeth, Apr. 18, 1834, a. 19 y.

Daniel, Esq., "frozen to death with cold as he was coming home from Hampton, loosing his way on Salisbury marshes," Dec. 1, 1722, in his 56th y.

Daniel, s. Daniel and Elizabeth, Feb. 15, 1771.

Daniel, Esq., Sept. 23, 1816, a. 81 y.

Daniel, "shipwrecked near Cape Cod," [at Eastham. CR1], Dec. 25, 1820. [a. 47 y. CR1]

Elizabeth, d. John, --- --, 1663. PR29

Elizabeth, wid. [John, president of Harvard College, and d. Maj. Gen. Daniel Dennison. GR1], June 13, 1723, a. 82 y.

Elizabeth, d. Daniel and Mary, Apr. 30, 1764.

Elizabeth, w. Daniel [and d. William and Elizabeth Simkins of Boston. GR1], July 19, 1765. [1766, in her 38th y. GR1]

Elisabeth, w. Daniel [and d. Rev. Nathaniel Rogers. GR1], Sept. 15, 1774. [ Sept. 22, in her 39th y. GR1]

Elisabeth, d. Daniel, jr. and Elisabeth, Apr. 10, 1802, a. 8 m.

Elizabeth, d. Daniel and Elizabeth, Apr. 10, 1803.

Elisabeth, d. Daniel, jr. and Elisabeth, --- --, 1804.

Ezekiell, July 5, 1674. CTR

Henry, Oct. 22, 1721. [in his 23d y. GR1]

Henry, inf. s. Benjamin, and Susanna, Apr. 14, 1723. [a. 2 m. GR1]

John, s. John and Dina, Oct. 30, 1680. CTR

John, Samuell, Aug. 20, 1694.

John, Rev., palsy, Dec. 28, 1745, in his 80th y.

John, s. Richard, Esq., "Cast on Shore on Castle hill Beach and Perished with the Cold and Snow," Mar. 10, 1755.

Joseph, May 12, 1740.

Joseph, s. Richard, Esq., Apr. 30, 1772, a. 37 y.

Judith, w. Samuell, July --, 1659. CTR

Lucy, d. Rev. Nathaniell and Mary, Sept. 7, 1747. [a. 9 y. PR14]

Lucy Todd, d. Isaiah, and Elizabeth, Apr. 30, 1840, a. 7 m. CR1

Margret, Jan. 23, 1675. CTR

Margaret, d. John, June 7, 1720. PR29

Margaret, inf. d. Daniel and Elizabeth, Aug. 27, 1768.

Margaret, w. William M., Feb. 27, 1819, a. 33 y.

Martha, w. John, sadler, Oct. 15, 1721.

Martha, d. Rev. Nathaniel and Mary, Mar. 13, 1730.

Martha, d. Rev. Nathaniel and Mary, Feb. 13, 1733.

Martha, d. wid. Mary, July 17, 1743.

Martha, wid. Rev. John, Mar. 9, 1759, a. 89 y.

Martha, d. Daniel and Mary, dysentery, Aug. 26, 1849, a. 64 y.

Mary, Mrs., d. Daniel, Esq. [and Sarah. GR1], Oct. 9, 1723. [a. 21 y. GR1]

Mary, w. Rev. Nathaniel [and d. Hon. and Rev. John Leverett. GR1], June 25, 1756, a. 55 y. [1757. GR1]

Mary, d. Richard, Esq., deceased, and Mary, Oct. 23, 1757, a. 18 y.

Mary, wid. Rev. Nathaniel, Sept. 18, 1779.

Mary, wid. Daniel, Esq. [cancer. CR1], Aug. 2, 1832, a. 86 y.

Nathaniell, June 14, 1680. CTR

Nathaniel, s. Daniel and Sarah, Aug. 31, 1712.

Nathaniel, Oct. 4, 1723. PR29

Nathaniel, s. Nathaniel and Mary, Sept. --, 1739.

Nathaniel, Rev. [s. Rev. John. PR13], May 8, 1775. CR1 [a. 74 y. PR13]

Richard, inf. s. Richard and Mary, Aug. 3, 1727.

Richard, Esq. [s. Rev. John. GR1], Nov. 26, 1742, in his 39th y.

Richard, at Fort Halifax, Jan. 26, 1755., a. 26 y.

Samuel, Dec. 21, 1693.

Samuel, Esq., Dec. 21, 1772.

Sarah, d. Samuel and Sarah, Sept. 30, 1682.

Sarah, d. Daniell and Sarah, July 30, 1694.

Sarah, Mrs. [d. Rev. Nathaniel. GR1], Dec. 21, 1772. [in her 39th y. GR1]

Susan, d. "late" Daniel and Elisabeth, Nov. 19, 1823, a. 17 y.

Susanna, d. Benjamin and Susanna, Aug. 24, 1727.

[Thom. TC], s. Samuel and Sarah, June 24, 1671.

William, Esq., s. Rev. John, at Annapolis, MD, July 29, 1749, in his 51st y.

[William. GR1], s. William M. [and Margaret. GR1], Feb. 24, 1817, a. 3 w.


Peter, "servant to John Sparks," Nov. 22, 1684.

ROLFE (Rofe)


_____, father of Jonathan, Apr. 16, 1750, in his 76th y. PR31

_____, ch. Jabez, jr., July 17, 1774. CR3

_____, ch. Samuel, jr., Nov. 10, 1775.

_____, ch. Jabez, Dec. --, 1777.

_____, s. Jabez, abt. Dec. 10, 1777, a. 6 m

_____, s. Samuel, Nov. --, 1783, a. 8 or 9 m.

_____, d. David, Dec. 10, 1785, a. abt. 5 or 6 y.

_____, inf. ch. Daniel and Peggy, Oct. 5, 1786.

_____, w. Samuel, palsy, Nov. 7, 1795, a. 80 y. [Nov. 8. TR]

_____, w. Samuel, Nov. 8, 1795.

_____, ch. Jeremiah, June 2, 1799.

_____, d. Jeremiah, quinsy, June 2, 1799, a. 2 y. 4 m.

_____, s. Jeremiah, quinsy, Nov. 26, 1800, a. 4 m.

_____, inf. ch. Thomas and Hannah, Sept. 27, 1803.

_____, d. Thomas, sore mouth, Sept. 28, 1803, a. 3 w.

_____, wid., Oct. 6, 1805, a. 86 y. CR4

_____, inf. ch. Jeremiah and Hannah, June 11, 1812. [a. 4 h. CR1]

_____, ch. stillborn, Joseph, Dec. 12, 1818. CR1

_____, ch. stillborn, Joseph and Joanna, Oct. 18, 1847.

[Abigail. CR1], d. Joseph L., [fever. CR1], Sept. 30, 1810. [a. 9 y. CR1]

Abigail, w. Thomas S., Nov. 4, 1834, a. 39 y. [a. 38 y. GR1]

Abby, d. John W., Aug. 25, 1843, a. 2 y. PR3

Adam, Mar. 21, 1828. PR4

Anna [unm. CR1], Feb. 22, 1836. [a. 89 y. PR3]

Ann M., d. B.K. and Martha A., Sept. 4, 1846, a. 2 m. 14 d. GR1

Benjamin, s. Jonathan, Jan. --, 1773. [Jan. 23, in his 3d y. PR31]

Benjamin F., b. Lynn, s. Benjamin and Martha A., canker, Feb. 20, 1845, a. 2 m. [Mar. 8. GR1]

Benjamin, s. Benjamin K. and Mary, consumption, Sept. 3, 1846, a. 1 y.

Daniel [brother of Jonathan. PR31], June 3, 1772. [in his 65th y. PR31]

David, consumption, Aug. 12, 1800, a. 42 y.

Elisabeth, d. Jonathan, Apr. 24, 1771, in her 10th y. PR31

Elisabeth, d. David and Rebecca, Dec. 10, 1785.

Elisabeth [d. S. and S.L. GR1], Oct. 26, 1838, a. 70 y.

Elizabeth B., d. "late" Thomas S. and Abigail, Dec. 9, 1843, a. 17 y. 9 m.

Ella, b. Boston, d. William W. [and Mary Ann. GR1], dysentery, at Boston, Sept. 15, 1849, a. 1 y. 3 m. 15 d.

Esther, wid., Mar. 20, 1780.

Ezra, "executed at Worcester for ye murder of Mr. Spooner," July 2, 1778. CR3

Henry, s. Daniel and Susannah, Aug. 20, 1722.

Jabez, Feb. --, 1801, a. 96 y.

James, inf. s. Samuel and Lydia, Nov. 14, 1736.

[James. GR1], s. twin, Joseph and Mary, Nov. 17, 1799.

Jane, unm., July 30, 1736.

Jeremiah, s. Jeremiah, drowned, May 26, 1802, a. 6 y.

Jeremiah, Jan. 19, 1834, a. 66 y.

Jeremiah, Apr. 24, 1842, a. 89 y. PR1

Jeremiah, Apr. 24, 1843, a. 89 y. CR3

John, Aug. 21, 1745.

John [s. Jonathan. PR31], Nov. 6, 1773. [in his 25th y. PR31]

[John. GR1], s. Joseph and Mary, Nov. 19, 1799.

Jonathan, "ye first man that was Buryed in the new Burying Yard," Aug. 22, 1775.

Joseph W. [James. CR1], drowned [in Ipswich bay. CR1], Aug. 3, 1841, a. 47 y.

Lucinda, w. Timothy, jr., consumption, Feb. 19, 1849, a. 20 y. 5 m. 23 d.

Lucinda Sarah, d. Timothy B. and Lucinda, Oct. 26, 1849. PR90

Lucy, d. Jabez, May 15, 1761. CR3

Lydia, inf. d. Jabez and Lydia, May 24, 1733.

Lydia, w. Jabez, childbed, May 30, 1733.

Lydia [unm. jaundice. CR1;, d. S. and S.L. GR1], May 6, 1838. [a. 75 y. PR3]

Margaret, w. Daniel, Oct. 23, 1834, a. 82 y.

Martha, d. Jabez, Sept. 19, 1773. CR3

Patty, d. Timothy, diarrhoea, Sept. 21, 1791, a. 22 m. CR4

Mary, wid. Killecross, Feb. 1, 1720, a. 80 y.

Mary, sister of Jonathan, at Exeter, Aug. 29, 1758, in her 34th y. PR31

Polly, d. "late" Samuel and Sarah, Dec. 21, 1827, a. 48 y.

Nathaniel, Apr. 26, 1794.

Priscilla D., d. Thomas and Hannah, Oct. 25, 1794. PR105

Samuel, s. Samuel and Lydia, Dec. 5, 1736.

Samuel, Nov. --, 1795.

Samuel, dysentery, Nov. 13, 1795, a. 86 y.

Samuel, blacksmith, June --, 1799.

Samuel, Feb. 10, 1817. [a. 35 y. CR1]

Sarah, w. Daniel, Oct. 25, 1734.

Sarah, wid. Nathaniel, June 27, 1817. [a. 62 y. CR1]

Sarah, wid. Samuel, Sept. 22, 1821. [a. 84 y. CR1]

Sarah, d. Sarah, Sept. 7, 1833, a. 5 m.

Sally, d. Daniel and Margaret, June 7, 1839. [a. 49 y. PR3]

Sarah, wid. Joseph W., Sept. 18, 1843, a. 47 y.

Sarah L., d. Timothy B. and Lucinda, consumption, Oct. 26, 1849, a. 9 m. 6 d.

Stephen B., s. Benjamin K. and Martha Ann, Apr. 20, 1844, a. 3 y. [a. 2 y. 10 m. 9 d. GR1]

Susan Elisabeth, d. Daniel, jr. and Elisabeth, Aug. 30, 1833, a. 19 m.

Susan Elisabeth, d. Daniel, jr. and Elisabeth, Oct. 29, 1835, a. 22 m.

Susannah, w. Daniel, Oct. 30, 1726, a. 42 y.

Susanna, unm., Feb. 24, 1817, a. 74 y.

Thomas S. [fall from a tree. CR1], Aug. 14, 1838. [a. 48 y. PR3; Aug. 12. GR1]

Thomas, Oct. 25, 1841, a. 86 1/2 y.

Timothy, Jan. 15, 1844. PR4

Timothy, s. John W. and Eliza, fever, Feb. 14, 1848, a. 1 y. 6 m.

ROWEL (Rowell)

John, schoolmaster, Oct. 5, 1810, a. 27 y.

ROWELL (Rowel)

Jacob, Feb. 18, 1700.

Mary, w. Jacob, May 15, 1691. [Apr. dup.]


_____, w. Capt. Joseph, "perished on Patch's beach in the brig Falconer of Belfast, Maine, bound from St. John's N.B. to Boston," bur. at Belfast, ME, Dec. 17, 1847.

Charles, s. Capt. Joseph, "perished on Patch's beach in the brig Falconer of Belfast, Maine, bound from St. John's N.B. to Boston, bur. at Belfast, ME, Dec. 17, 1847.

Joseph, "master of brig Falconer of Belfast, Maine, bound from St. John's N.B. to Boston, bur. at Belfast, ME, perished on Patch's beach," Dec. 17, 1847.

RUSS (Rust)

Elisabeth, w. Dr. Parker, June 5, 1803, a. 29 y. CR4

Francis, Feb. 28, 1799, a. 46 y. GR4

Martha, w. Henry, a nervous disorder, at the poorhouse, Apr. 4, 1813, a. 31 y. 8 m. 2w. 1 d. CR4

Parker, Dr., Dec. 19, 1805. [a. 36 y. CR4]

RUSSEL (Russell)

_____, Mrs., of Marblehead, dropsy, May 3, 1775, a. 64 y. CR5

_____, w. Henry, Apr. 28, 1808, a. 82 y.

Henry, Jan. 8, 1809.

RUSSELL (Russel)

_____, wid., Sept. 2, 1756.

_____, d. William and Elisabeth, Dec. 11, 1827, a. 7 w.

Andrew, s. Henry and Sarah, Feb. 14, 1729, a. 2 y. 5 m.

Anne, d. Henry and Sarah, Feb. 10, 1729, a. 5 y. 4 m.

Caroline [Caroline Augusta. GR1], d. Ebenezer and Mary S., Oct. 2, 1841, a. 16 y. [a. 15 y. 9 m. 20 d. GR1]

Charles, --- --, 1822. PR102

Daniel [A. GR1], s. Daniel, jr. and Mary, June 22, 1834, a. 22 m. [a. 1 y. 9 m. 18 d. GR1]

Daniel, s. Daniel, jr. and mary, Mar. 1, 1836. [a. 7 m. PR3]

Daniel, Dec. 29, 1837, a. 70 y.

Daniel, m., mason, s. Daniel and Sarah, consumption, Dec. 11, 1849, a. 56 y. 4 m. 9 d.

[Ebenezer. GR1], s. Ebenezer and Mary, June 10, 1822, a. 2 w. [a. 17 d. GR1]

Ebenezer, s. Ebenezer and Mary, Oct. 8, 1839, a. 16 y. 3 w.

Elizabeth, Nov. --, 1827. PR102

Elisabeth, w. William, Aug. 8, 1828.

Henry [a soldier of the Revolution. PR13], Dec. 16, 1843, a. 86 y.

James Monroe, s. Ebenezer and Mary S., May 4, 1830, a. 20 m. 17 d. GR1

John, "alias D'Lisle, a Frenchman," Aug. 8, 1729.

Katharine, w. [wid. PR3] Henry, Dec. 17, 1843, a. 78 y.

Louisa, d. Andrew and Dorothy, May 10, 1839, a. 15 y.

Lucinda, d. Andrew and Dorothy, May 3, 1827, a. 11 m.

Mary, Jan. 25, 1840.

Sarah, Jan. 31, 1788.

Sarah, wid. Daniel, July 4, 1841. [a. 66 y. PR13]

Sarah, unm., d. Henry and Mary, old age, June 5, 1845, a. 82 y. 4 m.

Susan, d. Andrew and Dorothy, hemorhage, Apr. 30, 1845, a. 24 y. [a. 22 y. PR3]

Susanna, w. William [childbirth. CR1], Nov. 12, 1821. [a. 23 y. CR1]

William, Jan. 16, 1836. [a. 40 y. PR3]

RUST (Russ)

_____, s. Daniel, Apr. 5, 1773, a. 5 d. CR4

_____, w. Francis, fever, Jan. 18, 1776, a. abt. 25 y. CR4

_____, ch. stillborn, Mary, Feb. 16, 1778. CR4

_____, inf. s. Daniel, convulsion fits, Feb. 28, 1786. CR4

_____, ch. Nathaniel, jr. and Judith, Apr. 7, 1809.

_____, ch. stillborn, John and Sarah B., Oct. 31, 1822.

_____, ch. Wallace, May 22, 1826, a. 2 or 3 d. CR1

_____, ch. Benjamin, Jan. 25, 1830. PR4

_____, ch. Wallis, at Gloucester, Apr. --, 1839, a. 3 m. PR3

Abigail, w. Dr. Wallis, July 28, 1792.

Charles, s. Nathaniel, jr., Jan. 15, 1804.

Daniel, s. John, deceased, Aug. 17, 1724.

Daniel, "one of the Town's Poor," May 15, 1802.

Daniel, scarlet fever, at the poorhouse, May 15, 1802, a. 71 y.

Dennison, fisherman, s. Nathaniel and Judith, consumption, Dec. --, 1846, a. 45 y.

Dorrathy, d. Nathaniel and Mary, Nov. 10, 1684.

Elizabeth, w. Nathaniel, Apr. 8, 1814, a. 54 y.

Eunice, d. Nathaniel and Sarah, Jan. 24, 1804.

Francis, of Chebacco, suddenly, Mar. 1, 1799, a. 46 y.

George Henry, s. Denison and Harriet F., whooping cough, May 28, 1842, a. 5 w.

Hannah, wid., Jan. 19, 1770.

Hannah [P. Haskell. GR1], w. Wallis [William W. GR1] Dec. 15, 1827, a. 20 y. [a. 20 y. 2 m. GR1]

James, at Halifax, --- --, 1778, in his 21st y. CR4

Joanna, wid. [Lt. Nathaniel. GR4], of Chebacco, Jan. 28, 1733. [in her 69th y. GR4]

Joanna, Nov. 23, 1772.

Joseph, of Chebacco, Feb. 3, 1734, a. 39 y.

Joseph, bur. Sept. 10, 1771, a. abt. 45 y. CR4

Joseph, s. Francis, throat distemper, Feb. 17, 1776, a. abt. 2 y. CR4

Katherine, w. Nathaniel, jr., Oct. 25, 1798.

Patty, w. Henry, at the poorhouse, Apr. --, 1813.

Mary, wid. Nathaniel, Jan. 16, 1720-21, a. 78 y.

Mary, d. Nathaniel and Sarah, Aug. 1, 1738.

Mary, childbirth, Feb. 16, 1778, in her 21st. y. CR4

Molly, wid., July 4, 1815. CR4

Mary, wid. Nathaniel, Mar. 10, 1825, a. 54 y. [Apr. GR1]

Mary Jane [Pettingell. GR1], w. Wallis [w. William W. GR1], Feb. 24, 1839. [a. 30 y. 4 m. GR1]

Nathaniel, Lt., Sept. 9, 1711, a. 44 y. GR4

Nathaniel, Capt., Oct. 5, 1787, a. 75 y.

Nathaniel, Mar. 26, 1822.

Robert, fever, Aug. 11, 1775, a. abt. 87 y. CR4

Ruth, w. Daniel, Mar. 15, 1777, a. abt. 40 y. CR4

Sarah, wid. Capt. Nathaniel, June 8, 1795.

Sarah, d. Nathaniel and Sarah, Feb. 7, 1807.

Sarah, w. Nathaniel, Dec. 31, 1808.

Susan Mary, d. William and Susan, brain fever, Oct. 3, 1849, a. 17 y.

Wallis, inf. ch. Nathaniel and Mary, Jan. --, 1739.

Wallis, Dr., Dec. 1, 1792, a. 51 y.

William, a young man, [bef. Mar. 1], 1783.

William, Dec. 14, 1809.

RUTHERFORD (Ruthiford)

Charles E., s. John, Aug. 28, 1839, a. 5 y. CR1

Sarah, w. William, old age, Dec. 12, 1849, a. 91 y.

RUTHIFORD (Rutherford)

_____, wid., Oct. 17, 1819.

William, June 19, 1838, a. 77 y.