NorthShore Slavery


Augustin, s. William and Hannah, Oct. 19, 1829. [a. 2 y. CR2]

Edward, s. Col. Thomas and Elisabeth, Jan. 22, 1819, a. 17 y.

Edward, s. William and Hannah, Jan. 9, 1827, a. 8 y.

Elizabeth, wid. Col. Thomas, Dec. 28, 1726. [Jan. 5, a. 76 y. GR1]

Elizabeth, wid. Capt. Thomas, Jan. 3, 1753.

Elisabeth, d. Timothy and Ruth (Woodberry), Sept. 15, 1763.

Elisabeth, wid. Col. Thomas, Jan. 27, 1837, a. 70 y.

Eunice, d. Capt. William and Eunice, Jan. 8, 1778.

Eunice, wid. Capt. William, July 27, 1810, a. 58 y.

Hannah, w. Nathaniel, Esq., May 4, 1814, a. 51 y. [a. 51 y. 4 m. 22 d. PR100]

Hannah, w. Nathaniel, jr., Feb. 10, 1820, a. 40 y.

Jane, wid. Jonathan, Esq., Mar. 2, 1752. [a. 77 y. GR1]

John, s. Timothy and Ruth (Woodberry), Sept. 17, 1771.

John, Jan. 10, 1835, a. 64 y.

Jonathan, Esq., Feb. 19, 1749, a. 78 y. [a. 77 y. GR1]

Lydia, w. Samuel, Feb. 20, 1819, a. 31 y.

[Margaretta. CR2], d. Asa and Martha H., Oct. 13, 1837. [a. 10 w. PR3]

Martha Elisabeth, d. Nathaniel, jr. and Hannah, Oct. 17, 1817. [a. 1 y. GR2]

Martha E., d. William F. and Marcy, spinal disease, Dec. 15, 1845, a. 22 y. 8 m.

Mary, w. William, Dec. 22, 1771.

Mary, w. Col. Nathaniel, and d. Col. Joseph Foster of Gloucester, Dec. 25, 1785, a. 29 y. [a. 28 y. dup.]

Mary, May 30, 1838, a. 94 y.

Mary Foster, d. Nathaniel and Hannah, Feb. 3, 1842, a. 36 y.

Mercy, w. William Foster, Esq., Dec. 1, 1843, a. 63 y.

Mercy [Merrifield. GR2], wid. John, Dec. 10, 1843, a. 72 y.

Nathaniell, s. Col. Thomas and Elizabeth, "Lost or Drowned att Sea," Aug. --, 1702.

Nathaniel [Col. GR2], Esq., Oct. 26, 1826, a. 77 y.

Nathaniel, s. William F. and Marcy, at Boston, July 3, 1835, a. 30 y. GR2

Nathaniel, s. Asa, May 15, 1843, a. 5 w. CR2

Nathaniel, Dec. 18, 1843, a. 65 y.

Nathaniel, s. Asa, Aug. 13, 1846, a. 18 m. CR2

Ruth, wid. Timothy, Jan. 23, 1802, a. 87 y.

Samuel, s. Timothy and Ruth (Woodberry), Dec. 30, 1771.

Samuel, housewright, s. William and Mary, heart disease, Jan. 10, 1848, a. 76 y. 1 m. 3 d.

Sussanah, w. Jonathan, Nov. 29, 1678. CTR

Thomas, Col., Oct. 4, 1696. [in his 46th y. GR1]

Thomas, Capt., Jan. 5, 1737, a. 64 y.

Thomas, s. Timothy and Ruth (Woodberry), at the West Indies, July 21, 1761.

Thomas, s. Col. Thomas and Elizabeth, Aug. 21, 1811, a. 13 y.

Thomas, Col., July 26, 1827, a. 57 y.

Timothy, Apr. 16, 1763, a. 51 y.

Timothy, s. Col. Nathaniel and Mary (Foster), Nov. 26, 1785, a. 12 w.

Timothy, s. Col. Thomas and Elizabeth, Sept. 23, 1811, a. 16 y.

Timothy, s. Nathaniel, jr. and Hannah, Sept. 29, 1815. [a. 1 y. 10 m. GR2]

William, s. Col. Thomas and Elizabeth, "at sea, being kild in fight by a frenchman," Apr. 3, 1697.

William [Capt. G, R, 2,], s. Timothy and Ruth (Woodberry), Oct. 28, 1793. [a. 51 y. dup. and. GR2]

Woodberry, s. John and Mercy, Apr. 8, 1809, a. 3 m.


_____, d. John, Dec. 11, 1675. CTR

Benjamin, bur. Sept. 25, 1686. CTR

Benjamin, s. Francis and Sarah, Oct. 15, 1698.

Christian, d. John, Esq. and Christian, June 9, 1731.

Francis, [sr. dup.], at Salem, May 19, 1692.

Francis, s. Francis and Sarah, Nov. 20, 1698.

Francis, Col., Esq., Aug. 3, 1711. [a. 47 y. PR8]

Francis, s. Col. John, at Boston, 4: 7br: 1722.

Francis, s. twin, Samuel, Dec. 12, 1739.

Francis, inf. s. John and Mary, Aug. --, 1749.

John, s. John, May 16, 1683. CTR

John, Col., Esq. [s. Francis. PR8], Aug. 3, 1708, in his 60th y.

John, s. Francis, drowned, Apr. 27, 1736.

John, Col., Sept. 1, 1739. [in his 49th y. dup.]

John, s. twin, Samuel, Dec. 12, 1739.

John, suddenly, May 11, 1764, a. 40 y.

Lucy, Sept. 29, 1783.

Mary, d. Samuel and Mary, Oct. 15, 1730, a. 18 m.

Mary, w. John, Mar. 13, 1763.

Mary, wid., July 18, 1773, a. 69 y.

Philip, w. Francies, Oct. 6, 1669. CTR

Samuel, inf. s. Samuel and Mary, July 13, 1735.

Samuel, "lost", Mar. 9, 1752.

Samuel, Dec. 30, 1773.

Sarah, w. Col. Francis, Mar. 16, 1709, a. 38 y.

WAIT (Waite)

_____, wid. Thomas, Jan. --, 1747.

_____, s. John, jr., Aug. --, 1784, a. 17 m.

_____, s. wid. Rebeckah, fever, Feb. 28, 1786, a. abt. 17 m.

_____, d. wid. Mary, quinsy, Feb. 11, 1796, a. 1 y.

_____, inf. ch. Joseph and Rebecca, Jan. --, 1806.

_____, ch. Joseph and Rebecca, Feb. 22, 1806.

_____, inf. ch. Joseph and Rebecca, May 12, 1816.

Aaron, Mar. 21, 1821. [a. 62 y. CR1]

Abigail Rogers, d. Joseph and Rebecca, July 28, 1824. PR101

Abagail, Rogers, d. Joseph and Rebecca, Oct. 30, 1840, a. 16 y.

Elizabeth, wid., June 24, 1744.

Elizabeth, w. Samuel, Apr. 1, 1757.

[Elizabeth Perkins. CR1], d. Hale, deceased [and Elizabeth. CR1], July 29, 1807. [a. 3 y. CR1]

Elisabeth, wid. Aaron, July 10, 1837, a. 78 y.

Eunice, w. John, Mar. 24, 1785, in her 36th y. GR1

Eunice, w. John, consumption, Mar. 24, 1785, in her 37th y. [in her 36th y. GR1]

Hale, Dec. 10, 1806. [a. 27 y. CR1]

Hannah, wid., Feb. 20, 1743.

Hannah, lingering nervous disorder, Jan. 5, 1786, a. upwards of 50 y.

[Hannah Hale. CR1], d. Hale, deceased, and Elisabeth, Jan. 20, 1807. [a. 5 m. CR1]

John, Feb. 18, 1752.

John, jr., consumption, Sept. 5, 1785, a. abt. 26 or 27 y.

John, consumption, Aug. 6, 1789, a. 37 y. [Aug. 5. TR]

John, s. Joseph and Rebecca, Feb. 22, 1806. PR101

John, s. Joseph, Feb. 22, 1806, a. 18 m.

Jonadab, July 6, 1761.

Joseph, s. Joseph and Rebecca, at the Isle of France, Sept. 26, 1840. PR101

Judith, wid. John, Sept. 22, 1832, a. 74 y.

Lucy, Miss, revulsion of humors, Sept. 2, 1799, a. 69 y.

Luther, manufacturer, s. Joseph and Rebekah, consumption, Oct. 20, 1747, a. 33 y. 9 m.

Mary, June --, 1797, a. 73 y.

Oliver, s. John, nervous fever, Aug. 5, 1789, a. 1 y.

Ruth, wid., May 20, 1775. CR1

Samuel, Capt., May 30, 1756.

Samuel, jr., supposed to be lost at sea sometime in spring or summer, 1795.

Sarah, consumption, Oct. 29, 1793, in her 19th y. [Oct. 27. TR]

Sarah, wid. Samuel, Apr. 18, 1809, a. 81 y.

Stephen, "drowned out of a Canoe," Apr. 29, 1762.

Susan S., w. Abraham D. [and d. Capt. Daniel Lord. GR1], June 11, 1834. [a. 26 y. GR1]

Susannah, cancer, Mar. 3, 1794, a. 67 y.

Thomas, jr., Mar. 3, 1753.

Thomas Aaron, s. Thomas, June 29, 1833, a. 10 y.

WAITE (Wait)

_____, ch. Samuel, Jan. 11, 1774.

_____, ch. Samuel, Sept. 27, 1775.

_____, w. John, Mar. 24, 1785.

_____, ch., wid. John, Mar. 2, 1786.

_____, ch. John, Aug. 5, 1789.

_____, ch. Aaron, Oct. --, 1791.

_____, ch. Capt. Samuel, Feb. 10, 1796.

Benjamin, July 17, 1739.

Hannah, unm., Jan. 5, 1786.

John, s. John and Sarah, Aug. 8, 1717, a. 14 m. 25 d. GR1

John, s. John, jr. and Sarah, Dec. 27, 1721. [in his 5th y. GR1]

John, s. John, jr. and Sarah, Oct. 22, 1726, a. 3 y. [a. 3 y. 1 m. 14 d. GR1]

John, May 21, 1736, a. 78 y.

John, Sept. 4, 1785.

John, cooper, Aug. 5, 1789.

Katherine, d. John, jr. and Sarah, Aug. 16, 1730, a. 17 m.

Lucy, unm., Sept. 1, 1799.

Mary, d. Thomas, Sept. 4, 1665. CTR

Mary, w. Thomas, Aug. 4, 1771.

Nathaniel, s. Aaron and Elisabeth, Nov. 6, 1810, a. 17 y.

Oliver, "an Inhabitant of Whately," May 23, 1784.

Priscilla, d. John, jr. and Sarah, 14: 7br: 1735, a. 2 y.

Sally, Oct. 27, 1793.

Susanah, w. Thomas, May 28, 1683. CTR

Susanna, --- --, 1794.

Susannah S., June 11, 1834, a. 26 y. PR55


Polly, Oct. 28, 1809, a. 32 y.


Sarah A., w. Joseph B. [of Concord, NH. CR2], convulsions, Nov. 21, 1848, a. 21 y. 4 m. 21 d.

WALLACE (Wallis)

_____, w. Samuel, Sept. 14, 1784.

Joseph, s. Samuel, in the West Indies, [bef. Nov.], 1783.

Mary, Aug. --, 1784, a. abt. 22 y.

Samuel, Mar. 21, 1792.


Bethiah, Mrs., Jan. 22, 1747.

Mary, Mrs., Nov. 20, 1785.

Sarah, Mrs., May 30, 1748.

WALLIS (Wallace)

_____, w. Robert, June 20, 1749.

_____, wid., Samuel, Apr. 30, 1796.

_____, ch. Aaron, Sept. 6, 1806.

_____, inf. ch. Aaron, Nov. 29, 1807.

Aaron, Sept. 8, 1833, a. 66 y.

Alice, w. Samuel, Oct. 5, 1733. [in her 57th y. GR1]

Anna, W. "ffarmer" Samuel, Sept. 15, 1728. [in her 61st y. GR1]

Anna, d. wid. Sarah, Sept. 26, 1751.

Elisabeth, wid., consumption, Apr. 29, 1796.

Betsey, w. Aaron, Sept. 8, 1840, a. 42 y.

Elizabeth, w. Aaron, jaundice, Sept. 16, 1847, a. 73 y.

Eunice, w. Lt. Robert, Nov. 27, 1813, a. 79 y. [a. 77 y. GR1]

Hannah, wid. [Wallis. GR1], Dec. 8, 1792, a. 83 y.

Jane, July 14, 1749.

Joanna, d. wid. Sarah [d. Dr. Samuel and Sarah. GR1], Sept. --, 1739. [Oct. 11, in her 22d y. GR1]

Joseph, "killed by a Tree," Feb. 15, 1739. [Feb. 16, 1740, in his 31st y. GR1]

Joseph, inf. s. Robert, Mar. 31, 1743.

Margaret, w. Aaron. [fever. CR1], July 12, 1813. [a. 46 y. CR1]

Mary, d. Samuel and Anne, Aug. 16, 1714, in her 13th y. GR1

Mary, d. Dr. Samuel, deceased, and Sarah, Aug. 22, 1736. [in her 17th y. GR1]

Nicholas, Feb. 1, 1710-11, in his 78th y.

Robert, Sergt., Nov. 8, 1750.

Robert, June 21, 1775, a. 72 y. GR1

Robert, Jan. 9, 1824, a. 87 y.

Samuel, Dr., Oct. 17, 1728. [Oct. 16, in his 38th y. GR1]

Samuel, Aug. 8, 1737. [in his 74th y. GR1]

Samuel, Mar. 21, 1792.

Sarah, d. Dr. Samuel and Sarah, Oct. 4, 1715, a. 7 m. GR1

Sarah, wid. Nicholas, Oct. 21, 1721.

Sarah, wid., Jan. 2, 1759.

Sarah, d. Samuel, jr. and Lydia, Aug. 7, 1775, a. 2 y. CR5


Nathaniel, Capt., May 28, 1790, a. 92 y.


Elizabeth, w. [wid. CR1], James, Nov. 4, 1812. [a. 40 y. CR1]


Abigail, Oct. 23, 1720.

John, s. Rev. Robert [of Wenham. GR1], and Priscilla [his former wife, d. Hon. John Appleton. GR1], July 15, 1733. [in his 10th y. GR1]

Samuel, s. Samuel and Sarah, July 8, 1702.

Sarah, d. Samuell and Sarah, May 7, 1703.


John, s. Elihu, --- --, 1688.


_____, ch. stillborn, Daniel, jr., May --, 1670. CTR

_____, wid. Nathaniel, Aug. 5, 1776. CR1

_____, d. William, jr., Apr. --, 1779, a. 11 m.

_____, twin s. Benjamin, jr., diarrhoea, Oct. 29, 1793.

Aaron, inf. s. Daniel, jr. and Sarah, Oct. 29, 1735.

Abigaill, d. John, Dec. 22, 1681. CTR

Abigail, d. John and Mary, Apr. 6, 1698.

Abigail, wid. Sergt. John, Oct. 16, 1723.

Benjamin, s. Nathaniel and Mary, May 18, 1738, a. 2 y. 4m.

Caleb, s. Daniel and Dorcas, May 11, 1706. PR15

Caleb, inf. s. Caleb and Elizabeth, Oct. 10, 1736.

Caleb, inf. s. Caleb and Elizabeth, June 2, 1739.

Caleb, Mar. 10, 1774. [a. 66 y. 11 m. 7 d. PR15]

Caleb S., s. William and Mary [at Lowell. CR1], Sept. 14, 1829, a. 23 y.

Daniell, s. John, June 8, 1660. CTR

Daniel, s. wid. Nathaniel, "killed by a horse," Aug. 2, 1686.

Daniel, sr., Sept. 9, [1688?]. [1683. PR15]

Daniell, Nov. 24, 1696.

Daniel, Jan. 20, 1754, a. 83 y. [a. 82 y. 4 m. 15 d. PR15]

Daniel, s. William and Susanna, June 4, 1820, a. 25 y.

Dorcas, d. Daniel and Dorcas, Jan. 23, 1700.

[Dorcas. PR15], w. Daniel, May 13, 1749.

Elizabeth, w. Daniell, Nov. 1, 1659. CTR

Elisabeth, w. John, May 7, 1692.

Elizabeth, d. John and Hannah, June 3, 1706, in her 6th m.

[Elisabeth. GR1], wid. Caleb, Jan. 27, 1787. [Jan. 28, a. 70 y. 9 m. 6 d. GR1]

Elizabeth, consumption, Oct. 19, 1818, a. 78 y. CR1

Faith, w. Daniell, Nov. 10, 1679. CTR

George F[rederic Flint. CR1], s. Stephen and Lucy Mary, Feb. 8, 1843, a. 3 y. 6 m.

Hanna, w. John, Mar. 10, 1687. CTR

Hannah, d. John and Hannah, July 4, 1696.

Hannah, w. Sergt. John, June 4, 1735.

John, s. Samuell, July 14, 1671. CTR

John, s. Nathaniel, Nov. 19, 1679. CTR

John, s. John, July 24, 1697.

John, Apr. 10, 1712. PR15

John, Sergt., May 25, 1735, a. 57 y. 8 m. 25 d.

Joseph, s. John, June 18, 1658. CTR

Mary, d. Daniel and Dorcas, Nov. 4, 1732. PR15

Mary, w. William, July 16, 1748.

Mary, wid. William, Nov. 23, 1809.

Nathaniel, --- --, 1684. PR15

Nathaniell, s. Nathaniell, and grands. Daniell, sr., Dec. 8, 1697.

Nathaniel, Aug. 2, 1763.

Rebeca, d. Daniell, jr., June 10, 1679. CTR

Sarah, wid. Daniell, Dec. 28, 1701.

Symon, s. Daniell, June 11, 1658. CTR

Susannah, wid. [Capt. PR118] William, May 21, 1841, a. 86 y. 8 m.

William, s. John, July 18, 1673. CTR

William, s. Daniell, jr., Aug. 16, 1680. CTR

William, s. Daniell, June 21, 1682. CTR

William, s. John and Hannah, Aug. 30, 1684.

William, S. Daniel and Dorcas, Nov. 3, 1736, a. 18 y. 4 m.

William, Sept. 8, 1802.

William, asthmatic complaints, Sept. 8, 1802, a. 75 y.

William, Capt., Sept. 13, 1827, a. 71 y.


Hannah, chronic case, Mar. 22, 1782, a. 68 y. CR5

Mary, unm., Nov. 5, 1732, a. 21 y.

Thomas, steerage passenger, "perished on Patch's beach in the brig Falconer of Belfast, Maine, bound from St. John, N.B. to Boston," Dec. 17, 1847.


_____, Miss, consumption, May 1, 1800, a. 53 y.

Benjamin, inf. s. Richard and Elizabeth, Sept. 29, 1735.

Elizabeth, w. Richard, Feb. 2, 1735.

Elizabeth, d. William and Mary, throat distemper, Jan. 18, 1737.

Francis, at the poor house, Nov. 2, 1806. [a. 54 y. CR1]

Francis, Dec. 12, 1830.

Jane, d. John and Jane, Nov. 5, 1737.

Jane, d. John and Patience, Mar. 23, 1743.

Mary, d. William and Mary, throat distemper, Jan. 7, 1737.

Patience, d. John and Jane, Feb. 19, 1735., a. 4 y. 2 m.

Patience, d. Edward, jr. and Sarah, Dec. 23, 1737., a. 12 m.


_____, ch. _____, Aug. 13, 1797.


_____, ch. Mr., Jan. 13, 1838, a. under 1 d. PR3

_____, ch. Mr., Aug. 15, 1844, a. 5 m. PR3

Elizabeth, w. James M., consumption, Dec. 9, 1844, a. 26 y.

Sarah E., d. James M. and Elizabeth, consumption, Aug. 15, 1844, a. 5 m. 8 d.


_____, [ch. ?] David, Jan. 13, 1743.

_____, wid., palsy, Feb. 19, 1801, a. 93 y. 11 m.

Abigaill, wid., July 22, 1671. CTR

Abagail Boardman, d. Eunice, Oct. 18, 1824, a. 8 m. CR1

Anna, wid. Alexander, Feb. 19, 1801.

Beamsly, Apr. 14, 1770.

Charles, ch. Jonathan, July 9, 1807.

Daniel, inf. s. Daniel and Sarah, May 21, 1735.

Eliza, d. John, jr. and Elisabeth, July 21, 1817, a. 17 y.

Elizabeth, w. Capt. John, Sept. 21, 1812.

Elisabeth, wid. Philemon, Jan. 24, 1820, a. 78 y.

Elisabeth Anne, d. John, jr. and Eunice, July 22, 1825. [a. 4 y. CR1]

Eunice, w. Ens. Moses, Mar. 23, 1767.

Hannah, d. Jonathan, Sept. 28, 1805.

Hannah, wid. Jonathan, Mar. 21, 1818, a. 78 y.

John, inf. s. John and Mary, Mar. 14, 1727.

John, Jan. 2, 1729.

John, Dec. 4, 1834. [a. 62 y. CR1]

Jonathan, Apr. 23, 1793.

Jonathan, cramp colic, Apr. 23, 1793, a. 51 y.

Lucy, inf. d. twin, Nathaniel and Sarah, 13: 7br: 1732.

Lucy, wid. Nathaniel, Mar. 26, 1821, a. 80 y.

Lydia, inf. d. twin, Nathaniel and Sarah, 9: 7br: 1732.

Lydia, w. Jonathan, dropsy, Apr. 1, 1846, a. 68 y. [Mar. PR62]

Margaret [consumption. CR1], Apr. 2, 1813. [a. 28 y. CR1]

Martha, d. Nathaniell, Feb. 12, 1664. CTR

Martha, w. Jonathan, Aug. --, 1771.

Mary, wid. Nathaniell, Aug. 19, 1721. [a. 52 y. GR1]

Mary, w. Capt. Moses, Dec. 7, 1766.

Moses, Capt., Jan. 11, 1767.

Moses, at the poorhouse, Feb. 6, 1828, a. 76 y.

Nathaniell, Dec. 15, 1681. CTR

Nathaniel, Oct. 13, 1717, a. 48 y. GR1

Nathaniel, Capt., May 27, 1790, in his 92d y. GR1

Nathaniel, Capt., Jan. 24, 1810.

Philemon, June 18, 1836, a. 68 y.

Sarah, d. Nathaniell, Jan. 15, 1670. CTR

Sarah, w. Joseph, Jan. 16, 1764.

Sarah, w. Capt. Nathaniel, July 5, 1772. [in his 67th y. CR1]

Sarah Angeline, d. James L. and Elisabeth, Sept. 7, 1837, a. 9 m.

Thomas, sr., Oct. 26, 1666. CTR

Thomas, Nov. 10, 1736.


_____, ch. Mr., Nov. --, 1837, a. under 1 y. PR3

_____, s. Jacob, Sept. 2, 1838, a. abt. 2 w. PR3


Mary, "an Antient maid," Jan. 14, 1730.


_____, w. Benjamin, Aug. 4, 1766.

_____, s. Lorenzo and Samira, bur. at Linebrook, d. Aug. 5, 1847, a. 1 d.

Abijah, Mar. 1, 1782, a. abt. 80 y. CR4

Benjamin, Jan. 1, 1779.

Elizabeth, wid., consumption, Nov. 9, 1782, a. abt. 76 y. CR4

Sarah, wid., Apr. 26, 1814, a. 99 y. 5 m.


Patty, Mrs., Aug. 24, 1787.


Martha, wid., complicated disorders, Aug. --, 1787, a. 29 y.


_____, "a foreigner," at Mrs. Wiate's, Sept. 5, 1794.


_____, mother of Appleton, consumption, Sept. 14, 1696. PR23

_____, ch. Francis, bur. Oct. --, 1730. PR2

_____, ch. Joseph, bur. Aug. --, 1731. PR2

_____, ch. Joseph, bur. July --, 1736. PR2

_____, w. Dea., bur. June --, 1737. PR2

_____, w. Capt. John, malster, Jan. 24, 1758.

_____, wid. Mathew, "back Hambt.," May 7, 1761.

_____, d. Matthew, July 15, 1786, a. 1 h. CR5

_____, wid., Dec. 31, 1799.

_____, s. Daniel, Oct. 5, 1845, a. 1 y. PR3

Aron, s. John, 3d, ricket, July 16, 1783, a. 10 m. CR5

Cyprian, s. Cyprian and Dorothy, Feb. 8, 1698-9.

Dorcas, w. Matthew, jr., May 11, 1735.

Dorcas, d. wid. Susanna, consumption, Feb. 7, 1773, a. 15 y. CR5

Dorothy, w. Capt. John, 3d, Sept. --, 1766.

Edward, s. John, 3d, canker, Jan. 8, 1773, a. 1 y. CR5

Elisabeth, d. John and Cathrine, --- --, 1688.

Elizabeth, d. John and Kathrine, Jan. 2, 1695.

Elisabeth, pulmonic consumption, Apr. 12, 1783, a. 20 y. CR5

Esther, d. Joseph, bur. Oct. --, 1736. PR2

Hanna, "last of" Aug., 1692. PR23

Hannah, w. John, jr., Oct. 20, 1701.

Hannah, w. Capt. John, Jan. 24, 17[58. PR12], in her 66th y. GR5

Jemima, bur. Oct. --, 1737. PR2

Johanna, d. Mathew, sr. and Johanna, Aug. 31, 1692.

John, Lt., Nov. 22, 1695.

John, Capt., June 11, 1722.

John, Maj., Esq., "he went to bed well at Night & was found dead in the morning," June 12, 1722. [in his 65th y. GR1]

John [3d. PR2], "killed by felling a tree in Cheba Woods," Jan. 19, 1738.

John, jr., Capt., Jan. 16, 1769.

John, Capt., old age, Feb. 9, 1781, a. 92 y. CR5

John, 5th, second, s. William and Katharine, Jan. 10, 1797, in his 18th y. GR5

Joseph, s. Cornet John, Aug. --, 1665. CTR

Joseph, s. Joseph, Nov. 12, 1665. CTR

Joseph, May 11, 1699.

Joseph, joiner, Dec. 14, 1729.

Joseph, old age, June 20, 1781, a. 76 y. CR5

Katharine, d. John and Katharine, Aug. 16, 1702, in her 17th y.

Katherine, w. Maj. John, Esq., Jan. 15, 1720-21, a. 62 y. 7 m.

Leverett A., only, s. Hervey, Jan. 7, 1845, a. 4 y. CR2

Martha, w. Capt. John, Feb. 24, 1679. CTR

Martha, d. Matthew and Martha, Jan. 30, 1704.

Martha, w. Maj. Matthew, Esq., and d. John Dennison, only, s. Maj. Daniel, Sept. 12, 1728, in her 60th y.

Martha, wid., consumption, Aug. 7, 1774, a. 84 y. CR5

Mary, wid. Joseph, June 20, 1703.

Mary, wid. Joseph, joiner, June 16, 1734.

Mathew, Oct. 20, 1658. CTR

Matthew, of the Hamlet, weaver, May 28, 1736.

Matthew, bur. Jan. --, 1737. PR2

Matthew, Capt., bur. Nov. --, 1737. PR2

Matthew, Esq., Jan. 28, 1738, a. 80 y.

Mathew, s. Lt. John, bur. May --, 1738. PR2

Mathew, Dea., Jan. 24, 1764.

Mina, d. John, 3d, sore throat, Sept. 20, 1748.

Nathaniel, s. Dea. Nathaniel, convulsion fits, Nov. 2, 1771, a. abt. 12 y. CR5

Oliver, s. Nathaniel, Mar. --, 1762, a. 9 y.

Paul, "Extream Heat," Aug. 6, 1771.

Robert, of the Hamlet, Jan. 1, 1759.

Ruth, wid., general decay, Jan. --, 1800, a. 83 y.

Sarah, w. John, June 14, 1658. CTR

Sarah, w. Joseph, July 16, 1676. CTR

Sarah, d. Joseph and Mary, May 14, 1695.

Sarah, d. Maj. John and Catherine, July 4, 1713, a. 20 y. 6 m. GR1

Sarah, d. wid. Susan, consumption, Oct. 24, 1772, a. abt. 26 y. CR5

Sarah, wid., consumption, July 4, 1787, a. 25 y. CR5

Susanna, d. Joseph and Mary, Feb. 22, 1698-9.

Susanna, wid., consumption, Oct. 14, 1773, a. 47 y. CR5

William, June 29, 1784, in his 57th y. CR5


James, s. John and Mary, Feb. 21, 1737, a. 13 y.

John, Aug. 5, 1747.

John, Sept. 22, 1758.


_____, wid., of Chebacco, Apr. 21, 1755.

Benjamin, s. John, "drowned in Chebacco," May 3, 1733.

Benjamin, Sept. --, 1746.

David, "a child under the care of Mr. John Stocker, its death occasioned by fire," Dec. 6, 1840, a. 4 y. CR1

Dorothy, w. Patrick, Dec. 10, 1843, a. 35 y. GR6

Elizabeth, Mar. 5, 1746.

Henry Haffield, "drowned in Ipswich River," Aug. 10, 1832, a. 16 y.

Jeremiah, fever, at Albany, May --, 1777. CR4

Joseph, s. John, Jan. 11, 1730, a. 18 m.

Kathren, w. William, June 2, 1671. CTR

Lucy, w. Lt. Thomas, Apr. 2, 1776. CR3

Peggy, Mar. 3, 1745.

Hitty, unm., at the county house, Sept. --, 1840, a. 62 y. CR1

Remember [Mrs. CR1], at the poorhouse, Oct. 2, 1817, a. 92 y.

Solomon, small pox, Dec. --, 1729.

Solomon, s. wid. Remember, in the army, May or June --, 1782. CR4

William, Aug. 25, 1684.

WHITTERIDGE (Whitterage)

_____, inf. ch. John, sudden, Apr. 9, 1781. CR5

_____, inf. ch. John, "expired at birth," Jan. 3, 1782. CR5

WHITTIER (Witcher)

WHITTREDGE (Whiteredge)


Abigail, d. Rev., Feb. 10, 1748.

Elizabeth, d. Rev. Samuell, Sept. 17, 1747.

Mary, w. Rev. Samuel, June 6, 1723, a. 28 y. GR5

Phebe, d. Rev. Samuel, Feb. --, 1736.

Samuel, Rev., Sept. 3, 1768. PR12

William, s. William, canker, convulsion fits and quinsy, Feb. 5, 1773., a. 2 y. CR5

WILCOMB (Willcomb0

_____, d. William, canker rash,. Apr. --, 1795,

_____, s. Capt. William, Jan. 27, 1832, a. 7 m. CR1

Charity, w. William, Dec. 18, 1724.

Francis Manning, s. twin, Joseph and Mary, Nov. 23, 1835, a. 8 m. CR1

Henry Manning, s. twin, Joseph and Mary, Nov. 16, 1835, a. 8 m. CR1

John, s. William and Charity, Sept. 8, 1729, a. 11 y.

Rebecca, w. William, Feb. 10, 1725.

William, Dec. 3, 1726.

WILCOME (Willcomb)

_____, w. John, July 5, 1758.

Jane, "one of the Town Poor," Apr. 3, 1793.

John, Nov. 9, 1765.

Joseph, by a fall from the shrouds, instantly killed, abt. Nov. 17, 1788, a. 20 y.

William, at Annapolis, --- --, 1746.

William, Capt. Apr. 22, 1809, a. 40 y.


_____, d. stillborn, Asahel K. and Wilhelmina, June 21, 1845.

Alethea, w. Solomon, at Chelsea, June 12, 1849, a. 26 y. 9 m.

Lucy A., d. Solomon and Alethea, at Chelsea, Sept. 22, 1849, a. 11 m. 3 d.

WILLCOMB (Wilcomb, Wilcome, Willcome,Wilcomb,Wilcome)

Edward S., s. Daniel L. and Louisa, dropsy in the head, Nov. 15, 1847, a. 10 m.

John Edward, s. William and Sarah, Jan. 27, 1832, a. 6 m.

Joseph, Mar. 20, 1775. PR113

Joseph, "Killed at Sea by a fall from Mast Head," Nov. 26, 1788. [Nov. 17. PR113]

Lucy Ann Snow, d. Joseph and Mary, inflammation of the lungs, June 1, 1845, a. 9 m. 4 d.

Mary, d. William and Susanna, Feb. 19, 1821, a. 26 y.

Sara, d. William and Susanna, Jan. 25, 1822, a. 22 y.

Sarah, wid. [Joseph. PR7], Dec. 10, 1829, a. 80 y. [a. 85 y. CR1]

Sara, d. Joseph and Mary, June 1, 1833, a. 19 m.

Susan Mary, d. Joseph and Mary, Dec. 4, 1825, a. 6 w. [a. 7 m. CR1]

Susannah, wid. Capt. William, May 18, 1837, a. 67 y.

William Augustus, s. William and Sarah, Aug. 25, 1835., a. 7 y.

WILLCOME (Willcomb)

_____, w. Joseph, Nov. 13, 1751.

_____, d. William and Susanna, Mar. 27, 1795.

_____, ch. Capt. William and Susanna, Dec. 9, 1796.

WILLET (Willett)

Edward, s. Levi and Julia Ann, Nov. 25, 1834., a. 2 w.

John, Jan. 21, 1804.

Julia [Potter. CR1], d. Levi and Julia Ann, Feb. 17, 1834, a. 9 m.

Lydia, d. Levi and Julian, May 3, 1841, a. 13 m. CR1

Mary, wid. John, July 26, 1804.

Sarah, July 24, 1840, a. 68 y. CR2 [a. 70 y. GR2]

Silas, "fall from a Tree," Sept. 22, 1793.

WILLETT (Willet)

Charles S., s. Levi and Julia Ann, scarlet fever, Aug. 13, 1845, a. 1 y. 10 m.

Julia, d. Levi and Julia Ann, May 3, 1841, a. 1 y.

Moses, May 12, 1819, a. 43 y.


_____, w. Joshua, Sept. 24, 1764.

Eleanor, Dec. 19, 1765.

Elizabeth, d. Robert and Elizabeth, Aug. 27, 1733.

Elizabeth, w. Robert, July 1, 1735.

Isaac, s. Samuel and Rebecca, Feb. 22, 1729.

Jane, wid. Joshua, Oct. 10, 1826, a. 91 y.

Joshua, Jan. 6, 1801, a. 65 y.

Joshua, religious melancholy and nervous disorders, Jan. 7, 1801, a. 66 y. [Jan. 6, a. 65 y. TR]

Lidia, w. Samuel, jr., Mar. 6, 1758.

Margaret, d. Samuel and Margaret, Oct. 16, 1729.

Mary, wid., Aug. 7, 1770.

[Rebecca], inf. d. Joseph, Aug. 26, 1783.

Robert, Nov. 14, 1738.

Robert, Sept. 9, 1747.

Samuel, Dea., Feb. 5, 1763.

Samuel, s. Joshua, Oct. 9, 1773.

Sarah, unm., Feb. 23, 1728.

Sarah, unm., July 12, 1787.


Elizabeth, Mrs., Jan. 10, 1680. CTR

Hanah, d. Thomas, June --, 1682. CTR

Mary, d. Shorborne, Aug. 24, 1662. CTR

Samuell, s. Shoreborne, June 14, 1664. CTR


Eliza, w. William, Aug. 17, 1839. PR118

William, s. William and Eliza, Nov. 19, 1839. PR118


Abigail, wid. Rev. John, of Chebacco, Mar. 15, 1735.

Abigail, d. Hennery and Mary, Mar. 28, 1742, in her 6th y. GR1

Ammi Ruammi, Maj., Esq., pleuratic fever, at Boston, July 6, 1749, in his 61st y.

Ammi Rhumma, s. Henry and Mary, Dec. 5, 1771.

Ammi, Dec. 5, 1797, a. 26 y.

Daniell, inf. s. Daniel and Mary, Sept. 10, 1743.

[Elizabeth. CR1], wid., Feb. --, 1825. [Feb. 17, a. 88 y. CR1]

Henry, inf. s. Henry and Mary, Mar. 30, 1730.

Henry, Nov. 12, 1775.

John, Rev., at Chebacco, Apr. 8, 1725. [Apr. 18, a. 73 y. GR4]

John, s. Ammi and Mary, at Jamaica, Jan. 30, 1743.

John, Aug. 31, 1762, a. 79 y.

John, "in the army, it is said," --- --, 1783, a. "upwards of" 40 y. CR4

John, Apr. --, 1824. CR1

Joseph, of Boston, dropsy, Sept. 9, 1745.

Joseph, s. John, Sept. 23, 1745.

Joseph, Dr., of Casco Bay, Oct. --, 1756, a. 31 y.

Joseph, May 7, 1824.

Lucy, unm., Sept. 24, 1796, a. 57 y.

Lucy, w. John, May 8, 1813. [a. 33 y. PR39]

Mary, w. John, Oct. 18, 1725. [in her 28th y. GR1]

Mary, Mrs., of Chebacco, spinster, Mar. 23, 1736, a. 54 y.

Mary, w. Daniel, Sept. 14, 1744.

Mary, wid. A. Ruami, Esq., Apr. 21, 1752, a. 63 y.

Mary, wid., Mar. 1, 1787, a. 82 y.

Mary, July 7, 1796, a. 22 y.

Sarah, Oct. 11, 1789. [a. abt. 50 y. CR5]

Sarah, wid. Joseph, Apr. 21, 1837. [a. 66 y. PR3]

William, July 15, 1838, a. 65 y.


_____, ch. Mr., Oct. --, 1803, a. 1 or 2 d.

_____, ch. _____, Oct. 25, 1803.


William, "servant to Qt. John Perkins," Dec. 17, 1684.


_____, s. Simon, Feb. 11, 1681. CTR

_____, ch. Simon, Feb. 12, 1681. CTR

_____, ch. Samuell, hatter, --- --, 1688.

_____, ch. _____, bur. Feb. --, 1726-7. PR2

_____, w. Nehemiah, bur. Feb. --, 1726-7. PR2

_____, ch. Nehemiah, bur. Dec. --, 1726. PR2

_____, inf. ch. Simon, Feb. 12, 1739.

_____, inf. ch. Daniel, Feb. 18, 1739.

_____, wid., Jan. 22, 1752, a. 93 y.

_____, w. John, July 6, 1755.

_____, wid., Nov. --, 1768.

_____, inf. ch. Jonathan, jr., Apr. 7, 1781. CR3

Abigail, w. Lt. Simon, Oct. 16, 1732, a. 67 y.

Bartlett, b. Portsmouth, NH, s. Thomas and Barbara, brain fever, June 26, 1848, a. 2 y. 8 m.

Benjamyn, s. Esaiah, May 30, 1673. CTR

Daniel, July 21, 1722.

Daniel, s. Daniel and Sarah, June 23, 1734.

Ebenezer, s. Isaiah, Dec. 24, 1676. CTR

Elizabeth, d. Simon, Sept. --, 1675. CTR

Elizabeth, d. Lt. Simon, July 1, 1722.

Elizabeth, w. Lt. Simon, Feb. 15, 1729.

Betty, d. Jonathan, Oct. 20, 1775. CR3

Emmi, d. Daniel, Sept. 27, 1722, a. 12 m.

Hannah, d. Solomon, Nov. 10, 1773. CR3

Hasel Eupony, wid. Obadiah, Nov. 27, 1714, a. 78 y. GR1

Hephzibah, d. Jonathan, Jan. 2, 1776. CR3

Isaiah, s. Isaiah, Aug. --, 1659. CTR

Isaiah, s. William, May 3, 1722.

James, Dec. 16, 1708, in his 34th y. GR1

Jemima, d. Thomson and Martha, June 6, 1693.

John, s. Esay, abt. Feb. 20, 1671. CTR

John, Aug. 13, 1684. [Aug. 14. CTR]

John, s. John and Mary, Dec. 29, 1712, a. 15 w. GR1

John, s. John and Mary, Feb. 19, 1720-21.

John, inf. s. Daniel and Sarah, Feb. 21, 1735.

John, Aug. 22, 1751, in his 66th y. GR1

John, Aug. 26, 1752.

John, s. Jonathan, Mar. 10, 1776. CR3

Jonathan, jr., Feb. 17, 1805. CR3

Joseph, s. Esaiah, May 26, 1673. CTR

Josiah, sr., Aug. 3, 1723. CR4

Judith, d. William, Apr. 9, 1722.

Margrett, d. Obadiah, --- --, 1667. CTR

Margret, w. Obadiah, July 5, 1667. CTR

Margarett, inf. d. John and Mary, July 22, 1722.

Margarett, d. John and Mary, June 24, 1724.

Mary, w. John, Sept. 23, 1726. [in her 37th y. GR1]

Mary, w. Samuel, Apr. 8, 1731, a. 67 y.

Moses, s. Jonathan, Dec. 27, 1775. CR3

Ruth, w. William, Feb. 8, 1721-2.

Ruth, inf. d. Simon, jr. and Ruth, Nov. 9, 1736.

Samuel, Feb. 16, 1737, a. 82 y.

Samuel, s. Judith, drowned, Jan. 3, 1742.

Sarah, d. Isaiah, Feb. 24, 1657. CTR

Sarah, inf. d. Daniel and Sarah, June 26, 1732.

Sarah, d. Daniel and Sarah, July 15, 1733, a. 3 m. 8 d.

Simon, Lt., Dec. 12, 1740.

Thomas, s. Isaiah, abt. Apr. --, 1657. CTR

William, May 27, 1722.

William, s. Thomas and Barbara, drowned, July 13, 1849, a. 1 y. 8 m.

WOODBERRY (Woodbury)

Mary, w. Mager [and d. Isaac Appleton. GR1], Mar. 10, 1828, a. 79 y.

Molly, at insane hospital, bur. at Beverly, d. June 25, 1845, a. 79 y. PR3

Moses, s. wid. Mary, May 18, 1777. CR3

Samuell, Sept. 22, 1775. CR3

Samuel, s. Major and Mary, drowned, Mar. 18, 1802.

WOODBERY (Woodbury)

_____, w. Isaac, cancer, Jan. 29, 1773, a. 45 y. CR5

Bethiah, w. Nicholas, nervous complaint and consumption, May 13, 1785, a. 32 y. CR5

Elizabeth, wid. cancer and malignant fever, Sept. 1, 1773, a. 60 y. CR5

Hannah, wid., sudden, June 30, 1774, a. 60 y. CR5

WOODBURY (Woodberey, Woodberry, Woodbery)

_____, ch. Nichlas, bur. Feb. --, 1736. PR2

_____, ch. Isaac, bur. Sept. --, 1736. PR2

_____, ch. Andrew, bur. Sept. --, 1736. PR2

Benjamin, bur. Dec. --, 1726. PR2

Edward Newell, s. Edward and Judith, July 2, 1817. PR98

Edward, of Newburyport, on passage from New Orleans, June 7, 1834, a. 43 y. GR1

Isaack, bur. Oct. --, 1733. PR2

Judith, w. Edward [of Newburyport. GR1], heart disease, Jan. 1, 1849, a. 64 y. [a. 68 y. CR1; 1848. PR98]

Mager, Oct. 3, 1837, a. 79 y.

Sarah, w. Barnett, Jan. 11, 1782, a. 45 y. GR5 [a. 48 y. CR5]