NorthShore Slavery

OBBEN (Obbin)

Sarah, Mrs., of Newburyport, and James Lufkin, int. Apr. 17, 1771.

OBBIN (Obben)

John, and Mary Harris, Nov. 26, 1812.*

OBEAR (Ober)

Sarah, and John Bragg, at Beverly, Dec. 27, 1781.

OBER (Obear)

Daniel, of Gloucester, and Mary Morgan, Nov. 27, 1834.*

John, s. Richard, of Beverly, and Hannah Woodbary, d. Thomas, of Beverly, July 5, 1694.

Margaret, Mrs., of Manchester, and Joseph Androse, at Manchester, Oct. 25, 1781.*

Martha, and Jonathan Kimball, both of Wenham, Apr. 21, 1732.


John, and Sarah Wells, Sept. 1, 1785. CR2*

John, and Elizabeth Ballord, int. Aug. 21, 1808.


William, of Topsfield, and Martha Ross, Dec. 16, 1804.*


Samuel, and Sarah Ordway, d. James, of Newbury, Feb. 25, ---- [before 1681].

Sarah, d. James, of Newbury, and Samuel Ordway, Feb. 25, ---- [before 1681].

ORNE (Horn)

David, and wid. Joanna Thompson [both of Chebacco. int.], at Chebacco, Sept. 19, 1732.*

ORSMENT (Osment)

John, of Manchester, and Margaret Annable, int. June 23, 1770.

Margaret, of Manchester, and Barnet Woodbury, at Manchester, Dec. 15, 1785.*

OSBORN (Osborne, Ossborne)

John Scolly, Dr., of Epsom, NH, and Abigail Hodgkins, Dec. 28, 1791.*

OSBORNE (Osborn)

John, and Mehittable Addams, Oct. 11, 1685.

OSGOOD (Ossgood)

Deborah, and Edmund Heard, int. Nov. 7, 1713.

Judith, and John Gains, int. Nov. 27, 1703.

William, of Andover, and Mrs. Mary Appleton, Jan. 6, ---- [Oct. 4, 1729. int.]*

OSMAN (Osment)

Elisabeth, and Mark Stanwood, Nov. 20, 1792.*

OSMENT (Orsment, Osman)

John, of manchester, and Margaret Annable of the Hamlet, Dec. 6, 1770. CR2

John, and Anna Morgan, both of Manchester, Nov. 27, 1800. CR4

Lucy, and John Dennis, Oct. 1, 1790.*


Mary Ann, and [Col. int.] Charles Kimball, Nov. 19, 1829.*