NorthShore Slavery

QUESTION (Questrom)

Oliver, and Mary Malzerd, Aug. 14, 1814.*

QUESTROM (Question)

Elizabeth, and Samuel Proctor, Nov. 22, 1829.*

Harriett E., and Adoniram Wentworth, July 9, 1839.*

Mary P., and Elbridge G. Pearson, Mar. 15, 1836.*

Rufus P., and Caroline Atkins, Nov. 22, 1840.*

Susan M., and George W. Ingalls, int. Dec. 1, 1844.


Enoch R., and Mary Jane Bubier, Jan. 17, 1847.*


Phillip, and Mary Hall, int. Apr. 21, 1844.

Phillip, a. 30 y., farmer, and Julia Cassel, wid., of Boston, a. 25 y., June 16, 1845.