NorthShore Slavery


_____, wid., Nov. 18, 1837. [a. 81 y. PR1]

Mary Elizabeth, d. William T. and Elizabeth Ann, general debility, Oct. 15, 1844, a. 13 m. 15 d.

Elizabeth H., w. Charles, accouchment, Feb. 12, 1847, a. 23 y. 11 m.

Elizabeth P[erry. PR1], d. Charles and Elizabeth H., saltrheum, Sept. 23, 1847, a. 7 m. 19 d.

Sarah Jane, d. Samuel and Eliza, cholera infantum, Aug. 23, 1848, a. 2 m.

GALEUCIA (Galleucia, Galucia)

George, s. Daniel and Desire, June 29, 1833 PR166

Daniel, s. Daniel and Desire, Oct. 13, 1835. PR166

Adaline, d. Nathaniel, June 13, 1838.

John, bur. Dec. 9, 1842, a. 67 y. PR1

GARDNER (Gardiner)

Patty, "of long childbed weakness, that ended in a nervous Fever," Feb. 26, 1765, in her 23d y. CR2

Susan, d. Dr. James and Susanna [small pox. CR5], Dec. 10, 1800. [a. 3 y. CR5]

Lucy Fowle, d. Dr. James and Susanna, Oct. 27, 1803. [a. 3 y. CR5]

Susanna, w. Dr. James, Feb. 3, 1806.

Content, w. James [consumption. CR5], Nov. 18, 1815. [a. 32 y. CR5]

Content, d. Benjamin and Mary Phillips, 18: 11m: 1815. CR1

John, Oct. 8, 1824.

Amanda Fitzerland d. John and Rachel, Oct. 20, 1825.

George Larkin Thorndike, s. Dr. John Flagg, at Ipswich, Feb. 5, 1829.

John Flagg, Dr., at Ipswich, Mar. 14, 1829.

Ebenezer Francis [s. James, Esq. PR53], at [Rockville. PR53] Virginia, Sept. 4, 1830, a. 28 y.

James, Dr., Dec. 26, 1831, a. 69 y.

[Ann Eliza. GR1], w. Stephen H., July 18, 1843. [a. 40 y. GR1]

Francis Cox, s. Stephen H., Sept. 29, 1843. [ Sept. 20, a. 5 m. GR1]

Mary, wid. Dr. James, consumption, June 3, 1844, a. 53 y.

Lucy Analetta, d. Joseph and Caroline L.; consumption, July 2, 1845, a. 7 m.

Rachel Jane, d. John and Rachel N., brain fever, Mar. 5, 1846, a. 13 y. 9 m.

James Henry, s. [Dr. PR1] John F. and Abigail A., consumption, Aug. 15, 1846, a. 23 y.

Eliza Ann, d. John and Rachel N., dysentery, Sept. 6, 1848, a. 21 y.

Esther Annis, d. John and Rachel N., dysentery, Sept. 6, 1848, a. 5 y. 5 m.


Sarah Jane, d. Joshua and Elizabeth, dysentery, Aug. 10, 1848, a. 1 y.

Charles Hilton, s. Joshua I. and Elizabeth, dysentery, Sept. 2, 1848, a. 3 y. 8 m.

Joshua Ingalls, s. Joshua J. and Elizabeth M., dysentery, Sept. 11, 1848, a. 8 y. 10 m.


Mary, w. Hiram, consumption, July 8, 1845, a. 23 y.

GIBBENS (Gibbins)

Elizabeth, w. William, palsy, Feb. 2, 1845, a. 40 y.

Elizabeth, d. William, consumption, Nov. 26, 1845, a. 11 m.

GIBBEY (Gibby)

Martha Ann, d. Samuel and Lydia A[nn. PR1], croup [at East Boston. PR1], Mar. 17, 1847, a. 11 m.

GIBBINS (Gibbens)

Hannah, w. John, Apr. 2, 1828.

Tennison Chester, s. William and Betsey, Feb. 9, 1829.


Eugene Carlton, s. Samuel B. and Ann S., liver complaint, May 7, 1845, a. 14 d.

GIBBY (Gibbey)

Ann, d. Samuel J. and Lydia A., June 27, 1843, a. 11 rn. 14 d. GR1

Sarah F., b. at Lowell, d. Samuell and Lydia A., scarletina, at Lowell, May 6, 1849, a. 1 y. 1 m. 24 d.


Purchas, s. William, 15: 4m: 1665. CTR

Aquilla, s. William, grandch. Oliver Purchis, Nov. 4, 1671.

Joseph, s. John and Mary, Sept. --, 1826. [Oct. dup.]


Mary E., d. Frederick and Elizabeth, cholera infantum, Oct. 9, 1844, a. 9 m.


Lydia Ann Maria, d. Josiah and Lydia Ann, dysentery, Aug. 1, 1845, a. 9 m. 14 d.


_____, inf. ch. Mr., bur. Jan. 31, 1844. PR1

_____, inf. ch. William, bur. Dec. 23, 1844. PR1


George Henry, s. Daniel, Mar. 9, 1837.

Abba Maria, d. Ebenezer B. and Catharine M., Oct. 8, 1838.

_____, w. Edward V., bur. May 19, 1840, a. 23 y. PR1

George Henry, s. Henry, d. and Adaline, May 15, 1843. [a. 2 m. PR1]

Grace F., w. Edmund, consumption, Oct. 23, 1845, a. 60 y.

_____, ch. stillborn, John B., --- --, 1846. PR1

_____, Mar. 23, 1847.

Maria, d., w. Henry, consumption [at Marblehead. PR1], Jan. 24, 1848, a. 22 y. 7 m. 18 d.

Harriett A., d. Eben B. and Catherine, dysentery, Oct. 27, 1848, a. 1 y.

William, s. Eben B., canker, Sept. 4, 1849, a. 10 d.


Mary, d. John and Genett, Dec. 16, 1821.

Benjamin, s. John and Genett, Aug. 26, 1825.

Harriet Ann, d. William, Oct. 28, 1826.

_____, w. William, Oct. 18, 1834. [a. 30 y. PR1].

Edward Newhall, s. William and Huldah B., June 10, 1839.

William Washington, s. William, Aug. 9, 1844, a. 14 y.

John, m., morocco dresser, consumption, Feb. 11, 1845, a. 50 y. 6 m.

Huldah B., wid., consumption, Apr. 6, 1848, a. 45 y.


Ann, d. Moses, Dec. 8, 1807.


David, laborer, b. Ireland [abscess. PR1], June 21, 1846, a. 35 y.

Thomas, s. Thomas and Margaret, heart complaint, Oct. 20, 1847, a. 10 d.

Mary [Mrs. PR1], dysentery, May 7, 1848, a. 78 y.

Thomas, laborer, b. Ireland s. David and Mary, intemperance, Dec. 8, 1849, a. 36 y.

GOLDSMITH (Gooldsmith)

Joseph Watten, s. Joseph, jr. and Mary, w., Oct. 9, 1824.

Mary Ann, d. Joseph, jr. and Mary, w., Aug. 5, 1829.

Harriett Eliza, d. Joseph, jr. and Mary, w., Aug. 2, 1833.

Mary Ellen, d. Edward and Lydia, dysentery, Sept. 1, 1848, a. 2 y. 10 m.

Joseph, old age, Feb. 11, 1849, a. 74 y.


Charles, d., s. Dennison, w., Sept. 19, 1841.

Francis C., s. D.W. and Adaline J., canker, Aug. 25, 1846, a. 2 m.

GOODALE (Goodall)

Abigail Goodridge, d. Enoch and Lucretia, Dec. 10, 1832.

Orin, s. Enoch and Lucretia, June 10, 1836.

GOODALL (Goodale)

Joseph, July 4, 1692.


Charles, consumption, Apr. 25, 1843, a. 22 y.

GOODRIDG (Goodridge)

Rand Graves, s. Moses and Hannah, Mar. 15, 1804.

Eliza, d. Moses and Hannah, Jan. 9, 1807


Sylvester, s. Samuel I. and Hannah, Sept. 7, 1831.

_____, inf. ch. Samuel I. and Hannah, Aug. 14, 1832.

Abba Ann, d. Francis and Pamelia, bowel complaint, Sept. 20, 1844, a. 11 m. 3 d.

Amelia Francis, d. Francis and Amelia [Pamelia. PR1], overflow of heart, Dec. 10, 1845, a. 6 y. 2 m.

Sarah Elizabeth, d. Jonas and Betsey, consumption, Dec. 13, 1846, a. 18 y.

Ann Elizabeth, d. Francis and Pamela, teething, Feb. 25, 1848, a. 14 m. 21 d.

Lucy Rebecca, d. wid. Mary O., consumption, Sept. 1, 1848, a. 9 m.

GOOLDSMITH (Goldsmith)

Elizabeth, d. Joseph and Lydia, Feb. 20, 1804.


Thomas, s. Daniell and Elizabeth, Aug. 3, 1675.

Elizabeth, w. Daniel, Jan. --, 1690-91.


Sarah Ann, d. James and Sally, Jan. 19, 1844. [a. 10 y. 7 m. GR1]

James, m., boot maker, b. in Scotland consumption, Mar. 18, 1849, a. 59 y.


Daniel, s. Daniel and Eliza, consumption, Sept. 23, 1848, a. 1 y. 9 m.

William, s. Daniel and Eliza, Asiatic cholera, Aug. 24, 1849, a. 7 y.


_____, w. Joseph, bur. Oct. --, 1765. PR6

Elihu, s. Muzza and Martha, 19: 11m: 1781. CR1

Deborah, Mrs., July 20, 1796, a. 63 y. GR1

Elihu [s. Elihu and Lois. CR1], Aug. 30, 1831. [Aug. 31. CR1]

Sally S., b. Malden, w. Dr. Abraham, puerperal, Oct. 26, 1844, a. 37 y. 10 m. 6 d.

Abigail, w. Moses, cancer, Jan. 14, 1845, a. 33 y.

William, w., s. Moses, canker, Aug. 29, 1845, a. 10 m.


Joseph Herbert, s. William B. and Sarah Ann, Oct. 7, 1839.

Sarah Ann, d. Albert and Sarah G., Apr. 7, 1840, a. 8 y. 8 m. GR10

Hannah, w. John, 10: 12m: 1843. CR1

James F., s. Worthen and Emeline, Jan. 24, 1844.

Sarah Ann, d. Albert and Sarah G., scarlet fever, Sept. 16, 1845, a. 5 y. 5 m.

Asa, m., innholder, b. Weare, NH, s. Daniel, consumption, at Danvers, Nov. 29, 1849, a. 50 y.

GOWDEY (Goudey)

Thomas, July 19, 1807. [a. 20 y. GR1]

Levi, June 22, 1810. [a. 39 y. GR1]

Lydia, d. Levi and Hannah, May 28, 1816. [a. 18 y. GR1]

[Asa. PR53] "Drownded while in to Swim," [in Rhodes mill pond. PR53], Sept. 4, 1819. [a. 19 y. PR53]

Betsey, w. John, Jan. 30, 1822.

John, Jan. 30, 1822.

Nathaniel O., July 28, 1825.

Lydia, w. Nathaniel O., Jan. 17, 1841. [a. 55 y. PR1]

Ellen Augusta, d. Nathaniel T. and Kezia. A., consumption, Aug. 4, 1846, a. 9 y.

Hannah, unm., d. Nathaniel, consumption, May 4, 1849, a. 36 y.


Sarah, Dec. 27, 1694.

Roberd, June 7, 1698.

John, sr., May 28, 1720.

Timothy, Aug. 16, 1720.

Hannah, w. Daniel, May 1, 1721.

Jonathon, s. Jonathon and Elizebeth, July 10, 1723.

John, s. Thomas and Sarah, Nov. 28, 1737, a. 16 y. 12 d. GR1

Daniel, fever, at Albany, Sept. 10, 1756, a 65 y. CR2

Patience, w. Samuell, "Vomiting, Purging, and fits after a few days Illness," Aug. 22, 1759, in her 52d y. CR2

Ezekiel, jr., fever, Oct. 30, 1761, a. 25 y. CR2

Deliverance, w. Ezekiel, consumption, Jan. 10, 1762, in her 62d y. CR2

Patty, d. John, consumption, Nov. 22, 1762, in her 18th y. CR2

Sarah, w. Thomas, numb palsy. Mar. 4, 1764, in her 65th y. CR2

Thomas, "of an Ill-Turn, and something of a Fever," Dec. 19, 1769, in his 79th y. CR2

Ezekiel, s. Joseph, "scalt to death," Mar. 12, 1772, in his 7th y. CR2

Mary, wid., Oct. 10, 1772, in her 91st y. CR2

Samuel, "after a tedious sickness of 11 years," Sept. 3, 1773, in his 78th y. CR2

Gideon, "after a lingring Illness of about 3 months occasioned by his overdoing Himself," Feb. 17, 1775, in his 54th y. CR2

Nathaniell, Apr. 27, 1775, in his 88th y. CR2


Elizabeth, d. John and Hannah, Dec. 8, 1844, a. 2 m.

Elizabeth, d. John and Hannah, lung fever, Apr. 8, 1846, a. 4 m. 5 d.


Thomas, sr., Jan. 24, 1696-7.

_____, w. Samuel, 14: 4m: 1740. PR5

Samuel, Dec. 24, 1744, a. 35 y. GR1

Samuel, Dec. 20, 1752. PR5

Crispus, "young", Nov. 22, 1756. PR5

Crispus, cancer in his lip, Aug. 18, 1758. PR5

Rebecca, wid., "11 old," May 21, 1765. PR5

Mary [w. Samuel. PR5], bur. Sept. 5, 1766. PR6

_____, ch. Mark, bur. Sept. 19, 1769. PR6

Lois, w. Samuell, bur. June 2, 1772. PR6

Benjamin, s. Benjamin and Mary, June 17, 1800.

Jeney, w. Rand Nov. 18, 1806.

Rand Sept. 30, 1811.

Samuel, Sept. 13, 1817. [a. 45 y. GR1]

Zachariah, Sept. --, 1824. PR53

Isaiah [Isaac. GR1], s. Samuel and Susanna, Sept. 29, 1824. [a. 18 y. GR1]

Samuel B., Capt., of Salem, "master and part owner of Brig Neptune," at Charleston, SC, Dec. 4, 1825., a. 46 y. PR53

_____, ch. Zechariah, bur. Mar. 1, 1830, a. 2 w. PR1

Mary Ann, d. James, Feb. --, 1833.

_____, ch. Zachariah, bur. Sept. 4, 1833. PR1

Benjamin, Dec. 10, 1833, a. 23 y. GR1 [a. 25 y. PR1]

Susanna, w. Samuel, Jan. 19, 1836. [a. 59 y. GR1;, a. 57 y. PR1]

Zachariah R., Jan. 24, 1838. [a. 39 y. PR1]

Oren Ramsdell, s. James, May 10, 1839.

Abigail, Mrs., Feb. 18, 1840.

Ann, w. Samuel, Sept. --, 1841.

Enoch J., at New Orleans, Apr. 11, 1842, a. 30 y. GR1

Sarah J., consumption, May 18, 1845, a. 16 y.

Mark, consumption, May 23, 1846, a. 38 y.

Mark, s. George and Hannah, scarlet fever, Aug. 11, 1846, a. 2 m.

John Storey, s. John A. and Charlotte, inflammation of the brain, Nov. 20, 1847, a. 12 y.

_____, ch. [?] George, Jan. 27, 1848.

_____, inf. ch. James, May 1, 1848.

_____, inf. ch. James, May 9, 1848.

Mary P., w. Samuel, dysentery, Aug. 2, 1848, a. 40 y.

Sarah, dysentery, Sept. 24, 1848, a. 63 y.


_____, w. Robert, 23: 11m: 1729-30. PR5

Robert, 28: 7m: 1731. PR5

William, 7: 6m: 1743. PR5

_____, ch. Jeremiah, bur. 24: 5m: 1748. PR5

_____, ch. Jeremiah, 8: 9m: 1750. PR5

Theodate, "suddenly," 28: 2m: 1751. PR5

_____, w. Jeremiah, bur. 1: 3m: 1751. PR5

Hannah, d. Abraham and Lydia, July 1, 1751.

_____, wid. Robert, Mar. 1, 1754. PR5

Robert, skipper, drowned, Sept. 13, 1756. PR6

Hannah, wid., bur. Oct. 28, 1756. PR6

_____, ch., wid. Anna, bur. Nov. 29, 1756. PR6

Francis, s. Abraham, bur. Oct. 31, 1759. PR6

Anna, wid., bur. Sept. 21, 1762. PR6

_____, ch. Benjamin, bur. June --, 1769. PR6

William, Hon., at Boston, Nov. 3, 1825, a. 76 y. PR53

_____, w. Jacob, bur. July 28, 1840, a. 43 y. PR1

Austin, consumption, Jan. 4, 1846, a. 46 y.

Benjamin S., consumption, May 4, 1846, a. 28 y.

Harriet, w., w. Zebina S., consumption, June 6, 1847, a. 20 y.

George, machinist, b. Scotland Feb. 29, 1848, a. 78 y.

GREEN (Greene)

_____, ch. James and Lydia, bur. Sept. --, 1760. PR6

Eunice, Oct. 2, 1760. PR129

Lydia, bur. Oct. 15, 1760. PR6

Pattey, d. Nehemiah and Pattey, quinsy, Oct. 26, 1796, a. 2 y. CR5

Nehemiah, s. Nehemiah, quinsy, --- --, 1800, a. 22 m. CR5

George, s. Nehemiah, consumption, Nov. 10, 1801, a. 1 y. CR5

Samuel, consumption, Oct. 5, 1802, a. 22 y. CR5

Charles, s. Nehemiah, quinsy, Feb. 29, 1804, a. 8 m. CR5

Amanda Hussey, d. James, jr. and Mary, Dec. 11, 1826.

James, Mar. 13, 1831.

Hannah Abigail, d. Samuel H., Feb. 11, 1832.

Fredrick Robinson, s. Benjamin H. and Abagail, Dec. 21, 1841, a. 3 y. 7 m. GR2

Cynthia R., consumption, Aug. 13, 1846, a. 38 y.

Abigail H., w. Benjamin H., consumption, Dec. 5, 1846, a. 42 y.

George, s. Mary, congestion of the brain, July 2, 1847, a. 8 m.

Samuel NH, s. Samuel, scarlet fever, July 19, 1849, a. 8 y. 8 m.


George E., s. George, w. and Catherine E., fits, Jan. 17, 1849, a. 10 m. 15 d.

GRIFFIN (Griffen)

George Parker, s. George, d. and Lydia S., Sept. 13, 1842, [a. 13 m. GR1]

William, s. William and Eliza Ann, bowel complaint, Oct. 1, 1846, a. 1 m. 2 d.

Eliza Ann, w. William, consumption. Dec. 18, 1846.


_____, "old woman," abt. 9: 9m: 1736. PR5

_____, ch. Stephen, bur. Aug. 17, 1839, a. 17 m. PR1

Mary Elizabeth, d. Stephen, May 7, 1843. [a. 19 m. PR1]


Susan, servant of John Bread, "latter end of" July, 1678.


John, w., Aug. 18, 1844, a. 2 m. 10 d. GR9

Andrew P., Nov. 26, 1845, a. 2 d. GR9

Lydia Ann, w. Josiah, consumption, Dec. 23, 1846, a. 25 y. 8 m.

GUILFORD (Gilford)

William Henry, s. Rufus and Susan, Aug. 13, 1817, a. 15 m. 3 d. GR1

Samuel M., Dec. 29, 1838. [a. 50 y. GR1]

Olive Maria, d. Joseph and Matilda, scarlet fever, Mar. 13, 1846, a. 1 y. 7 m.

Olive Maria, d. Joseph and Matilda, canker, Sept. 12, 1847, a. 14 d.

Susan, w. Rufus, dropsy, Aug. 8, 1848, a. 55 y.


Hannah [b. Marblehead. PR1], old age, Sept. 22, 1848, a. 100 y.


_____, ch. Mr., bur. Aug. 22, 1833. PR1

_____, ch. Samuel, bur. Oct. 3, 1839. PR1

_____, ch. Bradley V., bur. Oct. 2, 1842, a. 15 m. PR1

Rachel [mother of Bradley V. PR1], inflammation of the lungs, Dec. 12, 1844, a. 67 y. [a. 69 y. PR1]

Aza B., s. Bradley V. and Sarah Ann, cholera infantum, Apr. 26, 1845, a. 15 d.

Edwin C., s. Bradley V. and Sarah Ann, dysentery, Sept. 9, 1846, a. 1 y. 5 m.