NorthShore Slavery

EAMES (Ames)

William I., of Boston, and Mary Elizabeth Childs, int. Sept. 17, 1847.


William, and Maria Sanborn, int. Aug. 23, 1835.

Lydia, and George W. Frazier, int. Mar. 20, 1836.


Hannah, and Isaiah Ramsdil, May 13, 1734.*

EASTES (Estes)

Martha, Mrs., and Samuel Smith of Newport, int. Sept. 3, 1769.


Abigail, and William E. Breed, Oct. 5, 1837.*

EATEN (Eaton)

Joseph, and Mrs. Mary Eaten of Reading, int. Aug. 31, 1777.

Mary, Mrs., of Reading, and Joseph Eaten, int. Aug. 31, 1777.

Anne, Mrs., and Samuel Wilson, int. Dec. 7, 1777.

EATON (Eaten, Eatton)

Elizabeth, and John Bancroft, Sept. 24, 1678.

Abygall, and Ebenezer Bancraft, May 19, 1692.

Martha, and Peeter Emmons of Ipswich, int. Nov. 19, 1698.

Daniell, and Mary Collins of Salem, Oct. 7, 1701.*

Daniell, and Abigaile Heburd, Oct. 9, 1704.*

Prissillah, and Joseph Dodge of Beverly, int. July 6, 1705.

Thomas, and Easter Burnap, Dec. 9, 1707.*

Sarah, and John Poole, jr., May 16, 1709.*

Joseph, of Reading, and Mary Person, at Reading, May 18, 1709.

Mary, and Anthony Slafter, Dec. 30, 1712.*

Hannah, of Reading, and Nathaniel Gowing, Dec. 7, 1719.*

Thomas [of Reading. int.], and Mary Gowing, Jan. 24, 1721-2.*

Jeremiah, and Margerit Hawks, Apr. 10, 1722.*

Elizebeth, and Ebenezer Gowing, Apr. 10, 1724.*

Jacob, and Mehitabel Breed, int. Oct. 29, 1727.

Easter, and David Welman, Jan. 7, 1730-31.*

Benjamin, and Anna Rann, May 21, 1730.*

Jeremiah, and Hannah Osgood of Andover, Nov. 3, 1730.*

Joseph, [of Reading. int.], and Elizabeth Mansfield, Nov. 12, 1730.*

Mary [of Reading. int.], and John Mansfield, Oct. 26, 1731.*

Mary, and John Pope of Salem, at Salem, Apr. 22, 1736.*

Sarah, and Benjamin Garey, May 29, 1739.*

Jacob, and Mary Collins, int. June 24, 1739.

Mehitabel, and Thomas Eaton, int. Feb. 6, 1742-3.

Thomas, and Mehitabel Eaton, int. Feb. 6, 1742-3.

Phebe [Eton. int.], of Reading, and Thomas Hart of Lynn End, at Reading, Aug. 24, 1749.*

Joseph [of Medford. int.], and Anna Hutchinson, May 9, 1751.*

Unice, and Jacob Brown [of Reading. int.], Jan. 18, 1757. CR2*

Elisabeth [Mrs. int. and CR2], and Samuell Pool of Reading, Oct. 19, 1758.*

Benjamin, and Sarah Riddon [Reddan. int.] of Marblehead, at Marblehead, July 5, 1759.*

Hannah, and [Dr. int.] Moses Nichols [of Amherst. int.], July 7, 1761. CR2*

Anna, and William Chever, Jan. 10, 1763.*

Mary, and Joseph Brown, of Reading, at Reading, Dec. --, 1763.*

Charity, Mrs., and Thomas Nichols of Reading, int. Feb. 22, 1767.

Joseph, and Mary Eaton of Reading, at Reading, Sept. 25, 1777.

Mary, of Reading, and Joseph Eaton, at Reading, Sept. 25, 1777.

Benjamin, and Elizabeth Sparrahawk, int. Jan. 31, 1781-2.

Catharine, and Samuel Childs of Marblehead, int. Feb. 24, 1833.

Elizabeth, and Jesse Gay of Andover, Aug. 11, 1834.*

Irene, and Micajah Hurrill, int. Aug. 24, 1834.

Mary E., and Isaac B. Breed, Sept. 4, 1834.*

Samuel M., and Charity Jackson, Dec. 20, 1835.

Rachel M., of Charlestown, and John Crapo, int. Aug. 28, 1836.

William, and Mary Ann Fulton, Jan. 8, 1840.*

James, and Sarah Raddin, both of South Reading, June 24, 1841.

William G., and Salina C. Dodge, July 6, 1845.*

Levi B., of South Reading, and Olive Harding, int. Oct. 11, 1846.

EATTON (Eaton)

Grace, and Henery Silsby, Nov. 18, 1680.

William, and Mary Burnit, Jan. 12, 1692.

EBORN (Aborn)

Hannah, and Edward Twiss of Salem, at Salem, Feb. 3, 1708 [-9. int.]*

EBORNS (Aborn)

Benjamin, and Mary Bovil of Marblehead, at Marblehead, June 2, 1786.


Patience, of Swansea, and Henry Chase, at Swansea, Aug. 14, 1796.*

EDMANDS (Edmunds)

Lot, and Ester Burrill, Oct. 18, 1810.


Aaron, and Lois Smith, Jan. 18, 1821.*

James, and Lydia [Martha. PR53] Knight, Jan. 27, 1822.*

Sally H., and James Pickering, Jan. 12, 1823.*

Moses, and Susanna Lefavour, int. Sept. 27, 1835.

Eliza, and Perez Coombs [of Thomaston, ME. int.], Nov. 3, 1841.*

Mary, a. 23 y., b. Malden, and Gilbert D. Allen, a. 20 y., cordwainer, s. Ezekiel, Sept. 20, 1849.*

EDMONDS (Edmunds)

Jonathan, and Sara Hudson, 16: 10m: 1662. CTR

Samuell, and Elizabeth Merriam, Aug. 11, 1675.

Joseph, and Elizabeth Burges, Jan. 27, 1685.

Jonathan, and Sarah Hall of Boston, June 27, 1717.*

David, and Hannah Hinkson, Aug. 8, 1717.*

Robard, and Abigail Doutey, Oct. 28, 1717.*

Sarah, and John Burrill, Mar. 6, 1734-5.*

George, and Esther Boyce of Salem, at Salem, Nov. 3, 1747.

Abigail, and David Potter, Nov. 28, 1752.*

Elizabeth, and Samuel Brideen, resident of Lynn, int. Jan. 22, 1780.

Mary, and Asa Boynton, Apr. 10, 1781. [Apr. 20, 1782. CR3]

EDMONS (Edmunds)

Samuell, jr., and Elizabeth Rhoads, Dec. 4, 1705.*

Mehitabel, and John Burnull, Jan. 15, 1716-17.*

Samuel, and Sarah Berry of Attleboro, int. Aug. 17, 1716.

EDMUNDS (Edmands, Edmonds, Edmons)

Mary, and Joseph Hutchings, Sept. 1, 1657. PR4

Samuel, and Elizabeth Bridges, Jan. 27, 1685. PR4

Joseph, and Mary Pratt of Charlestown, int. Oct. 25, 1707.

Susannah, and Walsingham Chilson, Oct. 20, 1709.*

Joseph, and Mary Fry, Jan. 2, 1752.*

_____, and Samuel Breden, Feb. 19, 1780. CR3

Lot, of Malden, and Ester Burrill, int. Aug. 12, 1810.

Charles G., and Harriett B. Standley, int. Sept. 29, 1839.

Lot, jr., of Saugus, a. 22 y., b. Saugus, yeoman, s. Lot and Sarah, and wid. Sarah Edmunds, a. 27 y., d. Ebenezer and Sarah Paine, Aug. 7, 1844.*

Sarah, wid., a. 27 y., d. Ebenezer and Sarah Paine, and Lot Edmunds, jr. of Saugus, a. 22 y., b. Saugus, yeoman, s. Lot and Sarah, Aug. 7, 1844.*


Roger, and Sarah Hobs of Ipswich, int. Jan. 1, 1714-15.

Lydia [of Gloucester. int.], and Collins I. Parrott, Aug. 28, 1828.*

Hannah, and George Ingersoll of Manchester, int. Dec. 20, 1846. (Marriage forbidden)


Samuel, of Yarmouth, and Mary Bates, at Yarmouth, Jan. 26, 1703-4.

Thankful, of Chatham, and Blaney Parrott, int. Sept. 21, 1828.


Elizabeth, and Thomas Owens of Marblehead, int. Nov. 22, 1708.

Sarah, and William Peach of Marblehead, int. Nov. 25, 1710.


Ebenezer, and Anna Whitmarsh of Beverly, int. Aug. 31, 1823.


Sally [of Boston. CR5], and Elijah Chase, May 24, 1819.*


Joseph, of Killing, and Lidia Rhoads, Oct. 17, 1727.

Elizabeth, of Hanover, and John Pratt [bef. 1818]. CR1

David, s. Mordacai and Priscilla, of Hanover, and Maria Loud, d. David and Charity, of Weymouth [bef. 1827]. CR1

James [of Seekonk. int.], and Content P[hillips. int.] Silsbee, Oct. 26, 1835.*

Alexander, of Woburn, and Sarah J. [I. int.] Peck, Nov. 26, 1846.*

James, and [Mrs. int.] Mehitable G. Davis, Feb. 18, 1847.*


Hannah, and Thomas Frothingham, Sept. 24, 1815.*


Amariah K., and Sarah H. Stocker, Mar. 12, 1837.*


Mary, and Jacob Burrill, int. July 1, 1699.


Joseph, of Reading, and Phebe Upton, at Reading, Dec. 7, 1749.*

Mary, Mrs., of Reading, and Thomas Chever, int. Sept. 30, 1753.

Joseph, of Chelmsford, and Elizebath Bryant, Sept. 20, 1768.*

William, and Mary Ann Blackey, int. Apr. 28, 1847 (Deferred at the request of Mr. Emerson)

Nathan, of Salem, a. 27 y., shoemaker, b. Epsom, NH, s. Jesse, and Caroline Matilda Allen, a. 20 y., d. Edward, int. Sept. 8, 1849.

EMERTON (Emmerton)

_____, and George Robinson, at Salem, Aug. 4, 1823. PR53 [Mary. From Salem VRs.]

Remember, and Nehemiah A. Breed [May 6, 1827. int.]*

Rebecca, and Lambert Tuttle, Dec. 2, 1828.*

Increase N., and Alice C. Blake, Mar. 20, 1829.*

John I., of Saugus, and Eliza B. Mudge, Aug. 16, 1831.*

Jeremiah, and Mary Ann Mansfield, Nov. 6, 1834.*

Abigail E., and James Sweetzer, --- --, 1836. [May 8. int.]*

Albert, and Anna Burchstead [Mar. 17, 1836. PR17]*

Almira, and Joseph L. Pratt, int. May 8, 1836.

Ellen D., and William H. Wiggin, int. Jan. 26, 1845.


Ralph [of Jeffery, NH. int.], and Susan Williams, June 7, 1827.*

EMES (Eames)

Lucius, and Adaline B. Pratt, May 4, 1843.*

EMMERTON (Emerton)

Jeremiah, and Mary Newhall, Feb. 6, 1799.*

EMMONS (Emons)

Peeter, of Ipswich, and Martha Eaton, int. Nov. 19, 1698.

Martha, and Moses Browne of Boxford, int. Apr. 15, 1719.

EMONS (Emmons)

Clarrisa, and William H. Holt, May 28, 1837.*


Mehitabel, and John Hart, int. May 21, 1732.


Francis, and Eliza Newhall, int. Apr. 16, 1826.

ESTES (Eastes)

Matthew, and Philadelphia _____, 14: 4m: 1676. CR1

John, s. Matthew, mariner, and Hannah Bassett, d. William, yeoman, 15: 12m: 1705-6. CR1*

Aron ["a Stranger. " int.], and Ester Richards, June 7, 1723.*

John, of Marblehead, blacksmith, s. John, of Salem, deceased, and Elisabeth Norwood, d. Francis, at Boston, Aug. 10, 1732. CR1*

Elizabeth, and John Rhoads, May 8, 1740.*

Matthew, cordwainer, s. John, deceased, and Martha Blany, d. David, of Salem, tanner, Sept. 19, 1744. CR1

William, felt maker, s. John, deceased, and Ruth Graves, d. Mark, deceased, Jan. 1, 1745-6. CR1

Matthew, cordwainer, s. John, deceased, and Anna Newhall, d. Samuel, husbandman, Sept. 16, 1746. CR1

Hannah, d. John, deceased, and Isaiah Breed, cordwainer, s. Jabez, yeoman, Apr. 12, 1748. CR1

Ruth, d. William, feltmaker, and Amos Breed, s. Ebenezer, deceased, Apr. 30, 1766. CR1

Aaron, jr., and Molly Hooper, both of Topsfield, Oct. 23, 1766.

Hannah, d. William, hatter, and Daniel Newhall, cordwainer, s. Samuel, yeoman, Apr. 25, 1769. CR1

Anna, d. William, hatter, and Ruth, and Isaac Hacker of Salem, shoreman, s. Jeremiah, of Salem, shoreman, and Lydia, deceased, 26: 4m: 1774. CR1

William, and Rebekah Chase, July 3, 1805.*

Ezekiel, s. Mark and Elizabeth, deceased, and Mary Breed, d. Ebenezer, of Weare, NH, deceased, and Mary, deceased, 23: 10m: 1805. CR1

Mathew, and Polly Evens, June 21, 1812.*

Abijah, of Salem, and Lydia Hawks, Oct. 25, 1812.*

William, jr., and Almira Choat, Oct. 8, 1826.*

Ruth, and Edward B.T. Gove, Nov. 16, 1826.*

Lydia B., and Edward Goldsmith, May 24, 1832.*

Mark, jr., and Sophronia Ann Rich, Apr. 25, 1833.*

William H., and Rebecca L. Dodge, Oct. 27, 1835.*

John, and Mary J. Bisbee, Nov. 1, 1835.*

Rebecca, and Benjamin H. Currier, Apr. 14, 1836.*

Joseph, and Harriett W. Whitney of Grafton, int. Sept. 11, 1836.

Mary Ann [d. Ezekiel and Mary. CR1], and Gilbert Boyce [s. Jonathan and Anna. CR1], Oct. 14, 1836.

David, and Maria Burrill, July 1, 1838.*

Ezra B., and Emeline A. Swan, Sept. 5, 1839.*

Clarissa H., of Salem, and James W. Dearborn, resident in Lynn, int. Dec. 19, 1841.

Gulielma Maria, and Thomas Ripley, widr., Mar. 11, 1846.*

Elizabeth, and Joseph H. Swain, int. June 18, 1848.

Ezekiel F., a. 26 y., coordwainer, s. Ezekiel, and Elizabeth A. Ingalls, a. 23 y., d. Joseph, jr., Feb. 19, 1849.*


Richard S., and Amanda Hubbard, int. Mar. 29, 1846.

EVANS (Evens, Evins)

Elizabeth, of Salem, and Jeremiah Farrington, at Salem, Feb. 2, 1738.*

John, "a stranger," and Sarah Larribe, int. Nov. 11, 1775.

James, and Ann M. Smith, Jan. 2, 1820.*

John P., and Margate Lewis [residents in Saugus. CR5], Apr. 19, 1820.

Abigail, of Marblehead, and Erazmus Brickett, int. Nov. 13, 1825.

Lois, of Marblehead, and Varenus Parrott, int. May 8, 1831.

Mary Ann, and Horace Thompson, int. Nov. 22, 1846.

Eleazer, and Sarah Jane Coffin of Gilead, ME, int. May 15, 1847.

Mary Ellen, a. 32 y., d. David, and Thomas Frazar, 2d m., of Dorchester, a. 36 y., mechanic, s. Samuel A., July 4, 1849.*

Rebecca K., a. 20 y., b. Moultonboro, NH, d. Theodore, and William Clark, a. 21 y., cordwainer, b. Gloucester, s. John, int. Dec. 22, 1849.

EVELETH (Evileth)

Mary Ann, of Essex, and William M. Haskell, int. July 10, 1836.

EVENS (Evans)

Amos, of Marblehead, and Elizabeth Blaney, Jan. 20, 1778.*

Polly, and Mathew Estes, June 21, 1812.*

EVILETH (Eveleth)

John, and Sarah M. Winn, Oct. 30, 1845.*

EVINS (Evans)

Eunice, of Marblehead, and Benjamin Cornish, resident in Lynn, int. Mar. 1, 1812.


Judeth [Jude Eveley. int.], and Kimbal Ramsdal, May 31, 1795.*