NorthShore Slavery


George S., a. 17 y., shoemaker, s. Adeline, and Sophia E. Ramsdell, a. 17 y., d. Joseph and Sophia, Dec. 17, 1846.*

Nathaniel, of Saugus, and Adteline Newhall, int. July 2, 1822.

BAIRD (Bayrd)


Abigail, of Nelson, and Joshua Hawks, int. Oct. 25, 1817.

Charles, and Elizabeth Peabody of Dracut, int. Nov. 12, 1822.

Eliza A.M., and Cyrus Wakefield of Boston, Oct. 31, 1841.*

Eunice, and Zacheus Perkins [of Topsfield. int.], Nov. 19, 1795.*

Henry, Capt., and Eliza Mottey, Oct. 16, 1821.*

Henry, and Eunice Mansfield, Jan. 12, 1837.*

Polly, and Benjamin Peabody [jr. of Boxford. int], June 8, 1794.*

Nathaniel [3d. int.], and Zebiah Russell of Danvers, at Danvers, Nov. 25, 1797.*

Rachel, of Nelson, NH, and Col. Josiah Newhall, int. Oct. 2, 1824.

Thomas, and Lydia Brown, Nov. 25, 1790.*

Thomas, and Ruth Wellman, May 18, 1815.*

Thomas, jr. [of Salem. int], and Clarissa Aborn, June 1, 1815.*

Warren, and Hannah S. Kelly of Derry, NH, int. July 4, 1829.


Laura, and Albert B. Damon of Fitchburg, Apr. 14, 1841.*


Herick, of Reading, and Rebecca P. Preston, June 1, 1831.*

BAYRD (Beard)

Charles L., of South Reading, and Harriet O. Cox, int. Oct. 22, 1841.

BEARD (Bayrd)

Sylvester, of Reading, a. 30 y., shoemaker, b. Reading, s. Merrill and Olive, of Reading, and Clarisa T. Hart, a. 30 y., d. Daniel and Polly, Sept. 29, 1848.*


James Stacey, and Mary Lynn Witherspoon, Aug. 1, 1819.*


William, and Sally King of Danvers, int. June 12, 1802.


Hannah C., and William Skinner, jr., May 2, 1832.*

Simon P., and Elizabeth C. Viles, int. Mar. 25, 1837.


Edmund, and Mrs. Sophia Richardson, int. Dec. 10, 1836.


George F., of Danvers, carpenter, and Sarah S. Skinner, d. William and Lucy (Aborn), Jan. 1, 1845.*


John, and Betsey Johnson of Reading, int. Sept. 28, 1811.

Lucy [of Danvers. int], and Walter Smith, Mar. 7, 1799.*

Nelly, of Andover, and Samuel [Benjamin. int.] Danforth, at Andover, Aug. 24, 1794.*


Rachel, and Ambrose Potter, farmer, Dec. 7, 1845.*


James [of Salem. int], and Phebe Newhall, Oct. 28, 1804.*


Emeline L., of Danvers, a. 23 y., and Jesse Skinner, widr., a. 50 y., cordwainer, Oct. 19, 1845.*


Benjamin, [of Andover. int.], and Belinda Parson [Pearson. int.], Apr. 1, 1817.*


Sarah, and Ephraim Larrabee, Oct. 15, 1807.*


Frederick [of Lynn. int.], and Mary Richardson, Jan. 10, 1805.*

BRIANT (Bryant)

John, and Sarah Brown, Apr. 28, 1807.*

John, and Rebekah Richardson of Townsend, int. Dec. 13, 1835.


Joseph, and Ann Storey of Salisbury, int. Feb. 4, 1832.


Joshua, and Alice Roberts of Saugus, int. Jan. 7, 1832.

Susanna, Mrs., and Jonathan Tarbell, int. Jan. 7, 1832.

BRYANT (Briant)

Caroline W., and Robert W. Sweetser of Roxbury, --- --, 1834. [June 8. int]*

John, and Eunice Shelden, Oct. 30, 1790.*

Jonathan, and Sarah P. Spokesfield of Reading, int. Sept. 28, 1839.

Lydia N., d. John and Sarah (Brown), and Edwin Mudge of Danvers, shoemaker, b. Danvers, s. Amos and Sarah (Wilson), of Danvers, Nov. 28, 1844.*

Sarah, and William Smith, jr., Nov. 5, 1840.*


Joseph, and Elizabeth Adams, Nov. 7, 1784.


Ebenezer, a. 22 y., cordwainer, b. Reading, s. Edward and Betsey, Of Reading, and Nancy I. Cross, dressmaker, b. Pelham, NH, d. John and Phebe, of Pelham, June 18, 1845.*

Hannah P., and John Gowing, int. June 23, 1849.

Joseph, of South Reading, and Sarah J. Mansfield, June 5, 1832.*

Oliver, and Mary M. Mansfield, Nov. 14, 1832.*


Abigail, and Thomas Milbourn, Dec. 18, 1806.*

David H., and Polly Young of Reading, int. June 11, 1803.

Jerusha, and Bowman Viles [of Burlington. int], Apr. 16, 1807.*

Joseph, and Ruth Emerson of Reading, int. May 2, 1806.

Ruth Louisa, and Ephraim Abbot Putman, Apr. 29, 1835.*


Amos, and Mary Aborn, May 20, 1787.

Hanah, and John Hart, Jan. 1, 1818.*

Richard, of Danvers, and Anna Sheldon, at Danvers, Nov. 21, 1784.


William J., of Saugus, and Sarah J. Hobson, int. Dec. 8, 1848.


Benjamin, [of Reading. int.; of Boston. dup. int], and Phebe Tapley, Apr. 4, 1805.*

David [of Danvers. int.], and Lydia Johnson, May 21, 1807.*