NorthShore Slavery


Mary B., of South Reading, and William Tate, int. Sept. 16, 1820.


Elias, and Ann Thomson of Reading, int. Jan. 28, 1848.

Nancy, and Enoch Russell, int. Sept. 2, 1837.


James G. [J. int], of Wilmington, and Mary W. Newhall, Apr. 17, 1838.*


Cassandana, and Jonathan H. Smith, Mar. 29, 1827.*

Clarisa T., a. 30 y., d. Daniel and Polly, and Sylvester Beard of Reading, a. 30 y., shoemaker, b. Reading, s. Merrill and Olive, of Reading, Sept. 29, 1848.*

Daniel, and Polly Tapley, Dec. 13, 1792.*

Ebenezer, and Polly Smith, Oct. 25, 1792.

Betsey, and Daniel Townsend, Apr. 21, 1816.*

George, and Eunice Upton [of Reading. int], Oct. 2, 1800.*

John, and Hanah Butler, Jan. 1, 1818.*

Joseph, and Betsey Tapley, July 26, 1798.*

Joseph, and Mary Richardson, Apr. 15, 1824.*

Joseph, and Harritt D. Clark, Dec. 17, 1829.*

Joseph T., and Nancy Holt, Dec. 17, 1834.*

Lucy E., and Lenoard Gowing, Oct. 23, 1826.*

Polly, and Theodore Flagg, Oct. 27, 1795.*

Polly, of Lynn, and Walter Smith, jr., int. Jan. 24, 1801.

Mary, and Ebenezer Parsons, Oct. 17, 1824.*

Polly, and Charles Norwod, Apr. 25, 1839.*

Mehetabel, and Phineas Green, June 18, 1789.

William, and Polly Smith, Dec. 12, 1793.*


Jonathan, [of Salem. int], and Nancy Mansfield, Apr. 20, 1802.*


Ezra, of Andover, and Tama Larrabee, int. June 8, 1822.

HAWARD (Hayward)

Joseph [of Malden. int.], and Lydia Norwood, Dec. 29, 1793.*

HAWKES (Hawks)

Rachel B., and William E. Cox, Feb. 17, 1842.*

Sarah E., and Alanson A. Upton of Reading, int. May 26, 1849.


Emily [Mrs. int.], and Harris Nichols of Lynn, Feb. 19, 1842.*


Francis [of Reading. int.], and Polly Mansfield, Mar. 25, 1806.*

HAYWARD (Haward, Haywood)

William, and Dorcas Townsend, Dec. 15, 1785.

HAYWOOD (Hayward)

Elbridge A., of Reading, and Rebecca B. Aborn, Nov. 23, 1829.*

HAZZLETON (Hezzleton)

HEALY (Healey)

Levi, and Naby Dodge, Feb. 17, 1793.*


Joseph, and Elizabeth G. Sweetser, Apr. 2, 1829.*

Sally, and Edward Downing, May 25, 1830.*


Ann and Thomas Chasson, steward of the ship "Hyde," at Fort William, Calcutta, Bengal, May 19, 1816.

HEWES (Hews)

Aaron T., of Reading, and Louisa Smith, Apr. 21, 1835.*

Benjamin, and Mary Gould, Nov. 15, 1831.*

Elijah, and Rebekah Brown, May 30, 1813.*

Elijah, and Elizabeth Brown of Danvers, int. June 24, 1815.

Eliza Jane, and George Spinney, int. Nov. 29, 1838.

James, and Eliza Hawks, Nov. 25, 1813.*

James, and Hannah P. Crosby [of Salem. int.], July 4, 1830.*

Joel, and Ruth Tapley, Apr. 3, 1808.*

Joel, and Sarah Marsh, int. Apr. 9, 1831.

Mary A., and Benjamin Cox, jr., int. May 20, 1832.

Mary, wid., and Edward Burditt, widr., shoemaker, May 30, 1847.*

Matthew, a. 22 y., shoemaker, s. Joshua and Jedidah, and Eliza Wiley, d. Jacob And Nabby, Dec. 21, 1845.*

Ruth, Mrs., and Oliver Swain, Apr. 19, 1829.*

Ruth, and Ebenezer T. Abbot of Reading, Feb. 19, 1835.*

Sophia, and Jeremiah Coney, Apr. 12, 1829.*

HEWS (Hewes)

Joshua, and Jedidah Hunt, Nov. 3, 1818.*


David, and Hanna S. Twiss, both of Danvers, June 11, 1826.


Anna, and Jonathan Richardson, Mar. 18, 1788.


Sarah J., and William J. Butterfield of Saugus, int. Dec. 8, 1848.


Esther, of Reading, and John Perry, at Reading, Apr. 24, 1794.*

Mary, of Reading, and Levi Smith, int. Jan. 16, 1841.

Nancy, and Joseph T. Hart, Dec. 17, 1834.*

Sarah, and Joseph Brown, jr., Apr. 18, 1793.*


Jedidah, and Joshua Hews, Nov. 3, 1818.*

Mary, of Salem, and Joseph Tapley, jr., int. Feb. 14, 1818.


Mary W., of Lowell, and George F. Whittredge, int. Dec. 10, 1842.