NorthShore Slavery


Tabitha, d. Edward, bp. at Wenham, Aug. 9, 1741. CR


Mary, d. John, bp. Jan. 15, 1720-21. CR

WARREN (Warrin, Woren, Worren, Worrin)

Mary, d. Robert and Mary, Dec. 8, [abt. 1748].

WARRIN (Warren)

Hannah, d. Robbert and Elizabeth, Oct. 31, 1714.

Mary, d. Robert and Mary, bp. Dec. 6, 1741. CR

Richard, s. Robbert and Elizabeth, Dec. 31, 1709.

Ruth, d. Robbert and Elizabeth, Oct. 26, 1712.

Sarah, d. Robbert and Elizabeth, Oct. 1, 1707.

Sarah, d. Mary, bp. Oct. 20, 1728. CR


Loisetta, d. John H., cabinet maker, and Emily, Aug. 27, 1846.

Mary Brown, d. John Horace, cabinet maker, b. Boston, and Emily P., Feb. 21, 1849.


John Charles, s. John C. and Lucy Ann, Aug. 15, 1841.

William Abbott, s. John C., cabinet maker, b. Beverly, and Lucy Ann, b. Essex, Jan. 31, 1849.

WEBBER (Weber)

Abigail, d. John and Elizabeth, bp. Apr. 10, 1731. CR

Benjamin, s. John, bp. May 25, 1729. CR

Elizabeth, d. John, bp. Nov. 2, 1735. CR

Hennery, s. Trenance and Prudance, Aug. 30, 1734.

Jacob, s. Trenance and Prudence, bp. Feb. 26, 1737[-8]. CR

John, s. John, jr. and Mary, Apr. 5, 1736.

Margaret, d. twin, John and Mary, bp. June 17, 1739. CR

Mary, d. twin, John and Mary, bp. June 17, 1739. CR

Ruth, d. Richard and Mary, bp. Sept. 7, 1777. CR

Samuell, s. Trenance and Prudence, bp. July 18, 1736. CR

Sarah, d. Trenance (Weebber) and Prudance, May 16, 1733.

William, s. John, "who had renewed Baptismal Vow att Beverly," bp. Jan. 1, 1726[-7]. CR

WEBER (Webber)

Benjamin, s. John (Weeber) and Elesebath, May 15, 1728.

William, s. John and Elesebath, Dec. 28, 1728.


Abigail, d. John and Elizabeth, Aug. 3, 1810.

Elizabeth, d. John and Elizabeth, July 1, 1807.

John, s. John and Elizabeth, Jan. 7, 1813.


Charles Lee, s. Samuel and Jane, July 19, 1829.

Edward Van Buren, s. Samuel and Jane, Sept. 4, 1836.

Harriet Atwood, d. Samuel, mariner, and Jane, Sept. 8, 1843.

Mariah S., d. Samuel, seaman, and Jane, Feb. 25, 1846.

Mary Jane, d. Samuel and Jane, Aug. 10, 1834.

Nancy Stacy, d. Samuel and Jane, Gloucester, July 30, 1838.

Samuel, s. Thomas and Mary, at Beverly, Dec. 22, 1798.

Samuel, s. Samuel and Jane, July 16, 1827.

Winthrop Lee, s. Samuel and Jane, Nov. 12, 1830.


Charles Edward, s. Edward S., mariner, and Mary A., Nov. 22, 1844.

Charles Edward, s. Edward S., shoemaker, b. Beverly, and Mary A., Nov. 23, 1849.

Betty, d. John and Rhode, Feb. 3, 1793.

Betsey, d. J., bp. Apr. 1, 1810. CR

George Frederic, s. Isaac, grocer, and Nancy N., Feb. 3, 1848.

Hellen N. [Norwood. CR], d. Isaac S., grocer, and Nancy N. June 15, 1843.

Isaac Smith, s. Isaac S. and Nancy N., May 27, 1840.

Joseph Smith, s. Edward and Mary A., Oct. 31, 1842.

Mary Smith, d. Edward S., shoemaker, b. Beverly, and Mary A., May 8, 1847.


Helen, d. William, cabinet maker, and Sarah, Mar. 17, 1848.

Joseph Benjamin, s. Joseph and Mary Ann, June 8, 1830.

Sarah Augusta (should be Augusta E.), d. William, cabinet maker, and Sarah A., May 14, 1844.

Sarah E., d. William, cabinet maker, and Sarah A., Mar. 2, 1846.


Phillip Melvin, s. Phillip C., butcher, b. Sutten, NH, and Ruth, b. Bradford, NH, Nov. 16, 1848.

WHIPPLE (Wipple)

Elizabeth, d. [Dr. CR] Joseph and Eunice, Dec. 12, 1759.

Eunice, d. [Dr. CR] Joseph and Eunice, Jan. 18, 1774.

Increase, s. [Dr. CR] Joseph and Eunice, Apr. 20, 1768.

John, s. Joseph and Eunice, Mar. 9, 1764.

Priscilla, d. Joseph and Eunice, June 2, 1771.

Sarah, d. [Dr. CR] Joseph and Eunice, Dec. 30, 1761.

William, s. Joseph and Eunice, Oct. 17, 1758.

William, 2d, s. [Dr. CR] Joseph and Eunice, Apr. 1, 1766.


Elmira, d. Hezekiah, teamster, and Sarah B., Mar. 23, 1845.

Ann Mariah, d. Sarah Ann, May 3, 1845.

Betsey, d. Elnathan and Lucy, Aug. 21, 1786.

Lydia, d. Elnathan (Witney) and Lucy, Aug. 9, 1788.

Polly, d. Elnathan and Lucy, Dec. 27, 1784.


Charles Henry, s. Samuel and Lucy, Aug. 2, 1837.

Jacob, s. Joseph and Rebecca, Feb. 12, 1801.

Louisa, d. Samuel and Lucy, July 7, 1822.

Lucy Jane, d. Samuel and Lucy, Jan. 29, 1820.

Lydia A., d. Lucy, bp. Apr. 3, 1824. CR

Mary Elizabeth, d. Lucy, bp. Aug. 19, 1827. CR

Rebecca, d. Joseph and Rebecca, Jan. 12, 1799.

Samuel, s. Joseph and Rebecca, Nov. 5, 1796.

Samuel Augustus, s. Samuel and Lucy, May 17, 1835.

Thomas, s. Joseph and Rebecca, Aug. 12, 1802.

WILLAMS (Williams)

Mary, d. Samuel and Mary, Sept. 15, 1721.

Samuell, s. Danniell and Alce, Nov. 20, 1695.

Sarah, d. Samuel and Mary, Sept. 15, 1721.

WILLIAM (Williams)

Alice, d. Sarah, bp. Apr. 26, 1730. CR

Molley, d. William and Sarah, bp. May 9, 1774.CR

WILLIAMS (Willams, William)

Abigall, d. Daniell and Alce, Nov. 7, 1700.

Abigail, d. Nathaniel, bp. Mar. 10, 1722[-3]. CR

Abigail, d. Samuell and Mary, bp. Feb. 9, 1728[-9, a. 6 y. CR].

Abraham, s. Sarah, bp. Feb. 8, 1735[-6]. CR

Benjamin, s. Daniel and Sarah, bp. Feb. 5, 1743. CR

Daniell, s. Daniell and Alce, July 13, 1708.

Daniel, s. Daniel and Sarah, bp. Sept. 30, 1733. CR

Deborah, d. Daniel, bp. at Beverly, July 12, 1724. CR

Elizabeth, s. Danniell and Alce, July 30, 1705.

Elizabeth, d. John and Elizabeth, Mar. 11, 1706-7.

Elizabeth, d. William and Sahah, Mar. 25, 1763.

Betty, d. Elizabeth, bp. Aug. 27, 1780. CR

Joseph, s. Jo., bp. Oct. 5, 1788. CR

Mary, d. John and Elizabeth, Apr. 3, 1709.

Nathaniel, s. Nathaniel, bp. Mar. 10, 1722[-3]. CR

Nathaniel, s. Daniel, bp. Apr. 13, 1746. CR

Priscilla, d. Samuell and Mary, bp. Feb. 9, 1728[-9]. CR

Rebecca, d. Nathaniel, bp. Mar. 10, 1722[-3]. CR

Ruth, d. Daniell and Alce, June 13, 1710.

Samuell, s. Samuell and Mary, bp. Feb. 9, 1728[-9, a. 13 y. CR].

Samuel, s. Samuell, bp. June 20, 1731. CR

Sarah, d. Daniell and Alce, May 19, 1703.

Sarah, d. Daniel and Sarah, bp. Aug. 24, 1740. CR

Sarah, d. William and Sarah, Oct. 5, 1758.

Thomas, s. John and Mary, Dec. 21, 1791.

WILLMONTON (Wilmington)

Ann Maria Allen, d. Jacob and Eliza Ann, Mar. 30, 1837.

Charles Francis, s. Samuel and Sally, July 28, 1836.

Charlotte Eliza, d. Jacob and Eliza Ann, Apr. 12, 1839.

George, s. Jacob and Eliza Ann, Dec. 1, 1835.

Jacob, s. Charles and Sally, Feb. 15, 1812.

James Munroe, s. Thomas, fisherman, and Louisa, Nov. 6, 1847.

Lydia Ann, d. Charles and Sally, May 29, 1820.

Lydia Hooker, d. Samuel (Wilmonton) and Sally, Nov. --, 1840.

Mary Elizabeth, d. Charles and Sally, Apr. 10, 1815.

Samuel, s. Samuel, cabinet maker, and Sarah, July 16, 1845.

Sarah Elizabeth, d. Samuel and Sally, Sept. 22, 1842.

Thomas, s. Charles and Sally, Mar. 26, 1817.

WILMINGTON (Willmonton)

Charles, s. Charles and Sarah, Apr. 25, 1806.

Samuel, s. Charles and Sarah, May 15, 1807.

Sally, d. Charles and Sarah, Dec. 5, 1809.


Mercy, d. Nathaniel, bp. June 26, 1720. CR

WIPPLE (Whipple)

Mary, d. Dr. Joseph (Whipple) and Eunice, Nov. 22, 1777.

WOODBARY (Woodbury)

Abbigel, d. Joseph and Ruth, June 5, 1718.

John, s. John and Sarah, Feb. 27, 1723-4.

Joseph, s. Joseph and Elezebeth, Jan. 7, 1723-4.

Samuel, s. Joseph and Ruth, Sept. 19, 1720.

WOODBERRY (Woodbury)

Aaron, s. Azariah and Anna, Apr. 4, 1768.

Abigail, d. Elisha, bp. [at Beverly?], Oct. 7, 1733. CR

Andrew, s. Joseph and Elizabeth, bp. Apr. 3, 1726. CR

Andrew, s. Joseph and Elizabeth, bp. Nov. 7, 1731. CR

Benjamin, s. Jacob and Betsy, July 27, 1806.

Caroline Ingersoll, d. Larkin and Louisa, July 10, 1823.

Elizabeth, d. Benjamin and Elizabeth, bp. July 17, 1726. CR

Elizabeth, d. Joseph, bp. Oct. 20, 1734. CR

Betty, d. Joseph, jr. and Dorothy, bp. Mar. 23, 1755. CR

Elizabeth, d. Andrew and Elizabeth, Sept. 23, 1756.

George Canning [changed to George Larkin by Act of Legislature in 1838], s. Larkin and Louisa, Aug. 23, 1827.

Jacob, s. Jacob (Woodbery) and Betsy, Apr. 1, 1804.

Juda, d. William, bp. [at Beverly?] May 6, 1733. CR

Samuel, s. Samuell and Mary, Sept. 3, 1773.

WOODBERY (Woodbury)

Abigail, d. Joseph and Elisabeth, July 4, 1692.

Annah, d. Joseph and Elizabeth, Sept. 5, 1703.

Benjamen, s. Joseph and Elizabeth, June 21, 1705.

Elissabeth, d. twin, Joseph and Elisabeth, May 22, 1690.

Hannah, d. Joseph and Elisabeth, Aug. 31, 1694.

Jacob, s. Jacob, bp. Sept. 23, 1804. CR

John, s. Joseph and Elizabeth, Apr. 4, 1701.

Joseph, s. twin, Joseph and Elisabeth, May 22, 1690.

Ruth, d. Joseph and Ruth, July 6, 1716.

Ruth, d. Samuel and Sarah, Apr. 28, 1746.

Samuell, s. Joseph and Elisabeth, Apr. 15, 1697.

Sarah, d. Joseph and Elizabeth, Aug. 27, 1688.

Sarah, d. John and Sarah, Apr. 19, 1725.

WOODBUREY (Woodbury)

Molley, d. Samuell and Molley [Mary. CR], Mar. 22, 1776.

WOODBURY (Woodbary, Woodberry, Woodbery, Woodburey, Woodby)

Agness, d. David and Betsey, Nov. 17, 1799.

Andrew, s. Joseph and Elesebath, Mar. 28, 1725-6.

Asa, s. Jacob and Betsey, Nov. 15, 1801.

Asa Franklin, s. Asa and Anna, Jan. 20, 1834.

Benjamin Lewis, s. Jacob, mariner, and Saloma, Sept. 21, 1848.

Charlata, d. David and Betsey, at Hamelton, Aug. 27, 1797.

Daniel, s. Andrew, jr. and Lydia, July 4, 1788.

Daniel, s. Andrew, 2d and Lydia, bp. Dec. 6, 1789. CR

Elezebeth, d. John and Sarah, Apr. 6, 1726.

Hanah, d. Joseph and Elesebath, Apr. 27, 1729.

Isaac Morgan, s. Jacob, fisherman, and Saloma, at Newport, July 14, 1846.

Jacob Augustus, s. Jacob and Saloma, Dec. 7, 1835.

Jeremiah, s. John and Sarah, Sept. 23, 1727.

Lydia, d. Andrew, jr. and Lydia, at Ipswich, Apr. 11, 1785.

Lydia, d. Andrew, 2d and Lydia, bp. Dec. 6, 1789. CR

Merior, d. David and Betsey, Aug. 20, 1801.

Samuell, s. Samuel and Sarah, Aug. 12, 1748.

Sarah, d. Samuel and Sarah, Aug. 9, 1751.

Sarah, d. Andrew, jr. and Lydia, Oct. 27, 1792.

William Morgan, s. Jacob and Saloma, May 12, 1841.

WOODBY (Woodbury)

John, s. Joanna, bp. Oct. 10, 1773. CR

WOREN (Warren)

Mary, d. Robert and Elezebeth, June 31, 1719.

WORREN (Warren)

Eunice, d. Robert (Woren) and Elezebeth, Dec. 26, 1722.

WORRIN (Warren)

Abbigel, d. Robert and Elezebeth, Mar. 25, 1717.

Elizabeth, d. Robbert and Elizabeth, Oct. 22, 1705.

Robburd, s. Robburd and Elizabeth, Oct. 14, 1703.

Sarah, d. Robburd and Elizabeth, Sept. 30, 1701.