NorthShore Slavery

EASCOT (Easkoot)

_____, ch. Phillip, Sept. --, 1801. CR

_____, ch. Philip, Sept. 6, 1802, a. 10 m. CR

EASCOTT (Easkoot)

John, "very suddenly," consumption, Nov. --, 1830, a. 35 y. CR

EASKOOT (Eascot, Eascott, Eskott)

Annice, w. Philip, Sept. 28, 1839. [a. 70 y. CR]

Christian, wid., Dec. 25, 1784, a. 40 "odd" y. CR

John, sr., June --, 1758, a. 73 y. CR

John, "suddenly," Oct. 17, 1771. [a. 39 y. CR]

John, --- --, 1777, a. 14 y. CR

Sarah, wid., May --, 1778, a. 87 or 88 y. CR


Bathsheba, Jan. 12, 1757, a. 25 y. CR

Benjamin, Feb. --, 1777, a. "toward" 40 y. CR

Elizabeth, wid., June --, 1804, a. 84 y. CR

John, "lost the First Fare Last Spring," 1774, a. 20 "odd" y. CR

Joseph, "lost Last spring, coming from Virginia," [1754.] CR

Joseph, lost at sea, Mar. --, 1767, a. 15 or 16 y. CR

EATEN (Eaton)

Mary Ann, June 20, 1821. CR [a. 15 y. GR]

EATON (Eaten)

Elizabeth C., d. Ithamar and Jane, Dec. 15, 1820, a. 3 y. GR

Ithamer [consumption. CR], July 3, 1835. [July 4, a. 57 y. CR]

Jane, wid. Ithamar [chronic _____. CR], June 6, 1837. [June 7. CR; June 5. GR]

John L., m., cabinet maker, s. Ithamer and Jane, consumption, Sept. 3, 1845, a. 32 y. 9 m.


_____, ch. John, jr., Sept. 13, 1806, a. 1 w. CR

_____, ch. William, Sept. 29, 1807, a. 2 y. CR

_____, d. Samuel, Aug. 28, 1827, a. 20 m. CR

_____, d. Samuel and Sally, June 25, 1836. [throat distemper, June 26, a. 4 y. CR]

Abigail, d. John, Aug. 27, 1748. CR

Abigail, wid. John, sr., Feb. 4, 1804, a. 96 y. [Feb. 6. CR]

Bethiah, w. John, jr., Nov. 17, 1794, a. 25 y. 20 d. GR

Bethiah F., consumption, Aug. 31, 1826, a. 24 y. CR

Daniel [Capt. CR], Dec. 9, 1772. [Dec. 12 or 13, a. 40 y. CR]

Elizabeth, w. John, jr., Aug. 28, 1760, a. 27 y. 6 m. 4 d. [Aug. 29. CR]

Elizabeth, d. William and Elizabeth, Sept. 21, 1805. [a. 2 y. CR]

Hannah, w. John, Mar. 29, 1800, a. 61 y. 23 d. GR

John, sr., Sept. 7, 1773. [ Sept. 6, a. 69 y. CR]

Lydia, d. Samuel and Seath, Dec. 15, 1833. [consumption, Dec. 16, a. 28 y. CR]

Lydia, wid., Oct. 2, 1838, a. 87 y. 9 m.

Sammy, "lost Last Spring coming from West Indies," [1772.] CR

Samuel [hemorrhage, "sudden. " CR], Sept. 27, 1832. [ Sept. 28, a. 61 y.]

Samuel, s. Samuel, at South America, June 29, 1833. [Mate, fever, a. 30 y. CR]

William, drowned, Dec. --, 1765, a. 23 y. CR

William, Capt., Apr. 30, 1812. CR


_____, d. still born, Andrew and Eliza J., Apr. 19, 1846.


_____, s. still born, Rev. S.M., Apr. --, 1825. CR

Charlotte, d. Rev. Samuel and Charlotte, Sept. 24, 1827, a. 5 m. CR

Charlotte (Buckley), w. [Rev. S.M.], at Williams Town, Apr. 6, 1848, a. 57 y. CR

Samuel Moody, Rev., "His disorder was dropsy of the heart. He died very suddenly, sitting in his chair, his wife at his side. ... d. at Heath, MA, July 20, 1841. CR [Long bio. See page images 252 & 253.]

ESKOTT (Easkoot)

Philip, widr., mariner, s. John and Christian, consumption, Jan. 3, 1845, a. 79 y. 4 m. 12 d.

ESTY (Easty)


Abial, w. _____, Nov. 11, 1832. [pauper, Nov. 15, a. 80 y. CR]