NorthShore Slavery


Grace, w. Joseph, July 26, 1791, a. 28 y. GR1

Joseph, s. the late Joseph and Grace, suddenly, [intemperance. PR1] Apr. 15, 1812, in his 23d y. [Apr. 23. PR1]


William, seaman, "at sea, Schr Amazon," rec. Jan. 16, 1844, a. 23 y.

NEAT (Neet)

_____, wid. John, Mar. 24, 1826.

John, "on boat Capt Francis Stevens," rec. June 5, 1812.

NEET (Neat)

_____ (Walpey), wid., Apr. 28, 1806.

NEVANS (Nevers)

NEWHALL (Newell)

_____ [Newell. PR1], wid Philip, Jan. 24, 1825. [a. 58 y. PR1]

_____, inf. ch. Ezra F. and Ann Janett, Nov. 28, 1828, a. 5 m.

Ann Janett, w. Ezra F., consumption, Feb. 23, 1829.

Bossenger, s. Samuel, "at the Havanna," Nov. 18, 1809.

Hannah, Mrs., at the poorhouse, rec. Mar. 20, 1832, a. 24 y.

Joel B., Aug. 4, 1836, a. 30 y.

Lois, wid. Peter, Mar. 2, 1826.

Mary, Mrs., w. Samuel, rec. Dec. 7, 1830, a. 73 y.

Miles, s. the late Stephen and Sarah, Feb. 14, 1817.

William, s. Joel and Sally, "drowned in the Harbour," July 24, 1829, a. 8 y.


Abigail, b. --- --, 1835, d. --- --, 1838. GR6

Mary Jane, b. --- --, 1833, d. --- --, 1838. GR6

Samuel F., b. --- --, 1832, d. --- --, 1838. GR6


Elizabeth, d. Samuel and Abigail, July 12, 1732, a. 6 m. GR1

John, cooper, suddenly, Mar. 4, 1813.

Judith, w. John, d. John and Judith Reynolds, Feb. 16, 1813.

Nancy, "at Mr. Wardwell's Farm," Oct. 11, 1830, a. 25 y.

NICHOLSON (Nickelson)

Elizabeth, w. Samuel, Sept. 19, 1728, a. 20 y. 11 m. 16 d. GR1

Hannah, w. William, d. Stephen Vickery, deceased, May 31, 1809.

Hannah, w. William and Hannah, Dec. 15, 1810.

Martha, w. Robert, --- --, 1736. CR1

Martha, unm., debility, July 4, 1847, a. 73 y. 9 m.

Mary, d. William and Hannah, Nov. 4, 1784, a. 16 y. 2 m. 13 d. GR1

Mary, wid. John, Nov. 11, 1784, a. 73 y. 9 m. GR1

Robert, --- --, 1750, a. 74 y. CR1

Ruth, wid. Capt. Thomas, Apr. 24, 1789, a. 44 y. GR1

Samuel, July 12, 1724, a. 53 y. 1 m. 2 d. GR1

Samual, s. Samual and Lydia, Apr. 17, 1758, a. 19 y. GR1

William, Dec. 28, 1810, a. 73 y.

NICKELSON (Nicholson)

_____, ch. Ruth, Sept. --, 1818. PR1

Jonas G., s. Thomas, "lost out of the Scho Happy Couple, Charles Treadwell Master, bound to the Mediteranean," rec. Sept. 15, 1815.

Samuel, s. Thomas, "drowned Out of Ship Orient, B. Andrews," rec. July 29, 1810

William, s. Thomas, "lost at Sea Out of Capt Robt Devereux," rec. May 2, 1813.


_____, "a man, belonging to Harwich, Suddenly at Mrs. Martha Paines," Dec. 10, 1821.


Elizabeth, wid. "and formerly Wife of Capt Ambrose James," July 3, 1809, a. 88 y.


Jane, 20: 2m: 1722. CR1

Nathaniell, Mar. 1, 1727-8. CR1

NOURSE (Nurse)

_____, s. stillborn, Rea and Eliza Ann, Sept. 5, 1847.

NOWLAND (Knowland)

_____, Mrs., see Dodd, Abigail.

_____, d. James and Sarah, July 20, 1808, a. abt. 6 y.

_____, ch. stillborn, Benjamin, Feb. 22, 1835.

_____, ch. John, Sept. 19, 1839, a. 4 y.

Andrew, seaman, "on bord Brig Laurel of Salem," at Havanna, May 6, 1830.

Ann, wid. Andrew, May 5, 1817. [a. 70 y. PR1]

Benjamin," on board Schr Only Son," rec. Dec. 28, 1839.

Ellen, w. Richardson [b. Apr. 18, 1814. GR6], d. at Lynn, Oct. 24, 1842, a. 38 y.

B., ch. Benjamin, June 22, 1831, a. 1 y.

Hannah, w. Andrew, Jan. 6, 1793, a. 21 y. GR1

Hannah, d. Andrew and Hannah, Sept. 13, 1793, a. 1 y. GR1

James, m., seaman, diarrhoea, Nov. 28, 1849, a. 49 y. 7 m. 17 d.

James, s. Andrew and Lydia, consumption, Dec. 21, 1849, a. 49 y. 7 m. 17 d.

John, m., carpenter, "Poisoned by eating Clams," June 9, 1848, a. 39 y.

Joseph, s. the late Andrew, Oct. 27, 1824, a. 18 y.

Sarah, wid. James, Nov. 6, 1827.

Tabitha, w. Edward, d. Thomas and Tabitha Bowden [intemperance. PR1], Sept. 26, 1812. [a. 28 y. PR1]


_____, ch. John E. and Abigail, June 14, 1830, a. 13 m.

Esther, "buried in Salem," Feb. 29, 1836, a. 82 y.

NURSE (Nourse)

Hannah B. [Hannah B. Winslow. GR4], w. Rhea [b. Loudon, NH, Aug. 11, 1806. GR4], d. Jan. 28, 1838, a. 31 y. 5 m. 15 d.

Margaret, d. Benjamin and Margaret, Aug. 24, 1778, a. 1 y. 2 m. GR1

Rhea, jr., "buried in Danvers," Jan. 22, 1836, a. 4 y.


Charles W., s. Hezekiah and Eliza, Dec. 25, 1845, a. 3 y. GR6

Hezekiah, s. Hezekiah and Eliza, croup, Dec. 26, 1844, a. 3 y.

NUTING (Nutting)

_____, wid., "Mother of Mr John Nuting," Jan. 24, 1811, a. 84 y.

_____, inf. ch. John and Mary, June 2, 1820.

_____, ch. William and Deborah, Sept. 13, 1828.