NorthShore Slavery


Asahel, at the poorhouse, "of a consumtion, belonging in New Hampshire," rec. Jan. 22, 1828.

William, s. William, at Fort Sewall, May 12, 1838, a. 2 y. 2 m.

PAIN (Paine)

_____, wid. John, Mar. 30, 1813.

_____, ch. Harry, rec. Nov. 26, 1831, a. 8 m.

Deborah, w. Henry, Sept. 4, 1836, a. 53 y. 4 m. [ Sept. 3, a. 54 y. GR4]

Elizabeth, wid. John, at the poorhouse, Feb. 27, 1826.

John E., at the poorhouse, [old age. PR1] Feb. 11, 1812. [Feb. 9, a. 80 y. PR1]

John, "at the poorhouse, in an Advanced Age," Oct. 10, 1813.

John, "of a Short Sickness," Oct. 31, 1816.

John, "drowned On the Coast of Labradore, on a Fishing Voyage with Archd Dennis by Upseting the Boat," July 14, 1824. [a. 21 y. PR1]

Martha [wid. Henry, d. John and Deborah Blackler. GR2], innholder, lung fever, Sept. 11, 1824, a. 67 y. [ Sept. 10, a. 67 y. GR2;, a. 68 y. PR1]

Mary, d. Francis and Mary, suddenly, Mar. 9, 1828, a. 19 y. 6 m.

Samuel Graves, s. Henry and Deborah, Dec. 9, 1828, a. 2 y.

PAINE (Pain)

_____, Mrs., at the almshouse, Nov. --, 1820. PR1

_____, ch. Francis, dysentery, Aug. --, 1825, a. 2 1/2 y. PR1

_____, ch. Henry and Deborah, Aug. 19, 1825, a. abt. 2 y.

_____, ch. Henry, Sept. --, 1825, a. 1 d. PR1

_____, ch. stillborn, John and Mercy, Feb. 15, 1830.

_____, ch. Thomas, bur. Apr. 30, 1839, a. 6 m. CR3

_____, ch. stillborn, Thomas and Elisabeth, May 2, 1843.

_____, s. Francis and Martha, croup, Oct. 24, 1844, a. 2 y. 2 m.

_____, s. Thomas T. and Elisabeth, dysentery, Oct. 11, 1848, a. 4 m. 14 d.

Adeline, d. John B. and Rebecca, measles, July 28, 1849, a. 2 y. 1 m. 5 d.

Benjamin F., s. Francis and Martha, bilious fever, Aug. 5, 1843, a. 11 m. 26 d.

Ellen, d. John B. and Mary R., dysentery, Aug. 19, 1849, a. 4 y. 7 m.

Francis, m., teamster, consumption, Dec. 3, 1845, a. 33 y. 6 m. 4 d.

George W., s. Franklin W. and Sally A., "Infantile," Dec. 30, 1849, a. 1 m. 15 d.

Hannah, d. Andrew J. and Hannah N., Nov. 3, 1840, a. 1 m. 23 d.

Martha, d. Henry A. and Martha, consumption, Nov. 16, 1849, a. 14 y. 1 m. 20 d.

Mary, wid Francis, Mar. 16, 1793, in her 76th y. GR2

Mary [E. GR4], w. William B., scarlet fever, Oct. 17, 1845, a. 28 y. 4 m. [Oct. 15, a. 29 y. 6 m. GR4]

Mercy, w. John, Feb. 15, 1830.

Marcy, w. Thomas, d. Benjamin and Marcy Abbot, Feb. 15, 1831, a. 31 y. GR4

Samuel G., s. Henry and Debby, --- --, ----, a. 1 y. 11 m. GR2

Sarah, d. Franklin and Sally A., dropsy on the brain, June 17, 1846, a. 6 y.

Sarah E., d. Henry and Martha, "Infantile," Sept. 29, 1848, a. 1 m.

Thomas T., s. Thomas T. and Elisabeth, croup, Mar. 11, 1848, a. 3 y. 8 m. 20 d.


John, s. John, jr. and Marcy, Oct. --, 1723.

John, bur. Sept. 2, 1729. CR3

John, Col., abt. 25: 4m: 1741. PR22

Mary, Feb. --, 1734, a. 82 y. CR1


_____, inf. ch. Solomon and Deliverance, Aug. 1, 1813.

Mary [Mary N. GR4], unm., d. Solomon and Deliverance, consumption, June 21, 1845, a. 25 y.

Solomon, laborer, consumption, Mar. 4, 1843, a. 60 y.

PARAMORE (Parimore, Parrimore)

Elisabeth, d. Robert and Jane, bur. June 30, 1736. CR3

Jane, d. Robert and Jane, bur. July 5, 1736. CR3

Jane, Mrs., Feb. 10, 1772, in her 77th y. GR5


_____, Mrs., bur. at Salem, Oct. 24, 1836. CR3

_____, ch. Richard, Dec. 11, 1842, a. 2 m.

David, Capt., July 20, 1736, a. 50 y. GR1

Edmund, s. Richard and Miriam, consumption, June 2, 1815.

Elizabeth, w. Samuel. "formerly wife of John Carder," Mar. 26, 1757, a. 52 y. GR1

Betsey, d. Richard and Mary, suddenly, Mar. --, 1829, a. 17 y.

James, fever, Jan. 13, 1829, a. 35 y.

Kendell, Dec. 5, 1716, a. 5 m. GR1

Mary, w. Richard, Mar. 11, 1816.

Polly, w. James, Nov. 5, 1825. [a. 40 y. PR1]

Miriam, w. Richard, Nov. 3, 1806.

Richard, Feb. 27, 1830, a. 63 y.

Thomas, s. Richard and Miriam, Dec. 2, 1818.


Anthony, bur. Jan. 13, 1729-30. CR3

Mary, wid. William, Oct. 27, 1819, a. 93 y.

Samuel, at the poorhouse, "in an Advanced Age," Mar. 14, 1815.


John, "an Apprentice to Henry Merrett," Jan. 20, 1808.

PATEY (Paty)

_____, ch. Thomas, Nov. 2, 1832, a. 2 w.

Amos, s. Thomas and Lois, dropsy in the head, Jan. 22, 1849, a. 11 m. 24 d.

Philip, at sea, Dec. 31, 1835, a. 22 y.

PATTEN (Paten, Pattin)

Daniel, s. Daniel and Mary, dropsy in the head, Jan. 24, 1826, a. 9 y.

Elizabeth, wid. Capt. John, suddenly, Feb. 12, 1827. [a. 73 y. GR1]

Elizabeth, w. Capt. John U., "Burnt to Death," Apr. 26, 1831, a. 41 y.

John, Capt., July 29, 1798, a. 45 y. 5 m. GR1

PATTIN (Patten)

Union, Oct. 2, 1839, a. 45 y. 7 m.

PATY (Patey)

Philip, at New Orleans, Oct. 11, 1819.

Sally, w. Thomas, rec. Nov. 12, 1832, a. 24 y.

Thomas, "on board Scho _____, Thomas Tucker, Master, on Grand Bank," rec. Nov. 4, 1809.


_____, inf. ch. Thomas and Emma Hammond, Aug. 9, 1809.

_____, ch. stillborn, John and Anna, Nov. 8, 1828.

_____, ch. John, June 14, 1830, a. 8 y.

_____, inf. ch. Lott, July 9, 1832.

_____, ch. John and Anna, June 14, 1833, a. 11 m.

_____, ch. Lot, Aug. 11, 1837, a. 4 m.

_____, ch. Thomas J., Jan. 18, 1838, a. 1 y. 3 m.

_____, ch. Lot, July 11, 1842, a. 10 m.

_____, ch. stillborn, Benjamin, July 14, 1843.

_____, ch. John and Ann, Aug. 28, 1843, 3. 3 d.

_____, ch. stillborn, John and Ann, Sept. 28, 1844.

Abel G., s. Lot and Bethiah, July 11, 1831, a. 6 m. 25 d. GR4

Alice, wid. Joseph, suddenly, Feb. 14, 1819. [Feb. 13, a. 70 y. PR1]

Deborah, w. William, Sept. 17, 1802, a. 29 y. GR1

Edwin, s. Lot and Elisabeth, consumption, Oct. 16, 1849, a. 1 y.

Eliza C., d. Lot and Betsey, bowel complaint, Sept. 23, 1845, a. 2 m. 3 d.

Elizabeth, wid. John, at the Ferry, May 27, 1816.

Emme, --: 4m: 1737, a. 80 y. CR1

John, sr., Aug. 20, 168[-].

John, h. Elizabeth, June 21, 1792. CR1

John, suicide [at the farms. PR1], Jan. 4, 1817. [a. 48 y. PR1]

Joseph, s. the late Capt. Thomas, "at the lower end of the Town," May 7, 1811.

Lot, m., farmer, consumption, July 4, 1848, a. 65 y. 11 m. 9 d. [July 5. GR4]

[Richard H. GR4], s. Lott and Bethiah [whooping cough. PR1], Dec. 20, 1817. [a. 3 m. PR1]

Sarah, w. William, Oct. 13, 1752, a. 65 y. 7 m. 13 d. GR1

Susanna, w. John, d. John and Ruth White, May 6, 1819. [a. 25 y. PR1]

Thomas, Sept. 9, 1731, a. 50 y. GR1

Thomas J., b. --- --, 1778, d. --- --, 1839. GR4

Thomas, Feb. 5, 1839, a. 62 y.

William, June 10, 1713, a. 63 y. 2 m. 8 d. GR1

William, May 10, 1735, a. 51 y. 7 m. 20 d. GR1

William S. [s. Thomas J. and Sarah S. GR4], "in the Lunatic Hospital," [b. --- --, 1802. GR4], d. Jan. 13, 1840.

William, "on board Skipr Thoa Doliber on the Grand Bank, Received the News," Nov. 26, 1807.

William, "at sea, drowned," rec. Sept. 18, 1834, a. 31 y.


_____, ch. Moses and Nancy, July 24, 1832, a, 2 y.

Moses, m., fisherman, "Drowned on Grand Bank, Schr Warrior," Sept. 19, 1846, a. 39 y.

PEARCE (Pierce)

_____, w. Robert, sailmaker, Nov. 2, 1807.

_____, inf. ch. John and Mary, Sept. 4, 1809.

_____, inf. ch. John and Mary, Nov. 4, 1813. [a. 9 m. CR3]

_____, inf. ch. Joseph B. and Rebecca, Jan. 4, 1820, [Jan. 6. PR1]

_____, ch. Joseph B. and Rebecca, July 31, 1823.

_____, ch. David and Tabitha, Sept. 6, 1824, a. abt. 3 y. [a. 2 y. PR1]

_____, ch. George and Deborah, June 17, 1826, a. 2 d.

_____, ch. George and Deborah, July 7, 1830, a. 2 y.

_____, ch. Charles and Mary L., Nov. 22, 1831, a. 3 d.

_____, ch. David, Dec. 18, 1831, a. 16 m.

_____, s. David, June 18, 1834, a. 7 y.

_____, ch. Robert, jr., Oct. 3, 1838, a. 1 y. 1 m.

_____, d. Charles, Jan. 8, 1839, a. 4 y.

_____, ch. Robert, Feb. 17, 1841, a. 2 y. 3 m.

_____, d. Robert, consumption, June 20, 1842, a. 8 m.

[Anna. GR4], wid. [mother of Mrs. Elizabeth Stacey. GR4], Oct. 5, 1816, a. 94 y.

Benjamin, "at the Lower part of trie Town," Oct. 24, 1808.

Jane, wid. Robert, lung fever, Dec. 11, 1843, a. 78 y. 1 m. 14 d.

John, Dea., --- --, 1784. CR2

John, Apr. 24, 1800, a. 24 y. 8 m. GR1

John, s. the late John and Hannah [phthisis. PR1], Dec. 22, 1820. [a. 22 y. PR1]

John, palsy, Mar. 9, 1828, a. 79 y.

John, "at sea, Schr Borneo," rec. Dec. --, 1834. [1832. PR8]

Mehitable, Oct. 2, 1835, a. 67 y. 11 m.

Rebecca, w. Joseph B., suddenly, Sept. 1, 1826.

Robert, sailmaker, suddenly, May 15, 1827.

Robert, Sept. 13, 1833, a. 1 y.

Robert, "at sea, Schr Borneo, "rec. Dec. --, 1834. [1832. PR8]

Sally, Mrs., at the poorhouse, May 1, 1832, a. abt. 80 y.

Sally Ann, d. Robert, Sept. 1, 1832, a. 19 m.

Tabitha, wid. Benjamin, at the poorhouse, Jan. 11, 1832, a. 87 y.

William, s. the late William, "at Martineco, with Capt Nathr Thrasher, Recd the News," Oct. 6, 1809.


_____, inf. ch. John and Mary, Oct. 15, 1808.

_____, ch. Robert, Sept. --, 1819. PR1

Sally, w. Robert, Jan. 13, 1840, a. 47 y.

William, "one of the Crew of Schr Hermoine lost on the passage from Grand Bank," abt. Nov. 8, 1840.

PECK (Pecks)

Benjamin, at the poorhouse, Feb. 9, 1842, a. 74 y.

PECKS (Peck)

Elisabeth, rec. May 25, 1844.

PEDRICK (Pederick)

_____, inf. ch. William and Rebecca, Sept. 30, 1808.

_____, inf. ch. John Barker, Apr. 26, 1809.

_____, wid. John, "in an Advanced Age," Apr. 18, 1810.

_____, d. Joseph and Susanna, Sept. 22, 1813, a. abt. 1 y.

_____, s. Thomas and Ann, Oct. 16, 1828, a. 7 1/2 y.

_____, ch. Benjamin, Mar. 13, 1834, a. 3 d.

_____, ch. Thomas, Mar. 25, 1842.

Abby, d. John and Sarah, croup, Oct. 23, 1844, a. 3 y.

Ann, d. Thomas and Ann, Feb. 6, 1840, a. 20 y. 3 m.

Benjamin, s. Richard and Elizabeth [consumption. PR1], Jan. 31, 1814. [a. 33 y. PR1]

Benjamin, seaman, dropsy, Nov. 7, 1843, a. 56 y. 4 m.

Benjamin, --- --, 1844. GR1

Benjamin N., s. Benjamin M. and Miriam, Sept. 9, 1846, a. 1 y. 10 m. 24 d.

Benjamin, m., cordwainer, s. adopted, Benjamin, consumption, July 20, 1848, a. 30 y. 5 m. 8 d.

Catharine Clare, d. George Francis and Mary, bur. Nov. 14, 1845, a. 8 m. 10 d. CR3

Ebenezer, s. the late Maj. John and Mehitable, Aug. 22, 1817, a. 46 y.

Eleanor, d. the late Capt. William and Mary, dysentery, Oct. 27, 1823, a. 40 y. [a. 34 y. PR1]

Elisha D., m., fisherman, s. William, "Drowned on Grand Bank Schr Senator," Sept. 19, 1846, a. 32 y.

Elizabeth G.D., see Hannah.

Elizabeth, w. Richard [d. Joseph and Elizabeth Carder. GR3], Dec. 14, 1804. [a. 60 y. 9 m. GR3]

Elizabeth, w. John, 3d, d. Capt. Edward and Jane Fettyplace, Sept. 16, 1813. [in her 37th y. GR3]

Elizabeth, d. Richard and Elizabeth, consumption, Sept. 26, 1813.

Emma, w. [Capt. Thomas, d. John and Mary Nicholson. GR1], Aug. 8, 1790. CR1 [a. 49 y. GR1]

Emma F. [Frances. CR3], d. George and Mary, whooping cough, May 24, 1847, a. 7 m. 21 d.

Frank H. [Harrington. CR3], s. Benjamin F. [George F. CR3] and Mary J., lung fever, May 26, 1849, a. 1 y. 5 m. 5 d.

George, at St. Jago de Cuba, June 18, 1827.

George, Nov. 14, 1845, a. 1 y. 5 m.

Hannah, d. Richard and Elizabeth, Nov. 23, 1802. [a. 16 y. 8 m. 8 d. GR3]

Hannah, d. Mary, Nov. 23, 1802. PR14

Hannah [Elizabeth G.D. CR3], d. Benjamin and Hannah, measles, Dec. 1, 1844, a. 4 y. [a. 3 y. 9 m. 17 d. CR3]

Joannah (Hawley), --: 11m: 1717. CR1

John, "in an advanced age," at the poorhouse, Jan. 12, 1807.

John, s. Capt. John and Sarah, "Drowned in the Harbour," Sept. 17, 1808, a. 21 y. [21 y. 13 d. GR3]

John, 4th, "Drowned Out of the Boat of the Scho Frolic, in the West Indies," rec. Mar. 29, 1814.

John, Capt., lost at sea, Sept. 19, 1814, a. 33 y. PR1

John B., consumption, May 12, 1830, a. 50 y.

John, Esq., June 14, 1833, a. 73 y. [June 17. GR3]

John Bartlett, of Boxford, bur. Aug. 5, 1848, a. 35 y. CR3

Joseph, Jan. 11, 1770, a. 66 y. GR1

Joseph, "casualty," Apr. 2, 1814, a. 28 y. PR1

Joseph, s. Richard and Elizabeth [palsy. PR1], May 11, 1814. [May 10. dup.]

Joseph, s. the late John and Abigail, Jan. 5, 1820. [a. 6 y. PR1]

Joseph, s. John, Esq. and Mehitable, suddenly, Mar. 28, 1826. [Mar. 27, a. 62 y. GR3]

Knott, s. the late Knott and Mary, "lost out of the Scho Regulator, Jos. Quiner, Master," Oct. 26, 1818.

Lydia, w. Benjamin, Mar. 23, 1834, a. 27 y.

Mary, w. Thomas, d. Capt. Thomas and Sarah Peach, Oct. 17, 1762, a. 23 y. GR1

Mary [w. Richard, d. Capt. John and Mary Bartoll. GR1], Apr. 4, 1768. PR14 [a. 21 y. 10 m. 17 d. GR1]

Mary, wid. Capt. William, Oct. 25, 1815. [a. 72 y. GR3]

Mary, d. the late Capt. William and Mary [Apoplexy. PR1], Apr. 16, 1819. [a. abt. 46 y. PR1]

Mary, wid. Knott, suddenly, Sept. 5, 1824, a. 74 y. [a. 78 y. PR1]

Mary B., Nov. 9, 1833, a. 22 y.

Mary [Frances. CR3], d. George [George F. and Mary. CR3], consumption, Oct. 2, 1842, a. 3 m.

Mary, unm., d. Thomas and Ann, consumption, Feb. 15, 1849, a. 21 y. 8 m.

Maty, w. John B., consumption, Apr. 8, 1820. [Apr. 10, a. 36 y. PR1]

Oliver, seaman, "Drowned at Rio Grande," Sept. 24, 1843, a. 22 y.

Richard [fever. PR1], Nov. 5, 1814, a. 73 y. [Nov. 4, a. 72 y. PR1]

Richard, Capt., consumption, Aug. 3, 1824, a. 52 y.

Richard Edward, s. John and Elizabeth, "Killed in the Brazills," rec. July 27, 1828.

Richard, s. Capt. Richard, at Truxillo, S.A., May 20, 1829, a. 24 y.

Ruth, d. Capt, William, Nov. 7, 1831, a. 63 y.

Samuel, s. Thomas and Ann, consumption, Nov. 6, 1844, a. 19 y.

Sarah, w. Joseph, Oct. 26, 1788, a. 83 y. GR3

Sarah, d. Thomas and Ann, Dec. 9, 1839, a. 16 y. 4 m.

Sarah, d. John and Sarah, croup, Oct. 14, 1844, a. 5 y.

Sarah, wid. John, old age, Jan. 18, 1848, a. 84 y.

Sarah Ann, d. Thomas and Sarah, dropsy on the brain, Sept. 4, 1848, a. 4 y. 9 m. 2 d.

Thomas, Sept. 23, 1802, a. 66 y. GR3

Thomas, s. Capt. Thomas and Mary, "found Dead in his Bed," Mar. 22, 1829, a. 25 y.

Thomas, m., fisherman, "Drowned near Sable Island Schr Salus," Sept. 19, 1846, a. 58 y.

Thomas B., s. Thomas B. and Elisabeth, abscess, Feb. 18, 1848, a. 8 y. 4 m.

William, Capt, Oct. 24, 1803, a. 65 y. 8 m. 7 d. GR3

William, suddenly, June 1, 1809.

PEIRCE (Pierce)

_____, ch. John, June --, 1820, a. 2 y. PR1

Eli V., s. E.V., Dec. 7, 1835, a. 7 m.

Mary, w. Robert, consumption, July 9, 1847, a. 45 y.

Robert, June 26, 1840, a. 89 y. 3 m.

William, s. Robert and Mary, consumption, Oct. 23, 1846, a. 2 m. 10 d.


Hannah, at the poorhouse, Oct. 10, 1836, a. 94 y.


Betsey, unm. at the poorhouse, Jan. 7, 1827.


Mary, unm., July 25, 1829, a. 82 y.


_____, inf. ch. illegitimate, Thomas and Mary Galley, Sept. 30, 1828.


_____, inf. ch. George, Oct. 5, 1806.

_____, inf. ch. George and Susanna, June 6, 1814. [June 9. PR1]

_____, ch. George and Susanna, Apr. 3, 1818.

_____, ch. George G. and Susanna, measles, Oct. 13, 1821, a. abt. 2 y.

Elizabeth, d. George, --- --, ----, a. 7 m. GR1

George, Sept. 3, 1838, a. 65 y. 1 m.

Hannah G., d. George and Mary, Nov. 24, 1799, a. 2 y. GR1

Hannah, wid., suddenly, July 20, 1813.

Mary, d. John and Sarah, bur. Oct. 14, 1730. CR3

Mary, Mrs., consumption, Aug. 17, 1812, a. 34 y. PR1

Sarah, Oct. 5, 1730. CR3

Susanna, w. George, very suddenly, Feb. 23, 1829.

William, s. George and Mary, Sept. 16, 1800, a. 1 d. GR1

William, s. William and Hannah, Dec. 20, 1810.


John, "on board the Schooner Speedwell, Simon T. Williams, Master," rec. Apr. 9, 1818.

Mary, at the poorhouse, asthma, Feb. 4, 1829, a. abt. 65 y.

Samuel, old age, at the poorhouse, Oct. 6, 1842, a. 84 y.

PHARAOH (Farrow)

John, at the workhouse, Mar. 13, 1809, a. 94 y. 8 m.

PHARO (Farrow)

Grace, w. John, at the poorhouse, Apr. 18, 1806.

PHILLIPS (Philips)

_____, ch. David A. and Betsey, Sept. 13, 1819, a. abt. 1 y. [a. 10 m. PR1]

_____, ch. Thomas, jr. and Sally, Jan. 24, 1825. [a. 2 1/2 y. PR1]

_____, ch. Joseph and Mehitable, "by a Scald," Feb. 21, 1826.

_____, ch. Robert and Nancy, dropsy in the head, Feb. 13, 1828, a. 2 y.

_____, inf. ch. Michael and Rebecca, Mar. 21, 1830.

_____, inf. ch. Joseph, rec. Nov. 23, 1830.

_____, ch. Joseph, jr., Nov. 7, 1831, a. abt. 21 d.

_____, ch. Robert, Sept. 18, 1834.

_____, ch. Robert, "brot from Lynn," Jan. 14, 1837, a. 3 m. 15 d.

_____, inf. ch. Richard, Feb. 22, 1838.

_____, ch. John, fever, Aug. 11, 1842, a. 1 y.

_____, s. Ichabod and Elisabeth, Sept. 29, 1845, a. 1 d.

Alice, wid. Nathaniel, Dec. 5, 1848, a. 75 y.

Anna, w. Nathaniel, d. Robert Smith, Oct. 4, 1824, a. 62 y. GR4

Charity, Mrs., May 14, 1777, in her 49th y. GR1

Content, d. Walter and Sally, grand d. to Gen. John Glover, Sept. 13, 1816.

Cornelias, s. John and Charity, Apr. 5, 1767, a. 4 m. GR1

Deliverance, w. Ichabod [S. GR1], consumption, Feb. 13, 1828, a. 32 y.

Elizabeth, w. Stephen, Sept. 30, 1803, a. 75 y. 2 m. PR21

Betsey, w. David A., "murdered by her Husband" Oct. 14, 1818.

[Elizabeth. GR1], d. Ichabod and Deliverance, measles, Nov. 16, 1821. [a. 1 1/2 y. PR1; Nov. 12. GR1]

Hannah, d. John and Charity, Mar. 24, 1789, in her 28th y. GR1

John, m., seaman, mortification, Nov. 9, 1745, a. 78 y. 10 m. 15 d.

John, s. John and Charity, Mar. 4, 1770, a. 6 y. 8 m. GR1

John, s. John and Elizabeth, suddenly, May 14, 1830, a. 24 y.

John, s. Thomas B. and Ruth, "inflamation of the Brain," rec. Oct. 1, 1830, a. 14 y.

John, at Lynn, Nov. 21, 1835, a. 75 y.

Joseph [William. PR1], s. John and Elizabeth, "Drowned in the Harbour," Sept. 4, 1814. [ Sept. 5, a. 14 y. PR1]

Joseph [s. Joseph. CR3], Feb. 26, 1838, a. 4 y.

Joseph [S. GR4], and pleurisy fever, Mar. 23, 1842, a. 45 y [Mar. 22. GR4]

Joseph, --- --, 1844. GR1

Lydia, d. Stephen and Elizabeth, Sept. 10, 1794. PR21

Lidia, d. Nathaniel [and Anna, grand d. Robert Smith. GR4], blockmaker [fever. PR1], Feb. 12, 1814. [a. 14 y. PR1;, a. 15 y. GR4]

Lydia Ann, d. Robert and Nancy, Jan. 6, 1821, a. 1 y. 6 m. GR2

Lydia Ann, d. Robert and Nancy, Dec. 23, 1837, a. 16 y. 22 d.

Polly, w. Joseph, Feb. 16, 1804, a. 24 y. 8 m. 16 d. GR4

Mary Abby, d. Joseph and Hannah, Sept. 15, 1840, a. 10 m.

Michael, m., fisherman, "Drowned on Grand Bank, Schr Minerva," Sept. 19, 1846, a. 40 y.

Nancy, w. Nathaniel, blockmaker, Sept. 23, 1824, a. 62 y.

Nathaniel, s. Ichabod and Deliverance, measles, Nov. 5, 1821. [a. 2 1/2 y. PR1, Nov. 4, a. 4 y. GR1]

Nathaniel, s. Nathaniel, "Blockmaker at Batavia, out of the Ship Ganges," Apr. 3, 1822.

Nathaniel, Jan. 18, 1838, a. 77 y. [Jan. 16. GR4]

Nathaniel, s. Ichabod S. and Deliverance, brain fever, Aug. 28, 1846, a. 18 y.

[Robert. GR2], s. Robert and Nancy, May 19, 1818. [May 18. GR2, a. 4 w. PR1]

Robert W., s. Robert and Nancy, inflammation of the Brain, July 20, 1843, a. 3 y. 2 m. 4 d.

Sarah, w. Walter, d. the late Gen. John Glover, May 4, 1815. [May 10. CR4]

Sarah, wid. William, Feb. 12, 1831, a. 87 y.

Sally [Sarah. GR4], d. Deacon Stephen [and Elizabeth. GR4], July 4, 1833, a. 73 y. [July 10, a. 69 y. GR4]

Stephen [Dea. GR4], Mar. 1, 1801, a. 82 y. 8 1/2 m. PR21

Thomas S., "lost at sea in Schr Lucy Ann," rec. Nov. --, 1838.

William, jr., drowned, Apr. 6, 1819. [a. 55 y. PR1]

William [Maj. PR1], "in the Farm," [paralysis. PR1], Apr. 15, 1824, a. 81 y.

William, s. Joseph, at sea [Sch. John Adams. PR8], Aug. 23, 1837, a. 24 y. [1838. PR8]

William, s. Joseph, jr., Feb. 23, 1839, a. 1 y. 1 m.

PICKET (Pickett)

_____, young ch. William, deceased, and Abigail, Oct. 12, 1810.

Annis [Agnes. GR1], wid. Moses [A. GR1], Jan. 23, 1833, a. 81 y.

[Mary. PR1], wid. Nicholass, May 23, 1814. [a. 71 y. PR1]

Mary, unm., rheumatic fever, Aug. 27, 1845, a. 76 y. 7 m. 10 d.

Nicholass Edgcomb, "in An Advanced Age," Apr. 1, 1809.

Sarah, at the poorhouse. May 12, 1830.

William, s. the late Nicholass, "at Martineco, with Capt Nathl Thrasher, Recd the News," Oct. 6, 1809.


Abigail, --- --, 1690. CR1

Mary, Sept. 22, 1756, a. abt. 90 y. CR1

PIERCE (Pearce, Pearse, Peirce)

_____, d. Robert and Mary, May 29, 1847, a. 1 d.

David, m., fisherman, "Drowned on Grand Bank, Schr Sabine," Sept. 19, 1846, a. 54 y.

Sally, w. Eli V., Sept. 23, 1835, a. 25 y.

PIPER (Pieper)

PITMAN (Pittman)

_____, wid. Thomas, Oct. 21, 1823.

_____, ch. Ebenezer A., June 22, 1838, a. 2 y. 8 m.

_____, s. John and Mary, Dec. 1, 1841, a. 1 m. 5 d.

_____, ch. stillborn, William, July 15, 1843.

[Annis. CR3], d. Nicholas [and Annis. CR3,], Oct. 24, 1834, a. 1 y.

Armis, w. Thomas, "at the lower end of the Town, Very Suddenly," [apoplexy. PR1], Apr. 1, 1812, a. 66 y. [a. 64 y. PR1]

Benjamin, s. Benjamin and Sarah, "lost out of the Scho Happy Couple, Charles Treadwell Master, bound to the Mediteranean," rec. Sept. 15, 1815. [ Sept. 1, a. 22 y. 11 m. GR1]

Benjamin, s. Benjamin, drowned, Apr. 5, 1827, a. 29 y. 9 m. GR1

Benjamin, Mar. 29, 1837, a. 72 y. [Mar. 26. GR4]

Eliza, w. Henry [Henry F. GR4], suddenly, June 5, 1840, a. 31 y. [b. Feb. 18, 1809, d. June 3, 1840. GR6]

Elizabeth, d. twin, Thomas and Margaret, June 27, 1697. CR1

Elizabeth, wid. Thomas, Nov. 16, 1831, a. 62 y. [Nov. 10, a. 63 y. GR4]

Henry, unm., fisherman, s. John, "Drowned on Grand Bank, Schr Sabine," Sept. 19, 1846, a. 20 y.

Henry F., s. Henry F. and Mary, lung fever, May 30, 1849, a. 1 y. 1 m. 9 d.

John, --- --, 1694. CR1

John [C. GR1], s. Benjamin and Sarah, drowned, Apr. 5, 1827. [a. 29 y. 9 m. GR1]

Mary, unm., Nov. 23, 1793. CR1

Nicholas [Perry. CR3], s. Nicholas and Annis, July 18, 1837, a. 11 m.

Sarah, wid. Benjamin, consumption, Oct. 12, 1845, a. 73 y. 2 m. 5 d.

Thomas, sr., --- --, 1694. CR1

Thomas, s. twin, "Thomas and Margaret," June 25, 1697. CR1

Thomas, jr., --: 4m: 1736, a. 94 y. CR1

Thomas, "on board the Ship Franklin in Boston Harbour," Jan. 26, 1810.

Thomas, Jan. 1, 1822, a. 87 y.

Thomas, June 27, 1839, a. 14 y. 5 m. 14 d.

PITTMAN (Pitman)

Elizabeth, --- --, 1748. CR1

Margaret (Stilson), --: 12m: 1750, a. 92 y. CR1

Sarah, unm., Feb. 21, 1796. CR1


_____, ch. Nathaniel, "at the Farms," Feb. 13, 1838, a. 4 y.


Lucy, wid., "in an Advanced Age," June 13, 1816.

POAT (Pote)

Hannah (Greenfeild), w. William, sr., Oct. 15, 1688.


_____, wid. Joseph, at the poorhouse, Oct. 17, 1811.

_____, ch. Joseph, Jan. 26, 1833, a. 3 m.

_____, ch. Joseph, Jan. 16, 1834, a. 4 w.

_____, ch. John, Aug. 19, 1841.

_____, ch. John, Sept. 3, 1842, a. 3 m.

_____, d. George and Emeline, Sept. 2, 1846, a. 10 m. 3 d.

_____, s. John, Apr. 8, 1847, a. 2 d.

Caroline C., d. George G., Sept. 30, 1846, a. 11 m. GR6

Ebenezer, fisherman, "on Grand Bank, Schr Senator," consumption, rec. July 23, 1842, a. 36 y. [1841. PR8]

Joseph, jr., consumption, June 10, 1841, a. 38 y.

Joseph, m., seaman, consumption, Sept. 11, 1844, a. 68 y.

Joseph, s. Joseph and Alice, consumption, Aug. 19, 1848, a. 18 y. 10 m. 7 d.

Ruth, d. John and Ruth, croup, Jan. 13, 1846, a. 2 m. 18 d.


_____, wid. Thomas, "in an Advanced Age," Jan. 27, 1816.

_____, ch. twin, Job and Susanna, Apr. 14, 1816, a. abt. 3 y.

_____, inf. ch. Job and Susanna, Apr. 20, 1816.

_____, d. Thomas, sail maker, Apr. 26, 1816.

_____, ch. Capt, fever, Aug. --, 1824, a. 4 y. PR1

Benjamin Franklin, s. Capt. Benjamin, suddenly, Sept. 4, 1827, a. abt. 18 y.

Harriet, w. Capt. Benjamin [of the firm of Porter & Green. PR1], consumption, Dec. 24, 1823. [a. 40 y. PR1]

Huldah S., d. Capt. Benjamin and Rhoda, Oct. --, 1824.

Jane, w. Ebenezer, Nov. 4, 1804. [in her 26th y. GR1]

Job D., consumption, Feb. 5, 1820. [a. 40 y. PR1]

John, s. Thomas, "of a Nervous Fever," Aug. 9, 1823, a 18 y. [a. 19 y. PR1]

Nathaniel, s. Ebenezer and Mary, suddenly, quinsy, Sept. 6, 1814. [ Sept. 7, a. 5 y. PR1]

Rhoda, w. Capt. Benjamin [of the firm of Porter & Green. PR1], June 26, 1821. [a. 38 y. PR1]

Sally, Mrs., Apr. --, 1816. PR1

Sally B., d. Capt. Benjamin and Rhoda, Aug. --, 1824.

Thomas, sailmaker, consumption, June 3, 1826.

Thomas, "drowned at Sea, on his passage from Portland to Havanah," rec. June 15, 1830.

Tobias Lear, "from Petersburgh, belonging to Salem," Nov. 19, 1811.


Joseph, July 14, 1768. PR22

Mary, d. Capt. Benjamin and Ruth, of Lynn, Dec. 8, 1737, in her 13th y. GR1


Abigail, Feb. 27, 1834, a. 73 y.

John, s. Capt. William and Abigail, consumption, Mar. 2, 1819. [a. 21 y. PR1]

Thomas, jr., Sept. 15, 1713, in his 37th y. GR1

William, Capt., Jan. 15, 1804, a. 38 y. GR2

William, s. the late Capt. William and Abigail, "a prisoner in England" rec. Sept. 15, 1814. [ Sept. 20, a. 22 y. PR1]

POWER (Poor, Powers)

_____, inf. ch. John and Mary, June 25, 1810.

_____, inf. ch. John and Abigail, Dec. 30, 1810.

_____, inf. ch. John, July 11, 1815.

_____, inf. ch. Thomas and Hannah, Jan. 8, 1820.

_____, [Poor. PR1], ch. Thomas and Hannah, measles, Nov. 12, 1821. [a. 2 y. PR1]

_____, inf. ch. Thomas and Hannah, Sept. 28, 1824. [a. 14 d. PR1]

_____, ch. Thomas and Hannah, Oct. 5, 1827.

_____, ch. Thomas and Hannah, Aug. 26, 1831, a. abt. 10 w.

_____, ch. Lewis R. [and Sally. CR3], May 8, 1838, a. 5 m. [a. 7 m. CR3]

_____, s. Peter, "burnt to death," Jan. 10, 1842, a. 1 y.

Abigail, w. John, July 2, 1843, a. 65 y.

Hannah, wid., old age, June 2, 1843, a. 79 y.

Jane Nicholson, d. Thomas, Sept. 11, 1840, a. 8 m.

John, s. John and Mary, Aug. 29, 1799, a. 24 d. GR1

John, 2d, s. John and Mary, July 18, 1801, a. 7 m. 8 d. GR1

John, s. John and Abigail, Nov. 29, 1801, a. 19 d. GR4

John, s. John and Abigail, Oct. 29, 1803, a. 6 w. GR4

John, "in prison at Halifax, formerly from Newfoundland" rec. Oct. 26, 1813.

Lewis [R. GR4], consumption, Oct. 20, 1827. [a. 38 y. GR4]

Mary, d. John and Mary, Aug. 29, 1800, a. 1 y. 24 d. GR1

Miriam, w. Thomas, d. Capt. John and Miriam Russell, Sept. 9, 1796, a. 41 y. 5 m. GR2

Rebecca, d. Capt. Michael and Rebecca, consumption, Feb. 16, 1829, a. 13 y.

Ruth, w. Thomas, Oct. 18, 1808.

Sarah, w. Thomas, d. Capt. William and Mary Blackler, Jan. 20, 1800, a. 29 y. GR2

Sarah, Mrs., July 1, 1805, a. 52 y. GR5

Thomas, Capt ["Alias Poor," palsy. PR1], May 23, 1814., a. 83 y.

Thomas, "went out a Fishing in whale boat on Monday Morning last, and it is Supposed lost in a heavy Squall," rec. Sept. 23, 1815.

Thomas, "lost in Schr Sarah Ellen from Gd. Bank," Mar. 4, 1843., a. 45 y.


_____, inf. ch. Jonathan, Jan. 29, 1810.

Jonathan, s. James and Sally, Sept. 9, 1818, a. abt 4 m.


[Elizabeth. PR1], w. Nathaniel, Aug. 22, 1814. [Aug. 23, a. 64 y. PR1]

Elisabeth [w. Nehemiah. GR1], consumption, Dec. 17, 1848, a. 74 y.

Joseph, "drowned at Bayonne in France, out of the Schr Bird of Salem," rec. June 16, 1812.

Nathaniel, "at the Factory," rec. Mar. 2, 1815.

Nathaniel, consumption, June 30, 1826.

Rebecca, d. Thomas, brain fever, Sept. 26, 1842, a. 2 y. 11 m. 22 d.

Sarah, unm., d. the late Joseph, June 3, 1818.

Thomas, rec. May 25, 1844.

Thomas, m., seaman, s. Nehemiah and Elisabeth, drowned [Sch. Fox. PR8], Oct. --, 1844, a. 44 y.


_____, s. John, Sept. 5, 1840, a. 8 m.

_____, s. Caleb, jr., June 20, 1841, a. 3 m.

_____, ch. Caleb, jr., Aug. --, 1842, a. 1 d.

Annis, d. Christopher and Nancy, June 22, 1810.

Azor Orne, s. Joshua, jr., and Elizabeth Russell, Sept. 22, 1803.

Christopher, s. Joshua and Grace, July 24, 1783. [a. 11 m. 12 d. GR1]

Christopher B., s. Joshua and Grace, at Providence, rec. Jan. 22, 1828, a. 44 y.

Christopher, s. Christopher and Nancy "Lost Over board out of the Ship Genl Hand" May 1, 1829, a. 22 y.

Dorothy, w. Joshua, Oct. 4, 1835, a. 89 y. 1 m. [Oct. 2. CR5]

Elisabeth R.O., wid. Joshua, jr., Jan. 1, 1837, a. 68 y.

Grace, w. Joshua [Esq. GR1], Oct. 10, 1789. [a. 45 y. GR1]

Henry, s. Joshua and Grace, Sept. 30, 1813, a. 41 y. 8 m. 13 d.

Henry, s. Henry and Mary, at Charlestown, SC, rec. Jan. 2, 1819.

Isaac Collyer, s. John, consumption, Apr. 27, 1848, a. 10 y.

John Bubier, Capt., "at Point Petre Guadalupe, Master of the Ship Orris of New York," Apr. 9, 1817, a. 47 y. [Apr. 5. PR1]

John Selman, s. Capt. Caleb and Elizabeth, May 14, 1818.

John E., "Lieutenant U.S. Navy," July 5, 1840, a. 47 y. 7 m.

John E., "Midshipman U.S. Ship Columbia," hemorrhage, Dec. 31, 1843, a. 17 y. 6 m.

Joshua, 3d [Capt. PR1], s. Joshua, 2d, "at the Havanna, Master of the Ship _____, of New York, June 27, 1817, a. 27 y. [a. 29 y. PR1]

Joshua [3 d. PR1], s. the late Henry and Mary, "at Sea on his Passage from Sumatra to Salem" rec. June 22, 1823.

Joshua, jr., "on board his Vessell in Harbour of New York, from St. Thomas," July --, 1827, a. 61 y.

Joshua, s. Christopher and Nancy, at New York, Oct. 16, 1827, a. 17 y.

Joshua, Esq., "for 30 yrs. Town Clerk," June 24, 1837, a. 93 y. [June 22. GR1]

Mary, d. the late Henry and Mary, consumption, Jan. 24, 1817, a. 21 y. 6 m. [Jan. 25, a. 19 y. PR1]

Mary Gatchel Brown, d. Christopher and Annis, Oct. 11, 1819, a. 2 y.

Mary, wid. Henry, consumption, Feb. 11, 1821. [a. 50 y. PR1]

Ruth, d. Joshua and Grace, Sept. 30, 1780. [a. 13 m. 14 d. GR1]

Ruth Freeman, d. Joshua and Grace, Sept. 16, 1790.

Sally, w. Capt. John B., d. Maj. Joshua and Susanna Orne [fever. PR1], Dec. 26, 1812. [a. 38 y. PR1]

William Knight, s. Caleb, Mar. 26, 1834, a. 2 w.


_____, ch. stillborn, Henry and Abigail, May 2, 1817.

Abigail, w. Henry, childbed, May 2, 1817.

Henry, at the poorhouse, Sept. 12, 1834, a. 52 y.


Henry, at the poorhouse, Jan. 23, 1841, a. 66 y.

Jane, w. William, June 12, 1822.

Nancy, w. Henry, at the poorhouse, Nov. 30, 1837, a. 64 y.


Anna, wid. Capt. John, Jan. 12, 1830, a. 93 y. 9 m. [Jan. 11, a. 92 y. 8 m. GR2]

Elizabeth, w. John, Esq., consumption, Apr. 11, 1847, a. 77 y. 6 m.

James, s. Capt. John and Ann, Sept. 18, 1765, a. 1 y. 9 m. GR2

John, Capt., Apr. 15, 1787, a. 51 y. GR2

John, s. Richard and Sally, consumption, Sept. 3, 1828, a. 26 y.

John, Esq., widr., old age, Jan. 29, 1848, a. 86 y. 24 d.

Joseph [A.B., s. Capt. John and Anna. GR2], Dec. 27, 1795. CR1 [a. 23 y. 6 m. 4 d. GR2]

Joseph [Henry. PR1], s. Richard and Sally, consumption, Jan. 24, 1825. [a. 16 y. PR1]

Lydia, d. Richard and Sally, Jan. 18, 1796.

Lydia W., June 11, 1835, a. 31 y.

Martha, d. Richard, Esq., Apr. 4, 1834, a. 41 y.

Nathan, s. Capt. John and Anna, lost at sea, July 22, 1789, a. 19 y. 6 m. 13 d. GR2

Richard, Esq., Feb. 7, 1834, a. 73 y.

Sally, d. the late Capt. John and Anna, consumption, June 6, 1826. [June 6, a. 45 y. GR2]


_____, ch. John, Dec. 8, 1837, a. 28 d.

John, seaman, consumption, Mar. 4, 1844, a. 30 y.

John, Mar. 14, 1844. PR2

Joseph, consumption, Jan. 19, 1830, a. 60 y. [Jan. 18. CR5]

Mary E.S., d. Richard and Mary, "infantile," Aug. 26, 1846, a. 3 m. 10 d.

PRITCHARD (Prichard)

_____, "missing abroad," July --, 1821. PR1

_____, inf. ch. William and Susanna, July 15, 1821. [a. 4 d. PR1]

_____, inf. ch. William [Ezra. PR1] and Susanna, July 10, 1823. [a. 3 y. PR1]

Alice, Mrs., "drowned at the Ferry," rec. Sept. 1, 1832, a. 65 y.

Benjamin, s. Benjamin and Mary, Dec. 4, 1800, a. 1 y. 23 d. GR4

Charity, w. Benjamin, July 11, 1796. CR1

Elizabeth, wid. William, tailor, Nov. 28, 1813.

John, "Killed on board the Privateer Brig Mongomery, of Salem," rec. Jan. 10, 1813.

John, "lost in Schr Sarah Ellen from Gd Bank," Mar. 4, 1843, a. 51 y.

William, s. the late John and Alice, at Buffalo, rec. Feb. 6, 1815.

William, lost at sea, --- --, 1832, a. 53 y. GR4

William, s. Mary, brain fever, May 22, 1846, a. 6 y. 2 m. 22 d.

PROCKTOR (Proctor)

Tabitha, d. Thomas and Tabitha, --- --, 1724.

PROCTER (Proctor)

_____, d. _____, bur. Apr. 6, 1749. CR3

_____, wid. Nicholass, Aug. 18, 1806.

_____, inf. ch. Nicholass and Mary, Oct. 27, 1819. [a. 2 d. PR1]

_____, ch. William and Elizabeth [whooping cough. PR1], Jan. 24, 1824. [Jan. 23, a. 3 y. PR1]

_____, s. Capt. John and Eliza, Aug. 17, 1825, a. abt. 8 m.

Broughton, seaman, fever, at sea, Oct. 13, 1843, a. 28 y.

Caroline, d. Moses and Olive, June 19, 1833, a. 4 y.

Elizabeth, wid. Jonathan, consumption, Feb. 10, 1818. [a. 70 y. PR1]

Elizabeth E., d. William P. and Abigail, b. June 19, 1835, d. Feb. 6, 1838. GR6

Jeremiah, s. Capt Jonathan, Oct. 25, 1795, a. 17 y. GR2

Jeremiah, Capt, Nov. 1, 1798, a. 71 y. 6 m. GR2

John, Capt, at sea, suddenly, rec. Mar. 15, 1820.

John, s. Capt. John and Jane, at sea, rec. Mar. 30, 1826.

Jonathan, Capt, Mar. 1, 1806, a. 53 y. GR2

Joseph, Capt, at Marlborough, Dec. 8, 1818.

Joseph, jr., s. Capt. Joseph and Polly, "Died on his passage from New Orleans to New York," rec. June 12, 1822.

Joseph, Capt, "on his passage from Oporto to New York," rec. Nov. 10, 1826.

Margaret, wid., bur. Oct. --, 1746. CR3

Mary, wid. Capt. Thomas, Feb. 22, 1810, a. 86 y. [Feb. 6. GR5]

Mary, wid. Nicholass, consumption, Jan. 27, 1828, a. abt. 46 y.

Nicholass, at Brewer, Maine, fever, rec. Oct. 4, 1823. [a. 42 y. PR1]

Samuel, s. Capt. John and Jane, dropsy, Nov. 19, 1823. [a. 18 y. PR1]

Thomas, Mar. 3, 1834, a. 11 w.

William, consumption, July 29, 1823. [a. 54 y. PR1]

PROCTOR (Procktor, Procter)

_____, ch. Nicholass, Mar. 6, 1808.

_____, wid. Samuel, at Newtown, Feb. 12, 1809.

_____, ch. Mr., dropsy, May 6, 1819. PR1

_____, ch. Thomas, Nov. 23, 1837, a. 2 y. 1 m.

_____, ch. William, Feb. 6, 1838, a. 3 y.

_____, ch. stillborn, Capt. John, Sept. 9, 1838.

_____, ch. Thomas, Dec. 20, 1839, a. 13 m.

_____, inf. ch. Thomas, Mar. 19, 1841.

_____, s. Thomas and Harriet, "Infantile," Aug. 6, 1847, a. 1 m. 12 d.

Abigail, d. Jonathan and Elizabeth, Dec. 30, 1737, a. 4 y. GR2

Ann, w. John, --- --, 1813, a. 38 y. GR2

Annis, w. Joseph, June 27, 1758, a. 34 y. GR2

Jane, w. [Capt. GR2] John, youngest, d. Capt. Benjamin Galley, deceased, Aug. 5, 1813. [a. 38 y. 4 d. GR2]

John, s. Jonathan and Elizabeth, b. Feb. 14, 1736-7, d. June 9, 1737. GR2

Joseph, s. William [and Deborah. GR2], Aug. 8, 1804. PR20 [a. 6 y. 11 m. GR2]

Lydia, July 22, 1834, a. 47 y.

Mary, w. Thomas, suddenly, Oct. 13, 1811.

Mary, wid. William, May 11, 1835, a. 96 y. 7 m. GR2

Mary, Nov. 13, 1835, a. 96 y. 6 m. 20 d.

Moses, s. Moses, Nov. 10, 1836, a. 4 y.

Rebecca, w. John, jr., d. N. Preble, Feb. 12, 1838, a. 24 y. 1 m. [Feb. 8. CR4; Feb. 9. GR1]

Tabitha, May 7, 1819, a. 20 y. CR3

Thomas, Capt., Aug. 8, 1795, a. 69 y. 9 m. GR5

Thomas, rec. May 25, 1844.

Thomas, bur. Mar. 10, 1845, a. 82 y. CR3

William D., s. Thomas W. and Mary, consumption, Sept. 3, 1847, a. 9 m. 14 d.


Hannah, wid. Jacob, Apr. 18, 1826.

Jacob, barber, "complication of Disorders," Nov. 25, 1820.

John, "carried from One of the State Vessells into Hospital and there Died," rec. Dec. 4, 1813.

Lidia, wid. Stephen, consumption, Nov. 2, 1812. [a. 37 y. PR1]

Mary, bur. Oct. 11, 1735. CR3

Stephen, "One of the Proprietors of the Boston Stage," consumption, Aug. 28, 1812. [Aug. 27, a. 36 y. PR1]

William, s. Jacob and Hannah [phthisis. PR1], Jan. 4, 1820. [a. 17 y. PR1]