NorthShore Slavery


_____, wid. John, at the poorhouse, Sept. 23, 1816.

_____, young ch. John B. and Abigail, Mar. 13, 1826.

_____, ch. twin, Andrew and Hannah, Oct. 30, 1830.

_____, ch. twin, Andrew and Hannah, Nov. 2, 1830.

_____, ch. Andrew C., Nov. 6, 1836, a. 4 m. 15 d.

_____, ch. Isaac, Aug. 13, 1837, a. 2 d.

_____, ch. John, Mar. 11, 1841, a. 1 y. 6 m.

_____, ch. Andrew, Feb. 9, 1842, a. 3 m.

Benjamin, s. Benjamin and Sarah, consumption, Dec. 12, 1820. [Dec. 13, a. 30 y. PR1]

Benjamin, "of a fever on board the Schooner, on Grand Bank," rec. Sept. 2, 1828.

[Benjamin Nutting. CR3], s. Andrew [and Hannah. CR3], Aug. 15, 1838, a. 8 m.

Hannah, wid. Isaac, Sept. 7, 1810, a. 81 y.

Hannah, w. Isaac, consumption, Mar. 10, 1842, a. 40 y. [Mar. 13. CR3]

Hannah, wid. Benjamin, consumption, Feb. 7, 1846, a. 79 y. 11 m.

Isaac, s. John B. and Jane, "in the West Indies," rec. Apr. 20, 1827.

Isaac, m., fisherman, "Drowned on Grand Bank, Sch. Pacific," Sept. 19, 1846, a. 40 y.

Jacob, "fell from Mast head on Board Joshua Coombes, bound to Grand Bank," rec. July 26, 1818.

Jane, wid. John B., bowel complaint, Aug. 27, 1847, a. 77 y.

John, s. Benjamin and Elisabeth, "in the West Indies," rec. Jan. 10, 1816.

[John Barker. CR3], s. Andrew [and Hannah. CR3], Apr. 23, 1838, a. 5 m.

WAIT (Waitt)

Abigail Coffin, d. Jacob and Abigail, Sept. --, 1849, a. 72 y. GR1

Jacob, Jan. 11, 1826, a. 76 y. GR1

John, Oct. 19, 1803, a. 50 y. 1 m. GR1

Mary, d. Nathan and Mary, Mar. 3, 1759, a. 2 y. 5 w. GR2

Mary A., d. John, Mar. 22, 1806, a. 2 y. 5 m. GR1

Nathan, s. Nathan and Mary, Mar. 11, 1759, a. 14 m. 3 w. GR2

Sarah, w. John, June 20, 1802, a. 47 y. 5 m. GR1

WAITT (Wait)

_____, ch. Peter and Elizabeth, July 25, 1810.

_____, ch. John and Nancy, Oct. 6, 1825, a. abt. 8 m.

Abigail, wid. Jacob, Oct. 12, 1831, a. 75 y. [Oct. 11. GR1]

Deborah, w. William, Aug. 13, 1803, a. 92 y. GR2

Elizabeth, w. Samuel, Mar. 26, 1781, a. 31 y. GR2

Samuel, May 25, 1796, a. 11 y. GR3

Samuel, Sept. 10, 1798, a. 47 y. GR3

William, Nov. 22, 1803, a. 92 y. GR2

William, s. John and Sarah, deceased, "drowned at sea," Dec. 18, 1817.


_____, ch. Elias and Mary, July 7, 1830, a. 6 m.


Deliverance [w. John. GR1], 17: 1m: 1727. CR1 [a. 52 y. GR1]

John, s. John and Deliverance, July 22, 1717, a. 13 y. GR1

Martha (Beal, Cross), Mrs., --- --, 1750, a. 83 y. CR1

Samuel, Dec. 8, 1691, a. 34 y. GR1

Samuel, s. John and Deliverance, May 10, 1728, in his 22d y. GR1

Thomas, s. John and Deliverance, Dec. 20, 1713, a. 1 y. 7 m. GR1


Elizabeth, wid., bur. Jan. 13, 1741-2. CR3

Elizabath, w. Moses, "formerly Wife of Saml Glover" [consumption. PR1], Dec. 17, 1812. [Dec. 18, a. 67 y. PR1]

John, bur. Aug. 30, 1728. CR3


John, unm., fisherman, b. Salem, "Drowned on Grand Bank, Schr Zela," Sept. 19, 1846, a. 20 y.


John, at the poorhouse, Mar. 4, 1837, a. 79 y.

Mary, wid. John, old age, Jan. 8, 1844, a. 89 y.


_____, s. Capt. John and Rebecca, measles, Oct. 25, 1821. [a. 5 y. PR1]

Ebenezer, a native of Springfield, May 15, 1790, in his 55th y. GR2

Elizabeth, d. John and Rebecca, --- --, ----, a. 2 d. GR2

Elizabeth, d. James and Elizabeth, June 9, 1797, a. 4 y. 4 m. GR1

Elizabeth, wid. Ebenezer, Dec. 11, 1800, a. 59 y. 4 m. GR2

Hannah, d. Ebenezer and Elizabeth, July 23, 1787, a. 19 y. 10 m. GR2

John [C. GR2], s. Capt. John and Rebecca, Jan. 12, 1810, a. 4 y. [Jan. 22. GR2]

John, Capt., "in the Schooner Jachin, Master, never heard from after Sailing from here," rec. Jan. 23, 1822. [July --, 1821. PR1]

Rebecca, Mrs., Aug. 27, 1825. CR4 [a. 35 y. PR1]


John, rec. Mar. 20, 1832, a. 75 y.


Elizabeth, w. William, Feb. 10, 1698-9, a. 35 y. GR1

Jane [d. Elizabeth?], Apr. 22, 169-. GR1

John, s. John, bur. Sept. 1, 1744. CR3

John, s. John and Bethia, bur. Apr. 15, 1748. CR3

Thomas, bur. May 15, 1728. CR3


John, "at Point Petre, Guadaloup, on board Scho Midas, Joshua Prentiss, Master," rec. Feb. 10, 1825.

WATT (Watts)

Betsey, d. Samuel, Feb. 14, 1786, a. 2 y. GR3

Samuel, s. Samuel, May 25, 1796, a. 11 y. GR3

Samuel, Sept. 7, 1798, a. 47 y. GR3

WATTS (Watt)

Elizabeth, w. Samuel, Mar. 26, 1781, a. 31 y. GR2

Janette, d. Alexander and Rachel, bur. Aug. 24, 1734. CR3

Martha E., d. Hannah, abscess in the throat, Mar. 23, 1847, a. 6 m.


_____, wid. Samuel, at the workhouse, Nov. 11, 1813.

_____, inf. ch. George and Mary, Jan. 3, 1830.

_____, ch. George, May 9, 1832, a. 1 d.

Ambrose, at the poorhouse, suddenly, Nov. 27, 1817.

David Drak, from Effingham, NH, cholera morbus, Sept. 28, 1830, a. 22 y.

George Henry, mortification, June 28, 1826.

John, "at Cape Francois with Capt Wm Standley," rec. Jan. 27, 1811.

John, "from Canada, at the poorhouse," consumption, June 3, 1826.

John, s. John and Mary, dysentery, Sept. 28, 1848, a. 2 y. 5 m.

Margaret Ingalls, d. John and Mary, canker, Sept. 14, 1845, a. 1 y. 6 m.

Sarah, Mar. 25, 1835, a. 38 y.


_____, young ch. Dan, tinman, Oct. 12, 1810.

_____, ch. Dan, May 9, 1835, a. 6 m.

_____, inf. ch. Alfred and Mary, Mar. 6, 1840, a. 3 m.

_____, inf. ch. Albert, lung fever, Sept. 19, 1842, a. 1 m.

Benjamin, "drowned in Boston Harbor," --- --, 1822, a. 27 y. GR1

Benjamin [s. Benjamin and Polly. GR1], Jan. 27, 1839, a. 19 y.

Lucy, w. Dan, jaundice, July 17, 1842, a. 52 y. 7 m.

Mary E., d. Albert and Mary, spasms, Feb. 4, 1844, a. 2 m. 10 d.

Sarah Elizabeth, d. Dan and Lucy, Aug. 20, 1820, a. 17 m. [Aug. 21. PR1]

William, s. Dan, Oct. 20, 1835, a. 22 y. 3 m. 9 d.


Deborah, wid. James, Nov. 22, 1806.


Benjamin, s. William and Elisabeth, bur. Apr. 19, 1730. CR3

William, s. William and Elisabeth, bur. Jan. 20, 1728-9. CR3


_____, three chn. Thomas and Sarah, "Dead born, all at one birth," Sept. 21, 1815.

Mary, Aug. 15, 1839, a. 78 y.

Richard, May 13, 1837, a. 80 y. 7 m.

Richard, at Labradore, Sept. 16, 1841, a. 62 y.


Lot, "late of Boston," merchant, dysentery, Sept. 2, 1842, a. 73 y.


_____, ch. E., of Boston, May 11, 1813.


_____, wid. John, "in an Advanced Age," Mar. 17, 1812.

_____, ch. John and Ruth, July 30, 1825, a. abt. 13 m.

_____, ch. Elias and Martha, May 20, 1830, a. 1 d.

_____, Elias, jr., Dec. 6, 1832.

_____, ch. John, jr., Sept. 24, 1837, a. 3 m.

_____, ch. John, Mar. 18, 1841, a. 10 m.

_____, d. John and Mary, croup, Oct. 22, 1844, a. 3 y.

_____, s. John, jr. and Abigail, Sept. 1, 1846, a. 1 d.

Abigail, wid. John (Wight), d. Nathan Bowen, Esq. [dropsy. PR1], Aug. 19, 1819, a. 86 y. [a. 87 y. PR1]

Benjamin, Apr. 8, 1806.

Elias, Feb. 29, 1836, a. 66 y. 4 m.

Elizabeth, --: 11m: 1735. CR1

Betsey [Elizabeth. GR6], w. John, of Boston, Feb. 8, 1837, a. 51 y. [Feb. 7. GR6]

Grace, w. John, dropsy, July 4, 1846, a. 53 y. 8 m.

John, s. Dea. John and Elizabeth, Sept. 26, 1718, a. 17 y. 2 m. 2 d. GR1

John, Dea., July --, 1748, a. 77 y. CR1

John [U.S.N. GR6], Oct. 15, 1833, a. 77 y.

John, "Lieut. Navy in Boston," Apr. 15, 1840, a. 52 y.

John, jr., m., fisherman, s. John, "Drowned on Grand Bank, Schr Clinton," Sept. 19, 1846, a. 28 y.

John, jr., 3d, m., fisherman, s. Elias and Sally, "Drowned on Grand Bank, Schr Zela," Sept. 19, 1846, a. 38 y.

Martha, w. Elias, jr., suddenly, Sept. 3, 1830, a. 28 y.

Mary, w. John, 3d, inflammation of the bowels, June 21, 1842, a. 25 y.

Mary Abigail, d. John and Abigail, croup, Jan. 2, 1846, a. 2 y.

Philip, s. John and Ruth, dropsy in the head, June 30, 1825. [a. 5 y. PR1]

Remember, wid., --: 11m: 1717. CR1

Remember, unm., "in an Advanced Age," Mar. 30, 1809.

Ruth, w. John, d. Mark Haskell, June 16, 1808.

Ruth, w. John, jr., consumption, Apr. 9, 1825, a. 27 y. [a. 33 y. PR1]

Samuel, Sept. 7, 1722, a. 52 y. GR1

Samuel, s. Joseph and Mary, bur. Nov. 27, 1736. CR3

Sarah, wid. Elias, lung fever, May 20, 1842, a. 72 y.


Hanson, Aug. 9, 1839, a. 52 y.

WHITTEMORE (Wittemore)


Prudence, w. Rev. William, --- --, 1774. CR1 [Feb. 7, a. 33 y. GR1]

William, Rev., "was ordained Mr. Barnard's Colleague, Augt 25, 1762. Born at Boston, was graduated at Princeton, NJ, 1758, and died in the ministry at Marblehead, Novr 8, 1781, in the 45th year of his age, and of his ministty the 20th. " CR1


_____, s. Thomas, bur. Aug. 9, 1728. CR3

_____, s. Thomas and Elizabeth, suddenly, Sept. 15, 1820. [ Sept. 16, a. 2 y. PR1]

_____, ch. Mrs., July --, 1821. PR1

_____, ch. John, dysentery, Aug. --, 1824, a. 20 y. PR1

_____, ch. Thomas and Elizabeth, Sept. 29, 1824, a. abt. 16 m.

Abigail, w. Thomas, d. the late Ambrose Gale, Aug. 18, 1807.

Elisabeth, bur. July 10, 1728. CR3

Hannah, w. Thomas, suddenly, Jan. 22, 1828.

James, Jan. 2, 1721, a. 32 y. 4 m. 15 d. GR5

Joseph, youngest, s. William and Elisabeth, "in England in Dartmoor Prison," rec. June 2, 1815.

Joseph, s. Thomas, Sept. 1, 1832, a. 2 y.

Joseph, at Port au Prince, Feb. 17, 1841.

Mary, d. James and Mary, Feb. 14, 1721, a. 6 y. 10 m. 8 d. GR5

Mary, d. Elisabeth, bur. Mar. 18, 1727-8. CR3

Robert, bur. Feb. 11, 1727-8. CR3

Sarah [Mary. PR1], w. John, d. Robert Burridge, consumption, Aug. 20, 1812. [a. 28 y. PR1]

Thomas, bur. Aug. 19, 1747. CR3

Thomas, jr., s. Thomas, "fell from Mast head at Kennebunk" rec. Dec. 28, 1828. [a. 23 y. PR1]

William, "at Nantucket, of a Fever and Ague," rec. Oct. 10, 1823, a. 75 y. [a. 78 y. PR1]

William, jr., Aug. 20, 1836, a. 31 y.

William, seaman, "Suicide by cutting his Throat in a fit of Insanity," rec. Apr. 18, 1843, a. 66 y. 4 m.


Elisabeth, Aug. 30, 1835, a. 81 y. 5 m.

James, s. James, consumption, Sept. 25, 1846, a. 19 y.


_____, d. George and Ruth, "Infantile," July 19, 1848, a. 14 d.

G., drowned, rec. Aug. 27, 1812, a. 15 y. PR1

George, Dec. 7, 1830, a. 83 y.

Jacob, s. George, "drowned Out of the Privateer Scho Success John D. Dennis Jr, in boardg a Brig," July 10, 1812.

Mary, Jan. 8, 1835, a. 73 y.


_____, ch. Jacob and Lucy, Mar. 6, 1813.

_____, d. Jacob and Lucy [lung fever. PR1], Jan. 15, 1824, a. 10 y. [a. 11 y. PR1]

_____, ch. Jacob and Lucy, measles, June 10, 1826, a. abt. 4 1/2 y.

Lucy, w. Jacob, Oct. 4, 1838, a. 53 y. 3 m.

William, Dr., "of a lingering Disorder," May 7, 1811.

Zadoc, m., farmer, heart disease, June 2, 1849, a. 46 y.


William, "killed by the Pirates, near the Havanna," rec. Apr. 27, 1823.


[Rebecca Pitman. GR2], d. Jacob, Esq. [and Eliza. GR2], Apr. 18, 1815. [Apr. 11, a. 4 m. 8 d. GR2]


_____, d. John, bur. Sept. 11, 1729. CR3

_____, ch. John, Sept. 9, 1808.

_____, ch. Mr., Jan. 8, 1820. PR1

_____, inf. ch. Capt. Simon T. and Hannah, Nov. 10, 1820.

_____, ch. wid., Mar. --, 1821, a. 3 y. PR1

_____, Mrs., at the almshouse, bur. Dec. 1, 1837. CR3

_____, Mrs., at the almshouse, bur. June 12, 1838, a. 73 y. CR3

Ambrose, "lost Overboard Out of Capt. John Collyer," Feb. 5, 1820.

Ann, w. John, merchant, Mar. 14, 1815, a. 31 y.

Charles, "lost at Sea Comeing home from Grand Bank, last September [Sch. Susan. PR8], Dec. --, 1825. [a. 38 y. PR1]

Elisabeth, d. John and Elisabeth, bur. Aug. 11, 1736. CR3

Frederick, "onboard the _____," rec. Oct. 15, 1819.

Hannah, w. Capt. Simon T., lung fever [childbed. PR1], Nov. 12, 1820. [a. 24 y. PR1]

Hannah, wid. Charles, palsy, June 2, 1847, a. 71 y.

John, "a Foreigner, in the Poor House," rec. July 13, 1811.

John, "a Native of Genoa, at Mrs. Robinson's" [fever. PR1], Oct. 4, 1823. [a. 36 y. PR1]

Joseph Sewall, s. John and Nancy, Sept. 10, 1810, a. 17 m.

Margaret Savage, wid. John, Oct. 8, 1832, a. 33 y.

Mary, wid. Dea. William, Apr. 2, 1813. [Apr. 3, a. 87 y. GR1]

Mary [d. Dea. William. GR1], May 1, 1841, a. 78 y. [a. 77 y. GR1]

Sally, wid., old age, Dec. 23, 1845, a. 85 y.

Thomas K., Capt., s. Thomas and Eleanor, grands. Dea. William, at New Orleans, rec. Sept. 8, 1823.

William, Dea., Mar. [5. GR1], 1787. CR1 [a. 65 y. GR1]

William H., s. S.T., Sept. 3, 1838, a. 19 y. 1 m.


Elisabeth, w. _____, Dec. 4, 1799. CR1

Thomas, paralytic shock, June 12, 1810.


Edward, s. George and Elisabeth, bur. Oct. 12, 1736 CR3

Elisabeth, bur. Oct. 7, 1736. CR3

John, s. George and Elizabeth, at the poorhouse, Feb. 12, 1816

Mary, d. George and Elizabeth, bur. Oct. 9, 1736. CR3

Mary, wid., Feb. 6, 1842, a. 79 y.

Sarah, d. George and Elisabeth, bur. Oct. 7, 1736. CR3


_____, ch. Joseph and Jane, Aug. 5, 1819.

_____, s. George and Mary, dropsy in the head, Dec. 14, 1824, a. 2 y. 8 m. [Dec. 15. PR1]

_____, ch. Joseph, ropemaker, Apr. 16, 1828, a. 14 d.

_____, ch. stillborn, Joseph, May 27, 1838.

_____, s. stillborn, George and Ann, Jan. 28, 1846.

George Henry, s. Joseph and Mary, Apr. 17, 1828.

George, s. Joseph, July 17, 1832, a. 3 y.

Joseph, s. Joseph and Mary, in Salem, Mar. 30, 1817.

Joseph, Esq., "Collector of the Customs for this district," Aug. 1, 1821, a. 64 y.

Lydia, wid. Joseph, Esq., Apr. 9, 1838, a. 83 y. [Apr. 6. CR3 and PR6]


_____, ch. Henry, Nov. 20, 1834.

Ann Orne, w. Henry B., disease of heart, Mar. 11, 1843, a. 25 y.

Mary, d. Henry and Augusta, lung fever, Mar. 25, 1846, a. 1 y. 7 m.

Phebe Ann, d. Washington, Dec. 31, 1838, a. 6 y.

Phebe Ann, b. Danvers, w. George W., canker, July 1, 1844, a. 31 y. 8 m. 18 d.

William, chairmaker, at New Orleans, rec. Nov. 25, 1819.


_____, inf. ch. Nicholass and Alice, Apr. 18, 1816.

_____, inf. ch. Nicholass and Alice, Nov. 13, 1819.

_____, ch. Burrell, Dec. 1, 1833, a. 13 y.

_____, s. Burril, Feb. 23, 1839, a. 6 y.

Anna, wid. John, Sept. 30, 1820, a. 84 y. [a. 80 y. PR1]

Burrill, s. Burrill, Nov. 10, 1833, a. 15 y.

Burrill, Nov. 27, 1833, a. 2 y.

Elizabeth, w. Joseph, rec. Dec. 7, 1830.

Nicholass [fever. PR1], "at the Havanna," rec. June --, 1824. [a. 40 y. PR1]

Susanna, wid. John, consumption, June 30, 1825, a. abt. 71 y. [a. 82 y. PR1]

WOLCOTT (Woolcot)

WOOD (Woods)

Abigail, wid. Richard, Apr. 6, 1827, a. 93 y.

Elizabeth, w. Thomas, 17: 3m: 1723. CR1

John, s. Richard, at Havanna, Apr. 21, 1799. PR2

Richard, Feb. 8, 1805, a. 73 y. PR2

[Susan. CR3], d. George [and Rachel. CR3], July 23, 1838, a. 2 y. 8 m.

WOODBERRY (Woodbury)

_____, s. stillborn, William S. and Hannah, Oct. 14, 1844.

WOODBURY (Woodberry)

_____, s. Capt. Jacob and Betsey, "of Beverly, at the house of Nathan Bowen, Esquire, Grandfather to the Child," Apr. 26, 1816.


_____, ch. Moses, Aug. 5, 1832, a. 2 y.

_____, s. Moses and Joanna, rheumatic fever, Nov. 6, 1844, a. 4 y.

Ann, w. Francis, Aug. 25, 1841, a. 35 y.

Emma, d. Francis and Annis, bowel complaint, Oct. 7, 1842, a. 1 y. 2 m.

Emma [R. GR4], wid. Richard, old age, Apr. 30, 1848, a. 78 y. 9 m.

John H., lost at sea, --- --, 1808, a. 11 y. GR4

John, Feb. 24, 1838, a. 2 y. 2 m.

John [H. GR4], seaman, "drowned from Schr Essex," Apr. 29, 1844. PR8 [b. Dec. 11, 1808, d. Apr. 30, 1844. GR4]

Rachel, w. Moses H., suddenly [married only a week, typhus fever. PR1], Jan. 26, 1824. [a. 23 y. PR1;, a. 20 y. 9 m. 10 d. GR1]

Rebecca S., b. May 20, 1841, d. Oct. 20, 1842. GR6

Richard, Mar. 11, 1834, a. 38 y. [Mar. 10. GR4]

Richard, "constipation of bowels," Mar. 25, 1842, a. 73 y.

Richard Lawrence, b. Sept. 24, 1769, d. Apr. 11, 1842. GR4

Sarah C., d. Francis and Abigail, measles, Dec. 13, 1849, a. 1 y. 7 m. 7 d.

Thomas, b. Aug. 20, 1789, d. at sea, --- --, 1802.

Thomas R., lost at sea, b. Oct. 27, 1806, d. --- --, 1833. GR4

Thomas, lost at sea, Sch. Mary and Hannah, --- --, 1839. PR8


_____, bur. May 20, 1735. CR3

Betthia, bur. June 19, 1735. CR3

Elisabeth, bur. Mar. 21, 1733-4. CR3

John, bur. May 28, 1735. CR3

John, s. Thomas and Sarah, bur. July 15, 1735. CR3

Joseph, s. Charles and Sarah, bur. Nov. 15, 1736. CR3

WOODS (Wood)

Ebenezer, "an Englishman" [carpenter. PR1], measles, Nov. 15, 1821. [a. 33 y. PR1]

Eunice, w. Jonathan, July 23, 1806.

Grace [Girdler. CR3], wid. John H., of Newburyport, consumption, July 12, 1842, a. 28 y. 3 m. [July 13. CR3]

John, May 22, 1711, a. abt. 45 y. GR1

Mary, w. Jonathan, d. Capt. Richard Martin, Oct. 1, 1811.

Sally, w. Ebenezer, "of a lingering Disorder," Aug. 23, 1820.


John, "at Baltimore, by falling from Mast head," rec. Mar. 16, 1811.

WOOLDREDGE (Wooldridge)

_____, ch. Thomas, shoemaker, Aug. 18, 1828, a. 1 d.

Mary, d. Capt. Thomas, Sept. 18, 1791, a. 9 m. 19 d.

Mary, dropsy, Feb. 2, 1828, a. 64 y.

WOOLDRGE (Wooldridge)

Samuel G., second mate [Brig Corinna. PR1], [with Capt. Ebenezer G. Evans], "lost on his Passage from Cape Hatien to Boston," July --, 1825, a. 34 y. [a. 26 y. PR1]

WOOLDRIDGE (Woolderig, Wooldredge, Wooldrge)

_____, wid. John, rec. Dec. 15, 1816, a. 87 y.

_____, inf. ch. Thomas, shoemaker, Jan. 20, 1825. [a. 6 w. PR1]

_____, ch. Thomas, Sept. 17, 1829, a. 3 m.

_____, s. Amanda, croup, May 6, 1845, a. 3 y. 5 m.

Benjamin, father Benjamin J., lost at sea, Sept. --, 1800, a. 31 y. GR1

Hannah, Nov. 19, 1834, a. 30 y. 3 m.

John, jr., s. Capt. John and Tabitha, consumption, Mar. 6, 1815.

John, s. William and Sally [fever. PR1], "on the Coast of Africa," rec. Mar. 8, 1822. [a. 22 y. PR1]

John, Capt., cancer, Sept. 29, 1828, a. 69 y.

Lois, w. Thomas, Jan. 31, 1830, a. 30 y.

Mary, w. Robert, Mar. 3, 1813.

Mary, Dec. 24, 1834, a. 70 y.

Othniel B., s. William, deceased, "Recd the News," July 1, 1807.

Robert, s. Robert and Mary, "at the Havana," rec. Jan. 6, 1822., a. 26 y.

Robert, Feb. 10, 1824, a. 73 y.

Samuel G., s. Capt. Thomas and Mary, lost at sea, Aug. --, 1825, a. 34 y. GR1

Sarah, wid. William [fever. PR1], Dec. 7, 1823. [a. 64 y. PR1]

Tabitha, wid. Capt. John, Aug. 14, 1833, a. 71 y.

Thomas, Capt., Aug. 28, 1809, a. 44 y. 4 m. 25 d. [Aug. 26. GR1]

Thomas, s. Capt. Thomas, deceased [and Mary. GR1], Sept. 30, 1811, a. 24 y. 6 m. 9 d. [ Sept. 29. GR1]

William, s. Capt. John and Tabitha, "Killed on Board Privateer Ship Alexander, Capt. Timothy Wellman," rec. Jan. 10, 1813.

William, s. Benjamin, Nov. 10, 1821, a 24 y. GR1

William, s. Benjamin and Rebecca, at sea, rec. Apr. 14, 1822.

William, s. William, June 1, 1840, a. 8 y.

William, consumption, Apr. 12, 1842, a. 42 y. 3 m.

William, m., fisherman, "Drowned on Grand Bank, Schr Minerva," Sept. 19, 1846, a. 48 y.

William, s. William and Mary, small pox, Apr. 26, 1849, a. 2 y. 6 m.

WORMSTED (Wormstel, Wormstill)

_____, inf. ch. Benjamin, Nov. --, 1817. PR1

_____, wid. Capt. Benjamin [sister Mrs. Mary Vinning, dropsy. PR1], Jan. 15, 1824, a. abt. 73 y. [Jan. 12. PR1]

Benjamin, Capt., Sept. 20, 1816, a. abt. 75 y.

Benjamin [Capt. GR2], m., surveyor of the port of Marblehead, dropsy, Jan. 11, 1848, a. 68 y. 1 in. 9 d.

Elizabeth, d. the late Capt. John, at the poorhouse, Jan. 30, 1820.

Joseph [s. Joseph and Mary. GR2], Oct. 1, 1834, a. 3 y. [ Sept. 30. GR2]

Joseph [S. GR2], s. Joseph L., jr. [and Mary. GR2], Sept. 22, 1838, a. 2 y. 11 m. [ Sept. 20. GR2]

Martha, wid. Capt. Robert, at Boston, Sept. 25, 1809, a. 50 y. 1 d. GR5

Martha, wid. [Capt. GR2], Benjamin, dysentery, Sept. 10, 1848, a. 66 y. 11 m. 6 d

Michael, Capt, Nov. 7, 1772, a. 45 y. GR5

Sarah, d. Michael and Mary, Jan. 8, 1812.

Sarah, Oct. 13, 1833, a. 90 y.


_____, ch. Isaac and Elizabeth, Oct. 15, 1824, a. abt. 3 y.

Isaac, Oct. 4, 1836, a. 81 y.

John P., consumption, Jan. 24, 1818. [Jan. 22, a. 45 y. PR1; Jan. 23, a. 43 y. GR1]

John, "died abroad," rec. Mar. 2, 1837, a. 30 y.

Sally, wid. John, butcher, Apr. 2, 1833, a. 58 y.

Sophia, wid. Seth, palsy, May 30, 1842, a. 87 y.