NorthShore Slavery


_____, Nero, and Sarah, "belonging to Col. Norden and Mrs. [A. CR2] Boden," Feb. 15, 1727[-8].

_____, Sarah, and Nero, "belonging to Col. Norden and Mrs. [A. CR2] Boden," Feb. 15, 1727 [-8].

_____, Hannah, and Nero, belonging to Joseph Blaney, Jan. 2, 1728[-9].

CELIA, Mary, and John Cuffy, Jan. 6, 1728-9. CR3

CUFFY, John, and Mary Celia, Jan. 6, 1728-9. CR3

BURNAM, Dianna, of Beverly, and Salem Sipeo, at Beverly, Sept. 27, 1752.

SIPEO, Salem, and Dianna Burnam of Beverly, at Beverly, Sept. 27, 1752.

_____, Cloe, and Mark, Apr. 23, 1769. CR3

_____, Mark, and Cloe, Apr. 23, 1769. CR3

DEVEREUX, Bristol [Brister. dup.], and Rose Harris, Feb. 26, 1773.*

GLOVER, Francis, and Fillis [Priscilla. int.] Story, Feb. 26, 1773.*

HARRIS, Rose, and Bristol [Brister. dup.] Devereux, Feb. 26, 1773.*

STORY, Fillis [Priscilla. int.], and Francis Glover, Feb. 26, 1773.*

BATCHELDER, Phillis, and Cato Gerry, Mar. 23, 1773.*

GERRY, Cato, and Phillis Batchelder, Mar. 23, 1773.*

DEVEREUX, Pompey, and Rhodia Gaskell, Apr. 16, 1775.*

GASKELL, Rhodia, and Pompey Devereux, Apr. 16, 1775.*

BOURN, Cesar [Brown. CR2], and Phillis Skinner, Aug. 3, 1777.*

SKINNER, Phillis, and Cesar Bourn [Brown. CR2], Aug. 3, 1777.*

HOOPER, Pompy, and Flora Lee, July 26, 1778.*

LEE, Flora, and Pompy Hooper, July 26, 1778.*

FORSTER, Flora, and William Grush, Dec. 6, 1778.*

GRUSH, William, and Flora Forster, Dec. 6, 1778.*

STACEY, Venus, and Prince Waitt, Oct. 14, 1779.*

WAITT, Prince, and Venus Stacey, Oct. 14, 1779.*

PEDRICK, Mark, and Phillis Story, Oct. 21, 1779.*

STORY, Phillis, and Mark Pedrick, Oct. 21, 1779.*

ANDREWS, Durander, and Jephthat Augustus, Apr. 16, 1780.*

AUGUSTUS, Jephthat, and Durander Andrews, Apr. 16, 1780.*

AUGUSTUS, Sampson, and Margaret Potter, July 16, 1780.*

POTTER, Margaret, and Sampson Augustus, July 16, 1780.*

COLES, Flora, and Cato Watts, Aug. 5, 1780.*

WATTS, Cato, and Flora Coles, Aug. 5, 1780.*

DOLIBER, Jack, and Dinah Russell, Oct. 1, 1780. CR1

RUSSELL, Dinah, and Jack Doliber, Oct. 1, 1780. CR1*

BLACKBURN, Samuel, and Rose Pickman, Nov. 18, 1781.*

PICKMAN, Rose, and Samuel Blackburn, Nov. 18, 1781.*

BARTLETT, Peggy, and Anthony Tines, Dec. 29, 1781.*

TINES, Anthony, and Peggy Bartlett, Dec. 29, 1781.*

CABBOT, George Jacob, and Dinah Harsborn, int. July 27, 1782.

HARSHORE, Dinah, and George Jacob Cabbot, int. July 27, 1782.

BOWEN, Flora, and Cesar Martin, Apr. 2, 1783.*

MARTIN, Cesar, and Flora Bowen, Apr. 2, 1783.*

CARTER, Peggy, and Levi Conclin, Oct. 26, 1783.*

CONCLIN, Levi, and Peggy Carter, Oct. 26, 1783.*

FOWLE, Durander, and Cato Prince, Sept. 19, 1784.*

PRINCE, Cato, and Durander Fowle, Sept. 19, 1784.*

GARDNER, Peter, and Sarah Osburn, Nov. 26, 1786.*

OSBURN, Sarah, and Peter Gardner, Nov. 26, 1786.*

BASSET, Pender, and Henry Eldredge, Nov. 18, 1787.*

ELDREDGE, Henry, and Pender Basset, Nov. 18, 1787.*

CLEVES, Mary [of Beverly. int.], and Adam Lewis, Feb. 4, 1788.*

LEWIS, Adam, and Mary Cleves [of Beverly. int.], Feb. 4, 1788.*

GARNEY, Newbury, and Flora Watts, Sept. 27, 1789.*

WATTS, Flora, and Newbury Garney, Sept. 27, 1789.*

LEWIS, Fortin, and Pegg Pedrick, int. Oct. 3, 1789.

PEDRICK, Pegg, and Fortin Lewis, int. Oct. 3, 1789.

CLOUGH, Hagar, and Quom Getchel, int. June 13, 1791.

GETCHEL, Quom, and Hagar Clough, int. June 13, 1791.

FREEMAN, Cesar, and Venus Ward, July 28, 1791.*

WARD, Venus, and Cesar Freeman, July 28, 1791.*

GROWN, Prince, and Phillis Wilson, Sept. 11, 1791.*

WILSON, Phillis, and Prince Grown, Sept. 11, 1791.*

BARJONA, Cato, and Phillis Bourn, Sept. 25, 1791.*

BOURN, Phillis, and Cato Barjona, Sept. 25, 1791.*

BARTLETT, Pegg, and Jack Lewis, Feb. 19, 1792.*

LEWIS, Jack, and Pegg Bartlett, Feb. 19, 1792.*

FOWLER, John, of Ipswich, and Miraah Lewis, Aug. 19, 1792.*

LEWIS, Miraah, and John Fowler of Ipswich, Aug. 19, 1792.*

BROWN, Joseph, and Lucretia Thomas [of Salem. int.], Jan. 5, 1794.*

THOMAS, Lucretia [of Salem. int.], and Joseph Brown, Jan. 5, 1794.*

GROW, Phillis [Grover. int.], and Simon Hill of Salem, Apr. 17, 1796.*

HILL, Simon, of Salem, and Phillis Grow [Grover. int.], Apr. 17, 1796.*

BOURN, Jack, and Lucy Thomas [of Salem. int.], July 30, 1797.*

THOMAS, Lucy [of Salem. int.], and Jack Bourn, July 30, 1797.*

GLOVER, Phebe, and Isaac Thomas, Sept. 1, 1799.*

THOMAS, Isaac, and Phebe Glover, Sept. 1, 1799.*

FOSTER, Pompey, and Kerenhappue Manuell, Sept. 15, 1799.*

MANUELL, Kerenhappue, and Pompey Foster, Sept. 15, 1799.*

BOWEN, Dinah, and John Shandaway, int. July 25, 1801.

SHANDAWAY, John, and Dinah Bowen, int. July 25, 1801.

FRANCIS, George, and Polly Pedrick, Mar. 29, 1803.*

PEDRICK, Polly, and George Francis, Mar. 29, 1803.*

GERRY, Flora, and John Boyd, July 17, 1804*

DOWNEY, Charles, and Polly Gardner, int. July 31, 1813.

GARDNER, Polly, and Charles Downey, int. July 31, 1813.

MORRIS, York, of Salem, and Mary [Mercy. int.] Thomas, Oct. 17, 1813.*

THOMAS, Mary [Mercy. int.], and York Morris of Salem, Oct. 17, 1813.*

GEER, John, of Salem, and Phillis Hill, int. Oct. 7, 1815.

HILL, Phillis, and John Geer of Salem, int. Oct. 7, 1815.

LAWRENCE, Schuyler, and Chloe Minna of Salem, int. Jan. 18, 1817.

MINNS, Chloe, of Salem, and Schuyler Lawrence, int. Jan. 18, 1817.

BROWN, Lucy Ann R., a. 18 y., adopted, d. Lucretia, and James W. Fountain, widr., a. 24 y., hair dresser, b. Virginia, s. James and Eve, of Utica, NY, Nov. 2, 1845.*

FOUNTAIN, James W., widr., a. 24 y., hair dresser, b. Virginia, s. James and Eve, of Utica, NY, and Lucy Ann R. Brown, a. 18 y., adopted, d. Lucretia, Nov. 2, 1845.*

Surname Missing

_____, Christopher, and Elizabeth _____, Oct. 14, 1680.