NorthShore Slavery

HAFFORD (Haford)

Lydia, w. Samuel R., Apr. 26, 1796, a. 26 y. CR3

HAFORD (Hafford)

Parker, s. Samuel Riley and Lydia, May 13, 1796.

Samuel Riley, Nov. 26, 1801, a. 31 y.


James, unm., b. Ireland wound, Oct. 4, 1846, a. 2 1 y.


Benjamin, Aug. 19, 1840, a. 69 y. GR2

Eliza Ette, Miss, Oct. 30, 1836, a. 29 y. GR2


Benjamin, Lieut., Oct. 27, 1795, in his 84th y.

Benjamin B., Dec. 29, 1843, a. 29 y. GR2

Caleb, Feb. 8, 1789, in his 70th y. GR1

Betsy, d. Jacob and Betsey, Sept. 23, 1787.

Enoch Bayley, s. Farnum and Sarah, Aug. 5, 1793, in his 15th y.

Gilbert Augustus, s. Samuel and Polly, Apr. 30, 1839.

Jerusha, w. Caleb, Nov. 5, 1775, in her 60th y. CR1

John, Sept. 21, 1829, a. 34 y. GR1

Nathaniel Hasen, s. Jacob and Betsey, Mar. 23, 1828.

Rebecah, w. Benjaman, Feb. 25, 1785, in her 69th y.

Samuel, Mar. 4, 1840.

Sarah, d. Richard and Sarah, Aug. 7, 1777.


Abigail U., d. Amos and Nancy P., b. at Hudson, disease of the heart, July 9, 1844, a. 10 y. 6 m. 26 d.

Fitz William, s. Amos and Nancy [p. GR2], b. at Hudson, NH, heart complaint, Dec. 19, 1846, a. 11 y. 1 m.

Mehitable, d. Josiah and Anna., b. at Nashua, NH, spinal disease, May 17, 1846, a. 40 y.

HARRIES (Harris)

Elezebath, d. John, jr., and Elezebath, July 12, 1749.

John, h. Judah, June 4, 1760, in his 65th y.

HARRIS (Harries, Herris)

_____, w. John, Sept. 1, 1829, a. 78 y. CR3

_____, ch. Page and Mary C., b. at Lowell, bowel complamt, Sept. 6, 1849, a. 4 m.

Abigall, d.John and Elezebeth, Feb. 19, 1774, in her 23d y.

Charlottee, w. Samuel, Dec. 18, 1787.

Heman, m., farmer, fall, Sept. 4, 1845, a. 69 y.

John, Dea., Sept. 18, 1801.

John, June 9, 1830, a. 7 y. GR3 GR3

Judah, wid. John, Oct. 5, or Nov. 27, 1777, in her 80th y.

Lidiah, d. John and Judath, Sept. 2, 1738.

Mehiteball, d. John and Elizebath, May 10, 1757, in her 2d y.

Meribah Helen, d. Simon A. and Olive, Aug. 16, 1841.

Peter, Feb. 27, 1786, a. 45 y. GR3

Peter, s. Dr. Ralph and Meribah Tenney, Sept. 27, 1791.

Ralph, s. Ralph and Meribah T., Mar. 5, 1797.

Ralph, s. Samuel H. and Roxannah D., July 2, 1842.

Rebecca, wid. Heman, fall, Aug. 3, 1847, a. 68 y.

Samuel, s. John and Judath, Apr. 16, 1752, in his 20th y.

Samuel, Sept. 10, 1838.


Elisabeth, --- --, 1738. CR1

John, Nov. 25, 1738, in his 4th y. GR1 [in his 45th y. PR1]

HARVEY (Hervey)

Albert F., s. Samuel and Joanna, chicken pox, Sept. 28, 1844, a. 1 y. 4 m.

HASELTINE (Heseltime)

Abigal, d. Samuel and Mehitibal, Apr. 2, 1797.

Mehitable, Nov. 15, 1787.

Peter, s. Samueland Mehitable, Sept. 25, 1782.

Samuel, Dr., May 27, 1792.

Sally, d. Samuel and Mehitable, Aug. 17, 1783.

Susanna, d. Samuel and Mehitabl, Jan. 21, 1779.


Carlose [Albert C. GR2], s. Albert and Hannah [W. GR2], dysentery, Sept. 3, 1849, a. 6 m.

Emma F., d. Nathaniel and Evelin, canker, Aug. 3, 1847, a. 4 m.

Franklin, s. Nathaniel and Evelin, July 21, 1843, a. 10 W. GR2

Gorge, Apr. 24, 1802.

Hannah, w. Robart, Sept. 29, 1821, a. 68 y. GR1

Julia, Ardell, d. Nathaniel and E[veline. GR2], dysentuy, Aug. 18, 1849, a. 1 y.

Nathaniel, s. Joseph and Hannah, Oct. 4, 1813. [drowned, a. 30 y. CR1]

Peter, Nov. 19, 1811.

Robert, Jan. 30, 1836, a. 86 y. GR1

HAYNES (Haines)

Mary, w. Warren, b. at Haverhill, bur. at Salem, NH, d. July 13, 1848.


Eliza, w. Lyman F., b. at Westmmster, VT, consumption, Jan. 26, 1848, a. 42 y.

HAZELTON (Haseltine)


Abiel, Jan. 29, 1842.

Bailey [Aron B. GR2], unm., consumption, Jan. 9, 1849. [a. 31 y. GR2]

Bartholomew, m., b. at Hampstead, NH, farmer consumption, Nov. 13, 1844, a. 51 y.

Dudley, consumption, June 8, 1840, a. 53 y. CR1

Sarah Jane, d. Dudley and Achsah, July 25, 1836, a. 10 y. 6 m. GR2

HEBBERD (Hibbard)

Charles, s. Daniel and Sarah, Sept. 9, 1813.

Daniel, Oct. 10, 1800.

William, Nov. 20, 1801, in his 48th y.


_____, inf. ch. H.C. and Theresa, Mar. 1, 1847.

HERECK (Herrick)

Anna, d. Lt. Benjamen, May 27, 1766, in her 36th y.

HERRECK (Herrick)

Edward, h. Mary, Sept. 22, 1756.

HERRICK (Hereck, Herreck)

Arthur, s. Rev. Jonathan S. and Maria S., May 25, 1845, a. 3 d. GR2

Ebeneser, s. Thomas and Moley, June 12, 1800.

George, Capt., Aug. 16, 1811, a. 45 y. GR1

Hannah B., d. Artemus and Phebe, typhus fever, Oct. 5, 1846, a. 17 y. 5 m.

Jacob Whittier, Dr., at Canton, Chma, Jan. 29, 1794.

Maria S., w. Rev. Jonathan S., May 26, 1845, a. 34 y. CR2

Nehemiah, Mar. 29, 1844, a. 68 y. GR2

Rebecah, w. Thomas Apr. 2, 1812. [Apr. 1, a. 65 y. CR1]

Sarah, w. Nehemiah, Mar. 24, 1832, a. 53 y. CR2

Thomas, s. Nehemiah and Sarah, Sept. 15, 1820, a. 4 y. PR1

Thomas, Aug. 15, 1827, a. 86 y. GR1

HERRIS (Harris)

Elisabeth, w. John, Nov. 26, 1782.

HERVEY (Harvey)

Lydia, wid. [w. John. GR1], old age, Nov. 6, 1844, a. 90 y. [a. 89 y. CR1]

HESELTINE (Haseltine)

Abiah, wid. Samuel, Feb. 9, 1780.

Abiah, d. Nathaniel and Abagail, Nov. 9, 1780, a. 14 d.

Henry, s. Samuel and Abiah, Mar. 29, 1762.

Joshua, s. Samuel and Abiah, Sept. 27, 1762.

Sarah, d. Nathaniel and Abigail, Dec. 31, 1784.

HIBBARD (Hebberd, Hibbed, Hibberd)

Ebenezer, June 23, 1824. [a. 85 y. GR1]

Isaac, s. Ebenezer, jr., Mar. 15, 1776.

Persis, wid. Simon, consumption, Aug. 16, 1847, a. 69 y.

Sarah, d. Joseph and Hiphibath, Sept. 25, 1753, in her 2d y.

Stephen, s. John and Hannah, Oct. 19, 1759.


Mary, R., wid. [Benjamin. GR2], b. at Gardner, ME, consumption, Jan. 7, 1849, a. 73 y.


Nancy, w. Horatio, b. at Fall River, cancer, Oct. 13, 1848, a. 45 y.


Harriet A., d. Joseph and Mary, disease in the head, Aug. 28, 1845. [a. 11 m. GR2]

John B., s. William and Almira, Jan. 1, 1844, a. 6 m. GR2

Moses, m., s. John and Hannah, b. at Boxford, shoemaker, connsumption, Oct. 14, 1846. [a. 48 y. GR2]

HOW (Howe)

Anna, wid. Timothy, old age, Sept. 20, 1848, a. 90 y.

Caroline, Apr. 19, 1837.

Charles K., s. Philip and Elizabeth, June 7, 1836, a. 5 y. 2 m. GR2

Daniel, s. James and Hannah, June 8, 1761, in his 31st y.

Elezebeth, d. twin, John and Sarah, July 23, 1764, a. 2 m.

Elizebath, wid. Dea. James, formerly, w. Roberd Swan, Dec. 5, 1780, a. 68 y.

Elizabeth, d. John, Dec. 28, 1792.

Emma A., d. Parker [Aaron P. GR2] and Almira, dysentety, July 25, 1849, a. 1 y. 7 m.

Eunice, w. Thomas, Mar. 7, 1826.

George H., s. Thomas and Phebe, Sept. 15, 1836, a. 19 y. 6 mGR2

George W., s. Parker [Aaron P. GR2] and Alvira, bowel complaint, Oct. 7, 1846, a. 18 m. 13 d.

Hannah, d. James and Hannah, Oct. 1, 1728.

Hannah, w. Dea. James, Dec. 27, 1759, in her 61st y.

Hannah, Miss, Mar. 26, 1806, a. 76 y. CR1 [Mar. 6. PR1]

Hannah, w. Jonathan, Sept. 17, 1812, a. 59 y. GR1

Hannah, [w. Joseph. CR1], May 13, 1822. [May 12, a. 84 y. GR1]

Henry Martin, s. Joseph and Caroline, Sept. 5, 1838.

Huldah, w. Robinson, July 8, 1805, a. 29 y. GR1

Jacob, h. Hannah, Sept. 1, 1799. [a. 41 y. GR1]

James, Dea., Dec. 22, 1771, in his 76th y.

James, Dea., Jan. 14, 1806. [a. 82 y. GR1]

Jemima, w. Joseph, jr., Mar. 4, 1788, a. 23 y. CR1

Jemima, w. Dea. James, June 16, 1802. [1800, a. 71 y. GR1]

John, jr., s. John, Mar. 30, 1792

John, h. Sarah, May 13, 1807. [a. 80 y. GR1]

John, s. Isaiah and Esther, July 19, 1817.

Jonathan, s. Thomas and Phebe, Dec. 20, 1811, a. 20 h. GR1

Jonathan F., s. Thomas and Phebe, Mar. 14, 1814, a. 9 w. GR1

Jonathan, Apr. 26, 1841, a. 88 y. GR2

Joseph, May 16, 1803. [a. 67 y. GR1]

Joseph, Capt., Apr. 17, 1829, a. 68 y. GR1

Lydia, w. Joseph, Feb. 23, 1831, a. 72 y. GR1

Mary, d. Joseph and Hannah, May 15, 1772, in her 2d y.

Mary Ann, d. Rufus and Eliza Ann, July 18, 1840, a. 6 y. GR2

Mary, w. Jonathan, Feb. 2, 1841, a. 75 y. GR2

Percis, d. Thomas, Jan. 15, 1824.

Persis, d. John and Sarah, insanity, Sept. 18, 1846, a. 77 y.

Phillip, m., b. at Salem, NH, carpenter, rupture, May 23, 1847, a. 61 y.

Samuel, s. Jacob and Hannah, May 11, 1809, a. 18 y. GR1

Sarah, w. John, Jan. 2, 1817. [a. 86 y. GR1]

Sarah Ann, d. Daniel and Sally, Feb. 5, 1826.

Suel L[eroy. GR2], s. Rufus and Eliza Ann, bowel complamt, Aug. 1, 1844, a. 1 y. 7 m. [a. 10 m. GR2]

Susanna, d. John and Sarah, Oct. 7, 1753.

Thomas, Dec. 21, 1831, in his 48th y. GR2

Timothy, s. John and Sarah, Sept. 30, 1753.


Abel, s. Samuel, jr. and Elizabeth, Apr. 5, 1775.

Abel, s. Samuel, jr. and Elizabeth, Aug. 19, 1778

Abegall, d. Samuell and Mary, Sept. 7, 1736.

Alden, s. Samuel and Olive, July 21, 1822.

Anna, wid. [Dea. CR1] John, Mar. 15, 1826. [a. 80y. CR1]

Daniel, m. farmer, old age, Mar. 23, 1849, a. 82 y.

Betsey, w. John, May 19, 1822, a. 41 y. GR1 [a. 44 y. PR1]

Hannah, d. Samuel, jr. and Elisabeth, Sept. 1, 1773.

Helen Eliza, d. Stephen and Charlotte P., July 14, 1833.

John, Dea., Sept. 25, 18022, a. 63 y. GR1

John, Nov. 18, 1831, a. 60 y. GR1

Joseph L, s. Stepben and Charlotte P., Sept. 10, 1840.

Mary, d. Abbal and Mary, Oct. 6, 1753, in her 1st y.

Mary, w. Samuell, Aug. 9, 1757, in her 56th y.

Mary, w. Abel, Nov. 23, 1771, in her 42d y.

Nathaniel, s. Abel and Mary, July 28, 1752.

Samuel, s. Samuel, jr. and Elizabath, Aug. 24, 1778.

Samuel, Mar. 26, 1783.

Samuel, Feb. 3, 1814, a. 73 y.

Salla, d. Samuel, jr. and Elizabeth, Sept. 7, 1773.

Sally, Nov. 10, 1803, a. 17 y. GR1

Sally, July 26, 1843, a. 65 y. GR2

Stephen, Dr., July 1, 1783, a. 81 y. GR1

Stephen, July 17, 1783.

Stephen, Nov. 14, 1803. [a. 38 y. GR1]

Sukey, d. John and Nancy, Sept. 19, 1786, in her 11th y. CR1

Susanna, wid. Dr. Stephen, July 20, 1809, a. 91 y. CR1

Thomas, s. Abel and Mary, Sept. 14, 1763, in his 3d y.

William, s. Stephen and Dolly, Oct. 13, 1802.