NorthShore Slavery


Thomas, and Phebe Kimball, int. Dec. 12, 1772.

Thomas, and Susanna Jennings, May 6, 1777.

Amos H., and Mary Jane Hill, Feb. 5, 1836.*

Leonard, and Hannah Griffen, int. Jan. 24, 1841.


Patients, and Joseph Morts, Apr. 17, 1727.*


Asaph, of Carlisle, and Sarah F. Saundrson of Lowell, at Lowell, May 15, 1836.


Abiah, of Haverhill, and Joshua Peaslee, at Haverhill, Mar. 24, 1736-7.

Betsy, of Salem, NH, and John How, jr., int. Mar. 21, 1790.

Abigal, of Salem, NH, and Jonathan Emerson, int. May 10, 1790.

Nabby [Mrs., of Salem, NH. int.], and Alfred Ingals, Nov. 9, 1790.*

Justice, of Timmeth, Vermont, and Eunice Cross, formerly of Methuen, published at Haverhill, m. Jan. 25, 1798.

Emery, of Atkinson, NH, and Abigail C. Maloon, Mar. 31, 1805.

Alfred [of Salem, NH. int.], and Sarah Perley, Sept. 27, 1838.*

Hannah, of Lunenburg, and Samuel D. Chase, int. Apr. 18, 1840.

Hale W., and Sarah M. Wheeler, int. Oct. 18, 1840.

Alvira, of Lowell, and Aaron P. Howe, int. May 7, 1843.

Rufus L, of Lowell, and Peasis B. How, Dec. 25, 1845.

True, a. 27 y., stage driver, and Angeline [S. int.] Currier, a. 26 y., d. Asa, Nov. 10, 1846.*

PAINE (Payne)

Sarah, of Lowell, and Moody S. Wheeler, int. Oct. 24, 1845.


John, and Hannah Upton, May 26, 1740.

Kendal, and Mary Harris, July 1, 1745.

Priscilla, and Joshua Bodwell, int. June 20, 1761.

Hannah, and James Malloon, Oct. 20, 1761.*

Joseph, and Lydia Candler, both of Andover, Dec. 7, 1769.

John, jr., and Lydia Morriell, Feb. 21, 1770.*

Mary, and Timothy Barker, jr. of Dracut, Feb. 27, 1770.*

Hencher [Heneker. int.], and Anna Phelps of Andover, at Andover, June 15, 1773.*

Abigail, and John Hadley of Goffstown, Sept. 15, 1774.*

Elisha [Perkens. int.], and Phebe Clark, Sept. 22, 1774.*

Hezekiah, and Sarah Wilkins, Apr. 15, 1776.

Lucia, of Westford, and Samuel Richardson, int. Mar. 6, 1780.

Elijah, and Prisilla Wood of Dracut, int. July 8, 1782.

Elisha [of Dracut. int.], and Phebe Gutterson, Mar. 20, 1784. [int. Apr. 8.]*

Elisabeth [Mrs. int.], of Dracut, and Abijah Cross, Aug. 19, 1784.*

Pricilla, of Dracut, and Asa Parmer, at Dracut, Apr. 5, 1787.*

Jonathan [of Dracut. int.], and Allis Gutterson, Sept. 2, 1790.*

Joseph U., Ens., and Nabby Whittier of Newton, int. Apr. 2, 1792.

Lydia, and Samuel Riley [Reley. dup.] Hayford, Apr. 17, 1796.*

Susanah, of Andover, and Stephen Morss, int. June 2, 1800.

Hannah, and Peter Trall [Trull int.] of Tewksbury, Jan. 1, 1801.*

Salley, of Andover, and John Russ, int. May 23, 1802.

Winthrop, and Lydia Hall of Dracut, int. 1804.

Louisa [Lowis. int.], and Jonathan Noyce of Andover, Apr. 11, 1809.*

Susanna, and Arno Allice [Ellis. int.] Sept. 1, 1814.*

Washington, and Fanny Noyse of Andover, int. Apr. 2, 1815.

Samuel, and Tryphena Flint of Dracut, int. Apr. 23, 1815.

Hannah, of Dracut, and Lt. Moses Bixby, Nov. 11, 1817.*

Joseph V., and Mrs. Hannah Barker, Feb. 5, 1821.*

Samuel, of Dracut, and Sarah Harris, Apr. 19, 1821.*

Jonathan, jr., of Dracut, and Sarah Eaton Gutterson, int. Nov. 4, 1821.

Julia, and Artemus Stevens of Dracut, Apr. 20, 1824.*

Perley, of Dracut, and [Mrs. CR1] Sarah Hill Butler, Aug. 28, 1825.*

Charlotte, of Andover, and Stephen Huse, int. May 28, 1826.

Mary, of Lowell, and Nathan Parker, int. May 8, 1836.

Nathan, and Mary Parker of Lowell, int. May 8, 1836.

Betsey, of Dracut, and George Gutterson, int. June 18, 1837.

Alfred W., and Apha M. Kenison of Northfield, NH, int. Dec. 10, 1846.

Hester A., of Lawrence, a. 23 y., d. Nathaniel and Persis, and Moses Davis, widr., or Lawrence, a. 24 y., carpenter, s. Daniel and Hannah, May 12, 1849.


Tabitha Elisabeth, of Chelmsford, and Thaddeus Osgood, int. Aug. 9, 1829.

PARLEY (Perley)

Oliver, of Boxford, and Abigail Wells, int. Mar. 14, 1803.

PARMER (Palmer)

Asa, and Pricilla Parker of Dracut, at Dracut, Apr. 5, 1787.*

PARRY (Perry)

John I. [T. int.], of Pembroke, and Betsy J. Bailey, May 24, 1843.*


William, and Catharine Lyon, Aug. 3, 1834.*


Elijah, of Andover, and Else O'Neil, Dec. 29, 1798.

Stephen H., and Lydia Jenning, May 15, 1821.*

PATTE (Pattee)

Jonathan, of Salem, NH, and Betsey Mallon [Meloon. int.], Nov. 19, 1795.*

PATTEE (Patee, Patte, Petee)

Phebe, of Haverhill, and Josiah Emerson, jr., at Haverhill, May 24, 1764.*

Edward, of Salem, NH, and Darcus Emerson, int. Apr. 4, 1797.

Isaac C., and Martha Messer of Salem, NH, int. Sept. 3, 1843.


Jane, of Andover, and Nathan Abbott, at Andover, Jan. 11, 1759.

PAYNE (Paine)

Thankfull, of Newburyport, and George Wood, int. Nov. 12, 1815.

Ezra, and Hannah Pushee, Nov. 23, 1830.*


Mary, of Boxford, and Samuel Cole at Boxford, May 20, 1748.

Rebecca of Atkinson, and Nathaniel Webber, at Haverhill, Sept. 28, 1775.*

Josiah, and Mary Dame, Dec. 6, 1792.

Hipsibah, and Alexandrew Grames of Pelham [NH. int], Nov. 27, 1800.*

John, and Mary Harvey of Dracut, int. Aug. 6, 1809.

Rufus, and Betsy Town, Mar. 17, 1825.*

Ephraim, and Abiah Messer, Apr. 7, 1825.*

James H., and Roxa Burpee of Boscawen, NH, int. Sept. 18, 1836.

Hannah H., and Asa Clement, jr. of Dracut, Nov. 30, 1837.*

Elisa, and Henry Richardson of Dracut, Feb. 15, 1838.*

Mary Ann, of Pelham, NH, and William Pecker, int. Mar. 12, 1848.

Jane M., and Edwin R. Gage of Haverhill, int. Nov. 24, 1849.


Jane and Thomas Masser, July 9, 1722.

PEARLY (Perley)

Nathan, and Sarah Rea of Danvers, Oct. 13, 1774.*

John, and Sarah Merrill of Haverhill, at Haverhill, Dec. 29, 1782.*


James [of Boscawen. int.], and Hannah Duty, May 2, 1797.*

Noyes G., and Saloma Chace of Haverhill, int. Nov. 7, 1830.

Jane, of Haverhill, and George C. Goodwin, int. Mar. 10, 1833.

Sarah Jane, of Wilmington, and Niles How, int. Dec. 18, 1842.

PEASLEE (Peasley, Peslee)

Susan, Mrs., of Haverhill, and [Rev. int.] Christopher Sargent, at Haverhill, Jan. 22, 1729-30.

Jerusha, and Oliver Sanders, Feb. 3, 1736.

Joshua, and Abiah Page of Haverhill, at Haverhill, Mar. 24, 1736-7.

Sarah, and Samuell Sanders, Oct. 28, 1738.

Mary, and Joseph Marston, Apr. 4, 1844.*

PEASLEY (Peaslee)

Ruth, of Haverhill, and Abial Kelley, at Haverhill, June 3, 1728.*

Nathaniell, of Haverhill, and Abiah Swan [at Haverhill. dup.], Jan. [8. copy.], 1741.


William W., of Boston, and Sarah A. Harris, Aug. 31, 1843.*


Rachel, and Enoch Holt of Andover, int. Apr. 10, 1808.

James, and Susannah Cross, Dec. 22, 1808.*

William, and Mary Harvey, int. Mar. 29, 1812.

George Washington, and Susan Morse, Oct. 23, 1817.*

Sally A., and Samuel W. Emerson of Haverhill, int. Sept. 7, 1823. (forbid by Sally A. Pecker.)

Sally, and Benjamin Hall, Dec. 30, 1823.*

Elizabeth, and Jeremiah M. Doe of Kennersey, NH. [Rumney, NH. int.], Sept. 30, 1832.*

Amos, and Mary Ann Hale of Bradford, Sept. 8, 1833.*

Louisa Ann, and Raymond Kimball of Bradford, Oct. --, 1833.*

Issabella Jane, and Samuel Austin, int. June 15, 1834.

Mary, and Samuel B. Pettengill, int. Oct. 26, 1834.

Mary Ann, and Ramon Kimball of Bradford, int. Sept. 13, 1840.

Lydia A., and S[elene. int.] G. Burgess of Chelsea, VT, Apr. 1, 1841.*

Joseph W., a. 25 y., shoemaker, s. James and Susan, and Lydia D. Harvey [of Dracut. int.], a. 23 y., Jan. 20, 1846.*

John, 2d, a. 24 y., shoemaker, s. George and Susan, and Sarah M. Abbott, a. 22 y., d. Moses, Oct. 29, 1846.*

John, and Lydia Kelley, int. Dec. 6, 1846.

William, and Mary Ann Peabody of Pelham, NH, int. Mar. 12, 1848.

Emeline, a. 37 y., d. John and Elizabeth, and Joseph F. Brown, of Haverhill, a. 30 y., shoemaker, s. Benjanim and Eliza beth, Dec. 31, 1848.*

George, a. 29 y., shoemaker, s. George W. and Susan, and Malinda Burt, a. 24 y., d John T., Feb. 11, 1849.*


Mary [Mary Ann. int.] and Hiram Stevens, Dec. 5, 1830.*


Loran W., and Lydia K. Bears of Woburn, int. Sept. 23, 1846.

PERKENS (Perkins)

Elisha, see Parker, Elisha.

Mary, and James Willson, Mar. 16, 1757.

Eunice, and Abiel How, Dec. 2, 1762.*

Icabod, and Sarah Whittier, Apr. 6, 1763.*

Hulda, and Jacob Messer, Sept. 8, 1763.

PERKINS (Perkens, Parkens)

Nathaniel, of Atkinson, NH, and Hannah How, int. Feb. 15, 1796.

Rachael, and Joshua Mors, int. Mar. 9, 1796.

John, and Susanna Kelly, Nov. 15, 1801.*

Hannah P., and Peter Webster, 2d, of Haverhill, Dec. 29, 1811.*

Joseph, and Fanny D. Killy of Salem, NH, int. Nov. 4, 1827.

Loisa, and Michal Prescott, Dec. 24, 1829.*

Marcy, and Moses Perkins of Jaffrey, NH, Dec. 24, 1829.*

Moses, of Jaffrey, NH, and Marcy Perkins, Dec. 24, 1829.*

Mercy, of Jaffrey, NH, and Ezekiel Blake, int. Aug. 4, 1833.

Aphia A., of Jaffrey, NH, and John H. Smith, int. Aug. 16, 1835.

PERLEY (Parley, Pearley)

Humphrey C[lark. int.], Rev. and Elizabeth Mighill of Rowley, at Rowley, Nov. 30, 1797.

Edmond, and Sarah Baley of Haverhill, int. Nov. 2, 1806.

Lydia, and Nathaniel Brown of Salem, int. Mar. 12, 1809.

Asa, and Judith Collin, int. May 11, 1817.

Sarah, and James Keen of Boston, Sept. 1, 1819.*

Sarah, and Alfred Page [of Salem, NH. int.], Sept. 27, 1838.*

Louisa, and Daniel H. Brickettt of Haverhill, int. Nov. 17, 1844.

PERRY (Parry)

David, of Bradford, and Patience Morss, Aug. 15, 1799.*

Aaron M., am Abigail B. Traverse of Lowell, July 10, 1837.

Julia Ann, and Charles Phillips of Bradford, int. Mar. 18, 1838.

Jacob W., and Elisa Hamlet of Newbury, VT, int. Aug. 19, 1838.

PERSON (Persons)

Levi, and Abigail B. Wildes of Topsfield, int. May 17, 1835.

PERSONS (Person)

Stephen, of Pelham, and Abigail Clark, Oct. 11, 1781.

PESLEE (Peaslee)

Estea, and William Sanders, Nov. 16, 1736.

Mehitabel, and Jonathan Tenny, Oct. 1, 1754. [1755 copy.]

PETEE (Pattee)

Edward, of Salem, NH, and Hannah Eatton, int. Nov. --, 1766.

PETENGAL (Pettengill)

Nathaniell, and Elizebath Swan, June 21, 1744.

PETENGALE (Pettengill)

Joseph, and Elizebath Lancaster, Sept. 25, 1740.

PETENGALL (Pettengill)

John, and Judath Huse, Dec. 27, 1753.

PETERS (Petters)

Charlotte, of Andover, and Abiel Stevens, jr., int. Jan. 4, 1835.

PETTENGAIL (Pettengill)

Richard, and Abigail Kimball of Bradford, at Bradford, Sept. --, 1791.*

PETTENGILL (Petengal, Petengale, Petengall, Pettengail, Pettingall, Pettingill)

Nathaniel, jr., and Jane Crow, int. Dec. 18, 1762.

James, and Mary William, Sept. 19, 1765.*

Nathaniel, 3d, and Eunice Tyler, Feb. 9, 1769.*

Elezebeth, and John Asten, jr., July 13, 1769.*

Phinihas, and Rachel Long, Aug. 31, 1769.*

Daniel, and Sarah Cross, July 15, 1770.*

Sarah, and Timothy Swan, jr. of Salem, NH, Nov. 22, 1770.*

Dorcas, and David Merrill, Mar. 15, 1781.*

John, jr., and Hannah Burbank of Nottingham West, int. July 12, 1784.

William, and Pheby Russ, Jan. 29, 1790.*

Esther, and Moses Wilson of Pelham, May 24, 1792.

Paul, and Hannah Sawyer, Aug. 9, 1792.*

Jedediah, and Hannah Lowell of Salem, NH, at Haverhill [int. Nov. 30, 1793.]*

Polly, and George D. Herrick, Apr. 2, 1795.*

Olive, and James Cushing Emery of Bradford, Nov. 26, 1801.*

Dorcas, and Joseph Forter of Andover, int. Mar. 29, 1802.

Phebe, and Joseph Williams, jr. of Plainfield, NH, Apr. 25, 1803.*

Sarah, and Jonathan Gage, 2d, of Pelham [NH. int.], May 21, 1807.*

Isaac, and Polly Brown of Bradford, Mar. 3, 1808.

John, and Sally Stuart, Apr. 4, 1811.

John [jr. int.], and Ruth Tyler, Nov. 21, 1811.*

Merrill, and Alice How, Oct. 15, 1812.*

Lucy, and Elijah Hall of Salem, NH, June 5, 1817.*

Hannah, and Lt. Jesse Clark of Tewksbury, July 10, 1817.*

Betsy, of Londonderry, and William M. Richardson, int. Dec. 10, 1820.

Hannah, of Haverhill, and Stephen Currier, jr., int. Nov. 10, 1822.

Ben, and Frances B. Currier, Oct. 19, 1826.*

Fanny, of Haverhill, and Ezekiel T. Abbott, int. Nov. 8, 1829.

Ruth T., of Hudson, NH, and Elbridge M. Clark, int. Nov. 13, 1831.

Judith, and Caleb Swan, int. Feb. 19, 1832.

Caroline, of Salem, NH, and Samuel Angier, int. Dec. 16, 1832.

Samuel B., and Mary Pecker, int. Oct. 26, 1834.

Lydia T., and Alfred Clarke, Nov. 3, 1836.*

Mary, and John Cluff, widr., of Salem, NH, shoemaker, Apr. 17, 1845.*

PETTERS (Peters)

Rachel, and John Tippets, Apr. 26, 1748.

PETTINGALL (Pettengill)

James, and Dorcas Gage, Apr. 14, 1778.*

PETTINGILL (Pettengill)

Elisabeth, and Ebenezer Messer, jr., Oct. 15, 1797. [int. Oct. 17.]*

Jonathan, of Salem, NH, and Mrs. Mary C. Whittier, int. May 15, 1847.


Mary [Ferrien. int.], and Moses Buswell, Nov. 14, 1771.*


Anna, of Andover, and Hencher [Heneker. int.] Parker, at Andover, June 15, 1773.*

Henry, jr., am Eliza H. Merrill of Andover, int. Oct. 2, 1831.

PHILBRIC (Pilbrick)


Charles, of Bradford, and Julia Ann Perry, int. Mar. 18, 1838.


Edward, and Mary Mahoney, int. Sept. 11, 1849.

PIERCE (Pirce)

Lydia, and Asa Barker, Mar. 17, 1768.*

Cromwell, and Adeline Talbot of Dorchester, int. Jan. 15, 1847.


Lydia, and James Messer, Sept. 12, 1763.*

Nathaniel, and Sarah Hall, Oct. 25, 1787.*

Thomas, and Rebeckah Russ, Oct. 9, 1794.*


Oliver N. [Philbrick. int.], and Harriet E. Heath, Jan. 6, 1834.*


Enoch, of Georgetown, a. 29 y., shoemaker, s. Paul and Betsey, of Georgetown, and Louisa Low, a. 21 y., d. Joseph P. and Eliza, Dec. 24, 1848.*

PINGREE (Pingrey, Pingry)

Moses, and Anna Carleton, at Rowley, Mar. 9, 1748.

Ebenezer, and Sarah Merril, Nov. 4, 1788.*

John, and Persis Bodwell, Nov. 27, 1788.*

Sally, of Littleton, NH, and John Merrill, jr., Jan. 28, 1808.*

PINGREY (Pingree)

Samuell, and Elizebath Caltron, [bef. 1748.]

Moses, and Hannah Corlies, of New Salem [NH. ?], Dec. 3, 1767.*

Elezebeth, and James Messer, May 15, 1770.*

Hannah, and Benjamen Guttragee [Goodridge. int.] of Haverhill, Jan. 8, 1771.*

Stephen, and Ruth Hoyt, Sept. 21, 1773.*

Job, and Rachel Teppet, June 19, 1777.

Elizabeth, and Dudley Bigsbey of Windham, NH, Oct. 17, 1780.*

Moses S., and Amanda M. Barnes, Oct. 30, 1842.*

PINGRY (Pingree)

Dolly, and John Mansur, Mar. 29, 1792.*

William E., of Haverhill, a. 27 y., mechanic, s. Stephen and Betsey, and Sarah Jane Currier, a. 25 y., d. James and Mary, Oct. 29, 1847.*

PIRCE (Pierce)

Benjman, of Chelmsford, and Elizebath Merrill, [abt. 1757.]


Mary Jane, of Rochester, NH, and Samuel J. Varney, int. Feb. 21, 1836.

PLUMER (Plummer)

Moses, of Andover, and Phebe Poor, Nov. 22, 1796.*

Mors, and Sally Haracy of Dracut, int. May 1, 1808.

David, and Rhoda Harris of Dracut, Oct. 30, 1821.*

PLUMMER (Plumer)

Enoch, and Betsey Johnson, Dec. 25, 1826.*


Edward, and Adaline A. Prescott, int. Jan. 3, 1847.


Thomas M., and Elisabeth C. Batchelder of Haverhill, int. Oct. 4, 1834.


Thomas of Haverhill, and Hannah Austen, Oct. 14, 1742.

_____, Mr., and Miss _____ Thaxter, both of Machias, ME, Nov. --, 1835.


Lucy, Mrs., of Boxford, and Lt. Benjamin Town, int. Oct. 24, 1790.

Martha A., a. 19 y., d. Mark and Fanny, and Jacob V. Farrington, a. 29 y., watchman, s. Jacob and Hanna, June 12, 1847.*


Samuell, and Hannah Bodwell, Nov. 21, 1734.

POTTLE (Pottelle, Pottells)

Hannah, and John Hibbard, Dec. 16, 1742.


Sarah, of Malden, and Phinhas Richardson, int. Apr. 9, 1814.

George, and Elisa Ann Goffield [Gaffield. int.], Dec. 4, 1828.*

William, of Roxbury, and Lydia Morse, Dec. 6, 1829.*

Joseph, and Abby F. Hill of Malden, int. Apr. 3, 1836.

Parmenas, and Tryphena W. Mooers of Hampstead, NH, int. Mar. 17, 1844.


Josiah, and Mehitable Carleton, Dec. 6, 1822.*

Michal, and Loisa Perkins, Dec. 24, 1829.*

Miriar [Mrs. Maria. int.], and Joseph Tippets, --- --, 1833. [int. June 9.]*

Samuel P., of Rowley, and Mary M. Carleton, Nov. 4, 1843.*

Adaline A. and Edward Pollard, int. Jan. 3, 1847.

Michael, widr., a. 42 y., yeoman, s. John and Abigail, and Sarah Reed of Salem NH, a. 36 y., d. John and Sarah, Feb. 22, 1849.*

Mary C. [E. int.], a. 23 y., d. Lewis, and Henry Leach, a. 24 y., shoemaker, s. Moses and Caroline, May 1, 1849.*


Henry D[erbor. int.], of Rumney, NH, and Percis Bodwell, May 15, 1808.*

George A., and Ann Haynes, Dec. 6, 1832.*

Henry D and Abigail L. Bodwell May 17, 1835.*


Nancy, and Daniel P. Merrill, both of Salem, NH. June 5, 1849.


James, of Dunbarton, and Sarah Ordway, int. Mar. 17, 1781.

PURKENS (Perkins)

Ichabod, and wid. Debrorah Burbank, int. Aug. 4, 1785.


Hannah, and Ezra Payne, Nov. 23, 1830.*

PUTMAN (Putnam)

James A., of Danvers, and Sarah Marston, Mar. 13, 1820.*

Jeremiah, of Reading, and Rebeckah M. Chadwick, int. Aug. 23, 1835.

PUTNAM (Putman)

Calvin, and Lydia G. Bruce of Boston, int. July 6, 1834.

Almira, and Elbridge Shelden of Haverhill, int. Jan. 21, 1838.

Elisabeth R., and Samuel [F. int.] Nickols, Nov. 19, 1840.*

Charles H., of Leominster, MA., and Abby K. Noyes, int. Apr. 27, 1847.

Eliza, wid., of Lawrence, a. 45 y., and Jesse Wells, a. 26 y., yeoman, s. Jesse and Nancy, Oct. 10, 1848.*

PUTNEY (Putny)

Alfred s., and Hannah Hobert, Feb. 16, 1836.*

PUTNY (Putney)

David [of Dunbarton. int.], and Rebeca Sawyer, Nov. 26, 1789.*