NorthShore Slavery


Eliza[beth, w. Rev. Joseph, D.D. CR1], formerly w. Rev. Ebenezer Bradford, dropsy, July 14, 1825, a. 67 y.


_____, twin chn., young, Samuell, Nov. --, 1737. PR1

Jonathan, s. Nathaniel and Priscilla, Feb. 14, 1744-5, a. 1 m. PR2


Philemon, fever. Mar. 8, 1833, a. 42 1/2 y. TC

Eliza, d. Moses, Jan. 31, 1837, a. abt. 30 y. CR1

Moses, alcohol, Apr. 11, 1838, a. 61 y. GR1

Jane [Dickinson. GR1], w. John [jr. CR1; dropsy in chest. PR78], June 20, 1842. a. 56 y. GR1

Sarah H., w. John, cancer, Apr. 14, 1844, a. 87 y. TC

Lucy H., wid. Philemon, erysipelas and fever, Feb. 21, 1846, a. 59 y. 8 m. 24 d.

Phebe H[owe. GR1], unm., d. Philemon and Lucy [H. GR1], erysipelas and fever. Feb. 22, 1846, a. 21 y. 8 m. 11 d.

John, widr., farmer, old age, Feb. 3, 1847, a. 96 y.

Hannah, wid. Moses, old age, Sept. 26, 1847, a. 82 y.


James, s. Moses and Hanah, Sept. 18, 1719.

Elisabeth, w. Corelius, Oct. --, 1728.

Jacob, s. Moses and Hannah, Feb. 26, 1729, in his 16th y. GR1

Mary, d. Moses and Hannah, Feb. 27, 1729, in her 6th y. GR1

Moses, s. Moses and Hannah, Mar. 3, 1729, in his 4th y. GR1

Cornelius, an agen man, Mar. 16, 1731.

_____, w. Moses, palsy, Nov. 30, 1743.

Moses, jr., at Cape Breton, "with the sickness," --- --, 1745.

Moses, Capt., Feb. 1, 1753. in his 63d y. GR1

_____, ch. still born, Daniel, Oct. 15, 1813. PR2

Osro, s. John, Sept. 9, 1819, a. 3 y. 6 m.

Mary, d. John, consumption, Mar. 9, 1827, a. 19 y.


Peter C., of Exeter [painter. PR2], suddenly, Apr. 22, 1832, a. 35 y.


John, Oct. 28, 1694.

Mary, wid. John, Dec. 25, 1700.


Balkert O. [Valkert O. GR2], consumption, Mar. 7, 1833, a. 28 y.

DICKINSON (Dickson, Dickerson)

Thomas (Dickson), s. Thomas and Jenitt, bur. Mar. 30, 1659.

Thomas, bur. 29: 1m: 1662.

Rebecca, d. James and Rebecca, June 8, 1689.

_____, inf. ch. Thomas, Feb. 14, 1698.

James, June 26, 1698.

_____, ch. Samuel, still born, Dec. 19, 1704.

James, Jan. 5, 1705-6.

Elisabeth, d. Thomas, Apr. 1, 1708.

_____, w. Thomas, Aug. 30, 1716.

_____, inf. ch. Thomas, July 7, 1728.

_____, ch. John, --- --, 1729.

_____, inf. ch. John, --- --, 1731.

Georg, June 18, 1732.

Joseph, s. Joseph and Sarah, June 8, 1733, a. abt. 3 m. PR2

Elizabeth, inf. d., Thomas, jr., Aug. 14, 1734.

Moses, s. Thomas and Elizebeth, Dec. 10, 1735.

Hannah, d. Thomas and Elizebeth, Dec. 21, 1735.

William, s. John, Dec. 22, 1735.

Jeremiah, s. George, June 6, 1736.

_____, ch. Samuell, jr., July 2, 1736. PR1

Thomas, Sept. 8, 1737.

Martha, wid., Apr. 19, 1743.

Joseph, Feb. 19, 1748-9. PR2

Jonathan, s. Joseph, deceased, d. July 6, 1749. a. 5 m. PR2

Susanna, w. John, July 11, 1750.

_____, inf. ch. John, July 7, 1753.

Nathaniel, s Joseph, deceased, d. Oct. 24, 1754, in his 18th y. PR2

Joshua, s. Thomas and Elizabeth, Nov. 6, 1754.

Mark, s. Nathaniel, Nov. 17, 1754, in his 20th y. PR2

Elisabeth, s. Nathaniel, Nov. 21, 1754, a. abt. 15 y. PR2

Thomas s. Thomas and Elizabeth, Dec. 19, 1757.

_____, twin ch. John, May 28, 1761.

Susanna, d. John, jr., Dec. 8, 1764.

Elisabeth, w. Thomas, Feb. 16, 1769.

Jonathan, h. Mary, July 23, 1769, a. 67 y. CR2

Sarah [wid. PR2], May 3, 1771. CR2

Thomas, June 30, 1771.

Joseph, unm., Mar. 25, 1772. PR2

Martha, w. William, June 25, 1776, a. 24 y. PR2

Mary, w. [wid. PR2] Jonathan, Aug. 21, 1776, a. 78 y. CR2

Priscilla, w. William, Aug. 9, 1785. PR2

_____, still born, William, Aug. 9, 1785. PR2

David, Jan. --, 1786, a. 95 y. CR1

John, Jan. 7, 1786, a. 95 y.

_____, (Dickerson), w. Joshua, consumption, Nov. 23, 1792. CR1

Joshua, Dec. 22, 1802. [a. 47 y. CR1]

Mehitable, wid., Jan. 3, 1814.

Oliver, suddenly, Dec. 26, [1814.] a. 74 y.

_____, inf. ch. still born, Darius, Dec. 23, [1817.]

William, old age. Mar. 22, 1825, a. 83 y.

Mercy, wid. William, cancer, Feb. 24, 1833, a. 79 y.

Priscilla [d. William. TC], consumption, Nov. 10, 1833, a. 40 y.

James, m., farmer, s. William and Martha, consumption, May 17, 1847, a. 75 y. 6 m. 23 d.

Abraham, unm., farmer, s. William and Priscilla, consumption, Apr. 26, 1848, a. 69 y. 9 m. 2 d.


Abner, s. John, July 17, 1749, a. abt. 10 y. PR2

Abner, s. John, "drowned in a tub at ye well, ” Aug. 22, 1752, a. 17 m. PR2

Bethia, d. John, Aug. 20, 1759, a. 21 y. PR2

John, shipwrecked near Annisquam, Cape Ann, May 13, 1762, a. abt. 45 y. PR2

Paul, s. Abel, Nov. 3, 1779, a. abt. 2 y. PR2

_____, s. Abel, Apr. 5, 1780, a. abt. 1 m. PR2

Mary, w. Solomon, Dec. 17, 1804, a. 30 y. GR2

Amos, s. Phinehas, jr., burnt, Apr. 8, 1806, a. 3 y. PR2

Elizabeth [Betsey. PR2], w. Solomon, consumption, Jan. 3, 1807, a. 23 y. [1808. PR32]

Abel, Apr. 13, 1808. a. 64 y. PR2

Patty, d. Abel, deceased, Feb. 13, 1809, a. 33 y. PR2

Solomon, s. Capt. Solomon and Mary [accidental, July. PR2], Aug. 11, 1810, a. 7 y. CR2

Mercy Nelson [Mary. CR2], w. Phineas, June 26, 1820, a. 49 y. CR2

Ruth, wid. Mar. 7, 1821, a. 82 y. PR2

Phineas, fever, Mar. 4, 1824, a. abt. 79 y.

Mary, d. Abel, deceased, fever, Feb. 27, 1826, a. 54 y.

John, long time deranged, --- --, 1833. PR32

Lucy, wid. Phineas Mar. 30, 1837, in her 92d y. TC [a. 94 y. CR2]

Ruth [singlewoman. dup. ], d. Abel, at almshouse, fever, Dec. 17, 1837, a. 68 y. TC

Phinehas [suddenly. PR78], Oct. 22, 1840, a. 68 y. TC

DOLE (Doel)

Amos, s. Richard, July 9, 1729.

Elisabeth (Doel), d. Edmund and Mehetebel, Oct. 28, 1736, a. 8 m. 25 d. PR2

Mary, d. Edmund and Mehetabel, burnt, Nov. 2, 1741, a. 2 y. 1 d. PR2

Mary, d. Edmund and Mehetabel, Apr. 5, 1742, a. 1 m. 7 d. PR2

Priscilla, d. Moses, July 28, 1750, a. 2 y. 8 m. PR2

Silas, s. Edmond, Aug. 4, 1750, a. 2 y. 3 m. PR2

David, s. Lt. Edmond, Apr. 18, 1758, a. 19 m. PR2

Nathan, June 11, 1766.

Richard, h. Elizabeth Stickney, --- --, 1768. GR1

_____, d. Richard, Nov. 4, 1768, a. abt. 1 m. PR2

Moses, Capt. Oct. 4, 1772. [a. 58 y. PR2]

Elizabeth Stickney, w. Richard, --- --, 1773. GR1

Paul, s. Lt. Edmond, June 10, 1779, a. 34 y. PR2

Hitty, d. Richard, July 17, 1779, in her 13th y. PR2

Mehatabel, w. Lt. Edmond, July 24, 1779, in her 68th y. PR2

Paul, s. Richard, Mar. 28, 1784, a. 22 y. PR2

_____, ch. John, --- --, [bet. Nov. 1792 and Feb. 1793.]. CR1

Stephen, drowned, Aug. 18, 1798. PR32

Phebe, d. Greenleaf, Apr. --, 1800. PR2

_____, ch. Stehen, July 2, 1800. CR1

Sarah Pearson, w. Stephen [Apr. --. PR14], 1801. GR1 [a. 76 y. PR14]

Stephen [old age. CR1], Aug. 11, 1804, a. 86 y.

Ruth, wid., Sept. 24, 1804. [a. 77 y. PR2]

Stephen, h. Sarah Pearson [Aug. 11. PR14], 1805. GR1 [a. 86 y. PR14]

_____, ch. Moses, jr., burnt, Jan. 12, 1811, a. 2 y.

_____, inf. ch. Moses, Sept. 29, 1816. CR1

Stephen, fall from hay load [broken neck. CR1], July 22, 1823, a. 67 y.

Anstess, d. Moses, jr., dysentery, Oct. 8, 1824. a. 1 y.

William, Oct. 20, 1825, a. 64 y. PR32

John, Nov. 10, 1826, a. 23 y. TC

Moses, old age, Mar. 24, 1827, a. abt. 87 y.

Silas, May 22, 1828, a. 75 y. TC

Greenleaf, Feb. 2, 1829, a. 77 y. GR2

Mary, wid. Stephen, fever, Jan. 12, 1830, a. 71 y.

Levi, consumption, Mar. 7, 1830, a. 47 y.

_____, ch. still born, Richmond, Feb. 27, 1831.

Henry, consumption, May 16, 1831, a. 60 y.

Joseph [h. Sarah Palmer. CR1], old age, Jan. 14, 1832, a. abt. 80 y. TC

Love, wid. Moses, general decay, May 7, 1832, a. 77 y. TC

Elizabeth [Betty, unm. CR1], d. Stephen, sr., deceased [fever. CR1], May 20, 1832, a. 74 y. TC

Clarrissa [M. GR2], w. Richmond, consumption, June 27, 1835, a. 28 y. [a. 3 y. GR2]

Sophila, ch. Richmond, Sept. 11, 1835, a. 3 m.

Sarah Palmer, w. [wid. PR14] Joseph [Oct. 24. CR1], 1835. GR1 [a. 84 y. CR1]

Rebecca, wid. Silas, Jan. 14, 1836, a. 78 y. GR2

Phebe, wid. Henry, consumption, June 22, 1837, a. 65 y. TC

Mary, of Byfield, Dec. 21, 1838, a. 70 y. CR1

Grace, d. Lewis II and Lydia A., hydrocephalus, Sept. 17, 1847, a. 4 m.


John, s. John, "drowned in our River," Mar. 16, 1717.

DRESSER (Dressar)

Mary, d. John, bur. Nov. 27, 1659.

Jonathan, s. John, bur. Dec. 10, 1659.

John, sr., bur. Apr. 19 [29. CTR], 1672.

Thomas, s. Samuell and Mary, bur. Aug. 18 [16. CTR], 1682.

Lydia, d. John and Martha, --- --, 1689.

James, s. John, jr., Oct. 16, 1699.

Martha, w. Lt. John, June 29, 1700.

Jonathan, s. Jonathan and Sarah, July 17, 1701.

Samuel, sr., suddenly, Dec. 28, 1704.

Richard, s. Jonathan, Sept. 9, 1709.

Elizabeth, w. Joseph, Sept. 18, 1711.

_____, youngest ch. Nathaniell, --- --, 1713.

Mary, wid. Samuell, Aug. 21, 1714.

Hannah, d. Samuel, May 31, 1717.

Sam, "called Jno.," July 23, 1717, a. 39 y.

Joseph, "dyed from home," Mar. 26, 1718.

Margaret, wid., Mar. 26, 1718.

Rebecca, w. Lt. John, Apr. 2, 1718.

John, Lt., Mar. 14, 1724.

Benjamin, s. Samuel, June 23, 1728.

Elisabeth, d. Samuel, July 4, 1728.

John, s. Samuel, July 30, 1728.

_____, w. Samuel, June 13, 1732.

_____, inf. ch. Samuel, jr., July 17, 1733.

Lydia, d. Nathan, Mar. 1, 1736.

Elisabeth, May 30, 1736.

_____, ch. Aaron, July 21, 1736. PR1

Jemima, inf. d. John, Sept. 4, 1736.

John, consumption, Nov. 17, 1736.

Mehetabel, d. Aaron, Nov. 18, 1736.

Ammos, Dr., Sept. 22, 1741. [in his 29th y. GR1]

Johanah (Dressar), wid., Oct. 14, 1741.

Samuell, s. Samuell, jr., Oct. 14, 1744.

_____, inf. ch. Daniel, July 31, 1745.

Samuell, s. Daniel, June 13, 1746.

Bethiah, d. Samuell, jr., Sept. 28, 1747.

Sarah, d. Samuel, jr., Sept. 30, 1747.

Moses, s. John, Feb. 24, 1748.

_____, ch. Daniel, still born, Dec. --, 1749.

_____, wid., Apr. 12, 1751, a. 82 y.

Samuel, Nov. 2, 1752, in his 80th y.

_____, ch. Daniel, still born, Mar. 25, 1754.

Benjamin, at Louisburgh, July 18, 1759.

Mark, a young man, Nov. 26, 1759.

Dorothy, w. Samuel, Aug. 22, 1761.

_____, w. Daniel, Feb. 26, 1762.

John, Oct. 2, 1769.

David, Ens., Aug. 15, 1770.

Mary, inf. d. Samuel, Sept. 11, 1770.

Priscilla, w. Samuel, Sept. 29, 1773.

_____, ch. Joseph, "young. " Mar. 23, 1779.

Amos, s. Amos, Apr. 4, 1779.

_____, inf. ch. Joseph, Apr. 6, 1779.

David [bilious colic. CR1], Dec. 22, 1786, a. 70 y.

Daniel, June 1, 1789, a. 86 y.

_____, Apr. --, 1792. CR1

Samuel, Feb. --, 1798, a. abt. 85 y. CR1

Mary, wid. [aged. CR1], Sept. 28, 1800.

Thomas, s. Enoch, Sept. 11, 1802, a. 16 m. PR2

Mary, Dec. 28, 1808.

Daniel, CT, Dec. 2, 1817, a. 80 y. CR1

Dolly, drowned, May 22, 1819. PR32

Enoch, fell from horse, Oct. 7, 1824. a. 48 y. [a. 51 y. GR2]

Hanah, w. Joseph, old age, Oct. 24, 1827, a. 88 y.

Joseph, old age, May 14, 1828, a. abt. 88 y.

George M., s. Benjamin, consumption, Apr. 25, 1834, a. 2 y.

Sussannah, wid., Apr. 15, 1842, a. 80 y. TC

Priscilla, unm., pauper, Sept. 17, 1846. CR1 [1845. over 80 y. PR78]

Ann Maria, b. Georgetown, d. Daniel D. and Alice C., dysentery, bur. Ipswich, Sept. 21, 1846, a. 1 y.

Susan, d. Benjamin and Lois, dysentery, bur. Ipswich, d. Oct. 16, 1846, a. 7 y.


Mehetibel, w. Rev. _____, and d. Jeremiah Mighill, Dec. 28, 1795.

DUMMER (Dumer)

Sarah (Dumer), d. Nathaniell, Aug. 22, 1736. PR1

_____ (Dumer), "Sister," Aug. 22, 1741. PR1

Richard, "Father," Oct. 27, 1741.

Dorothy, "Mother," Nov. 25, 1763, in her 79th y.

_____, inf. ch. Samuel, Jan. 28, 1821. CR1

_____ (Dumer), inf. ch. Samuel, Dec. 7, 1821.

Sophia T., d. Samuel and Joanna, inflammation of bowels, Apr. 29, 1844, a. 25 y. TC


Amos, at poor house, Jan. 23, 1820, a. 23 y.


_____, "little d. Montsieur," Dec. --, 1763.


_____, inf. ch. Samuel, Jan. 6, 1838. CR1

Lydia T., w. Samuel, epilepsy, Dec. 11, 1845, a. 46 y. 2 m. 17 d.


Samuel, s. Samuel, Sept. 3, 1724.

Sarah, d. Matthew, Aug. 18, 1736. PR1

William, Apr. 11, 1738, a. abt. 80 y.

Rebekah, w. William, Mar. 27, 1739.

_____, wid., Feb. 7, 1742.

William, Mar. 24, 1753.

Mary, Mar. 11, 1757.

_____, wid., town pauper [diarrhoea. CR1], Feb. 24, 1796. [a. 89 y. CR1]