NorthShore Slavery


John, s. John and Jane, Aug. 12, 1736. GR1

_____, Dr., Oct. 25, 1824, a. 86 y. PR32


John, Mar. 13, 1837, a. 30 y. TC

[John Barnard. PR42], ch. John, deceased, d. June 14, 1837, a. 1 y. TC


Benjamin, s. Benjamin, scarlet fever, May 25, 1834, a. 4. y.


Lydia Jane, twin d. James and Mary Jane, Mar. 19, 1842. TC

Mary Ann, twin d. James and Mary Jane, Apr. 16, 1842. TC [a. abt. 3 m. PR78]

MERRILL (Merril)

_____, s. Thomas, Apr. 15, 1747, a. 21 y. PR2

Ezekiell, s. Thomas and Abigaill, Apr. 15, 1748.

John, Sept. 28, 1764, in his 22d y. GR2

Thomas (Merril), s. Thomas, jr. [and Sarah (Friend). PR25], Mar. 23, 1770, a. 6 w. PR2

Martha (Merril), d. Thomas, jr. [and Sarah (Friend). PR25], Nov. 26, 1771. [1777. PR25], a. 6 m. PR2

Moses (Merril), Nathanael and Hannah, Feb. 25, 1773.

Thomas, Apr. 30, 1774, in his 72d y. GR2

Abigail, wid. Thomas, Oct. 26, 1782 [1784. CR2], in her 74th y. GR2

Lois, d. Thomas and Abigail, Aug. 12, 1783, in her 37th y. GR2

Hannah (Merril), Nov. 5, 1785, a. 41 y. CR2

Rebecca, d. John, Oct. 3, 1800, a. 14 m. PR2

Moses [Ens. PR2; s. Thomas and Sarah (Friend). PR25], h. Betsey, June 27, 1804, a. 36 y. GR2

_____, ch. John, Apr. 4, 1809, a. 3 d. PR2

Sarah, w. Dea. [Dr. PR2] Thomas, Jan. 7, 1813, a. 71 y. GR2

John (Merril) [s. Thomas and Sarah (Friend). PR25; suddenly. PR2], Feb. 19, 1816, a. 57 y. CR2

Thomas [jr. CR2], Dea., old age, Dec. 26, 1820, a. 82 y.

Joanna (Merril), Aug. 23, 1824, a. 33 y. CR2

Susan S., w. Daniel, Feb. 23, 1827. PR12

Hannah, d. John, at almshouse [insane. TC], Dec. 8, 1831, a. 36 y.

_____, twin ch. Moses, July 15, 1832, a. a. few h. PR2

Daniel, s. Thomas and Sarah (Friend), June 3, 1833, a. 67 y. PR25

Hannah, w. Benjamin A. [B. Addison. PR2], at Bradford, Nov. 12, 1835, a. 31 y. TC

_____, ch. L.A., still born, Mar. 24, 1838. PR2

Lucy P. [Lucy Ann. GR1], d. Daniel and Elizabeth [A. GR1], consumption, Oct. 23, 1844, a. 10 y. 1 m. 2 d.

_____, w. Capt. Samuel, fever, June 16, 1847, a. 70 y. CR1

MERRITT (Merrit)

Elizabeth (Merrit), w. Thomas [consumption. CR1], Aug. 3, 1813. CR1

Thomas, deranged, a pauper, Jan. 24, 1821.

MIGHILL (Mighel, Mighell, Mighil)

Ellin, w. Thomas, bur. 12: 1m: 1640.

Thomas, bur. 14: 5m: 1654.

Anna, d. Thomas and Ann, bur. Oct. 28, 1654.

Nathanel (Mighel), bur. Oct. 14, 1677.

Steven (Mighel), Apr. 6, 1687.

Ezekiell, July 3, 1694.

Ann, wid., Nov. 17, 1694.

Samuel (Mighell), Jan. 31, 1698.

_____, s. Stephen and Elisabeth, Jan. 12, 1737-8, a. 1 d. PR2

_____, s. Stephen and Elizabeth, still born, July 24, 1739. PR2

David (Mighil), only s. [Dea. PR30] Stephen and Elizabeth, scalded, Feb. 10, 1744-5, a. 8 y. PR2

Hannah, w. Thomas, Sept. 25, 1748.

_____, ch. Stephen, still born, May 14, 1750. PR2

Hannah, d. Stephen, Sept. 19, 1751, a. 8 d. PR2

Hannah Low, d. Nathaniel and Pricilla, Sept. 15, 1753.

Mary, d. Stephen, --- 13, 1755, a. 7 y. PR2

_____, inf. s. Nathaniell, Nov. 16, 1755.

Nathanael, s. Nathanael, jr., Sept. 23, 1757.

_____, inf. ch. Thomas, Aug. 5, 1761.

Nathanael, Capt., Aug. 26, 1762. [1761, in his 78th y. GR1]

_____, ch. Dea. Thomas and Sarah, Aug. 6, 1765. GR1

Sarah Noyse, d. Nathaniel and Priscilla, Sept. 21, 1768.

Ezekiel (Mighil), at Newbury, Feb. 10, 1771.

Huldah, d. David and Huldah, Dec. 31, 1772, a. 2 m. 16 d. GR2

Nathanael, s. Jeremiah and Sarah, Aug. 6, 1773. [a. 14 y. CR1]

Molly, d. David, Nov. 13, 1774, a. 3 y. 5 m. PR2

_____, w. Nathaniel, bur. Sept. 29, 1775.

Priscilla, wid. Capt. Nathaniel, Feb. 27, 1776, in her 94th y.

Sarah, w. [Dea. GR1] Thomas, June 1, 1778. [in her 58th y. GR1]

Sarah, wid. [Jeremiah. GR1; consumption. CR1], Feb. 18, 1779. [a. 63 y. GR1]

Nathaniel, s. David, Nov. 16, 1779, a. abt. 8 m. PR2

Elisabeth, w. Dea. Stephen, July 6, 1781 [1780. CR2], in her 68th y. GR2

_____, ch. David, Jan. 31, 1783, a. 4 m. PR2

Stephen, Dea., July 20, 1783, in his 76th y.

Nathaniel, Esq. [Representative to the General Court. GR1], Mar. 26, 1788, a. 73 y.

Jeremiah [Ct. dup.], Oct. 4, 1793. [a. 67 y. CR1]

Nathaniell, inf. s. Thomas, jr., Dec. --, 1793. CR1

Elizabeth, d. Jeremiah [and Sarah, and intended consort of Rev. Humphrey C. Perley of Methuen. GR1], Feb. 15, 1796. [a. 23 y. CR1]

Nancy, June --, 1796, a. 13 y. CR1

Anna, d. Dea. Thomas [fever. CR1], June 23, 1796. [in her 13th y. GR1]

Jeremiah, Oct. 3, 1798, a. 60 y. GR1

Thomas, Dea, Esq., Aug. 26, 1807, a. 85 y.

Huldah, w. David [and d. Capt. Moses Dole, Oct. 13. PR30] Nov. 5, 1812 [1811. PR2], a. 67 y. GR2

David [s. Dea. Stephen. PR30], Mar. 19, 1812, a. 66 y. GR2 [1811. PR2]

Elisabeth [Betsey. CR1], d. Thomas [and Mary. CR1], consumption, Aug. 8, 1816, a. 20 y.

Stephen [Lt. GR2], fits, July 23, 1819, a. 26 y.

Thomas, consumption, Feb. 8, 1821, a. 56 y.

Elizabeth, d. Thomas, deceased, d. June 7, 1822, a. 8 m.

Mary, wid. [Thomas. CR1], consumption, Feb. 8, 1824, a. 55 y.

Rachel, wid. Dea. Thomas, old age, June 17, 1824, a. 80 y.

Thomas [s. Dea. Thomas, deceased. TC], fever. Apr. 8, 1829, a. 43 y.

Jeremiah, consumption, Sept. 8, 1834, a. 36 y. TC

Nathaniel, Dea., m., farmer, s. Thomas and Mary, inflamation of bowels, Aug. 3, 1845, a. 44 y. 6 m 17 d.

Elizabeth (Mills). w. Dr. David, Dec. 20, 1848, a. 53 y. PR30


Charles [jr. GR1], s. Charles [S. PR78] and Clarissa, peritonitis, Dec. 29, 1844, a. 15 y.


_____, inf. ch. Joshua and Deborah, Dec. --, 1819. CR1

_____, ch. Joshua, Jan. 6, 1820.

_____, inf. ch. Edward, Jan. 14, 1841. TC


_____, Mr., May 1, 1837. PR32

John P., suddenly, Sept. 11, 1841. TC [a. 34 y. GR1]


Mary, d. "Brother," Sept. 20, 1736. PR1

_____, 4th ch. "Brother," Oct. 3, 1736. PR1

Paul, Feb. 23, 1739-40. PR1

Dorothy, d. Paul, May 2, 1740. PR1

William, Aug. 30, 1740. PR1

Sewal, accidental, July 6, 1820. PR32

_____, s. Samuel S., --- --, 1829, a. 1 y. TC

Adoline, d. Thomas M. [of Bangor, putrid sore throat. PR78], Aug. 4, 1843. TC [a. 3 y. CR1]


Mark, Aug. 4, 1771, a. 83 y.


Huldah, w. Timothy, Jan. 11, 1820. CR3

Timothy, Dea., Mar. --, 1824. CR3

Elizabeth, wid., typhus fever, Dec. 9, 1826, a. abt. 60 y. [a. 62 y. PR2]

Charles, s. Nathaniel N., Mar. 8, 1830, a. 4 m. 6 d.

Timothy, Dea., July --, 1848. CR4


Ann, at almshouse, old age, May 14, 1825, a. 89 y.