NorthShore Slavery

FABENS (Fabin)

_____, ch. Thomas, Mar. 21, 1803. PR82

_____, ch. Thomas, bur. Oct. 30, 1806. PR61

_____, ch. Capt. Benjamin, bur. Sept. 1, 1813. PR61 [a. 20 m. NR9]

_____, ch. stillborn, John, June 12, 1840.

Alice, d. Elias W. and Susan, scarlet fever, Nov. 30, 1846, a. 2 2-3 y.

Anna, W[arren. NR9], d. Francis A., consumption, Mar. 27, 1842, a. 4 m.

Charles, s. J.W. and Caroline, jaundice, Oct. 15, 1845, a. 19 m.

[Charlotte. PR503], d. Capt. William, bur. Oct. 27, 1812. PR61 [a. 1 y. NR9]

Elizabeth Curtis, w. Joseph, a. 29 y. Issue of July 2, 1833. NR9

Francis H[enry. NR9], s. Francis A., quinsy, Dec. 6, 1843, a. 11 m.

Frederick W[arren. NR9], s. Joseph W. and Love F., fits, June 14, 1846, a. 2¼ y.

Hannah, wid., dysentery, Sept. 24, 1824, a. 90 y.

Hannah, b. Beverly, w. Benjamin, d. Zachariah and Hannah Stone, June 14, 1848, a. 60 y.

Harriet H[olman. NR9], d. Elias, fever, Dec. 24, 1842, a. 16 m.

Harriett, Nov. 9, 1849. PR503

Henry N[ewcomb. NR9], s. Benjamin, jr. [and Sarah Ann. NR9], dysentery, Aug. 27, 1844, a. 2 m.

Lucy, d. John, Nov. 3, 1836, a. 9 y. NR9

Margaret, b. Marblehead, wid. Thomas, d. John and Mary White, age, Feb. 14, 1849, a. 84 2-3 y.

Mary D[avis. NR9], of Brookline, b. Brookline, d. Francis A. and Sarah F., dysentery, Aug. 13, 1849, a. 2 y.

Rebecca G., wid. Capt. William, Nov. 11, 1837, a. 75 y. NR9

Samuel, June 25, 1835. PR503

Sarah, wid., a. 75 y. Issue of Apr. 4, 1815. NR9

Sarah, wid. William, jr., cancer, Apr. 13, 1840, a. 52 y.

Sarah J[ane. NR9], d. Josepht and Sarah, scarlet fever, bur. at Danvers, d. Mar. 22, 1848, a. 3 y.

Sarah A[nn. NR9], b. Haverhill, w. Benjamin, jr., d. Thomas and Nancy Newcomb, brain fever, July 5, 1849, a. 32 y.

Thomas, ossification of the heart, Aug. 22, 1819, a. 53 y.

William, --- --, 1813. tomb. GR7

William, consumption, Apr. 10, 1828, a. 69 y.

William, Capt., Jan. 2, 1834, a. 52 y. NR9

William S[amuel. NR9], s. Benjamin, Oct. 31, 1836, a. 17½ y.


_____, s. Capt. James and 2d w. Deborah, quincy, Dec. 5, 1813, a. abt. 3 y. CR4

_____, s. Moses, Oct. 28, 1829, a. 2 y.

Charles, s. James [Capt. James M. NR9], and Charlotte (Goodrich of Beverly), quincy, Dec. 25, 1809, a. 1 y. CR4

Charlotte, d. Capt. Samuel Goodrich of Beverly, w. Capt. James, convulsions, Jan. 16, 1809, a. 25 y. CR4

Deborah, b. Danvers, wid. James [Capt. James M. NR9], d. Samuel and Betsey Goodridge, lung fever, Mar. 29, 1849, a. 73 y.

Elizabeth, wid., old age, at the almshouse, July 1, 1822, a. 81 y.

Elizabeth, d. William and Eliza, scarlet fever, May 18, 1845, a. 14 m.

[James M. NR9], s. Moses, over run by a cart, June 25, 1821. a. 3½ y. [a. 4 y. NR9]

James, on board the barque Richard, in James river, Sept. 19, 1833. NR9

James M., mariner, h. _____ (Goodridge), fits, Dec. 28, 1841, a. 65 y.

John, s. John and Elizabeth, in the East Indies, fever, received news, July 9, 1799, a. 27 y. CR4

John Hubbard, s. [Capt. NR9], John, s. Dr. W., of Wenham, and Martha (Hubbard of Ipswich Hamlet), scarlet fever and throat distemper, Nov. 28, 1802, a. 3 y. CR4

John H., s. [Capt. NR9], John and Martha H., June 12, 1807, a. 27 m. GR8 [a. 2½ y. NR9]

John, a. 65 y. Issue of Oct. 3, 1809. NR9

Polly, consumption. Issue of Sept. 15, 1809. NR9

Mary E[llen. NR9], d. John B. [and Mary F. CR11], croup, May 8, 1841, a. 5 y.

Moses, shipwright, s. John and Elizabeth, consumption, Oct. 27, 1847, a. 65 y.

Rebecca, w. Moses, bur. Aug. 30, 1808, a. 22 y. NR9

Rebecca, wid. Capt. William, d. John Becket, rupture, Aug. 26, 1812, a. 59 y. CR4 [a. 63 y. NR9]

Sally, d. William and Rebecca, an obstruction in the windpipe, Mar. 19, 1791, a. 5 y. CR4

Sarah [(Fowler), b. at Marblehead, w. Capt. CR4] William, dropsy, Mar. 29, 1819, a. 49 y.

Sarah Ann, d. William, deceased, typhus fever, at Andover, Sept. 8, 1840, a. 17 y.

William, Dr., smallpox, Oct. 11, 1773, a. 41 y. NR4

William, Capt., shot by slaves, Mar. 26, 1789, a. 41 y. CR4

William, s. William and Elizabeth (Becket), at Sea with Capt. S. Townsend, --- --, 1801, a. 17 y. CR4

William, consumption of the brain, May 7, 1825, a. 52 y.


Catherine F., d. Michael and Jane, heart complaint, Oct. 17, 1848, a. 4 m.


Mary, peripneumonia, Feb. 10, 1825, a. 59 y.


Martha [d. Thomas. NR9], consumption, Feb. 21, 1821, a. 41 y.

Sally, w. Thomas, Jan. 23, 1816, a. 63 y. GR8

Thomas E[mery. NR9], s. Thomas, jr., sudden, Aug. 25, 1827, a. 2 y.

Thomas, age, May 27, 1828, a. 75 y.

Thomas Avery, s. Capt. Thomas, Dec. 20, 1831, a. 6 m. NR9

Thomas, s. Benjamin [and Adeline. NR9], dropsy, Sept. 16, 1842, a. 8 y.

FARLEY (Farleys)

Elizabeth, w. James J., d. John and Anna Wells, fit, Jan. 10, 1847, a. 53 y.

James J., injuries received at a fire, Dec. 29, 1837, a. 53 y. NR9

James, carpenter, h. Mary (West), fever, Jan. 22, 1842, a. 32 y.

Michael, off the coast of Sumatra, a. 20 y. Issue of June 23, 1843. NR9

Susannah, wid. Jabez, Esq., of Ipswich, Aug. 7, 1846, a. 76 y. NR9


_____, ch. Prince. Issue of Aug. 5, 1828. NR9

Hannah Noyes, d. Joseph, a. 2 y. Issue of Oct. 3, 1815. NR9

James, s. Prince and Ann, consumption, Jan. 15, 1845, a. 21 y.

Keziah (Southwick), w. Joseph, jr., consumption, May 16, 1844, a. 34 y.

Mary [S. NR9], w. Joseph, jr., d. John and Hannah Symonds, child birth, July 5, 1846, a. 36 y. [a. 34 y. NR9]

Susan, d. Prince, a. 18 m. Issue of Nov. 29, 1836. NR9

FARN (Farne)

_____, s. Samuel, inflammatory fever, Apr. 6, 1821, a. 5 y.

FARNHAM (Farnam, Farnum, Varnum)

Benjamin Franklin, s. Thomas, a. 3 y. Issue of Jan. 25, 1833. NR9

Charles [Stewart. NR9], s. Putnam I., hydrocephalus, Jan. 13, 1825 [1826. NR9], a. 21 m.

Edward Francis, s. Solomon, jr. and Mary A., July 7, 1848, a. 3 y. 9 m. NR9

Lydia A[ugusta. NR9], d. Nathan and Lydia, consumption, Nov. 7, 1844, a. 23 y.

Rebecca, m., mothr of Putnam I., palsy, Aug. 23, 1841, a. 87 y.

Sarah, d. Thomas, cholera morbus, Aug. 21, 1840, a. 8 y.

William G[reenman. NR9], s. William H. and Abby M., July 22, 1849, a. 7½ m.


_____, ch. Samuel. Issue of Jan. 28, 1812. NR9

Eli W., of Danvers, b. Danvers, s. Jonathan M. and A., at Danvers, bowel complaint, Aug. 3, 1849, a. 1 y. GR9

Harriet C., w. John D., Apr. 11, 1849, a. 28 y. NR9

Harriet P[oor. NR9], d. John D. and Harriet P., consumption, bur. at Danvers, d. Nov. 21, 1849, a. 10 m.

Henry L[ander. NR9], s. Joseph A. and Sarah B., cholera infantum, Aug. 30, 1847, a. 1 y.

FARNUM (Farnham)

Hannah [w. Isaac, d. Nathan Burnham, of Essex. NR9], dropsy in the head, Mar. 2, 1828, a. 26 y.

William B., s. Thomas, consumption, June 15, 1843, a. 22 y.


_____, ch. Francis and Lydia, infantile, Apr. 6, 1849, a. 14 d.

Dan, Dea. Jan. 28, 1813. CR10

Ebenezer, formerly of Amesbury, Jan. 25, 1831, a. 50 y. NR9

John, a. 57 y. Issue of Sept. 29, 1837. NR9

Margaret E., d. John and Caroline, Feb. 19, 1810. GR8

Porter, seaman of the brig Washington, at Havanna, a. 17 y. Issue of Apr. 3, 1828. NR9

Thomas, grocer. Issue of Dec. 14, 1798. NR9

William H[enry, s. William. NR9], seaman on brig Quill, at sea [on his passage from Richmond to Bahia, Sept. 23. NR9], 1828, a. 16 y. [1827. NR9]

William, bilious fever, May 30, 1831, a. 64 y. CR1


Isaac, b. Germany, lung fever, bur. at Boston, d. May 22, 1847, a. 20 y.


Abigail, of Boston, w. George, consumption, at Boston, Sept. 2, 1843, a. 22 y.


Frederic, baker, consumption, Sept. 23, 1842, a. 62 y.

John, baker, age, bur. at Boston, d. Oct. 5, 1841, a. 90 y.

Sarah, w. Frederic, apoplexy, Sept. 1, 1842, a. 56 y.


Mary [wid. NR9], schirrus pylorus, Dec. 14, 1825, a. 75 y.


Ferdinand, steward, the Gov. Endicott, at sea, --- --, 1827, a. 54 y.

FEILD (Field)

Hannah, d. Thomas and Hannah, Sept. 13, 1715.


_____, s. Jeremiah, fits, June 22, 1821, a. 3 d.

Charles, s. Jere[miah. NR9], dysentery, Sept. 23, 1823, a. 18 m.

Charles A., s. Oliver, 1st officer of the barque Henry Ewbank, on his passage from Sumatra to Europe, Sept. 15, 1841, a. 25 y. NR9

Ira, of the ship Gov. Endicott, Capt. Shrieves, washed overboard, July 30, 1819. Issue of Dec. 2, 1819. NR9

Jeremiah, b. Kensington, NH, laborer, h. Eliza (Brown), s. Nathan and Dolly, consumption, July 28, 1849, a. 59 y.

Margaret [w. George, at Ipswich. NR9], d. Amos and Margaret Adams, consumption, Oct. 4, 1844, a. 39 y.

Oliver A., s. Oliver, on board the barque Eliza, from Charleston to Antwerp, Sept. 12, 1834, a. 16 y. NR9

Susan E[llen. NR9], d. Jeremiah and Ellen, land scurvy, Oct. 7, 1847, a. 21 y.


_____, s. triplet, Bonfield and Margarett, abt. Mar. 4, 1732-3. CR1

_____, s. triplet, Bonfield and Margarett, abt. Mar. 4, 1732-3. CR1

_____, w. John, bur. Jan. 27, 1756, a. abt. 30 y. CR1

_____, ch. _____, bur. Oct. 31, 1759. CR1

_____, wid., a. 67 y. Issue of Dec. 15, 1789. NR8

_____, Capt., sailed from Isle of France, --- --, 1802. CR4

_____, ch. Joseph. Issue of Nov. 30, 1802. NR9

_____, wid., aged. Issue of Mar. 3, 1807. NR9

_____, mate of the sch. Prince, Capt. Taylor, lost at sea, Apr. 29, 1807. NR9

_____, ch. Nathaniel, a. 6 y. Issue of Jan. 20, 1809. [a. 39 y. NR9]

_____, d. George, convulsions, Oct. 1, 1824.

Abigail, w. Benjamin, Nov. 12, 1748, a. 41 y. 4 m. GR1

Nabby, d. Joseph, dropsy in the head, a. 12 y. Issue of July 6, 1811. NR9

Anna B., w. J[onathan. dup.] P., jr. [d. Samuel Kennedy. dup.], consumption, Feb. 2, 1839, a. 25 y.

Benjamin, Capt., Mar. 1, 1769, a. 64 y. GR1

Benjamin, a. 77 y. Issue of Oct. 30, 1810. NR9

Catharine, wid., bur. Oct. 5, 1803. NR9

Catharine E., d. Jonathan P., quinsy, June 6, 1818, a. 9 m.

David, bur. Nov. 4, 1817, a. 84 y. NR9

Dorcas M. [Dorcas Ann, d. George W. NR9], inflammation of brain, Oct. 22, 1829, a. 21 y.

Eliza, wid. John, bur. Feb. 13, 1833. NR9

Elizabeth, Dec. 8, 1789, a. 78 y. GR1

Betsy, d. David, a. 28 y. Issue of Nov. 25, 1808. NR9

Elizabeth, d. wid. Margaret, a. 6 y. Issue of Aug. 21, 1818. NR9

Elizabeth Ann, d. Ephraim, a. 9 m. Issue of Oct. 19, 1832. NR9

Elizabeth, Mrs., --- --, 1836. tomb. GR7

Elizabeth, wid. Capt. John, a. 73 y. Issue of Dec. 15, 1837. NR9

Ephraim Porter, clerk, s. Ephraim, erysipelas, Dec. 11, 1842, a. 18 y.

George, Feb. 24, 1729, a. 73 y. GR1

George, s. John, merchant, a. abt. 16 y. Issue of Mar. 8, 1774. NR4

[George Heussler. GR7], s. Jonathan P[orter and Margaret. GR11], croup after measles, Nov. [11. GR7], 1821, a. 14 m.

George, mate, the Gov. Endicott, at sea [at St. Helena. Aug. 15. NR9], 1827, a. 50 y.

George W., painter, s. Benjamin and Catherine, consumption, July 23, 1847, a. 71 y.

Hannah, d. David. Issue of Feb. 23, 1790. NR9

Hannah, d. Capt. John and Betsy, Oct. 4, 1799, a. 21 m. GR7

Hannah, w. Joseph, Nov. 4, 1832, a. 77 y. GR7

Henry, on his passage from Copenhagen, on board the Belisarius. Issue of Jan. 15, 1799. NR9

Jane, wid. William, Mar. 28, 1832, in her 70th y. GR7

John, of Danvers, Jan. 29, 1785. PR84

John, Capt., suddenly, Aug. 1, 1785. NR7

John, Capt., Sept. 12, 1796. [a. 42 y. GR9]

John, Capt., Aug. 23, 1802, a. 38 y. GR7

John, s. Capt. John, deceased, on board the brig Hope, on her passage from Havanna, a. 20 y. Issue of Dec. 24, 1805. NR9

John, Capt., s. Capt. John and Mary, Apr. 3, 1811, a. 28 y. GR7

John, s. [Capt. NR9], Jonathan P[orter. NR9] and Margaret, Nov. 8, 1814, a. 28 m. GR7

John [1st officer of the ship Factor, Capt. Cloutman, fell overboard off Gothland on her passage down the Baltic. NR9], [s. George W. NR9], at sea [abt. Sept. 28. NR9], 1829, a. 30 y.

Jonathan [Capt., better known as Old Hunter. NR9], Sept. 29, 1796, a. abt. 47 y. [a. 43 y. GR7]

Jonathan, s. Capt. John and Betsy, Nov. 15, 1796, a. 2 y. 10 m. GR7

Jonathan, of the brig Mars, Capt. Orne, at Havanna. Issue of Dec. 13, 1799. NR9

Jonathan, Capt., at Baltimore, Feb. 13, 1818, a. 49 y. NR9

Joseph C. [only s. Capt. Joseph, 3d. NR9], on brig Fenelon, at sea, --- --, 1827, a. 17 y. [Issue of Apr. 20. NR9]

Joseph, May 26 [30. GR7], 1832, a. 73 y. NR9 [a. 72 y. GR7]

Joseph, Aug. 12, 1833, a. 66 y. NR9

Joseph, B., Rev., --- --, 1836. tomb. GR7

Margarett Elizabeth, d. Jonathan P. and Margarett, June 5, 1818, a. 9 m. GR7

Margaret [d. Capt. Clifford C. Byrne. NR9], w. George, phthisis pulmonalis, Sept. 20, 1825, a. 29 y.

Margaret, wid. Benjamin, Mar. 12, 1837, a. 91 y. NR9

Mary [Polly. GR7], d. Capt. John [and Mary, Nov. 25, 1795. GR7], a. 15 y. NR9

Mary, w. [wid. NR9], Capt. John, Dec. 27, 1817, a. 56 y. GR7

Polly, d. John, consumption, Aug. 16, 1818, a. 6 y.

Mary Jane, d. Jonathan Porter, Jr., Oct. 11, 1838. PR207

Mary, consumption, at the almshouse, Dec. 30, 1839, a. 71 y.

Mehitable, wid. Issue of Jan. 9, 1810. NR9

Mehitabel, w. Joseph, d. George and Mehitabel Ervin, heart complaint, Aug. 22, 1846, a. 68 y.

Nathaniel, Nov. 2, 1789, a. 66 y. GR7

Nathaniel, Apr. 20, 1792, in his 43d y. GR7

Nathaniel, s. Capt. Nathaniel, lost overboard from the prize ship Enterprise, Mar. 14, 1815. NR9

Nathaniel, intemperance, Oct. 16, 1823, a. 52 y.

Phebe, wid. Nathaniel, bur. Jan. 11, 1815, a. 73 y. NR9

Rebecca, Mrs., May 1, 1831, a. 84 y. NR9

Robert, s. Capt. John and Betsy, Sept. 13, 1797, a. 17 m. GR7

Samuel R[opes. NR9], s. Ephraim, lung fever, Dec. 7, 1823, a. 5 m. [a. 15 m. NR9]

Sarah, Mrs. Issue of July 29, 1774. NR10

Sarah E[lizabeth. NR9], d. Ephraim, dropsy, Apr. 5, 1840, a. 11 y.

Sarah, d. Joseph and Sarah, July 4, 1841, a. 12 y. GR8

Sarah, w. Joseph, d. Billings and Sarah Bradish, age, Jan. 20, 1845, a. 77 y.

Susan, w. David, Oct. 12, 1798, in her 58th y. GR7

Susan, w. William, July 19, 1810, in her 28th y. GR7

William, on board the frigate Constitution. Issue of May 21, 1799. NR9

William [s. William and Jane. GR7], numb palsy, May 23, 1819, a. 32 y.


_____, s. James, convulsions, Dec. 27, 1821, a. 3 y.

Amos, s. Samuel and Sarah (Goodale), Mar. 13, 1712.

Anna [wid., formerly of Danvers. NR9], peripneumony, June 10, 1821, a. 78 y.

David, Oct. 15, 1818. CR13

Dorcas, of New Mills, --- --, 1837. CR5

Betsy, sudden, bur. at Marblehead, d. May --, 1826, a. 59 y. [a. 39 y. NR9]

J. & J.S., --- --, 1842. tomb. GR8

[James. NR9], s. James, consumption, Dec. 17, 1821, a. 5 m.

James, Oct. 20, 1833, a. 63 y. NR9

James, Oct. 20, 1835, a. 65 y. GR8

John, s. John and Mary (Tompkins), Apr. 6, 1676. CTR

John, s. Nathaniell, Feb. 19, 1717-18, a. abt. 73 y.

John S., h. Nancy (Crandell), rheumatic fever, June 15, 1841, a. 48 y.

Jonathan, gastritis, Sept. 5, 1824, a. 40 y.

Mary, w. John, s. John, Dec. 12, 1688. CTR

Mary, w. Lt. Nathaniel, May 8, 1701.

Mary E[lizabeth. NR9], d. James and Sally, consumption, Aug. 11, 1846, a. 20½ y.

Nathaniel, Lt., h. Mary, July 30, 1705.

Nathaniell, s. Nathaniel, 3d and Elizabeth, Apr. 3, 1712. CTR

Ruth, w. James. Issue of Apr. 3, 1802. NR9

Samuell, s. Nathaniel, 3d and Elizabeth, Feb. 2, 1717-18. CTR

Sally, w. James, bur. Apr. 10, 1813, a. 43 y. NR9

Sarah, w. James, chronic hepatitis, Feb. 22, 1826, a. 30 y.

William, dysentery, Aug. 22, 1827, a. 17 y.


_____, ch. Joseph, bur. Feb. 9, 1801, a. 3 y. CR11

_____, ch. Samuel, lung fever, bur. May 9, 1802. CR11

Elizabeth G[rafton. NR9], inf. d. John W. and A.F., bur. Oct. 7, 1816. CR11

John W., --- --, 1826. tomb. GR7

Joseph, on board brig Neva, at Batavia, Nov. 9, 1818, a. 22 y. PR82

Louisa, d. Joseph and Mary G., inflammation of bowels, Apr. 11, 1845, a. 51 y.

Mary G., w. Joseph [d. D. Woodbridge, hectic. CR1], bur. May 3, 1809, a. 40 y. NR9 [a. 39 y. CR1]

FERGUSON (Furguson)

_____, inf. ch. [John. NR9], bur. Sept. 28, 1801. CR11

_____, ch. _____, bur. Nov. 23, 1838. CR5

Charles H. [Charles B. NR9], s. Thomas B., bowel complaint, Aug. 25, 1843, a. 3 m.

Esther Ann, d. Thomas B. and Mehitable, fits, Sept. 2, 1845, a. 13½ y.

John, a. 40 y. Issue of June 4, 1816. NR9

John, 1st officer of schooner Superior, Capt. Loring, at Havanna, a. 23 y. Issue of June 5, 1821. NR9

John, s. Samuel, peripneumony, Oct. 24, 1825, a. 6 m.

Martha, wid. William, a. 90 y. Issue of Mar. 1, 1836. NR9

Mehitable D., w. Thomas B., d. Edmund Stone, consumption, July 26, 1844, a. 40 y.

Samuel, with Capt. Joseph Orne in the ship Essex, murdered at Hadido 60 miles above Mocha, received news Sept. 27, 1806. PR82


Mary, d. Patrick, pneumonia, May 30, 1828, a. 7 y.


Mary, wid., dropsy, Apr. 4, 1819, a. 66 y.

FEVERYEARE (Feveryear)

Edward, s. Edward and Tabitha (Pitman), --: 6m: 1670. CTR

Priscilla, d. Edward and Tabitha (Pitman), June --, 1665. CTR

FIELD (Feild)

_____, d. _____, May 17, 1749. PR57

_____, Mrs., "an aged Lady," accident, Oct. 6, 1774. NR10

Andrew D., consumption, Feb. 6, 1821, a. 38 y.

Ann E. M[aria, d. Francis H. and Eliza F. NR9], d. Francis and Frances, fits, Oct. 26, 1844, a. 19 m.

H[enry. NR9], s. Stephen, jr., suddenly, Mar. 18, 1839, a. 5 y.

Mary Ellen, d. Stephen, jr. and Mary (Buffinton), Feb. 19, 1837 [a. 7 y. NR9]

Mary B., wid. Stephen, jr., d. James and Abigail Buffington, heart complaint, Jan. 6, 1845, a. 42 y.

Samuell, Jan. 3, 1765. PR57

Samuel, Nov. 3, 1786, a. 54 y. NR8

Samuel, mariner, dropsy, at Chelsea, Dec. 9, 1841, a. 57 y.

Sarah, Sept. 22, 1803, a. 43 y. GR1

Sarah (Hovey), w. Stephen, palsy, Apr. 6, 1846, a. 73 y. [a. 75 y. NR9]

Stephen, jr., at Pernambuco, July 26, 1838, a. 36 y. NR9

Stephen Henry, Feb. 16, 1839, a. 4 y. PR288

Stephen, h. Sally (Hovey), heart complaint, Jan. 15, 1844, a. 72 y.


Charlotte Augusta, d. Henry E., measles, a. 3 y. Issue of Sept. 7, 1832. NR9

Ellen Dorcas, d. Henry E., measles, a. 13 m. Issue of Sept. 7, 1832. NR9

Lydia Ann, d. Perkins [and Edith D. GR8], deceased, dropsy, Aug. 27, 1844, a. 4½ y.

Sarah Jane, d. Henry E., measles, a. 6 y. Issue of Sept. 7, 1832. NR9

Susan [C. NR9], m., b. Sanbornton, NH, consumption, May 28, 1847, a. 46 y.


Gerinomo, b. Santiago, ch. D. Pablo, consumption, rec. Aug. 24, 1841, a. 21 y.

FILIS (Fillis)


_____, Capt., prisoner in England, received news, Sept. 4, 1814. PR82

_____, s. Charles, infantile, May 10, 1840, a. 6 d.

Charles, seaman, s. John and Sally, dropsy, Dec. 6, 1845, a. 41 y.

Eliza, d. Charles B., whooping cough, Apr. 7, 1843, a. 4 m. [a. 4½ y. NR9]

George E. [s. Capt. John. NR9], 2d mate of brig Cygnett, at sea [June 13. NR9], 1828, a. 22 y.

Sarah [wid. Capt. John F. NR9], consumption, Oct. 4, 1839, a. 73 y.

Susanna, wid. John, a. 58 y. Issue of July 30, 1802. NR9

William C., s. Capt. John, deceased, consumption, July 31, 1832, a. 30 y. NR9


Esther [d. Rev. Dr. Clark of Boston. NR9], wid., consumption, June 3 [4. CR1], 1822, a. 36 y.

FINDLEY (Finlah)

Mary, d. Andrew and Melinda, scarlet fever, July 22, 1847, a. 22 m.

Mary, d. Andrew and Melinda, dysentery, Sept. 4, 1849, a. 5 m.


_____, d. _____, hydrophobia, a. abt. 6 y. Issue of Oct. 12, 1813. NR9

Deborah, wid., sister of Gen. Stephen Abbot, deceased, a. 69 y. Issue of Aug. 5, 1814. NR9

Betsy, w. Eli, consumption, July 17, 1825, a. 39 y.

Hallet, seaman of brig Time, at sea, --- --, 1823, a. 22 y.

Hannah, Mrs., a. 61 y. Issue of Mar. 12, 1833. NR9

Lois P., formerly of Andover, a. 17 y. Issue of Apr. 27, 1841. NR9

Martha, consumption, Feb. 4, 1839, a. 23 y.


_____, Mr., bur. Oct. 6, 1805. PR79

_____, ch. James, scalded, Feb. 28, 1806, a. 3 y. NR9

_____, Rev., angina pectoris, suddenly, Dec. 20, 1811, a. 70 y. CR1

_____, s. Richard, whooping cough, Feb. --, 1828, a. 3 y.

[Abigail, w. John. NR9], Mrs., family of James, consumption, Aug. 13, 1839, a. 31 y.

Charles, seaman on the ship Caroline Augusta, off the coast of Sumatra. Issue of Oct. 15, 1841. NR9

Elizabeth Crowninshield, d. Rev. Nathaniel, bur. Mar. 19, 1806. CR11

E.D. [Elizabeth Dwight. NR9], d. Theodore, quincy, June 16, 1819, a. 3 y.

Emma A[deline. GR8], b. Lowell, d. Moses B. and Persis A., dysentery, Aug. 20, 1849, a. 5 y. [a. 7 y. GR8]

S.W., s. I. and A., Oct. 31, 1774, a. 19 m. GR13

Hannah, wid. James, d. John and Hannah Wells, consumption, Aug. 5, 1846, a. 76 y. [a. 74 y. CR5]

James A., mate of the schooner Hermon, at sea, Nov. 4, 1805. NR9

James [a Revolutionary soldier. NR9], b. VA, h. Hannah (Wells), lung fever, Apr. 7, 1846, a. 85 y.

John, on board the ship Exeter, "after leaving the Straits," Apr. 2, 1816, a. 18 y. NR9

John F., at sea, --- --, 1825, a. 21 y.

Joseph [s. John. NR9], lung fever, Dec. 8, 1820, a. 4 y.

Joseph, a native of England, bur. Aug. --, 1829, a. abt. 60 y. CR11

Joshua, Dr., old age, Mar. 14, 1833, a. 84 y. CR1

Lewis, suicide, at Lynnfield, Oct. 20, 1810. NR9

Mary, w. John F., d. John McMellon, consumption, Oct. 29, 1846, a. 69 y.

Moses, s. Moses B. and Persis A., infantile, Nov. 17, 1846, a. 8 d.

Nathaniel, oldest s. Rev. Nathaniel, bur. June 5, 1810. CR11

Nathaniel, Rev., suddenly, Dec. 20, 1812. CR11 [a. 70 y. NR9]

Nathaniel, seaman of the Sumatra, lost overboard, at Manilla, Mar. 20, 1831. NR9

Silence [wid. Rev. Nathaniel. CR11], old age, Dec. [5. CR11], 1821, a. 71 y. [Dec. 2, a. 69 y. CR1]

Theodore [s. Rev. _____. NR9], intemperance, June 23, 1819, a. 35 y. [a. 30 y. NR9]

FISK (Fiske)

_____, ch. _____, bur. Aug. 22, 1806, a. 2 y. CR11

_____, ch. Mr., bur. Sept. 7, 1810. PR61

Anna, w. Rev. Samuel, d. John and ELizabeth Gerrish, deceased, and [grandd.] Hon. Col. John Higginson, at the hospital, small pox, Feb. 20, 1761, a. abt. 49 y. NR3

Ezra, consumption, Apr. 6, 1827, a. 52 y.

John, Esq. [Maj. Gen., h. _____ (Wendell), s. Rev. S., apoplexy. CR4], Sept. 28, 1797, a. 54 y. [a. 53 y. CR4]

[Lydia. NR7], w. Capt. John, Oct. 13, 1782. CR1

Margaret Phippen [Peggy, d. Maj. Gen. _____, consumption. CR4], Oct. 20, 1792, a. 17 y. NR9

Samuell, Rev., Apr. 3, 1770, a. 81 y. NR4

Sarah, wid. Gen., Feb. --, 1804 [bur. Feb. 15. NR9], a. 59 y. CR1

Sarah Ann, d. Charles and Judith, Cholera infantum, Sept. 30, 1846, a. 10 m.

FISKE (Fisk)

_____, Mrs., bur. Feb. 15, 1803. PR79

John, s. Maj. Gen. John, intemperance, Feb. 6, 1801, a. 21 y. CR4

Lydia, d. Capt. [John. Esq. NR7], consumption, Sept. 13, 1785, a. 17 y. 6 m. CR4

Patty, w. John, Esq. consumption, Nov. 30, 1785, a. 32 y. CR4


_____ [Eunice, wid. Timothy, Esq. NR9], mother of Mrs. Derby, palsy, July --, 1799, a. 68 y. CR1 [Issue of June 28. NR9]

FITTZ (Fitz)

Phebe, wid., peripneumonia, Apr. 9, 1825, a. 81 y.

FITZ (Fittz)

_____, ch. Daniel P., a. 2½ m. Issue of Oct. 19, 1832. NR9

_____, d. Daniel, infantile, Aug. 10, 1839, a. 10 d.

Andrew Morgan, s. Josiah, a. 5 m. Issue of Sept. 10, 1833. NR9

Eliza Ann, teacher, d. Joseph L. and Mary, apoplexy, Feb. 24, 1845, a. 18 y.

George Augustus, s. Daniel, a. 8 m. Issue of Aug. 15, 1837. NR9

Martha, w. Daniel P., dropsy, May 19, 1842, a. 34 y. [a. 32 y. NR9]

FITZGERALD (Fitzjerauld, Gerald)

Nabby, pneumonia, at the almshouse, Mar. 8, 1822, a. 76 y.

John, b. Lawrence, s. Patrick and Mary, Sept. 28, 1849, a. 4 m.


[Deborah E., d. Mary A. NR9], burnt, Jan. 1, 1839, a. 4 y.

Elisabeth, wid., of Providence, d. William and Deborah (Howard) Bubier, lung fever, at Providence, RI, bur. June 24, 1837, a. 64 y. CR11

George Henry, s. John, a. 3½ y. Issue of Dec. 18, 1832. NR9

FLANAGEN (Flannegen)

Nicholas, s. Nicholas, infantile, Apr. 7, 1840, a. 3 w.

FLANNEGEN (Flanagen)

Thomas, b. Ireland, currier, s. Emanuel, brain fever, July 9, 1844, a. 26 y.


Hannah, consumption, at the almshouse, Nov. 17, 1827, a. 18 y.

James, supposed to belong to Townsend, Mass., on board schooner Columbia of Saco, in the harbour, typhus fever, Aug. 25, 1829, a. 11 y. NR9

John, dropsy, July 4, 1826, a. 52 y.

Sally, consumption, at the poorhouse, Nov. 2, 1818, a. 35 y. PR651

Sophia A., inf. d. Hazard. Issue of Apr. 17, 1838. NR9

William A., s. Daniel, a. 20 m. Issue of Oct. 27, 1835. NR9


Richard. Issue of Oct. 12, 1798. NR9

Thomas, brewer, bur. Oct. 11, 1798. CR11

FLINT (Flynt)

Alice, Oct. 5, 1700. CTR

Benjamin, Dec. 28, 1732, in his 54th y. GR7

Edward, s. Thomas, jr., and Mary (Puttnam), 2d w., July 9, 1714.

Eunice [maiden, of Danvers, consumption. CR4], Apr. 4, 1797, a. abt. 64 y. [a. 65 y. CR4]

Hanna (Moulton), w. Thomas, Mar. 20, 1673. CTR

John, Capt., Feb. 15, 1802, a. 82 y. PR55

John, d. Dec. 28, 1813. GR8

John, shoemaker, drowned, bur. Jan. 1, 1814, a. 56 y. NR9

Jonathan, on brig Theresa [of New York, from Port Cabello. NR9], at sea [Nov. 27. NR9], 1825, a. 37 y.

Joseph, Oct. 28, 1817, a. 27 y. GR8

Lidia (Putnam), w. Thomas, Aug. 31, 1711.

Margaret, Mrs. [wid. John. GR8], old age, Feb. 15, 1839, a. 77 y.

Martha, w. William, of Reading, Oct. 5, 1802. PR55

Priscilla, consumption, Apr. 24, 1826, a. 40 y.

Sally, d. Joseph, thrown from a sleigh into Ipswich River and drowned, Jan. 14, 1775, a. 18 y. NR10

Sarah Page, d. Capt. Samuel, May 15, 1831, a. 22 y. NR9

Susannah, wid., a. 80 y. Issue of June 20, 1809. NR9

Tamar, Mrs., Jan. 29, 1802, a. 77 y. PR55

Thomas, Apr. 15, 1663. CTR

Timothy, of Louisiana, liver complaint, at Reading, Aug. 18, 1840, a. 60 y.

William, 2: 2m: 1673. CTR


John, consumption, Aug. 27, 1825, a. 45 y.

John [at Reading. NR9], consumption, Nov. 10, 1830, a. 22 y.

Putnam, mariner, s. John, Jan. 28, 1842, a. 29 y. [Jan. 27, a. 30 y. dup.]

Sarah D., w. Thomas T., d. John and Lydia Sleuman, consumption, Oct. 24, 1848, a. 32¾ y.


Nicholas, at sea, Jan. 7, 1829, a. 27 y. CR10

Philip, seaman on board the ketch John, Capt. Stephen Phillips, drowned on his passage from Naples, Dec. 14, 1798. NR9


Bildad, a sargeant in the late U.S. Army, a. 38 y. Issue of Jan. 30, 1816. NR9

Mary, w. William H., May 25, 1837, a. 22 y. 6 m. GR7

Matthew [native of Weymouth, Eng. NR9], abscess of liver, Oct. 20, 1828, a. 25 y.

FLOYD (Floyde)

Betsey P. [Elizabeth. NR9], Aug. 18, 1831, in her 18th y. GR7

Hugh, Capt., suddenly of apoplexy, at New York, June 5, 1845, a. 54 y. NR9

Mary [wid. NR9], consumption, Dec. 26, 1819, a. 80 y.

Mehetable, w. Hugh, consumption, Aug. 4, 1828, a. 27 y.

Nathan, a. 29 y. Issue of Aug. 13, 1833. NR9

[Sarah, wid. NR9], Mrs., old age, Jan. 29, 1839, a. 93 y. [a. 91 y. NR9]

William B., dysentery, Sept. 30, 1818, a. 81 y.

FLYNN (Flinn)

Joana, b. Ireland, w. Jeremiah, July 13, 1849, a. 60 y.

FOGARTY (Fogerty, Fogharty)

[Lydia. NR8], w. Butler, decay, bur. June 24, 1789. CR11


Abner, fell from a house. Issue of June 4, 1799. NR9

Daniel, fishing in a schooner near Cape Cod, lost abt. Oct. 9, 1804, a. 35 y. PR82

Daniel [of Brunswick, ME. NR9], intemperance, Apr. 24, 1823, a. 44 y.

Joseph, s. Joseph [on board the brig Jane, Capt. Saul, from Batavia. NR9], feber, abroad, Mar. --, 1819, a. 21 y. CR1 [Issue of Mar. 19, 1817. NR9]

Joseph [housewright, a natice of N. Hampton, NH. NR9], consumption, Jan. 24, 1822, a. 55 y.

Lucy Ann, d. John M. and Lucy A., consumption, Jan. 17, 1846, a. 17 y.

Lydia, b. Danvers, wid. Joseph, d. Sylvester Procter, age, Mar. 2, 1849, a. 83 y.

Richard, sailing from Batavia to Salem, lost overboard from brig Ann, May 10, 1824, a. 20 y.

Stephen, --- --, 1830. tomb. GR7

Stephen, jr., s. Stephen, 1st. officer of the ship Grotius, at Canton, Sept. 3, 1834, a. 21 y. NR9

FOGHARTY (Fogarty)

James, of Danvers, suicide, Feb. 13, 1818, a. 32 y.


Mary Ann, b. New York, d. Henry and Mary Ann, lung fever, Mar. 1, 1845, a. 2 y.


David, s. David, hydrocephalus, Dec. 13, 1825, a. 3 y.

David, consumption, Oct. 8, 1830, a. 39 y.

John, s. Cornelius and Catherine, infantile, May 20, 1849, a. 3 d.

FOOT (Foote)

_____, wid., old age, Apr. 19, 1782, a. 86 y. CR1

_____, ch. _____, whooping cough, bur. June 17, 1786. CR11

_____, consumption, bur. Apr. --, 1787, a. 35 y. CR11

_____, ch. wid., throat distemper, bur. Oct. 29, 1787. CR11

_____, ch. Mr., bur. Aug. 20, 1808. PR61

Ann, old age, Aug. 10, 1830, a. 76 y.

Isaack, s. Isaack and Abigaile, last of June, 1670. CTR

John, bur. Jan. 13, 1780. PR655

Mary, wid. Pasca, formerly w. _____ Tapley, d. Joseph and Ruth Mascoll, St. Antony's fire, Mar. 23, 1809, a. 83 y. CR4

[Nancy. NR9], w. Caleb, bur. June 19, 1808. PR61 [a. 21 y. NR9]

Pasca, sr., 28: 9m: 1670. CTR

Samuel, s. Samuel and Anna, d. Clifford Crowninshield, in Calcutta with Capt. Wietland, smallpox, Feb. --, 1800, a. 17 y. CR4

FOOTE (Foot)

Caleb, s. Enoch, May 19, 1787.

Caleb, died at sea supposed in the gale of Jan. 19, 1810.

Eliza Dwight, d. Caleb and Mary Wilder (White), Sept. 3, 1837 [a. abt. 14 m. NR9]

Martha (West), w. Caleb, Dec. 28, 1805.

Martha West, d. Caleb and Mary Wilder (White) [infantile. dup.], May 15, 1842 [a. 2 m. dup.]

Mary (Dedman), w. Caleb, Nov. 2, 1834 [a. 84 y. GR7]

William O. [W. dup.], s. Caleb and Mary Wilder (White) [dysentery. dup.], Sept. 29, 1842. [a. 1½ y. dup.]


Charles, Capt., master of ship Thetis, at Madagascar, --- --, 1822, a. 30 y. [Issue of Dec. 3. NR9]

John, m., drowned at Virginia, Feb. --, 1791, a. 28 y. CR4

John, h. Hepsiba (House of Nantucket), seaman, fever, Dec. 5, 1816, a. 32 y. CR4

FORD (Foard)

_____, ch. Mr., a. 2 w. Issue of Jan. 25, 1833. NR9

James, schoolmaster, June 27, 1781. NR11

Mary, wid. James, schoolmaster, a. 62 y. Issue of Nov. 6, 1787. NR8

Rebecca, formerly of Elizabethtown, ME, a. 58 y. Issue of Dec. 16, 1836. NR9

FORNESS (Fornis, Forniss)

_____, d. Joseph W., lung fever, Apr. 18, 1839, a. 6 y.

FORNISS (Forness)

_____ [Clarissa Lovett, d. Wood. NR9], scarlet fever, Mar. 25, 1839, a. 8 y.

Ruth, family of Wood, heart affection, bur. at Danvers, July 12, 1840, a. 36 y.


Charles, s. Capt. Simon, bur. Apr. 13, 1816 PR61 [a. 21 y. NR9]

Eleanor [Nelly. PR79], d. Capt. Simon, a. 18 y. Issue of Nov. 3, 1795. NR9

Elizabeth, d. Capt. Simon and Rachel, May 28, 1783, a. 5 d. GR1

Henry W[illiams. NR9], s. John, dropsy of ye brain, Apr. 3, 1830, a. 14 m.

Rachel, d. Capt. Simon, at Billerica. Issue of Nov. 25, 1814. NR9

Rachel, wid. Simon, consumption, June 29, 1823, a. 66 y. [a. 78 y. NR9]

Simon, jr., s. Capt. Simon, at sea, a. 22 y. Issue of Dec. 1, 1807. NR9

Simon, Capt., bur. July 6, 1817. PR61 [a. 69 y. NR9]

FORSTER (Foster)

Joseph, bur. Oct. 15, 1807. PR61 [a. 53 y. NR9]

Nathaniel, bur. Oct. 21, 1808. PR61 [in his 91st y. NR9]


Abigail, Mrs., d. in law Ruth, a. 24 y. Issue of Sept. 7, 1838. NR9

Dodavah, of Saco, ME, at the almshouse, Jan. 17, 1828, a. abt. 35 y. NR9

Drew, intemperance, at the almshouse, Jan. 15, 1828, a. 35 y.

Rebecca, July 5, 1781, a. 59 y. PR488

Ruth, Mrs., a. 48 y. Issue of Sept. 7, 1838. NR9

FOSTER (Forster)

_____, Dea., "old," Sept. 12, 1748. PR57

_____, Dr., pleurisy, bur. Feb. 3, 1783. CR11

_____, d. Amos, July 27, 1798, a. 7 y. CR1

_____, w. Capt. Robert, a. 56 y. Issue of Aug. 27, 1802. NR9

_____, ch. Pompey, consumption, bur. June 10, 1803. CR11

_____, ch. John S., infantile, bur. at Marblehead, d. Sept. 12, 1849, a. 14 d.

Abigail, w. Caleb, Dec. 19, 1784, a. 62 y. NR7

Abigail, w. Abraham, consumption, Apr. 25, 1818, a. 63 y.

Abigal [Ames. NR9], d. John, bur. May 2, 1833, a. 12 y. CR11

Abraham, lung fever, at Andover, Dec. 21, 1820, a. 66 y. [Dec. 14, a. 65 y. GR7]

Amos, consumption, at the almshouse, Oct. 12, 1828, a. 67 y.

Caleb, a. 80 y. Issue of May 17, 1796. NR9

Cato, jr., bur. Dec. 8, 1799. CR11

Daniel, on board the Cincinnati at Havana, Oct. 3, 1808, a. 21 y. PR654

David. Issue of Oct. 19, 1790. NR9

David, consumption, bur. at Danvers, d. Nov. 20, 1824, a. 46 y.

Dorcas [wid. Capt. James. NR9], cholera morbus, Aug. 22, 1839, a. 75 y. [a. 82 y. NR9]

Edward M[orse. NR9], s. Josiah, a. 11 m. [Issue of May 8, 1835. NR9]

Eliza, assistant governess at the asylum house, bur. Feb. 19, 1817, a. 19 y. NR9

Elizabeth [2d w. PR57], Capt. John, Mar. 6, 1752, a. 26 y. GR7

Fuller, at Charlestown, Jan. 31, 1835, a. 39 y. NR9

Hannah, w. Daniel, June 30, 1788, a. 32 y. NR8

Hannah, a. 30 y. Issue of May 10, 1814. NR9

Isaac, at sea, killed on board a British brig during a gale of wind, --- --, 1819, a. 36 y. PR82

Isaac P., --- --, 1828. tomb. GR8

James [officer in the Revolutionary army. NR9], dropsy, bur. at Danvers, d. Mar. 22, 1823, a. 81 y.

Jane E., Mrs., at Worcester, Nov. 7, 1849, a. 50 y. NR9

Jane P. (Vickery), b. Marblehead, w. William, insanity and palsy, Dec. 6, 1849, a. 50 y.

John, s. John, jr., and Mary, 14: 7m: 1680. CTR

John, mate of the brig Three Brothers, at Bassterre. Issue of Jan. 19, 1796. NR9

John, Oct. 1, 1797, a. 35 y.

John, bur. Jan. 24, 1815. PR61 [a. 23 y. NR9]

John, old age [at the almshouse, Jan. --. CR1], Feb. 4, 1816, a. 82 y. PR35

John [Capt. NR9], consumption, Apr. 16, 1821, a. 51 y.

John, consumption, at the almshouse, June 14, 1825, a. 47 y.

John, s. William H., hydrocephalus, Dec. 27, 1825, a. 3 y.

John, Esq., attorney at law, at New York. Issue of Jan. 15, 1836. NR9

Jonas Augustus, s. Capt. Jonah, a. 1 y. Issue of Aug. 13, 1833. NR9

Jonathan, s. John and Martha, Mar. 28, 166[3. TC]. CTR

Jonathan, s. John and Martha, 6: 9m: 1667. CTR

Joshua, native of Ipswich, h. _____ (Holt), mate of a vessel, Capt. Patten, at the West Indies, fever, Dec. 6, 1795, a. 29 y. CR4

Louisa A. [d. John. GR9], d. William H. [phthisis pulmonalis. dup.], Apr. 15, 1826. [Apr. 17, a. 21 y. dup.]

Lucy [wid. Capt. Robert. NR9], apoplexy, May 7, 1821, a. 65 y.

Lydia, Mrs., a. 78 y. Issue of Feb. 7, 1792. NR9

Margaret, d. James and Margaret (Pratt), Aug. 2, 1720.

Mary, w. John, Mar. 14, 1751, a. 38 y. GR1

Mary, d. William and Anna (Knapp), worms, Jan. 22, 1801, a. 4 y. 4 m. CR4

Mary, w. Jonas, enteritis, Nov. 1, 1828, a. 34 y.

Mary Ann, of Boston, d. Benjamin, heart disease, at Boston, Dec. 8, 1841, a. 31 y.

Mary L[ouisa. CR5], d. Samuel D. and Mary H., Sept. 9, 1847, a. 13 m.

Matilda L., d. Thomas A. and Hannah B., consumption, Dec. 4, 1846, a. 9 m.

Mehitable S. M[elvin. NR9], d. Thomas and Hanah B., consumption, June 13, 1848, a. 3 m.

Moody, a. 37 y. Issue of Apr. 18, 1834. NR9

Moody, s. Jonas, Apr. 7, 1835, a. 5 m. NR9

Nathan, s. Capt. Abraham, at Madras, a. 25 y. Issue of Sept. 13, 1808. NR9

Robert, Capt., a. 73 y. Issue of Aug. 16, 1814. NR9

Ruth E.B., d. John, Esq., at Topsfield, a. 14 m. Issue of Dec. 28, 1824. NR9

Ruth B[radstreet. NR9], d. John, dysentery, Aug. 22, 1825, a. 5 m.

Samuell, s. Samuell and Sarah (Steward), Feb. --, 1678. CTR

Samuel, s. Nathaniel, accident, Nov. 1, 1773, a. abt. 14 y. NR4

Sarah, w. Nathaniel, a. 74 y. Issue of Aug. 26, 1796. NR9

Stephen, s. John and Elizabeth, fever, Aug. 1, 1785, a. 15 m. CR4

Susannah, Dec. 20, 1816, a. 79 y. PR55

Thomas S. [Thomas Taylor. NR9], s. Josiah [and Lydia B. NR9], dropsy, Dec. 4, 1842, a. 2 y. [Dec. 3, a. 23 m. NR9]

William, s. William and Hannah, dropsy in the head, Nov. 8, 1799, a. 8 m. CR4

William, s. William and Anna (Knapp), throat distemper, Jan. 30, 1801, a. 4 m. CR4

William, at Matanzas, --- --, 1828, a. 17 y. [Issue of July 22. NR9]

William, b. Virginia, ropemaker, dropsy, Oct. 30, 1846, a. 46 y.


John, s. Peter and Mehetable, [abt. 1698], a. 7 y.


Ann [a native of Kildare, Ireland. NR9], consumption, Sept. 20, 1843, a. 23 y.


_____, s. Samuel, a. 3 y. Issue of Oct. 23, 1801. NR9

Abial, wid., Feb. 12, 1771, in her 68th y. NR4

Anna, wid. Nathaniel, age, Jan. 25, 1842, a. 89 y.

Charles, Sept. 5, 1802. PR12

Daniel, s. Ezekiel, jr. and Mary, 28: 6m: 1792. CR7

Daniel, s. Ezekiel, drowned in the harbor. Issue of June 4, 1799. NR9

Elizabeth, of Boston, b. Boston, w. Jessee, fever, bur. at Boston, d. Feb. 7, 1849, a. 35 y.

Esther, a. 47 y. Issue of Nov. 30, 1809. NR9

Ezekiel, 2: 10m: 1735. PR5

Ezekiel. Issue of Oct. 8, 1801. NR9

Ezekiel, dysentery, at the almshouse, Aug. 30, 1825, a. 68 y.

Hannah, d. Ezekiel, jr. and Mary, 30: 10m: 1785. CR7

Hannah, d. Ezekiel, jr. and Mary, 26: 9m: 1790. CR7

Huldah, w. Robert, mortification, July 2, 1819, a. 62 y.

Joseph H., of Boston, b. Bowton, s. Joseph H., at Boston, Mar. 17, 1849, a. 1½ m.

Lois Symonds, d. William and Hannah, bur. Apr. 11, 1838, a. 1 y. CR11

Lydia, d. Samuel and Esther, 21: 12m: 1821. CR7

Martha, June 2, 1784. PR12

Martha, d. twin, Ezekiel, jr. and Mary, 15: 3m: 1802. CR7

Martha, a. 78 y. Issue of Oct. 21, 1834. NR9

Polly, d. Ezekiel, jr. and Mary, 27: 3m: 1791. CR7

Mary, d. twin, Ezekiel, jr. and Mary, 10: 7m: 1802. CR7

Mary Louisa, d. Stephen T., formerly of Portland, a. 2 y. Issue of Sept. 7, 1838. NR9

Melinda, d. Stephen, lung fever, Sept. 10, 1841, a. 1 y.

Robert, hemorrhage, Oct. [6. GR9], 1824, a. 70 y. [a. 69 y. GR9]

Samuel, h. Sarah (Jones), s. Ezekiel and Elizabeth, influenza, Jan. 21, 1849, a. 79½ y.

Sarah, b. Amesbury, wid. Samuel, d. Abner and Abigail Jones, consumption, Mar. 19, 1849, a. 78½ y.

FOWLES (Fowle)

Zechariah, s. Zechariah and Ruth (Ingersoll), Sept. 12, 1711.


_____, s. Ebenezer, hydrocephalus, Sept. 16, 1825, a. 6 m.

Ebenezer, --- --, 1828. tomb. GR8

William Augustus, s. Ebenezer and Susan, Sept. 7, 1821, a. 18 m. GR8

Worcester, of New Hampshire, a. 21 y. Issue of July 18, 1815. NR9


_____, d. William and Mary, convulsions, July 7, 1799, a. 16 d. CR4

Bartholomew, b. Ireland, laborer, consumption, Apr. 10, 1848, a. 51 y.

Deborah, d. Samuel, Mar. 18, 1837, a. 11 m. NR9

Edward Tuttle, s. William and Mary (Collins), formerly w. _____ Ledbetter, dysentery, Sept. 14, 1808, a. 3 y. CR4

Elizabeth, w. William, consumption, June 18, 1794, a. 39 y. CR4

James Collins, s. William and Mary, d. James Collins, formerly w. _____ Ledbetter, worms, Feb. 17, 1806, a. 5 y. CR4

Mary (Collins), w. William, wid. Daniel Ledbetter, consumption, Apr. 23, 1811, a. 48 y. CR4

Mary, wid. William, d. Nathaniel Estes, age, Feb. 13, 1849, a. 84 y.

Patrick, a native of Ireland, drowned, May 26, 1831.

William, age, Dec. 30, 1825, a. 80 y.

FRANCIS (Francies)

_____, ch. Peter, decay, bur. Aug. 31, 1798. CR11

Augustus B., s. A.B. and Anna B., cholera infantum, Sept. 29, 1847, a. 16 m.

Charles W[oodwell. NR9], s. John, scarlet fever, July 24, 1842, a. 6 y.

Betsey, wid. Aaron, a. 33 y. Issue of Oct. 24, 1815. NR9

Elsyrene, a. 23 y. Issue of June 1, 1821. NR9

Immanuel, s. Antonio, consumption, bur. July --, 1837, a. 20 y. CR11 [Issue of July 28. NR9]

Hannah, wid., bur. Mar. 24, 1815, a. 38 y. NR9

John, Feb. 22, 1833, a. 82 y. GR8

John Henry, s. John, a. 2½ y. Issue of May 13, 1833. NR9

John, --- --, 1842. tomb. GR8

Joseph [a native of Lisbon, on his passage from New Orleans to New York. NR9], on brig Jones, at sea, --- --, 1823, a. 37 y. [Issue of Dec. 2. NR9]

Joseph, s. Antonio, at Bermuda, yellow fever, Oct. 10, 1843, a. 22 y. NR9

Joseph, s. Joseph and Elizabeth, dropsy in head, Sept. 29, 1844, a. 14 m.

Louisa, d. John and Mary, Oct. 28, 1836, a. 29 y. GR8

Lucy Henrietta, d. John, May 6, 1834, a. 8 m. NR9

Lydia A., d. Ephraim F. and Judith, a. 10 m. Issue of Dec. 19, 1845. NR9

Mary Elizabeth, d. Thomas, a. 16 m. Issue of Sept. 16, 1831. NR9

Mary, wid. John, age, at Boston, Dec. 27, 1842, a. 76 y.

Nancy, w. Antonio, d. Robert and Elizabeth Bartlett, age, Dec. 6, 1847, a. 75 y.

Rebecca, d. John and Mary, Oct. 11, 1838, a. 39 y. GR8

Susan, w. Thomas, chronic hepatitis, June 28, 1829, a. 79 y.

Thomas, Capt., "an officer in the army during nearly the whole of the Revolutionary war," Nov. 9, 1833, a. 85 y. NR9


Sarah, consumption, at the almshouse, Apr. 12, 1828, a. 51 y.

FRANKS (Francks)

_____, w. Joseph, a. 83 y. Issue of July 4, 1826. NR9

Joseph, Capt., consumption, Nov. 16, 1811, a. 29 y. CR4

Joseph, age, Feb. 25, 1829, a. 91 y.


Nicholas, consumption, at the almshouse, Dec. --, 1828, a. 37 y.


John, jr., at sea, --- --, 1824, a. 20 y.


_____, Capt., of the Hiram, wrecked near Liverpool. Issue of Oct. 18, 1791. NR9

Ann B., w. George, bur. Jan. 15, 1836, a. 25 y. NR9

Hepzibah, of New York, lately from the West Indies, a. 35 y. Issue of June 8, 1810. NR9

Patience, d. Plato Whipple, of Ipswich, since Hamilton, a. above 80 y. Issue of Nov. 25, 1817. NR9

Sally, "supposed to be the same as Sally Green," typhus fever, at the almshouse, Dec. 19, 1821, a. 32 y.


_____, w. Joseph. Issue of Dec. 15, 1801. NR9

Benjamin, from Woburn, truckman, h. Elizabeth (Beckford), convulsions, July 10, 1806, a. 37 y. CR4

Ester (Butman of Wenham), w. Joshua, debility, Dec. 13, 1801, a. 40 y. CR4

Jeremiah, of Sanbornton, NH. Issue of Mar. 2, 1813. NR9

Joseph, May 5, 1808, a. 22 y. GR7

Joshua, s. Joshua and Ester, at Batavia with Devereux, fever, --- --, 1801, a. 14 y. CR4

Patty, d. Joshua, truckman, and Ester (Butman), dysentery, Oct. 14, 1801, a. 3 y. 6 m. CR4

Mary, family of Benjamin [d. William Ashby. NR9], consumption, bur. at Danvers, Sept. 8, 1839, a. 53 y.

Sarah (Emerson), w. Benjamin, grandd. Rev. Emerson of Topsfield, consumption, Sept. 28, 1803, a. 35 y. CR4

Sarah [Lewis. NR9], d. Ralph and Betsey, consumption, bur. Apr. 5, 1838, a. 19 y. CR11

William, s. Joshua and Ester, fever and chin cough, May 1, 1791, a. 3 m. CR4

William [Gordon. NR9], s. Ralph and Elizabeth, apoplexy, bur. May 14, 1843, a. 35 y. CR11


_____, ch. Solomon, a. 20 m. Issue of Mar. 19, 1816. NR9

Charlotte A[ugusta. NR9], d. Joel and Christina, Apr. 8, 1832, a. 3 10-12 y.

Israel, s. Israel, deceased, of Beverly, sudden, bur. at Beverly, Mar. 30, 1844, a. 36 y.

Joel H[enry. NR9], s. Joel and Christina, Sept. 21, 1835, a. 13½ m.

John H[enry. NR9], s. Joel and Christina, Aug. 29, 1836, a. 2 m.


_____, s. John, pneumonia, bur. at Danvers, d. Feb. 23, 1824, a. 6 m.

Charles, of Danvers, b. Danvers, s. Caleb and Sally, at Danvers, typhus fever, Aug. 9, 1849, a. 10½ m. GR9

J.C. [John Cornelius. NR9], s. John, hydrocephalus, Aug. 13, 1829, a. 16 m.

Lucy [d. Capt. Daniel Frye. NR9], w. John, atrophy, bur. at Danvers, d. Sept. 30, 1824, a. 38 y.

Rachel, w. Joshua, a. 24 y. Issue of Nov. 1, 1833. NR9

William, h. Elizabeth, Sept. 23, 1721.


_____, w. Jonathan. Issue of Aug. 28, 1804. NR9

_____, d. Nathaniel, a. 7 m. Issue of Oct. 22, 1805. NR9

_____, ch. Nathaniel, a. 8 m. Issue of Mar. 22, 1816. NR9

Anna M., w. Abraham F., consumption, at Brooklyn, NY, Dec. 23, 1839, a. 28 y.

Ann M. [A. Maria. NR9], b. New York, d. Abraham, consumption, Sept. 20, 1840, a. 10 m.

Edward M[orse. NR9], of Boston, s. Joseph and Deborah F., typhus fever, Dec. 13, 1847, a. 24 y.

Eliza [d. Jonathan. NR9], lung fever, bur. at Danvers, d. Nov. 23, 1820, a. 12 y.

Eliza H[arris. PR444], family of Joshua, consumption, bur. at Charlestown, May 2, 1840, a. 21 y.

Hannah, w. Nathaniel, Sept. 29, 1805, a. 33 y. NR9

Huldah, w. Jonathan, a. 63 y. Issue of Mar. 26, 1799. NR9

James, s. Lydia, bur. at Danvers, d. June --, 1824, a. 5 y. [Issue of June 8. NR9]

Jonathan, May 9, 1802, a. 70 y. NR9

Jonathan, intemperance, bur. at Danvers, d. Oct. 25, 1820, a. 34 y.

Jonathan, at the almshouse, Oct. 8, 1825, a. 66 y.

Joseph, b. Charlestown [brother to Stephen of Newburyport. NR9], s. Jonathan, typhus fever, Aug. 12, 1846, a. 75 y.

Mary, w. Joseph, bur. Mar. 16, 1813, a. 40 y. NR9

Samuel, May 12, 1803, a. 31 y. GR7

Stephen [s. Jonathan. NR9], lung fever, bur. at Danvers, d. Dec. 8, 1820, a. 10 y.

William, consumption, bur. Jan. 2, 1835, a. 18 y. CR5

William P., lost overboard from the main topsail yard of the brig Pavilion, off Falkland Island, July 10, 1845. NR9

FRY (Frye)

Abigail [Nabby. GR1], w. Capt. Peter [Jan. 21, 1802. GR1], a. 38 y.

Bethiah, d. William and Tamisin, --: 12m: 1826. CR7

Elizabeth, d. Thomas, a. 11 y. Issue of Sept. 3, 1833. NR9

Nathan, s. John N. [Feb. 7, 1833. NR9], a. 5 y. CR11 [a. 5 y. 2 m. NR9]

Oliver Augustus, s. John N., bur. Jan. 30, 1833. CR11 [a. 3 y. NR9]

Pickman, consumption, Apr. 12, 1815, a. 60 y. PR35

Tamisin, w. [wid. NR9], William, 27: 1m: 1835. CR7 [a. 85 y. NR9]

William, s. William, 11: 10m: 1831. CR7 [a. 82 y. NR9]

William Jackson, a. 3 1-12 y. Issue of Dec. 21, 1838. NR9

FRYE (Fry)

_____, s. Joseph H., consumption, bur. at Danvers, Nov. 19, 1839, a. 5 m.

Nabby, d. Capt. Peter and Nabby, June 30, 1800, a. 5 y. 3 m.

Ann Elizabeth, only d. Daniel, a. 10 y. Issue of Mar. 15, 1836. NR9

Ann M[oseley. NR9], d. Nathan A. [Capt. N. Augustus. NR9], and Sarah M., fever, Feb. 19, 1848, a. 6 y.

Benjamin, suddenly, Feb. 12, 1769. NR4

Benjamin, old age, bur. at Danvers, d. Dec. 8, 1828, a. 76 y.

Benjamin, served in the Revolutionary war as a Lt. in the corps of Artificers, Col. Jeduthan Baldwin, when Col. Sullivan and the American army retreated from Canada and Ticonderoga, a. 74 y. Issue of Dec. 12, 1830. NR9

Benjamin, master mariner, s. Benjamin, deceased, consumption, bur. at Danvers, d. Apr. 10, 1843, a. 65 y.

Caleb B., s. William [and Anna. CR7], consumption, Mar. 20, 1842, a. 24 y.

Daniel, Capt., bur. Nov. 25, 1813. PR61 [a. 58 y. NR9], [a. 55 y. PR654]

Daniel, s. Nathan, "of a wound received in action of a British Packet. He was Capt. of main top on board the brig Grand Turk of Salem," May 2, 1814. PR65

Daniel, s. Nathan, jr. and Ann, Oct. 6, 1817, a. 7 m. PR65

Daniel Ormond, S. Nathan and Ann, at Masoula, Coast of Africa, Aug. 15, 1843, a. 22 y. 8 m. 25 d. PR65

Deborah, a. 64 y. Issue of Nov. 19, 1802. NR9

Deborah [wid. William of Andover. NR9], old age, Oct. 15, 1823, a. 92 y.

Elizabeth, w. John, a. 23 y. Issue of July 6, 1824. NR9

Elizabeth [wid. NR9], apoplexy, bur. at Danvers, d. Feb. 13, 1826, a. 64 y.

Elizabeth, of Andover, a. 36 y. Issue of June 24, 1834. NR9

Elizabeth, Mrs., bur. Feb. 27, 1841, a. 69 y. CR5

Fanny, d. Theophilus and Fanny, Mar. 1, 1812, a. 8 y. GR7

Hannah, d. William [sister Capt. Daniel. PR61], late of Andover, a. 48 y. Issue of June 29, 1810. NR9

Hannah D[imon. NR9], Oct. 10, 1830, a. 5 y.

Hannah Nutting, wid. Nathan, Dec. 10, 1834, a. 73 y. 1 m. 8 d. PR65

John, at the West Indies, a. 37 y. Issue of Jan. 3, 1806. NR9

John, June 21, 1834, a. 42 y. NR9

Joseph, on ship Suffolk, at sea, --- --, 1825, a. 20 y.

Joseph T., suddenly, May 8, 1831, a. 36 y. NR9

Joseph E., s. John, deceased, dysentery, Aug. 18, 1842, a. 37 y.

Love, w. Peter, Esq., suddenly, a. 77 y. Issue of Feb. 21, 1809. NR9

Polly, d. Capt. Peter and Nabby, Apr. 5, 1803, a. 11 y. GR1

Mary E., Mrs., Feb. 27, 1841, a. 69 y. NR9

Mary E[llen. NR9], d. Nathan A[ugustus. NR9] and Sarah M., dropsy in head, Oct. 28, 1846, a. 1 y.

Moses [s. William. PR65], a. 47 y. Issue of July 30, 1816. NR9 [a. 45 y. PR65]

Nathan, bur. Dec. 14, 1810, a. 56 y. NR9

Peace B., b. Danvers, d. William and Anna, consumption, Sept. 22, 1846, a. 18 y.

Peter, s. Col., grandson Col. B. Pickman, at the charity house, dysentery, Apr. 12, 1815, a. 60 y. CR4

Peter [a Revolutionary pensioner. NR9], old age, July 1, 1839, a. 75 y. [a. 78 y. NR9]

Prudence, w. Capt. Daniel, bur. May 12, 1813, in her 73d y. NR9

Rebecca, of New York, wid. Jedediah, d. James and Rebecca Farnham, age, at New York, Jan. 10, 1849, a. 74 y.

Sarah, w. Benjamin, consumption, bur. at Danvers, d. Feb. 22, 1822, a. 66 y.

Sally, fits, Mar. 1, 1841, a. 54 y.

William Henry, s. Joseph S., on board steamer Phenix, at Flint Island (Ohio River), a. 22 y. Issue of Oct. 13, 1848. NR9


_____, ch. _____, bur. Dec. 17, 1800. CR11

_____, ch. Elijah, bur. Oct. 25, 1806. PR61

_____, grandch. Samuel, bur. Nov. 4, 1807. PR61

_____, ch. Archelaus. Issue of Aug. 30, 1808. NR9

_____, ch. Thomas, at the poorhouse, bur. Nov. 6, 1810. PR61

_____, Miss, bur. Apr. 22, 1814. PR61

_____, Mrs., bur. Sept. 18, 1814. PR61

_____, Mr., at the poorhouse, bur. Apr. 16, 1816. PR61

_____, ch. Archelaus. Issue of Sept. 20, 1816. NR9

_____, ch. Thomas, 3d. Issue of Sept. 12, 1817. NR9

_____, d. Elijah, cholera, Sept. 15, 1821, a. 3 w.

Archelaus, phthisis pulmonalis, Mar. 27, 1828, a. 48 y.

Benjamin, Feb. 25, 1821, a. 1 y.

Clarissa, Mrs., bur. Nov. 21, 1834, a. 39 y. NR9

Clarisa G., d. Archelaus and Clarisa, fever, Oct. 17, 1847, a. 28 y.

Daniel, Rev., of Gloucester, at Boston, accident, May 23, 1829, a. 89 y. CR1

Debby, wid. David, of Middleton, age, bur. at Danvers, d. Oct. 9, 1842, a. 82 y.

Edwin [Edward. NR9], s. Nehemiah P., scarlet fever, Nov. 26, 1841, a. 1 y.

Elijah, --- --, 1827. tomb. GR8

Elizabeth, Mrs., a. 88 y. Issue of Aug. 10, 1838. NR9

Elizabeth Ann, Jan. 27, 1839. PR152

Ephraim W., s. Robert A., infantile, Apr. 11, 1846, a. 14 d.

Eunice, d. Samuel, consumption, May 24, 1819, a. 34 y.

George, s. Capt. Elijah, bur. Oct. 9, 1811, a. 16 m. NR9

Hannah, w. Thomas. Issue of Oct. 1, 1816. NR9

Hannah Maria, d. Thomas, a. 2 y. Issue of Mar. 29, 1831. NR9

Jacob, only s. Jacob, "well yesterday and dead this day," Feb. 3, 1694, a. 3 y. CR2

Jesse, "killed by upsetting baggage waggon," Apr. 18, 1822. a. 42 y.

John, h. Rebecka (Putnam), 25: 6m: 1675. CTR

Jack, alias Pyncheon, dropsy, bur. Aug. 4, 1798. CR11

Lydia B., d. Nathan and Lydia (Brown), July 16, 1806.

Lydia, w. Archelaus, bur. Apr. 28, 1813, a. 28 y. NR9

Lydia, typhus fever, at the workhouse, Oct. 4, 1823, a. 10 y.

Lydia, w. Nathan, consumption, Jan. 31, 1829, a. 44 y.

Mary, w. Elijah, consumption, Jan. 13, 1828, a. 40 y.

Mary, d. Thomas and Nancy, consumption, Nov. 1, 1846, a. 21 y.

Nathan, old age, Oct. 5, 1839, a. 75 y. [a. 62 y. NR9]

Palfry, consumption, July 9, 1818, a. 28 y.

Priscilla, d. Samuel, consumption, Dec. 16, 1818, a. 30 y.

Rachell, w. Joseph, Mar. 6, 1711-12.

Ruth, w. Archelaus, a. 26 y. Issue of Sept. 3, 1811. NR9

Samuel, "at meeting ye Sab. day, well, before tusday was speechlys & dyed this day," Jan. 1, 1688-9, a. 27 y. CR2

Samuel, Capt., at Kemo, in the China sea, a. 23 y. Issue of Sept. 3, 1802. NR9

Samuel, hernia and old age, Dec. --, 1828, a. 81 y.

Thomas, sr., June --, 1698, a. 80 y. CR2

Thomas, intemperance, at the workhouse, Mar. 2, 1821, a. 67 y.

Thomas, s. Thomas, deceased, consumption, Apr. 15, 1842, a. 27 y.


Elizabeth, old age, Aug. 7, 1821, a. 79 y.


Hannah G., b. Fairfield, ME, d. Joseph and Rhoda, typhus fever, bur. at Lynn, d. Dec. 17, 1849, a. 21 y.

FURGUSON (Ferguson)

_____, s. Thomas B., Sept. 7, 1828, a. 6 w.


Edward, numb palsy, Feb. 8, 1816, a. 85 y. PR35

Philip, from Wexford, Ireland, at Whitfords, Dec. 8, 1798, a. 22 y. CR4