NorthShore Slavery

RADFORD (Rathsford)

_____, ch. Benjamin, infantile, Mar. 26, 1848, a. 1 d.

Benjamin F[ranklin. NR9], s. Benjamin and Martha, scarlet fever, June 1, 1849, a. 4112 y.

Daniel, s. Daniel and Mary, drowned, Oct. 4, 1844, a. 8½ y.

Harriet, d. John, cholera morbus, July 21, 1818, a. 2 y.

John, May 27, 1838, a. 61 y. GR7

RADIX (Radax)

Jonathan, s. Jonathan, mariner, deceased, Mar. 21, 1795.


Martha J[ane. NR9], s. William and Martha, scrofula, Apr. 27, 1849, a. 6½ y.

RAGEN (Ragin)

John, s. William and Hanah, dysentery, Oct. 22, 1849, a. 9 m.

RAGIN (Ragen)

Dennis, b. Ireland, s. William and Joanna, measles, Jan. 13, 1847, a. 1 y.

RAMSDELL (Ramsdale, Ramsden)

_____, s. Alexander, scald, Dec. 18, 1826, a. 2 y.

Allen, s. William and Huldah, July 6, 1800, a. 1 y. 4 m. GR1

Annis, Mrs., of Marblehead, a. 53 y. Issue of Feb. 9, 1813. NR9

Anthony, a. 68 y. Issue of Apr. 22, 1834. NR9

Charles H[enry. NR9], s. William, fits, Mar. 19, 1843, a. 7 m.

Daniel, seaman of the ship Windsor Castle, of Boston, at Havre, July 23, 1848, a. 20 y. NR9

George, s. William and Huldah, Oct. 23, 1802, a. 2 y. GR1

Huldah, w. Capt. William, June 8, 1801, a. 35 y. GR1

John, at Havanna. Issue of July 25, 1809. NR9

Mary, w. Anthony, ascites, Mar. 13, 1824, a. 54 y.

Sarah K[enney. NR9], d. William and Hannah A., dropsy in head, Oct. 4, 1846, a. 5 y.

William, s. William and Huldah, May 14, 1801, a. 9 y. GR1

RAMSDEN (Ramsdell)

_____, s. _____, July --, 1801. CR1

_____, Mrs., July --, 1801. CR1

_____, ch. Capt., Oct. --, 1802, a. 2 y. CR1


_____, wid. Ebenezer. Issue of June 29, 1824. NR9

Abigail, wid., consumption, Jan. 30, 1828, a. 63 y.

Abraham, blind, hectic, Feb. -- [Jan. 25. GR7], 1804, a. 68 y. CR1

Ebenezer, suicide, Jan. 7, 1822, a. 38 y.

Elizabeth, d. Beckford L., pneumonia, June 2, 1828, a. 3 y.

Horatio J., s. Charles and Rispah, dysentery, Sept. 12, 1848, a. 19 y.

Mary [w. Abraham. PR77], consumption, Sept. 4, 1819, a. 84 y.

Mary Elizabeth, d. Beckford L. and Eunice, June 2, 1828 [a. 3 y. NR9]

Mary, Mrs., a. 60 y. Issue of July 30, 1833. NR9

Mary N., d. Charles and Rispah, Aug. 13, 1849, a. 16 y.

Sarah, wid., enteritis, July 2, 1824, a. 34 y.

Susan Carter, d. B.L., a. 11 m. Issue of Oct. 11, 1831. NR9

Thomas, nervous fever, Dec. 9, 1820, a. 65 y.

William O[liver. NR9], s. Beckford L., atrophy, Oct. 26, 1830, a. 1 y.

RANDALL (Randell)

Catharine, Mrs., a. 25 y. Issue of Aug. 25, 1807. NR9

Elizabeth, d. Samuel, dysentery, Oct. 4, 1818, a. 15 m.

G.A. [George Augustus. NR9], s. Samuel, apthoe, Jan. 8, 1825, a. 15 m.

Lucy, d. Samuel, dysentery, Oct. 27, 1818, a. 4 y.

Mary, consumption, Oct. 11, 1819, a. 36 y.

RANDELL (Randall)

Lucyann A., d. Samuel, consumption, Dec. 12, 1842, a. 22 y.

RANKIN (Ranking)

Nancy, w. J., consumption, Sept. 28, 1841, a. 69 y.

RANSOM (Ransem, Ranson)

_____, d. Cato, bur. Aug. 28, 1797. CR11

Remember, wid. Cato, old age, bur. Oct. 3, 1843, a. 84 y. CR11

RANSON (Ransom)

_____, w. Cato, bur. Jan. 31, 1809. CR11

_____, ch. Cato, bur Apr. 24, 1816, a. 14 m. CR11

Ann, w. William, a. 27, y. Issue of Aug. 13, 1819. NR9


Mary (Preston), wid. Robert, decay, July 17, 1816, a. 61 y. CR4

Samuel, apothecary, s. _____ (Preston), at Bilboa with Capt. Haskell of Beverly, consumption, Apr. 20, 1802, a. 21 y. CR4

William [s. Mary. GR1], clerk of barque Camel, Breed, at sea, scurvey, July 7, 1816, a. 22 y. CR4


Moses, consumption, bur. at Newburyport, d. Apr. 13, 1843, a. 37 y.

RAVEL (Ravell)

_____, d. Mary, bur. May 1, 1805. PR61

Adam [a Revolutionary soldier. NR9], consumption, May 16, 1827, a. 76 y. [1828. PR462]

Elizabeth, w. Adam, dysentery, Aug. 18, 1826, a. 71 y.

RAVELL (Ravel)

John, Apr. 6, 1810, a. 30 y. PR462

Joseph, Dec. 9, 1796, a. 18 y. PR462

Joseph, Aug. 18, 1797. PR462

Matthew, June 8, 1835, a. 44 y. PR462

Susan H., d. John and Eliza, consumption, Feb. 3, 1848, a. 18¼ y.

RAY (Rea)

Daniell, s. Joshua and Sara (Waters), Mar. 5, 1714-15. CTR

Sara, d. Joshua and Sara (Waters), --- --, [bet. 1658 and 1661.]

RAYMENT (Raymond)

Abigaile, d. John and Rachell, 18: 10m: 1662. CTR

Bethia, d. John and Rachell, 4: 10m: [aft. 1655]. CTR

Elizabeth, d. John and Rachell, 25: 10m: 1662. CTR

Rachell, w. John, May 2, 1666. CTR

RAYMOND (Rayment, Remond)

Deliverance [w. David. NR9], intemperance, Oct. 9, 1820, a. 57 y.

Emma, w. Abner, Sept. 10, 1823, a. 50 y.

M.A., d. Charles, mortification, Sept. 26, 1827, a. 2 y.

Hannah Davis, d. Charles, bur. Sept. 9, 1831, a. 5 y. CR11

Joanna A., d. Frederic W., scarlet fever, July 24, 1842, a. 5 y.

John W., s. Charles, lung fever, Mar. 18, 1842, a. 2½ y.

Lois, w. Abner, intemperance, Feb. 7, 1819, a. 57 y.

Mary Ann, d. Charles, measles, Oct. 1, 1825, a. 2 y.

RAYNER (Reyner)

Ann M[aria. CR11], d. Warren G. [and Catharine. CR11], dropsy, Jan. 31, 1842, a. 7 m.

REA (Ray)

_____, ch. Joshua, May --, 1700, a. 7 w. CR2

_____, ch. Daniell, --- --, 1702-3. CR2

_____, ch. Capt. Samuel, bur. Dec. 24, 1809. PR61 [a. 2 y. NR9]

_____, ch. Capt. Samuel, bur. Oct. 22, 1810. PR61

Ann J.J.M., Mrs., chronic hepatitis, Sept. 15, 1822, a. 57 y.

Archelaus, watchmaker, a. 42 y. Issue of Dec. 18, 1792. NR9

[Charles. NR9], s. [Capt. NR9] Samuel, dropsy of ye brain, July 24, 1830, a. 6 y.

Edward D.P., s. Archelaus, 2d officer of the brig Pioneer, lost overboard in the River La Plata, S. America. Issue of Nov. 20, 1838. NR9

[Elizabeth. NR9], w. Uzziel, d. _____ Nurse, hectic, Mar. 17, 1791, a. 25 y. CR1

Elizabeth, w. Capt. Archelaus, a. 29 y. Issue of Apr. 4, 1809. NR9

Eufame, d. Daniel, jr. and Rebeckah, Mar. 24, 1733-4.

Fanny, a. 20 y. Issue of May 1, 1804. NR9

George Campbel Smith, s. Capt. Samuel, throat distemper, Mar. 31, 1820, a. 4 y.

Margaret, wid. Zorababel, Aug. 28, 1744. PR19

Mary, d. Archelaus, deceased, a. 20 y. Issue of June 10, 1800. NR9

Mary, wid., bur. Mar. 16, 1808, a. 51 y. NR9

Mary, d. Capt. Samuel, Nov. 20, 1838, a. 26 y. NR9

Mason, s. Archelaus, Dec. 17, 1831, in his 23d y. NR9

Moses, s. Zerubabel and Margaret (Rogers), Oct. 24, 1728.

Samuel, merchant, h. Sarah (Barr), erysipelas, Oct. 1, 1842, a. 61 y.

Sarah, w. Joshua, sr., May 19, 1700, a. 70 y. CR2

Sally [sister Capt. Archelaus. PR61]. Issue of Oct. 11, 1811. NR9

William, s. Samuel, "9 dayes sick," Aug. 21, 1693, a. 2 y. 4 m. CR2

Zorobabel, Jan. 22, 1739, a. 65 y. PR19

READ (Reed)

_____, d. Nathan, vomiting and purging, July 22, 1793, a. 2 y. CR1

_____, w. Jacob. Issue of Mar. 1, 1796. NR9

_____, from New Salem, schoolmaster, drowned by the sinking of the sloop Defiance, Capt. Porter, between Eagle Island and Bowditch's Ledge, Sept. 17, 1812, a. abt. 30 y. NR9

_____, ch. John H., at Leicester, a. 4 m. Issue of Oct. 30, 1812. NR9

Abigail, dropsy, Mar. 15, 1821, a. 22 y.

Abigail, w. Reuben, Mar. 15, 1824. GR8

Daniel, on board the brig Happy Chance, at sea. Issue of Nov. 22, 1816. NR9

Daniel, drowned at South mills, bur. at Danvers, d. May 5, 1821, a. 52 y.

Emory Augustus, s. John, a. 10 m. Issue of Sept. 2, 1831. NR9

Franklin, consumption, Oct. 19, 1823, a. 23 y.

Henry C., formerly of Danvers, suddenly, Aug. 7, 1847, a. 45 y. NR9

Jacob, s. Thomas and Mary, 22: 12m: 1658. CTR

Jacob, s. Thomas and Mary, 19: 9m: 1663. CTR

Jacob [a Revolutionary soldier. NR9], fever, bur. at Danvers, d. Jan. 7, 1825, a. 71 y.

John, s. Thomas and Mary, 21: 8m: 1661. CTR

John [Francis. NR9], s. Jacob, consumption, Dec. 11, 1819, a. 21 m.

John Francis, s. John, a. 2 y. Issue of Sept. 5, 1823. NR9

Mary, w, John H. Issue of Aug. 18, 1812. NR9

Mary Pulsifer, twin d. Clark, a. 7 m. Issue of Apr. 13, 1832. NR9

[Reuben Augustus. NR9], s. Reuben, cholera infantum, Sept. 5, 1821, a. 9 m.

Sara, d. Thomas and Mary, Mar. 4, 1662. CTR

[Thomas Bowditch. NR9], s. Thomas, cholera, Sept. 15, 1821, a. 9 m. [a. 14 m. NR9]


_____, ch. William, Mar. 29, 1828, a. 9 d. CR10

Elizabeth, m., d. P.A. and Elizabeth McIntire, age, June 16, 1847, a. 70 y.


Catharine, burn, at the almshouse, Aug. 4, 1829, a. 70 y.


Joanna, d. Edward and Bridget, fits, Aug. 25, 1846, a. 17 m.

REED (Read)

_____, b. Danvers, s. Daniel and Sarah, Sept. 2, 1799, a. 7 m. CR4

_____, s. stillborn, Jorn, jr., May 14, 1825.

_____, inf. d. Reuben, marasmus, Aug. 6, 1825.

_____, ch. Mary, May 19, 1826, a. 1 y. CR10

_____, d. William, croup, Jan. 17, 1839, a. 3 m.

Ann, wid. Michael U., consumption, Apr. 9, 1844, a. 38 y.

Deborah, w. Nathaniel, bur. Mar. 30, 1831, a. 45 y. NR9

Eliza Ann, d. William, at Medford, Apr. 2, 1837, a. 11 y. 3 m. NR9

Elizabeth Holyoke, d. Nathan and Elizabeth, July 22, 1793, a. 2 y. 2 w. GR1

Ellen M[aria. NR9], d. Henry and Martha E., teething, July 13, 1846, a. 7½ m.

Fidelia, w. Reuben, consumption, Nov. 25, 1830, a. 30 y.

Francis, s. John, fits, Aug. 31, 1823, a. 2 y.

Henry, s. Benjamin and Seaby, Oct. 11, 1810, a. 1 y. 11 d. GR1

Henry A[lonzo. NR9], s. Henry C[lark. CR5], and Mary D., scarlet fever, Apr. 27, 1847, a. 5 y.

Martha E[llen. NR9], w. Henry J., d. John and Martha Jelly, consumption, Dec. 31, 1845, a. 21 y.

Polly [Mary. GR1], Mrs. [w. Daniel, jr. GR1], d. Samuel Archer [merchant. NR9], Sept. 29, 1796, a. abt. 20 y. [a. 22 y. NR9]

Mary, Mrs., d. Rev. E. Stone, Dec. 1, 1804. PR55

Mary, w. Robert, consumption, Aug. 11, 1827, a. 38 y.

Nicholas, "Edw. Putmans man killd wth ye Indians," Oct. 2, 1689, a. 18 y. CR2

Paul, of Boothbay [of Townsend. NR9], Jan. 21, 1799, a. 64 y. GR1

Reuben, consumption, Apr. 4, 1833, a. 38 y. CR1

Sarah [d. John S. NR9], consumption, Oct. 1, 1828 [Sept. 24. CR10], a. 19 y.

Seba, b. Charlestown [w. Benjamin. NR9], d. Thaddeus and Rahamah Wellington, dysentery, Oct. 6, 1849, a. 63 y.

Thomas, of Wenham, bur. Apr. 13, 1793. CR11

Thomas, at Waldoborough, ME, Mar. 15, 1819. Issue of Mar. 23, 1819. NR9

Thomas, tinplate worker, h. Mary (Brindley), ulcers, Oct. 2, 1846, a. 49 y.

REEVES (Reaves, Rives)

_____, ch. William, bur. Oct. 21, 1756, a. 2 y. CR1

_____, ch. Benjamin, bur. Sept. 30, 1757, a. 14 m. CR1

_____, ch. William, jr., bur. May 23, 1759, a. 20 m. CR1

_____, Issue of Dec. 9, 1774. NR10

_____, Mr., palsy, Oct. --, 1799, a. 60 y. CR1

_____, ch. _____. Issue of Aug. 30, 1808. NR9

_____, ch. Asa, bur. Mar. 1, 1810. PR61

_____, ch. John. Issue of Mar. 6, 1810. NR9

_____, ch. Asa, bur. Nov. 20, 1811. PR61

_____, a. 40 y. Issue of Dec. 15, 1815. NR9

_____, s. Asa, pneumonia after measles, Nov. --, 1821, a. 2 y.

_____, ch. William, a. 7 w. Issue of Oct. 4, 1836. NR9

_____, ch. Robert, bur. Dec. 23, 1837, a. 3 y. CR5

Asa, Jan. 26, 1837, a. 69 y. NR9

Benjamin, bur. Nov. 17, 1759. CR1

Hannah, a. 40 y. Issue of Sept. 13, 1811. NR9

Hannah, jaundice, May 2, 1830, a. 75 y.

John, Sept. 15, 1781. PR420

Lydia, wid. Thomas P., age, July 26, 1843, a. 76 y. [a. 65 y. NR9]

Martha, June 12, 1781. PR420

Nathanael, bur. Feb. 10, 1757, a. 72 y. CR1

Nathaniel, Apr. 3, 1771, a. 18 y. PR420

Nathaniel. Issue of Dec. 18, 1774. NR4

Priscilla, w. William, Sept. 21, 1834, a. 37 y. NR9

Robert Henry, a. 4 y. Issue of Sept. 17, 1833. NR9

Samuel, Nov. --, 1804. PR420

Sarah E., d. Robert, a. 22 m. Issue of Oct. 1, 1833. NR9

Sarah M., Dec. 22, 1838. PR420

William, Oct. 2, 1796, a. abt. 86 y.

William, s. Thomas Peach and Lydia (Munnion), throat distemper and scarlet fever, May 5, 1808, a. 4 y. CR4


REITH (Reath)

_____, wid., mother of Capt. _____ Reith, late of the ship Freedom [dysentery. CR11], a. 65 y. Issue of Sept. 25, 1807. NR9

John, fever, at Savannah, --- --, 1823, a. 50 y.

REMOND (Raymond)

_____, s. John, pneumonia after measles, Nov. 2, 1821.

[Cornelius. NR9], s. John, cynanche trachealis, Oct. 26, 1821, a. 4 y.

Mary [ch. John. NR9], lung fever, Apr. 30, 1820, a. 6 m.

Susan Lenox, d. John L. and Ruth B., Sept. 24, 1848, a. 2 y. NR9


Augustus, b. Milford, NH, s. John and G., consumption, Oct. 20, 1847, a. 35 y.

C.L. [Caroline Lucretia. NR9], d. John, Apr. 19, 1830, a. 2 y.

John, Oct. 20, 1847, a. 35 y. NR9

Keziah, b. New Hampshire, w. John, d. James and Mary Marvell, consumption, Feb. 9, 1846, a. 59 y.

Sarah E. Newhall, d. Augustus, dropsy in head, May 13, 1843, a. 4 y.

Sarah E[llen. NR9], d. Augustus, croup, Dec. 8, 1849, a. 5 1/3 y.

REYNOLDS (Renolls)

Edward P[erkins. NR9], s. John P. and Sarah R., consumption, Oct. 17, 1846, a. 3 m.

Hamilton D., s. Col. Daniel, of Londonderry, NH, deceased, bur. Jan. 21, 1835, a. 61 y. NR9

John Perkins, s. John, a. 16 m. Issue of Oct. 31, 1837. NR9

[Timothy. NR9], a. rigger, died by a fall, bur. May 2, 1796. CR11

RHOADES (Rhodes, Rhods, Roods)

Dolly, w. John J.C., Mar. 23, 1837, a. 60 y. GR7

Frederick, b. Prussia, mariner, s. John, paralysis, Dec. 4, 1849, a. 72 y.

Martha, d. Samuel, a. 21 m. Issue of Dec. 23, 1836. NR9

Rachel P[ickering. NR9], d. Crispus and Susan, consumption, Apr. 30, 1846, a. 14½ y.

RHODES (Rhoades)

Benjamin, s. Crispus, July 31, 1832, a. 14 y. NR9

George W., at Bradford, a. 16 y. Issue of Mar. 19, 1822. NR9

John, with Capt. Jonathan Bickford, sailed from Trinidad Mar. 8, in the brig Hector, lost at sea, --- --, 1807. PR82

Mary [W. NR9], w. John, inflammation of bowels, June 16, 1842, a. 32 y.

Mary W., d. John [W. and Mary Wilson. GR8], erysipelas, July 11, 1842, a. 1 m.

RHUE (Ruee)

Samuel, s. Thomas, at Port au Prince with Capt. B. Dean, fever, received news July 19, 1795, a. 14 y. CR4

Susanna Becket, w. Thomas, fever, Nov. 1, 1805, a. 58 y. CR4

Thomas, h. Susanna (Becket), at the charity house, aged, Jan. 20, 1815, a. 75 y. CR4

William, s. William and Helen, d. James Tytler, atrophy, Oct. 2, 1810, a. 14 m. CR4

RHUEE (Ruee)

Ann, old age, Feb. 19, 1825, a. 97 y.


Abigail, b. Marblehead, w. John F[redrick. NR9], d. John and Elizabeth Peach, June 24, 1849, a. 63 y.

Priscilla, w. John, a. 62 y. Issue of June 26, 1838. NR9


Eliza Foster, at Dorchester, a. 15 y. Issue of Sept. 17, 1805. NR9

Elizabeth, d. Henry, cholera morbus, Mar. 10, 1841, a. 24 y.

Hannah [wid. Dr. Matthias, formerly of Dorchester. NR9], pneumonia, Feb. 19, 1824, a. 61 y.

Henry, s. Matthias, physician in Saco, and Hannah, d. Capt. Joseph Lambert, drowned at sea, received new Jan. 4, 1807, a. 22 y. CR4

Martha, wid., age, July 23, 1826, a. 80 y.

Nathan, Col., Apr. 30, 1834, a. 81 y. CR1

Priscilla Lambert, born Scarborough, d. Matthias, physician, from Saco, dec., and Hannah (Lambert), scarlet fever and throat distemper, Dec. 13, 1802, a. 4 y. CR4


Bethiah, d. Obadiah and Bethiah (Williams), --: 11m: 1662. CTR

Mary, d. Obadiah and Bethiah (Williams), --- --, 1674. CTR


_____, twin daughters, William, Aug. 15, 1693. CR2

_____, ch. Jonathan. Issue of Sept. 29, 1801. NR9

_____, d. George S., a. 5 y. CR10 [Issue of Mar. 14, 1834. NR9]

Amanda M., at New York, Sept. 25, 1839, a. 24 y. NR9

Benjamin, a. 36 y. Issue of Aug. 5, 1803. NR9

Benjamin, with Capt. Jonathan Bickford, sailed from Trinidad, Mar. 8, in the brig Hector, lost at sea --- --, 1807. PR82

Benjamin M., consumption, June 2, 1843, a. 33 y.

David, jr., s. David, a. 14 y. Issue of Nov. 19, 1802. NR9

David, a. 58 y. Issue of Nov. 20, 1810. NR9

Elizabeth, d. Richard and Elizabeth (Reeves), May 30, 1662. CTR

J., --- --, 1808. tomb. GR7

George S., jr., mariner, s. George S. and Sarah, India dysentery, Sept. 19, 1849, a. 24 y.

John, s. George and Sarah, Mar. 13, 1834, a. 4 d. GR7

John, a. 64 y. Issue of Oct. 19, 1841. NR9

Jonathan, shoemaker, consumption, Oct. 15, 1841, a. 64 y.

Joseph, s. David, a. 14 y. Issue of Nov. 26, 1802. NR9

Joseph, palsy, Aug. 1, 1843, a. 68 y.

Lewis [a native of France. NR9], intemperance, Jan. 6, 1824, a. 60 y.

Lucinda, Mrs., suddenly, a. 51 y. Issue of Jan. 9, 1838. NR9

Mary, wid., bur. Aug. 7, 1815. PR61 [a. 63 y. NR9]

Mary J[ane. CR10], d. George [and Sarah. GR7], pleuritis, May 25, 1830, a. 1 y.

Nancy, d. David, a. 18 y. Issue of Nov. 19, 1802. NR9

Rebecca, nurse, a. 57 y. Issue of Apr. 1, 1800. NR9

Richard, at Savannah, a. 30 y. Issue of Nov. 2, 1810. NR9

Sally, a. 22 y. Issue of June 21, 1831. NR9

Sarah Ellen, d. George and Sarah, Apr. 21, 1832, a. 4 y. 8 m. GR7 [a. 5 y. NR9]

Walter, July 18, 1797, a. 54 y.

William, smallpox, Jan. 10, 1840, a. 40 y.

Willis, 1st officer of the ship Montgomery, at Savannah, a. 30 y. Issue of Oct. 4, 1822. NR9


_____, wid. Issue of Nov. 15, 1796. NR9

_____, wid. Issue of Nov. 11, 1803. NR9

_____, ch. Josiah, bur. Sept. 14, 1804. CR11

Abigail [d. Josiah. NR9], consumption, Aug. 7, 1826, a. 52 y.

Abigail, family of Josiah, jr., heart affection, July 12, 1840, a. 60 y.

Addison, Capt., July 31, 1811, a. 72 y. GR7

Addison, carpenter, s. Addison and Mary, age, Nov. 25, 1848, a. 85 y.

Anna, w. Charles, b. Jan. 27, 1759, d. Apr. 29, 1833. GR8

Anstis, w. Capt. Addison, Dec. 8, 1807, a. 52 y. GR7

Augusta Ilsley, d. William P. and Deborah L., Feb. 7, 1811, a. 3 m. GR8

Avis, w. Parker, a. 65 y. Issue of July 21, 1846. NR9

Catherine [w. James. NR9], consumption, July 26, 1821, a. 38 y.

Catherine, d. James, phthisis pulmonalis, Dec. 14, 1824, a. 18 y.

Charles, s. Jesse and Eunice, by hot water thrown from a window, Aug. 6, 1813, a. 2 y. CR4

Charles, a Revolutionary soldier, Apr. 19, 1836, a. 80 y. NR9

Deborah, w. Addison, dropsy, June 10, 1823, a. 52 y.

Deborah P., fever, July 16, 1826, a. 11 y.

Deborah L[ang. NR9], wid. William P., d. Edward and Rachel Lang. lung fever, Mar. 7, 1845, a. 59 y.

Edmund, Jan. 9, 1832, a. 50 y. NR9

Betsey, d. Nathaniel and Eunice, Dec. 6, 1788, a. 11 m. CR4

Betsy, d. Nathaniel and Enice, Dec. 5, 1789. GR1

J., --- --, 1838. tomb. GR7

Eunice, d. Nathaniel, from Woburn, and Eunice (Putnam of Danvers), consumption, Sept. 15, 1802, a. 23 y. CR4

Eunice, d. Joshua [and Elizabeth. GR8] Dodge, w. Jesse, s. Nathaniel, internal obstructions, Oct. 20, 1812, a. 34 y. CR4

Eunice P., b. Danvers, wid. Nathaniel, age, Nov. 26, 1846, a. 95 y.

Hannah, organic disease of the heart, Dec. [27. CR10], 1824, a. 17 y.

Hannah (Killam), wid. Stephen, consumption, Apr. 15, 1843, a. 61 y.

Henry R., of Williamsburg, b. NY, s. Addison and Elenor, croup, Apr. 23, 1845 a. 4 y.

Isaac, 1st officer of the ship Salem, of New Orleans, at Havre, by a fall, July 29, 1834. NR9

James [a Revolutionary pensioner. NR9], apoplexy, May 14, 1822, a. 70 y.

Jesse, merchant, h. Eunice (Dodge), d. Joshua, suicide, Feb. 11, 1814, a. 37 y. CR4

Joshua, Feb. 26, 1774, a. 28 y. GR1

Josiah, s. Josiah [jr. NR9], and Abigail, Nov. 22, 1801 [burnt to death. NR9], in his 4th y. GR8

Josiah, jr., intemperance, Nov. 4, 1824, a. 50 y. [a. 49 y. CR10]

Josiah, age, Apr. 30, 1826, a. 76 y.

Lydia, old age, June 10, 1840, a. 77 y.

Lydia, d. Jedediah, of Danvers, deceased, cancer, Dec. 21, 1843, a. 46 y.

Lydia B. [P. NR9], d. Henry and Content, consumption, bur. at Danvers, d. May 28, 1847, a. 16 y.

Margaret, w. Phineas, broken leg, May 9, 1827, a. 66 y.

Martha C., d. William H. and Elizabeth B., croup, Nov. 9, 1846, a. 2¼ y.

Mary, a. 47 y. Issue of Aug. 24, 1790. NR9

Mary, d. James, deceased, and Sarah, fever, Oct. 16, 1795, a. 7 y. CR4

Mary, w. Capt. Addison, Feb. 3, 1799, a. 62 y. GR7

Mary Ann (Dupy of Boston), w. David, of Woburn, fever, Jan. 3, 1802, a. 90 y. CR4

Mary, fever, July 19, 1821, a. 30 y.

Mary [w. William. NR9], old age, Aug. 18, 1821, a. 78 y.

Mary Ann, phthisis pulmonalis, July 30, 1830, a. 14 y.

Nathaniel, b. Woburn, killed by a moving house, Jan. 25, 1796, a. 54 y. CR4

Nathaniel, s. N. and Eunice, at Malaga, Spain, fever, Jan. 21, 1818, a. 48 y. CR4

Nathaniel, clerk of the ship Indus, lost overboard, Sept. 8, 1821. Issue of Dec. 25, 1821. NR9

Phineas, a. 73 y. Issue of June 10, 1836. NR9

Robert, Capt., from England, pilot, h. 1st Sarah (Nurse), 2d, wid. _____ Hunt, at Barnstable, Oct. 7, 1807, a 73 y. CR4

Robert, from Westford, h. _____ (Becket), d. James, house carpenter, consumption, May 6, 1816, a. 36 y. CR4

Ruth, w. Josiah, bur. Sept. 18, 1807, a. 53 y. NR9

Sarah, wid., age, Feb. --, 1828, a. 80 y. [Issue of Mar. 7. NR9]

Seth, s. Josiah, bur. Jan. 12, 1809, a. 21 y. NR9

Seth, on board ship "Glide" at Miambo Bay, Fiji Islands, Jan. 11, 1830, a. 18 y. PR656

Susannah [wid. NR9], age, Jan. 19, 1829, a. 86 y.

William, Capt., s. Capt. Addison, bur. Dec. 11, 1807, a. 38 y. NR9

William Jackson, s. W. and Mary (Watts), dropsy in the head, Sept. 27, 1813, a. 2 m. CR4

William, on ship Admittance of Boston, --- --, 1823, a. 29 y.

William P., consumption, Sept. 6, 1826, a. 41 y.

William, intemperance, Apr. 22, 1827, a. 42 y.


Dennis, --- --, 1849. CR5

Susan, d. Nathaniel, a. 3 y. Issue of Feb. 9, 1838. NR9

Susan, d. Nathaniel [d. Feb. 7, 1838. GR9], reinterred --- --, 1841.

Susan, d. Nathaniel and Anna, erysipelas, Nov. 25, 1846, a. 7 y.


Edward, s. Edward and Lucy A., fits, Nov. 4, 1846, a. 6 w.

Emeline, d. John accident, Jan. 8, 1844, a. 1 y.

Lucy A., d. Edward, fits, Aug. 28, 1841, a. 3 w.

Mary, b. Ireland, wid. Hugh, consumption, June 4, 1849, a. 70 y.


Ellen, d. Mathew, dropsy, June 11, 1844, a. 9 m.

Margaret, d. Mathew, teething, Oct. 26, 1842, a. 9 m.

Mehitable, wid. Seth, a. 63 y. Issue of June 8, 1838. NR9

Seth [goldsmith. NR9], bur. Mar. 29, 1792. CR11

Seth, s. Seth, cholera morbus, bur. Aug. 31, 1797. CR11

Seth, brass-founder, suddenly. Issue of Jan. 24, 1806. NR9

RINGE (Rindge)

Daniel, a. 50 y. Issue of Feb. 17, 1837. NR9

Sarah, wid., at Ipswich, a. 59 y. Issue of Oct. 26, 1824. NR9


Margeret, w. Thomas, 24: 5m: 1660. CTR

Susannah, wid., at the poorhouse, a. 90 y. Issue of Feb. 12, 1805. NR9

ROAPES (Ropes)

George, June --, 1670. CTR

Jonathan, s. George, Oct. 14, 1661. CTR

ROBBINS (Robens)

David, s. David, dysentery, Sept. 26, 1818, a. 12 y.

Elizabeth [w. Capt. David. NR9], phthisis pulmonalis, Feb. 9, 1821, a. 35 y.

Issabell, w. Thomas, Oct. 9, 1674. CTR

[Lydia Ann. NR9], d. David, peripneumonia, Apr. 14, 1821, a. 6 y.

Mary, wid., a. 68 y. Issue of Nov. 26, 1839. NR9

Nancy, w. William S., a. 29 y. Issue of Sept. 6, 1833. NR9

Thomas, mate of schr. Gen. Brooks, at sea, --- --, 1826, a. 45 y.

Thomas, sadler, lung fever, Feb. 12, 1844, a. 64 y.

William Seth, s. William S., bur. Oct. 4, 1833, a. 3 y. NR9

ROBENS (Robbins)

Mary, dysentery, at the almshouse, Nov. 8, 1839, a. 56 y. [a. 64 y. dup.]


_____, Dr., at Syracuse, New York. Issue of May 4, 1849. NR9

Alice, d. Ezekiel, dropsy, Aug. 28, 1844, a. 9 w.

Benjamin Peele, May 24, 1837, a. 26 y. NR9

Charles Berry, Jan. 2, 1846. PR579

Edward ["old Mr. " at the poorhouse. PR61], numb palsy, Feb. 20, 1816, a. 78 y. PR35

Elijah Sanderson, s. William, Oct. 10, 1823, a. 2 y.

Isabella, of Danvers, b. Danvers, d. Hoyt and Elizabeth A., at Danvers, Aug. 20, 1849, a. 4½ m.

John, Capt., of ship General Washington, sailed from Bordeaux Jan. 4, lost at sea, --- --, 1804. PR82

Jonathan, fever, Feb. 9, 1822, a. 65 y.

Martha, b. Hamilton, wid. Samuel, heart complaint, June 22, 1845, a. 70 y.

Mary A., d. Timothy and Mary, bowel complaint, Aug. 30, 1845, a. 5 m.

Nehemiah, 1st officer on the ship Caroline Augusta, off the coast of Sumatra. Issue of Oct. 15, 1841. NR9

Rachel, Mrs. Issue of Sept. 21, 1810. NR9

Samuel, jr., on board the ship Messenger, Capt. buffinton, at sea. Issue of Mar. 31, 1820. NR9

Samuel, a. 67 y. Issue of Mar. 6, 1835. NR9


John, an Englishman, consumption, bur. Oct. 1, 1815. CR11

Lydia, consumption, at the workhouse, Nov. 11, 1820, a. 26 y.

ROBIE (Roby)

Mary, w. Thomas, Esq., bur. Sept. 30, 1806, a. 65 y. NR9

Sarah, Mrs., a. 44 y. Issue of May 10, 1831. NR9

Thomas, b. Boston, d. Aug. 28, 1729, in his 41st y. GR7

Thomas, old age, Dec. [18, 1811. NR9], a. 84 y. CR1

William, s. Thomas and Mehitabel, Nov. 22, 1730, in his 6th y. GR7

ROBINSON (Robbinson)

Caroline [Elizabeth. NR9], d. Nathan, consumption, Nov. [16. CR1], 1827, a. 18 y. [a. 13 y. NR9]

Caroline M., d. J.A., dentist, consumption, bur. at Concord, d. July 23, 1841, a. 1½ y.

Catherine A., d. John, fits, Mar. 13, 1843, a. 8 m.

Ebenezer [of Cushing, ME. NR9], intemperance, Oct. 23, 1820, a. 22 y.

Eunice, w. Nathan, consumption, Apr. 20, 1827, a. 48 y.

Hannah [wid. Samuel. NR9], age, Oct. 13, 1825, a. 80 y.

Horatio, physician, s. Nathan and Eunice, dysentery, at Andover, Sept. 18, 1849, a. 45¾ y.

James, Oct. 17, 1797.

James, an Englishman, bur. Feb. 22, 1831, a. 51 y. CR11

Job, s. Samuell and Martha, --: 11m: 1672. CTR

John, a Scotchman, a. 29 y. Issue of Nov. 22, 1805. NR9

John, consumption, Jan. 3, 1826, a. 27 y.

John, b. Andover, merchant, h. Lucy Pickering (Stone), s. Aaron, dropsy, Apr. 24, 1846, a. 49 y.

Martha, d. William and Esbell, 5: 12m: 1645. CTF

Martha, paraplegia, at the almshouse, June 16, 1827, a. 71 y.

Martha E[lizabeth. NR9], of Dedham, b. Dedham, d. Elbridge G. and M.C., inflammation of bowels, Sept. 28, 1848, a. 22 m.

Martha A., of Charlestown, b. Charlestown, d. Edward and Nancy, canker, at Charlestown, Sept. 12, 1849, a. 6 m.

Mary, d. Samuell and Martha, --: 6m: 1670. CTR

Moses, s. Capt. Samuel, on board the brig Favorite, Capt. William Robinson, on the coast of guinea. Issue of Nov. 27, 1787. NR8

Nancy Hill, d. Edward [and Nancy. NR9], dysentery, Sept. 4, 1842, a. 2 y.

Nathan, --- --, 1802. tomb. GR7

Nathan, debility, Feb. 28, 1835, a. 64 y. CR1

Samuel, Capt., Aug. [8. GR8], 1808, a. 70 y. CR1

Vilot, Aug. --, 1824. CR13

Violet, Mrs., Nov. 5, 1849, a. 78 y. NR9

ROBY (Robie)

_____, "Aunt," Sept. 28, 1750. PR57

_____, grand, s. T., Esq., a. 8 y. Issue of Sept. 17, 1805. NR9

RODGERS (Rogers)

Jane, d. Thomas and Margaret, teething Sept. 25, 1848, a. 11 m.


Patrick, b. Lawrence, s. Edward and Dolly, drowned, Dec. 22, 1849, a. 19 m.

ROGERS (Rodgers)

_____, d. Nathaniel, Feb. 22, 1818, a. 21 d.

_____, d. Nathaniel L., Dec. 27, 1821, a. 1 d.

_____, s. Richard S., Esq., a. 3 m. Issue of Sept. 11, 1832. NR9

_____, ch. ----, bur. Apr. 22, 1846. CR5

Abigail (Dodge), school mistress, wid. Nathaniel, s. Rev. N. of Ipswich, St. Anthony's fire, Sept. 11, 1817, a. 53 y. CR4

Albert, b. New Hampshire, s. Albert and Susan K., scrofula, Apr. 22, 1846, a. 22 m.

Benjamin, s. Ebenezer, dysentery, Aug. 30, 1826, a. 9 m.

Daniel Staniford, s. Nathaniel and Abigail, fever, Feb. 24, 1795, a. 4 m. CR4

Elizabeth, w. John, Feb. 11, 1713-14, a. 68 y. 5 m. GR1

G.E. [George Edward. NR9], s. Richard S., dysentery, Sept. 26, 1827, a. 2 y.

Jane, d. Thomas and Margaret, cholera infantum, Aug. 30, 1849, a. 3 m.

John, Nov. 30, 1715, a. 68 y. GR1

John, b. Ipswich, England, h. Elizabeth (Crowinshield) Foot, on his passage from Canton to Boston, fever, received new Apr. 1, 1803, a. 26 y. CR4

Joseph F[ranklin. NR9], s. Joseph and Mary, scarlet fever, Dec. 24, 1847, a. 14 y.

Nathaniel, a. 39 y. Issue of Aug. 13, 1799. NR9

Nathaniel W., s. Nathaniel L., consumption, Oct. 26, 1832, a. 18 y. NR9

Sarah, d. Seth, chronic bronchitis, Feb. 23, 1830, a. 4 y.

Sarah Mayo, d. Capt. Seth, a. 4 y. Issue of Feb. 23, 1830. NR9

Sarah Elizabeth, d. Richard, S., Esq., Dec. 25, 1832, a. 3 y. 5 m. NR9

Sarah, w. Richard S., Esq., d. Hon. Jacob Crowninshield, deceased, July 12, 1835. NR9

Sarah K[night. NR9], d. Joseph, deceased, croup, Oct. 2, 1842, a. 4½ y.

Sarah, of Boston, w. Robert, d. William and Sarah Luscomb, paralysis, at Boston, Apr. 15, 1848, a. 57 y.

Seth Elvin, s. Capt. Seth, a. 13 m. Issue of July 12, 1833. NR9

William L., s. Nathaniel L., lung fever, Apr. 22, 1819, a. 6 w.

William A., master of brig Texel, at Siam, --- --, 1822, a. 28 y. [Issue of Mar. 15. NR9]


James, b. Haverhill, consumption, bur. at Haverhill, d. Dec. 22, 1840. a. 42 y.

John J., trader, consumption, bur. at Newburyport, d. Sept. 22, 1841, a. 41 y.

John P., s. James N., deceased, consumption, Nov. 1, 1842, a. 18 y.

Marion Eliza, sister John P., Dec. 4, 1842, a. 23 y. GR8

Martha J[ane. NR9], b. New York, d. John and Mary, burnt by clothes taking fire, Jan. 14, 1845, a. 4½ y.

Mary Ann O.P., b. Bradford, d. John J. and Mary, consumption, bur. at Newburyport, d. July 26, 1847, a. 16 y.

Miriam, Mrs., a. 40 y. Issue of Oct. 28, 1835. NR9

Nancy O., only, d. Thomas, Jan. 2, 1841, a. 25 y. NR9


Patrick, b. Ireland, laborer, consumption, Nov. 1, 1848, a. 39 y.

ROPES (Roapes)

_____, w. John, joyner, bur. July 4, 1757. CR1

_____, mother Judge Ropes, bur. May 16, 1775. PR655

_____, wid. Joseph. Issue of Mar. 27, 1781. NR11

_____, s. Nathaniel, Aug. 24, 1791, a. 3 w. CR1

_____, s. Nathaniel, dysentery, Aug. 28, 1793, a. 16 m. CR1

_____, s. Nathaniel, Sept. --, 1793. CR1

_____, d. "John Titcomb Ropes, or now Daughter to the wife of Capt. Benj. Shillaber," Sept. 8, 1796, a. 5 y.

_____, Mr., Apr. --, 1799. CR1

_____, Mrs., bur. Nov. 5, 1807. PR61 [a. 86 y. NR9]

_____, ch. Joseph, bur. Aug. 27, 1815. PR61

_____, d. Samuel, jr., dropsy in the head, Feb. --, 1826, a. 17 m. [Issue of Feb. 28. NR9]

_____, inf. d. Capt. Henry. Issue of Apr. 12, 1836. NR9

Abigail (Pickman), w. Nathaniel, --- --, 1775, a. 70 y. PR658

Abigail, w. John, hectic, June 4, 1783, a. 28 y. CR1

Abigail, hectic, Oct. 8, 1783, a. 26 y. CR1

Abigail, w. John, hectic, Mar. 28, 1786, a. 20 y. CR1

Abigail [wid. NR9], peripneumonia, Feb. 2, 1825, a. 84 y. [a. 83 y. CR1]

Abigail, Apr. 23, 1839. PR79

Abigail Pickman, from burns, Apr. 23, 1839, a. 42 y. NR9

Abigail, d. John and Hannah, deceased, cancer, Jan. 5, 1846, a. 61 y.

Almira, d. Capt. Benjamin, consumption, Dec. 28, 1818, a. 3 y.

Anna T[heresa. NR9], d. Charles A. and Mary A., scarlet fever, Apr. 20, 1849, a. 4 y.

Benjamin, s. Benjamin and Ann (Phippen), Mar. 1, 1695-6.

Benjamin, h. Ann (Phippen), Nov. 20, 1717.

Benjamin, s. Benjamin and Ann (Phippen), Sept. 26, 1732.

Benjamin [uncle of Joseph Henfield. PR40], a. 68, y. Issue of Apr. 27, 1790. NR9

Benjamin, unm., mariner, s. Samuel [merchant. CR4] and Sarah, accidental, Aug. 4, 1801, a. 19 y.

B.A. [Benjamin Augustus, inf. NR9], s. Henry, atrophy, May 15, 1829.

Benjamin, s. Jonathan, scarlet fever, June 11, 1840, a. 4 y.

Benjamin, trader [commander of a company in Col. Miller's regiment, in the War of 1812. NR9], fever, July 29, 1845, a. 73 y.

Daniel, Capt., h. Alice (Chever), at London, fever, Jan. 12, 1808, a. 42 y. CR4

Daniel, s. Daniel, deceased, and Elsey (Chever), at Chatham, Eng., a prisoner, Feb. 9, 1814, a. 19 y. CR4

Daniel [s. Joseph and Elizabeth. GR1], old age, Oct. 6, 1821, a. 84 y.

David, s. Benjamin and Ann (Phippen), Oct. 14, 1703.

David, Capt., killed at sea, June -- [May 29. NR7], 1782. CR1

David. Issue of Dec. 24, 1793. NR9

David, hectic, Feb. [12. NR9], 1812, a. 49 y. CR1

Ebenezer, Capt., commander of the Lady Sarah, at Majunga, Apr. 20, 1832. NR9

Edward, s. Samuel, bur. May 20, 1834, a. 3 y. NR9

Edward Payson, s. William, throat distemper, bur. at Marblehead, Oct. 26, 1839, a. 10 y.

Edward, s. Jonathan, whooping cough, May 19, 1840, a. 18 m.

Elizabeth, wid. Nathaniel, decline, Mar. 31, 1831, a. 73 y. CR1

Elizabeth G., d. James, a. 25 y. Issue of July 30, 1833. NR9

Eunice [Diman, d. John, Esq. CR1], hectic fever, Mar. 28, 1821, a. 25 y. [a. 35¼ y. PR24]

Francis, at Padang, brig Ontario, --- --, 1822, a. 23 y. [Issue of Nov. 29. NR9]

George, s. Benjamin and Ann (Phippen), July 19, 1710.

George [s. Joseph and Elizabeth. GR1], bur. Nov. 2, 1755. CR1 [a. 28 y. GR1]

George, s. George and Mary, Mar. 28, 1756, a. 6 m. 13 d. GR1

George, Capt., h. Seeth (Millet), at Gulf of Gibraltar, drowned, received news June 4, 1807, a. 43 y. CR4

George [s. George and Seeth (Millet). CR4], deaf and dumb, an intelligent painter, consumption, Jan. 24, 1819, a. 30 y.

George henry, s. George H. and Priscilla, congestionof brain, May 27, 1848, a. 1 y.

Hannah, d. Benjamin and Ann (Phippen), Oct. 9, 1703.

Hannah, w. Jonathan, a. 83 y. Issue of Dec. 14, 1830. NR9

Hannah (Harraden) [d. Capt. Jonathon. NR9], wid. John, consumption, June 29, 1845, a. 76 y.

James, Jan. 21, 1840, a. 63 y. PR492

James, assessor, 1st, w. Lucy (Groce), 2d w., Hannah (Perkins), s. Benjamin, affection of the kidneys, July 22, 1840, a. 66 y.

Jane B., b. Marblehead, w. Jonathan, d. Benjamin and Sarah Melzard, consumption, Apr. 11, 1849, a. 44 y. [a. 41 y. NR9]

John, shop keeper, Oct. 15, 1761. PR57

John, July 29, 1782. CR1

John, Capt., at sea [on his return from the West Indies. NR8], --- --, 1788, a. 25 y. CR1 [Issue of Oct. 28. NR8]

John, [old age. CR4], Jan. 26, 1792, a. 98 y.

John [H., s. John, Esq., on board ship Hercules. NR9], jr., at sea, --- --, 1821, a. 21 y. CR1 [Issue of Mar. 20. NR9]

John, at Batavia. ship Hercules, James King, jr., master, --- --, 1822, a. 21 y.

John, jr., palsy, July 29, 1825, a. 42 y.

John, marasmus, July 9, 1828, a. 65 y.

Jonathan, s. John, jr. and Dorothy (Bartlet), Jan. 19, 1710-11.

Jonathan, a. 80 y. Issue of Jan. 18, 1799. NR9

Jonathan, Capt., at Havanna, a. 34 y. Issue of Sept. 18, 1807. NR9

Jonathan, a. 86 y. Issue of May 20, 1836. NR9

Joseph, unm., s. Samuel and Sarah, Mar. 25, 1816, a. 19 y.

Joseph, jr., mate of the ship Susan, of Boston. Issue of May 27, 1817. NR9

Joseph Felt, s. Samuel, a. 6 y. Issue of Feb. 22, 1833. NR9

Joseph, s. Samuel, jr., Sept. 29, 1838 a. 5 y. NR9

Lucy [w. James. NR9], consumption, Jan. 29, 1821, a. 45 y.

Lidia, d. Samuel and Lidia (Neal), Jan. 21, 1710-11.

Lydia, mother of Charlotte (Nichols) Sanders, Feb. 25, 1835. PR174

Margaret, wid. [Benjamin. NR9], paralysis Mar. 29, 1826, a. 74 y.

Mary, w. Jonathan, merchant, Nov. 11, 1774, a. 43 y. NR4

Mary, d. Capt. John, Dec. 28, 1795. PR55

Mary, d. William and Mary, dropsy in the head, Jan. 15, 1796, a. 11 y. CR4

Mary, w. David. Issue of June 24, 1803. NR9

Mary, June 22, 1805. PR475

Mary, w. William [d. Dea. W. and Mary (White) Brown. CR4], consumption, Aug. --, 1818, a. 57 y. [Issue of Aug. 4. NR9]

Mary [Polly P. PR24], d. J[ohn, Esq. NR9], scrofula, Apr. 20, 1831, a. 24 y. CR1

Mary E., of Danvers, b. Danvers, d. Henry T., scarlet fever, at Danvers, Oct. 26, 1840, a. 3 y.

Mary W[ilson. NR9], d. George and Seeth, consumption, Dec. 31, 1847, a. 45 y. [a. 43 y. GR8]

Mercy, d. William and Mary, fever, Dec. 24, 1795, a. 8 y. 6 m. CR4

Nathaniel, Oct. 22 [11. PR57], 1752, a. 60 y. GR7

Nathaniel, Hon., Esq., Mar. 18, 1774, a. 48 y. GR7

Nathaniel, s. John, dysentery, Oct. 12, 1789, a. 11 m. CR1

Nathaniel, "master," Aug. 30, 1793. PR55

Nathaniel, hectic, Aug. [10. PR79], 1806, a. 48 y. CR1

Nathaniel, s. John, hectic, Nov. [Oct. 1. NR9], 1811, a. 21 y. CR1

Nathaniel M. [Nathan M. GR8], phthisis pulmonalis, Mar. 3, 1825, a. 19 y. [5 m. GR8]

Pricilla, wid. [w. Hon. Nathaniel, Esq. GR7], Mar. [19. GR7], 1798, a. 59 y. CR1

Priscilla, w. Daniel, Sept. 22, 1808, a. 69 y. GR1

Priscilla, wid., in her 91st y. Issue of Oct. 7, 1831. NR9

Rachel P., unm., consumption, Apr. 27, 1839, a. 42 y.

Ruth, Sept. 28, 1753. PR57

Ruth, wid. [Dea. PR55], Benjamin, Dec. 6, 1795, in her 70th y. NR9

Ruth [d. David and Ruth. GR1], July 25, 1797, a. 27 y.

Ruth, wid. Capt. David, a. 65 y. Issue of June 30, 1801. NR9

Ruth [d. Daniel. NR9], consumption, Nov. 20, 1826, a. 26 y.

Samuel, Sept. 2, 1794. PR55

Samuel, jr., a. 20 y., on his passage from the West Indies. Issue of Nov. 4, 1794. NR9

Samuel, s. Samuel [merchant on board the ship Henry. NR9], and Sarah, at Curacoa, fever, received news Feb. 24, 1800, a. 19 y. CR4

Samuel, jr., on ship Bengal, at sea, --- --, 1823, a. 21 y. [Issue of Feb. 18. NR9]

Samuel, merchant, lung fever, Dec. 5, 1841, a. 85 y.

Sarah, Mrs., a. 73 y. Issue of Apr. 27, 1790. NR9

Sarah (Titcombe of Newbury), wid. John, formerly, w. _____ Stocker, apoplexy Apr. 16, 1799, a. 77 y. CR4

Sarah Hodges, d. Daniel and Alice, vomiting and purging, Sept. 25, 1799, a. 15 m. CR4

Sarah [Sally. PR55], w. Nathaniel, merchant, d. Dr. Ebenezer Putnam, deceased, bur. Dec. 23, 1801, a. 36 y. NR9

Sally, d. James [and Lucy (Groce). PR492], death occasioned by a disorder in one of her eyes. It lasted for several years and at length the eye came out of the head and mortified. It was supposed to be caused by a blow on the head, Jan. 15, 1819, a. 9 y.

Sarah, d. Samuel and Sarah, consumption, Apr. 13, 1819, a. 32 y. [Apr. 12. dup.]

Sarah Erving, d. Samuel, bur. Apr. 9, 1833, a. 14 y. NR9

Sarah, w. Joseph, d. Zachariah Burchmore, deceased, cancer, July 30, 1842, a. 68 y.

Sarah, of Cambridge, wid. Samuel, age, at Cambridge, Oct. 12, 1842, a. 85 y.

Sarah A., wid. William A., d. Joseph and Mary Saul, consumption, Feb. 20, 1847, a. 41 y.

Sarah, wid. Timothy, d. Thomas and Sarah Holmes, consumption, Mar. 9, 1848, a. 72 y.

Seeth, wid. [Capt. George. GR8], consumption, July 29, 1823, a. 54 y.

Thomas, bur. Sept. 12, 1759. CR1

Timothy, shipmaster, s. Benjamin and Ruth, consumption, Feb. 17, 1848, a. 74 y.

William, s. Jonathan, 3d, dysentery, Sept. 25, 1827, a. 20 m.

William, marasmus, Mar. 25, 1828, a. 70 y.

William A., s. Col. William, chief officer of the brig Governor Endicott, at Batavia, July --, 1833. NR9

William Henry, s. Samuel, accident, Sept. 7, 1842, a. 14 y.


_____, s. Joseph, a. 2 y. Issue of Sept. 29, 1815. NR9

Anna, wid. Gideon, formerly of Sandwich [Jan. 17, 1796. GR1], a. 81 y. NR9

Blackler [Brackley. NR9], laborer, s. Blackler, deceased, lung fever, Dec. 1, 1840, a. 41 y. [a. 51 y. CR5]

Brackley, s. Brackley and Rachel, Apr. 18, 1796, a. 9 m. GR1

Brackley, sugar refiner, general debility, Oct. 4, 1823, a. 56 y.

Edward, s. Edward and Mary (Phippen), July 11, 1732.

Edward, s. Edward and Mary (Phippen), Aug. 21, 1734.

Eliza, d. Brackley and Rachel, Sept. 19, 1801, a. 19 m. GR1

Joseph E[rastus. NR9], s. Joseph, jr., dropsy in head, June 11, 1843, a. 7½ m.

Rachel W., a. 67 y. Issue of Mar. 6, 1838. NR9

Rachel, Mrs., May 21, 1838, a. 77 y. NR9


_____, d. David, fits, Feb. 21, 1842, a. 2 d.

Alice, d. Joseph, deceased, consumption, Apr. 24, 1833, a. 14 y.

Alice Punchard, d. Joseph, deceased, bur. Apr. 26, 1833, a. 14 y. NR9

Alice, wid., Nov. 22, 1840, a. 60 y. NR9

David, wheelwright, s. Joseph, consumption, Sept. 2, 1844, a. 26 y.

George, seaman on board the ship Albree, at sea, supposed to belong in Salem. Issue of Dec. 29, 1840. NR9

Hannah, Mrs., Oct. 31, 1812, a. 63 y. GR1

Harriet B., w. David, inflammation of bowels, Feb. 25, 1842, a. 22 y.

Henry, 2d mate of the ship Java, at Calcutta. Issue of Dec. 11, 1807. NR9

Joseph, Dea., lung fever, Mar. 25, 1818, a. 76 y. 7 m. [a. 78 y. PR55]

Joseph, phthisis pulmonalis, Dec. 20, 1825, a. 56 y.

Nathaniel, bur. Mar. 3, 1815, a. 29 y. NR9

Nathaniel, Dea., a. 78 y. Issue of Mar. 27, 1818. NR9

Samuel, formerly of Ipswich, a. 23 y. Issue of Feb. 25, 1834. NR9

Samuel, s. Samuel, deceased, Oct. 9, 1834, a. 14 m. NR9

Sarah, w. Dea. Joseph, Aug. 18, 1809, a. 64 y. GR7

Sally [d. Joseph. NR9], phthisis pulmonalis, Mar. 22, 1826, a. 24 y.

Sarah C., w. William, d. Stephen and Betsey Whitmore, heart complaint, Dec. 12, 1845, a. 22 y.

Sarah D[erby. NR9], d. Joseph and Martha P., erysipelas, Dec. 24, 1845, a. 2 m.

Thomas W., seaman of the brig Quill, Capt. Swasey, at St. Helena. Issue of July 7, 1835. NR9

ROUNDY (Roundey)

Eliza Ann [d. Thomas. NR9], dropsy in head, Mar. 9, 1821, a. 2 y.

George, at New York, --- --, 1826, a. 38 y.

Hannah, wid., consumption, Mar. 31, 1842, a. 75 y.

Oliver, s. wid. Rebecca, drowned from the ship Mt. Vernon, at New Orleans, a. 12 y. Issue of June 1, 1813. NR9

Rebecca, wid. Capt. Nehemiah, Apr. 27, 1833, in her 70th y. NR9

Samuel Goodwin, s. Thomas, a. 6 y. Issue of Feb. 20, 1821. NR9

Susanna [w. Thomas. NR9], phthisis pulmonalis, Dec. 7, 1821, a. 31 y.


Paul [a native of Nantz. NR9], consumption, at the almshouse, Mar. 9, 1822, a. 28 y.


Cynthia, consumption, Jan. 19, 1843, a. 28 y.

Harriet A.V., w. Alexander, d. John and Harriet Very, bronchitis, Jan. 4, 1849, a. 19 y.

John F., b. Wenham, rope maker, s. Abraham and Catherine, lock jaw, Nov. 30, 1845, a. 35 y.

Joseph, s. John, consumption, May 31, 1844, a. 3½ m.

Lydia O., d. John and Lydia, infantile, May 23, 1846, a. 1 w.

Roxanna, d. John, bowel complaint, Aug. 13, 1843, a. 9 m.

ROWELL (Rowel)

_____, w. Joseph. Issue of Jan. 17, 1817. NR9

Edward, --- --, 1844,. tomb. GR8

Hannah (Beckett), wid. William, age, Nov. 4, 1841, a. 88 y.

Harriet (Wasgate), w. Edward, inflammation of bowels, Feb. 10, 1842, a. 25 y.

Harriet, d. Edward and Harriet, inflammation of brain, Mar. 2, 1849, a. 11 y.

James, a. 26 y. Issue of Dec. 2, 1800. NR9

Joseph, consumption, Jan. 11, 1826, a. 40 y.

Mary. Issue of Apr. 30, 1805. NR9

Priscilla Townsend, only, ch. Joseph and Priscilla, June 2, 1838, a. 9 m. NR9

Rebecca, w. William, d. Hanna Cloutman, tumor, Dec. 23, 1847, a. 66 y.

Sarah M., d. samuel and Adaline M., bronchitis, Jan. 12, 1848, a. 21 m.

Thomas, h. Elizabeth (Becket), d. William, boat builder, b. at Newburyport, instantly, Dec. 12, 1816, a. 66 y. CR4

Thomas, Jan. 27, 1831, a. 54 y. NR9

William, bur. Feb. 22, 1780. PR655

William, consumption, Feb. 10, 1823, a. 40 y.

William, phthisis pulmonalis, July 21, 1826, a. 20 y.

ROWLES (Roles)

John, consumption, at the workhouse, bur. at Danvers, d. Dec. 12, 1823, a. 48 y.

RUCK (Roke)

_____, ch. Samuell and Elizabeth (Tawley), May 28, 1700, a. abt. 1 h.

_____, wid. John, Nov. 14, 1743. PR57

_____, w. Dea., Feb. 20, 1749. PR57

_____, Mrs., "old," Aug. 3, 1762. PR57

Damaris, 24: 2m: 1702. PR42

Elizabeth (Price), w. John Croad, "had children by both husbands," Feb. 23, 1704-5.

Hanna, w. John, 29: 11m: 1660. CTR

Hepsibah, wid., a. 75 y. Issue of Dec. 1, 1801. NR9

James, Dea., June 16, 1772, a. 87 y. NR4

John, s. John and Hanna, 10: 2m: 1655. CTR

John, suddenly. Issue of Dec. 22, 1812. NR9

Ruth, bur. Apr. 20, 1779. PR655

Sara, w. John, May 4, 1672. CTR

Thomas, 5: 5m: 1704. PR42

RUE (Ruee)

Philip, s. Thomas and Susannah, in the ship America from the East Indies, fever and dysentery, Dec. --, 1799, a. 22 y. CR4

Thomas, s. Thomas and Mehitable (Archer), scarlet fever and throat distemper, Dec. 15, 1802, a. 3 y. CR4

RUEE (Rhue, Rhuee, Rue)

Benjamin Becket, s. Benjamin, a. 26 m. Issue of Nov. 22, 1822. NR9

James, s. William, consumption, Sept. 27, 1819, a. 2 y.

James, s. James, dropsy in head, Aug. 26, 1842, a. 10 w.

John Hare, s. Benjamin, apth. infantum, Oct. 5, 1822, a. 2 w.

John Nutting, of Danvers, b. Danvers, s. James T. and Ann N. at Danvers, dysentery, Mar. 11, 1849, a. 38 y. GR9

Margaret [L. GR7], w. James, apoplexy, June 16, 1842, a. 24 y.

Sarah Elizabeth, d. Benjamin and Sarah, Aug. 14, 1838, a. 14 y. 9 m. GR8

William, cancer in stomach, at the almshouse, Mar. 14, 1839, a. 52 y.

William, seaman, on board the Oregon, Jan. 8, 1840. NR9


Caroline, d. Daniel, a. 8 y. Issue of Nov. 18, 1814. NR9

Caroline, d., G.W., a. 10 m. Issue of July 23, 1833. NR9

Daniel, bur. Oct. 21, 1836, a. 57 y. NR9

Henry W., s. Daniel B. and Elizabeth F., dropsy in head, Dec. 11, 1846, a. 7 m.

Lucy, w. Daniel, bur. Oct. 21, 1814, a. 33 y. NR9

RULUF (Ruliff)

Lydia H., w. John [d. A. Burrill. CR1], hectic, Oct. 12, 1822, a. 32 y.

Sarah, d. John, dysentery, Nov. 8 [3. CR1], 1822, a. 8 m.

Stillah [Stella. CR11], w. Lunah [London. CR11], consumption, Nov. [12. CR11], 1828, a. 28 y.


Rufus [Marshall. NR9], s. Andrew, scarlet fever, Oct. 26, 1840, a. 2 y.

Rufus M., s. Andrew, heart disease, Aug. 20, 1841, a. 5 m.

RUSSEL (Russell)

_____, ch. _____, bur. May 3, 1795. CR11

_____, w. Edward, Sept. --, 1795. CR1

_____, ch. John, bur. Nov. 8, 1805. PR61

_____, ch. Capt. William [Benjamin. PR61], fits, bur. Nov. 3, 1807. CR11

_____, ch. Capt., bur. June 17, 1813. PR61

RUSSELL (Russel)

_____, ch. William, a. 5 m. Issue of June 22, 1813. NR9

_____, ch. Capt. [Thomas. NR9], bur. Jan. 13, 1814. PR61 [a. 6 m. NR9]

Abigail, w. Capt. Edward [bilious fever. CR1], June 15, 1790, a. 54 y. GR1

Abby [W. NR9], b. Beverly, w. George, d. Benjamin and Rebecca Bunker, typhus fever, June 25, 1847, a. 22 y.

Benjamin, shipmaster, s. Edward and Abigail, heart complaint, Feb. 20, 1848, a. 77 y.

David, seaman on ship Franklin, at Calcutta. Issue of Oct. 3, 1806. NR9

Edward, Capt., b. Weymouth, Eng., Jan. 14, 1815, a. 75 y. GR1

Emily, d. William, a. 6 y. Issue of Apr. 11, 1834. NR9

Eunice, m., d. Joseph and Elizabeth Cook, cancer, May 26, 1847, a. 65 y.

George Henry, s. William, a. 11 m. Issue of Apr. 29, 1848. NR9

Harriet, d. Ephraim, gastritis, Oct. 4, 1824, a. 11 m.

Henry M., at New York, Apr. --, 1841, a. 57 y. NR9

Henry, b. Lynnfield, s. William and Betsey, consumption, Sept. 5, 1847, a. 75 y.

Ibrook,s. John and Eunice (Hunt) [consumption. dup.], Feb. 8 [10. dup.], 1839. [a. 22 y. dup.]

John, quarter master, on board the prison ship, suddenly, Mar. 16, 1814, a. 35 y. NR9

John, painter, consumption, Sept. 6, 1818, a. 47 y.

John, s. Ann, Mar. 14, 1823, a. 1 m.

John Barton, s. Benjamin, jr. and Betsey Clevelend (Barton), July 10, 1833. [a. 18 m. NR9]

John R., b. Marblehead, s. Samuel H. and Abigail, brain fever, bur. at Marblehead, d. July 20, 1845, a. 19 y.

Joseph Hunt, s. John [and Eunice. dup.], consumption [bur. at Mt. Auburn. dup.], May 19, 1840, a. 20 y. [May 17. dup.]

Mary, wid. [mother of Col. John. PR55], at Cambridge. Issue of June 10, 1814. NR9

Mary, wid., anomalous, Dec. 20, 1824, a. 52 y.

Mary, dysentery, Sept. 14, 1827, a. 5 y.

Mary Eunice, d. John and Eunice, bur. at Mt. Auburn, d. Jan. 15, 1845, a. 21 y.

Mary E[lizabeth. NR9], d. John B. and Ruth W., scarlet fever, Apr. 15, 1849, a. 3 y.

[Priscilla. NR9], w. Capt. Benjamin, consumption, Mar. 16, 1818, a. 46 y.

Ruth, w. John B., cholera morbus, Aug. 28, 1849, a. 28 y.

Samuel, s. Maj. John, May 20, 1812. PR55

Samuel Gilbert, s. [Maj. NR9] John and Eunice (Hunt), May 10, 1813.

Samuel, Apr. 19, 1831, a. 32 y. NR9

Sarah, wid. Edward, consumption, Oct. 12, 1843, a. 86 y.

William, Nov. --, 1821. PR654

William E., at Mobile. Issue of Nov. 19, 1822. NR9

William H[enry. NR9], s. John, consumption, bur. at Mt. Auburn, d. Mar. 1, 1843, a. 29 y.

William H., s. William and Emily, whooping cough, Apr. 27, 1848, a. 11 m.


_____, ch. _____ Apr. 26, 1779. PR655

_____, ch. Jacob, bur. Jan. 18, 1806. PR61

Abigail, Wid. [Henry, Esq. NR9], old age, Jan. 3, 1823, a. 76 y. [a. 78 y. NR9]

Daniel, Capt., passenger on General Washington, sailed from Bordeaux Jan. 4, lost at sea, --- --, 1804. PR82

Elizabeth, wid. Daniel, June 11, 1837, a. 64 y. NR9

Henry, bur. Sept. 30, 1812. PR61 [a. 75 y. NR9]

Lydia, w. Henry, a. 68 y. Issue of Aug. 26, 1808. NR9

Mary Jane, b. Danvers, d. Nathaniel P. and Sarah J., inflammatory fever, May 25, 1847, a. 6 y.

Nancy, wid. John, d. Jonathan and Anna Mansfield, erysipelas, Apr. 5, 1846, a. 81 y.

R.R. [Ruel Rodolphus. NR9], s. Nathaniel P., convulsions, Aug. 11, 1830, a. 2 y.

Ruth [(Manning), wid. Francis, cramp. CR4], May 17, 1818, a. 78 y.

Sarah, Apr. [15, dropsy. CR10], 1824, a. 15 y. [a. 19 y. CR10]


Hanah [Joanna. NR9], b. Ireland, d. Richard and Ellen [Ella. NR9], dysentery, Sept. 18, 1848, a. 10 y.

RYAN (Ryne)

_____, wid., suddenly, a. 53 y. Issue of June 16, 1807. NR9

_____, --- --, 1832. CR14

Abigail, Mrs., a. 71 y. Issue of Aug. 13, 1833. NR9

Andrew, laborer, "killed by caving of earth on railroad in Manchester," Feb. 17, 1846, a. 22 y.

James, a native of Ireland, a. 80 y. Issue of Nov. 29, 1831. NR9

John, seaman of brig Time, at sea, --- --, 1823, a. 21 y.

RYNE (Ryan)

William [s. James. NR9], consumption, Oct. 3, 1826, a. 22 y.