NorthShore Slavery


_____, ch. John, bur. Oct. 15, 1773. PR655

Sarah (Lambert), wid. George [John. in pencil], formerly, w. Mathew Butman, dysentery, Sept. 11, 1802, a. 67 y. CR4

Sally, phthisis scrofulous, Apr. 25, 1822, a. 22 y.

Sarah, Mrs., family of George, cancer, Oct. 7, 1839, a. 64 y. _____, ch. John, bur. Oct. 15, 1773. PR655

Frances, w. George, a. 64 y. Issue of Oct. 8, 1839. NR9

George, laborer, palsy, Dec. 2, 1846, a. 70 y.


Joshua, --- --, 1828. tomb. GR7

Mary W[endall. PR58], d. Rev. Charles W. [and Ann Susan (H.) PR58; lung fever. CR1], Apr. 17 [13. PR58], 1830, a. 10 m.

George Murray, s. [Rev. NR9] Charles W. and Ann Susan (Holmes), diseased brain, Apr. 3 [4. CR1], 1835. PR58 [a. 4 m. CR1]

Ann Holmes, d. Charles W. and Ann Susan (Holmes), consumption, Aug. 31, 1835. PR58 [a. 22 m. NR9]

Stephen Higginson, s. Charles W. and Ann Susan (Homes), diseased heart and lungs, Apr. 18, 1837, a. 3 w. PR58

John Ropes, s. Charles W. and Ann Susan (Holmes), violent inflammation of the bowels, July 14, 1837. PR58 [a. 9 y. NR9]

Mary Wilder, d. Charles W. and Ann Susan (holmes), violent inflammation of the bowels, July 17, 1837. PR58 [a. 4 y. 9 m. NR9]

Edward Chandler, s. Charles W. and Ann Susan (Homes), consumption, July 1, 1838. PR58 [a. 11 y. 4 m. NR9]

John Edward, s. Charles W. [and Ann Susan (Holmes). PR58], teething, Sept. 10, 1839, a. 1 y.

_____, ch. _____, Sept. 11, 1840. PR79

Henry W[endall. CR1], s. Rev. Charles W. [and Ann Susan. PR58], scarlet fever, Dec. 22, 1841, a. 10 y.

John Edward, Aug. 28, 1843. PR188

John Holmes, s. Charles W. [and Ann Susan (Holmes). PR58], scarlet fever, Aug. 28, 1843, a. 2 1/3 y.

Mary, w. Joshua, d. James and Mary Nichols, heart complaint, Jan. 13, 1845, a. 57 y.

Francis C[handler PR58], s. Charles W. and Ann S. [s. Charles W. and Ann Susan (H.). PR58], scarlet fever, Aug. 18, 1847, a. 2 y.

George E[ldridge. NR9], s. E.G. and Sarah A.B. [Elbridge G. and Sarah A.P. NR9], Scarlet fever, Apr. 10, 1849, a. 3 y.


Williams, s. John, Apr. --, 1663. CTR

Mary, d. John, Apr. 15, 166[3. TC]. CTR

Ellenor, d. John, Apr. 20, 1663. CTR

Mary, d. James and Susanna (Daggitt), Aug. 4, 1746.

Rebecca, w. Paul, Nov. 4, 1799. PR60 [a. 35 y. NR9]

Rebecca, d. Paul and Rebecca, Dec. 19, 1799. PR60

Edmund, Capt., of the ship Sally, drowned at sea, Dec. 24, 1799. NR9

William, s. Capt. Edmund. Issue of Feb. 11, 1803. NR9

_____, ch. Capt. Jed., jr. Issue of Apr. 4, 1809. NR9

Phebe, w. Abraham, Sept. 16, 1809, in her 42nd y. GR8

William, Capt., of the schooner Hero, at Laguira, a. 26 y. Issue of Nov. 7, 1809. NR9

Betsey, d. Capt. Jeduthun, a. 22 y. Issue of Nov. 20, 1810. NR9

_____, ch. Capt. Jeduthun, a 5 m. Issue of Feb. 17, 1815. NR9

John, s. [Capt. NR9] John and Mercy, d. Samuel Townsend, dysentery, Sept. 23, 1815, a. 16 m. CR4

Joseph, s. Paul and Rebecca, May 25, 1817. PR60

Joseph, s. Paul, by falling from the masthead of the brig Lion, at sea, a. 30 y. Issue of June 19, 1818. NR9

Judith, d. Abraham, consumption, July 25, 1818, a. 22 y.

Prisscilla, wid. Edmund, pneumonia, Jan. --, 1823, a. 55 y. [Issue Jan. 17. NR9]

John [s. Paul and Rebecca. PR60], master of ship Maine, at Batavia, [July 30. NR9], 1824, a. 33 y.

Mary B[ell. CR10], d. [Capt. CR10] Henry, hydrocephalus, Jan. 15, 1825, a. 10 m.

Edmund, 1st mate, ship Columbus, Boston, at sea [July 8. NR9], 1827, a. 36 y.

Benjamin, --- --, 1828. tomb. GR8

Priscilla, w. Benjamin, June 8, 1828, a. 37 y.

Martha [wid. NR9], phthisis, at the almshouse, Mar. 27, 1830, a. 45 y.

Paul, several years keeper of the almshouse, hydrothorax, at the almshouse, July 24, 1830, a. 69 y.

Robert, --- --, 1831. tomb. GR8

Sarah Elizabeth, d. Ebenezer, whooping cough, a. 3 y. 3 m. Issue of Feb. 24, 1832. NR9

_____, s. twin, Eben, a. 4 m. Issue of Mar. 27, 1832. NR9

_____, inf. d. Ebenezer. Issue of Oct. 17, 1834. NR9

Anne, Mrs., a. 78 y. Issue of Feb. 13, 1835. NR9

_____, d. Rev., fits, Apr. 3, 1835. PR484

Sally, wid. Capt. Jeduthun, jr. [Jonathan. NR9], d. Capt. Jesse and Sally Smith, June 10, 1835, a. 50 y. GR7 [a. 49 y. NR9]

James H[enry. NR9], s. James [and Emily C. NR9], consumption, Mar. 15, 1841, a. 7 m.

Edwin Augustus, s. Eben, on board the brig Gen. Brooks, on her passage from Santiago to Trinidad, abt. May 1, 1841, a. 17 y. NR9

Thomas Needham, s. Henry [and Eliza. NR9; Edmund and Eliza. CR11], convulsions, July 12, 1841, a. 6 y.

Harriet M[aria. NR9], w. George, lung fever, Jan. 22, 1842, a. 25 y. Henry H[itch. NR9], s. James and Sarah, scarlet fever, May 18, 1848, a. 1 m. James H[enry. NR9], s. James [and Emily C. NR9], comsumption, Mar. 15, 1841, a. 7 m.

Lucy Ann, d. George, convulsions, Mar. 18, 1842, a. 2 y.

Ellen F[rancisca. NR9], d. Henry P., whooping cough, Oct. 15, 1842, a. 1 y.

Emily C[ollins. NR9] (Johnson), w. James, lung fever, Nov. 12, 1843, a. 35 y.

Joseph H., 1st officer of the sch. Henry Jenkins, of Savannah, at Havanna, Aug. 15, 1844. NR9

Richard H[enry. NR9], s. Henry P., dropsy, Aug. 24, 1844, a. 19 m.

Rebecca G.P. [Gray Pierce. NR9], d. Samuel and Mary, dropsy in head, May 9, 1846, a. 20 m.

Charles, s. Ezra and Mary Ann, whooping cough, Nov. 4, 1846, a. 13 m.

Caroline B[owditch. NR9], d. Ezra and Mary Ann, consumption, Jan. 22, 1847, a. 6 y.

Sarah E[NR9], d. Ezra and Mary Ann, dropsy in head, Apr. 24, 1847, a. 4 y.

Daniel, Capt., master of the sloop Susan, of Boston, lost overboard on his passage from Portland to Gloucester, July 24, 1847. NR9

Henry H[itch. NR9], s. James and Sarah, scarlet fever, May 18, 1848, a. 1 m.

Charles, of Danvers, s. Edwin and Lydia, dysentery, at Danvers, Oct. 2, 1848, a. 5 m. [a. 2 y. NR9]

Mary R[ebecca. NR9], d. Samuel and Mary, scarlet fever, Feb. 2, 1849, a. 2½ y.

William, mariner, s. Jeduthan and Sally, lung fever, at Chelsea, Mar. 22, 1849, a. 38 y.