NorthShore Slavery

TAPPAN (Toppan)

Martha, July 4, 1717. NCTBK

Clarissa, at Enoch Morrill's, Oct. 11, 1810.

TAPPEN (Toppan)

Mary, w. James, Nov. 4, 1728, in her 23d y. GR2


John, at Cape Henry, June 9, 1817.

Elizabeth Low, May 3, 1846. CR5


_____, Mrs., apoplectic fit, bur. [bet. Jan. 7 and Feb. 11], 1798, a. 30 y. CR2


Hannah, Aug. --, 1846. CR4


Abigail, w. Samuell, June 4, 1731. NCTBK

Hannah, w. James, suddenly, Mar. 16, 1740-41. NCTBK

Mercy, w. James, Aug. 11, 1761.

_____, wid., Dec. 6, 1789.

TIBBETTS (Tibetts)

Frederick [V. GR8], s. William B. and Huldah h., bur. at the Mills, d. --- --, [1846?], a. 2 y. [Oct. 30, 1845. GR8]

Huldah [H. GR8], b. Sandford, ME, w. William B., cholera, Sept. 9, 1849, a. 29 y.

TIBETTS (Tibbetts)

Sarah A., wid. Reuben [brain fever. PR1], Aug. 31, 1846, a. 23 y. GR8


Louisa, d. Alfred and Dolly, Apr. 2, 1837, a. 7 m. GR3

James w., s. Alfred and Dolly, Aug. 23, 1844, a. 3 m. GR3

TOMSON (Thompson)

John, s. John and Elizabeth, Sept. 14, 1706. NCTBK

Elizabeth, w. John, Dec. 25, 1706. NCTBK

John, July 30, 1717. NCTBK

_____, d. Peter and Hannah, Apr. 28, 1718. NCTBK

David, s. Thomas and Lydia, May 13, 1736. NCTBK

Thomas, s. Thomas and Lydia, May 20, 1736. NCTBK

TONGE (Tongue)

Mary, w. Steven, Apr. 24, 1700. NCTBK

TONGUE (Tonge)

Joanna, d. Steven and Mary, July 20, 1693.

TOPPAN (Tappan, Tappen)

John, Dec. 26, 1723. NCTBK

Ruth, wid. John, Feb. 23, 1741-2. NCTBK


Elisha, July 12, 1835.

Sally w., w. [Capt. GR5] Stephen w. [d. Capt. John and Abigail Dole GR5], erysipelas, June 15, 1843, a. 40 y.


Martha, w. Timothy, Feb. 4, 1748.

James, s. Timothy and Martha, Apr. 18, 1749.


Mary, wid., Feb. 14, 1767.


John, s. Joseph, Dec. 13, 1677.

Samuell, s. Henry and Abigall, June 29, 1701. NCTBK

Samuell, s. Henry and Abigell, Aug. 19, 1704. NCTBK

Joshuah, s. Henry and Abigall, Mar. 9, 1710-11. NCTBK

Isarall, s. Joseph and Keziah, Aug. 25, 1712. NCTBK

Ann, d. John and Martha, May 24, 1713. NCTBK

Judath, d. William and Eleanor, June 7, 1716. NCTBK

Mary, d. Benjamin and Mary, Mar. 15, 1717-18. NCTBK

Ruth, d. Joseph, jr. and Keziah, Nov. 20, 1718. NCTBK

Joseph [jr. dup.], Serg., Dec. 22, 1718. NCTBK [in his 67th y. GR1]

Ruth, wid. Serg. Joseph, Dec. 16, 1719. NCTBK

Mary, d. Benjamine and Mary, May 1, 1721. NCTBK

Henery, Ens., Nov. 1, 1722. NCTBK

Benjamin, s. Benjamin and Judith, Feb. 11, 1725-6. NCTBK

William, s. William and Anna, Mar. 17, 1725-6. NCTBK

Jane, w. Capt. Henry, Jan. 24, 1729-30. NCTBK

Kezia, d. Benjamin and Marya, Dec. 14, 1731. NCTBK

William, Lt., Mar. 18, 1733-4. NCTBK

Henry, Capt., Sept. 8, 1735. NCTBK

Ann, d. Benjamin and Mary, Jan. 14, 1736-7. NCTBK

Mary, d. Benjamin and Mary, Jan. 21, 1736-7. NCTBK

Mercy, d. Benjamin and Mary, Jan. 31, 1736-7. NCTBK

Jemima, d. Benjamin and Mary, Feb. 22, 1736-7. NCTBK

Benjamin, s. Benjamin and Mary, July --, 1736. NCTBK

Abigail, wid. Ens. Henry, Aug. 5, 1736. NCTBK

_____, s. Samuell and Ann, Nov. 3, 1736. NCTBK

_____, d. Samuell and Ann, Nov. 3, 1736. NCTBK

Elisabeth, d. William and Anna, May 19, 17[37. TC]NCTBK

Bradbury, s. William and Anna, June 4, 1737. NCTBK

Ann, w. Samuell, Nov. 16, 1742. NCTBK

Anna, d. Winthrop and Dorothy, Dec. 18, 1743. NCTBK

Daniel, s. John, jr. and Mary, Dec. 29, 1744. [Oct. 28, a. 1 y. GR2]

Jacob, Apr. 11, 1745.

Joseph, s. Benjamin and Mary, Oct. 27, 1745.

Jabez, s. Jabez, jr. and Sarah, Aug. 11, 1746.

Benjamin, July 4, 1748.

Hannah, d. Abraham and Sarah, Dec. 5, 1748.

Ruth, d. John, jr. and Mary, Jan. 6, 1749. [1748, a. 13 m. GR2]

Jabez, Dea., May 22, 1749.

Samuel, s. Joseph and Jemima, June 11, 1749.

Anne, d. Jacob and Anne, Oct. 28, 1753. [Nov. 28, in her 5th y. GR2]

Abel, s. Jacob and Anne, Oct. 30, 1753. [Nov. 30, in his 3d y. GR2]

Ruth, d. Henry and Anna, Nov. 4, 1754.

Martha, w. Dea. John, Nov. 19, 1754.

Newcom, s. Henry and Anna, Aug. 11, 1755.

Anne, w. Henry, Aug. 18, 1756. [in her 48th y. GR2]

Martha, d. Jabez and Sarah, Sept. 7, 1756.

Marshfield, s. Jabez and Sarah, Feb. 24, 1758.

John, jr., Dec. 31, 1762, a. 65 y. 11 m. 12 d. GR4

Dorothy, w. [Capt. GR2] Winthrop, Mar. 11, 1764. [in her 53d y. GR2]

Samuell, s. Dudley and Sarah, Aug. 31, 1765.

Jacob, Aug. 31, 1766.

Eleanor, wid. Lt. William, Apr. 29, 1768, in her 94th y.

William, Capt., June 10, 1768.

Hannah, w. Samuell, jr., July 21, 1768. [a. 39 y. 21 d. GR4]

William, s. Winthrop and Dorothy, Sept. 22, 1770.

Winthrop, jr., Oct. 8, 1770. [in his 31st y. GR2]

Samuel, Oct. 18, 1770.

Anna, wid. Capt. William, Mar. 18, 1774.

Thomas, Sept. 27, 1775.

Henry, May --, 1778.

Benjamin, Dea., Apr. 21, 1779.

Judith, wid. Benjamin, Feb. --, 1782.

Moses, smallpox, Feb. --, 1782. [Feb. 8, in his 67th y. GR10]

Mary, sister Moses, smallpox, Feb. 22, 1782.

Elenor, d. Dudley, Dec. 26, 1782.

Winthrop, Capt., July 26, 1783.

Paul, Nov. 14, 1785, in his 20th y. GR4

_____, ch. Jabez and Ruth, Apr. 1, 1788. PR64

Lois, d. Jabez and Ruth, July 16, 1793. PR64

Ezekiel, Jan. 12, 1797. [in his 90th y. GR4]

Ruth, w. Ebenezer, Jan. 8, 1798, in her 42d y. GR3

Jabez, s. Jabez [and Ruth. PR64], Nov. 16, 1798.

Ebenezer, Aug. 22, 1799, in his 48th y. GR3

Mary, wid. Henry, formerly w. Micajah Morrill [mortification. CR2], Jan. 17, 1801, in her 93d y.

Lois, d. Jabez and Ruth, July 30, 1803.

Dudley, Feb. 16, 1804. [1802, a. 66 y. GR2]

Miriam, Dec. 20, 1805, a. 22 y. GR4

Moses, Dec. 28, 1807. [a. 69 y. GR2]

Sarah [(Smith). GR2], w. Moses, Feb. 25, 1809. [a. 68 y. GR2]

Mary, d. Samuel, 3d, Oct. 18, 1810.

Sarah, w. Samuel, Feb. 17, 1812, a. 72 y.

Samuel [Dea. GR4], Nov. 11, 1815, a. 88 y. [Nov. 10, a. 87 y. GR4]

Hannah, d. Moses [and Ruth. dup.], Dec. 28, 1818.

William, Sept. 18, 1821. [ Sept. 8, a. 45 y. GR2]

Mary, w. Samuel, July 13, 1823. [a. 52 y. GR2]

Mary, w. Samuel, July 1, 1824.

Sarah, w. Dudley, July 1, 1824, a. 81 y. GR2

Henry, Mar. 12, 1826.

Fanny C. [w. Ebenezer. GR3], Mar. 19, 1831. [a. 20 y. GR3]

Jabez [Elder, minister of the Gospel 40 years. GR4], May 2, 1835. [in his 72d y. GR4]

Winthrop [s. William and Susanna (Lowell). PR46], Aug. 30, 1835. [a. 32 y. GR3]

William, s. Ebenezer, --- --, 1837.

Moses, May 16, 1838, a. 20 y. GR4

Abraham, May 17, 1839. [a. 34 y. 8 m. GR4]

_____, ch. stillborn, Samuel, 4th and Mary (Adams), Jan. 23, 1843. PR42

Anna Pike, w. Samuel, Sept. 11, 1843, a. 81 y. 8 m. GR4

Ruth, wid. Elder Jabez, Oct. 28, 1843, a. 80 y. GR4

Ephraim [b. Seabrook, NH, fever, at Seabrook, NH. PR1], Nov. 23, 1843, a. 44 y. GR8

Mary P., only d. John and Joanna, Oct. 4, 1844, a. 22 y. GR4

Benjamin [E. GR2], unm., farmer, s. Dudley and Sarah, throat distemper, Jan. 2, 1846, a. 57 y.

Mary, b. Seabrook, NH, d. Moses and Dolly, consumption, bur. at the Mills, d. Apr. 8, 1846, a. 22 y. 7 m.

Samuel, widr., farmer, old age, June 19, 1847, a. 91 y. [June 19, in his 89th y. GR4]

Samuel, jr., widr., farmer, s. Dudley, old age, June 23, 1847, a. 84 y.

Mary, d. Samuel and Mary [A. GR3], canker, Sept. 9, 1848, a. 16 d.


Jane W[ells. GR8], b. Amesbury, d. John [L. GR8] and Hannah [L. GR8], infantile, at Amesbury, Apr. 28, 1838, a. 9 m. 3 d. PR1

Hannah [b. Amesbury. PR1], wid. Moses. affection of the heart, bur. Amesbury, d. Apr. 7, 1847, a. 75 y.


Elizabeth, w. Morris, 16: 8m: 1662.

Parker, s. Moses and Johannah, May 7, 1736. NCTBK

Phebe, w. Joseph, Dec. 29, 1736. NCTBK

Joseph, June 30, 1743. NCTBK

James, July 7, 1769, in his 73d y. [July 6. GR2]

Hannah, d. Jabez and Ruth, --- --, 1770.

Benjamin, s. Jabez and Ruth, Sept. --, 1770.

Hannah, wid. James, July 18, 1773, in her 75th y.

Jabez, Mar. 6, 1781.

_____, wid., Nov. 23, 1793.

Martha, w. [Dea. CR2] Ebenezer [fever. CR2], Jan. 22, 1801.

Benjamin, s. Dea. Ebenezer, July 23, 1801.

Molly, w. Samuel A., Aug. 14, 1801.

Nancy, d. James, Aug. 10, 1810. [Aug. 11. dup.]

Hope, w. Ebenezer, Dec. 6, 1811.

Ebenezer, Aug. 14, 1814, a. 77 y.

James, s. James, Nov. 15, 1820.

Betsy, --- --, 1827.

Charles Emerson, s. [Dea. GR8] Ebenezer [and Ethelinda (Wadleigh). GR8; fits. PR1], May 2, 1834. [a. 1 y. 8 m. 5 d. GR8]

Samuel, May 3, 1840.

James, yeoman, lung fever, June 16, 1842, a. 71 y.

David w., s. David T. and Eleanor, infant cholera, Aug. 29, 1849, a. 1 y. 5 m.


Sarah, w. Dea. David, July 19, 1811. [a. 75 y. GR2]

TUXBEARY (Tuxbury)

David, Jan. 1, 1813, a. 84 y.

TUXBURY (Tewksbury, Tukesbury, Tuxbeary)

Dorothy, w. Dea. David, Feb. 11, 1799.

Isaac, Aug. 29, 1835. CR4

Nancy, --- --, 1842. CR4


Emery h., Aug. 18, 1841, a. 27 y. GR6

Emery, s. Emery h. and Elizabeth A., Mar. 17, 1845, a. 5 w. GR6


Susannah, w. James, Aug. 20, 1732. NCTBK