NorthShore Slavery

NEALAND (Kneeland)

Mary, d.Phillip, bp. May21,1721.CR

Phillip, s.Sarah Perkins, Nov.26,1712.

Phillip, s.Phillip, bp. [Feb. -Apr.] 1715-16.CR

Samuell, s.Phillip, bp. June28,1719.CR

Sarah, d.Phillip bp. June17,1716.CR

NELAND (Kneeland)

Edward, s.Joseph and Meriam, July28,1735.

Meriam, d.Joseph and Meriam, Mar.13,1738-9.

Timothy, s.Joseph and Meriam, Feb.1,1736-7.


John, s.J [ohn and Dolly], Mar.13,1738-9.

Susan, d.John and Dolly, b. at Middleton, Dec.––,1848.

NICHOLS (Nickols)

Anna, d.John and Lydia, Aug.24,1665.CTR

Anna, d.Thomas, bp. Aug.30,1696.CR

Ebenezer, s.John and Lydia, Nov.9,1685.CTR

Edward, s.John, bp. June26,1692.CR

Elits, d.Goodwife, bp. Sept.16,1688.CR

Elizabeth, d.John and Elizabeth [Lydia?], Mar.16,1679-80.CTR

Elizabeth, d.Ebenezer, bp. Aug.9,1724.CR

Isaac, s.John and Lydia, Feb.6,1672 [-3].CTR

John, s.John and Lydia, Jan.14,1667 [-8].CTR

Liddia, d.John and Lydia, Apr.16,1675.CTR

Lydia, d.Goodwife, bp. Sept.16,1688.CR

Margaret, d.Goodwife, bp. Sept.16,1688.CR

Rachel, d.John and Lydia, Nov.3,1677.CTR

Rachell, d.Ebenezer, bp. Oct.23,1715.CR

Thomas, s.John and Lydia, Jan.20,1669. [-70].CTR

William, s.John and Lydia, Aug.25,1663.CTR

NICKOLS (Nichols)

Aquickah, s.Ebenezer and Elizabeth, Nov.20,1719.

John, s.John and Mary, June10,1713.

Joseph, s.Ebenezer and Elizabeth, May16,1711.

Kesiah, d.Ebenezer and Elizabeth, July29,1717.

Rachell, d.Ebenezer and Elizabeth, July22,1716.

Samuel, s.John and Mary, Feb.25,1714-15.