NorthShore Slavery


Jacob, "a native of Edenton, NC," a. abt. 16 y., "at the dwelling house of Daniel Balch," May 17, 1798.


_____, aged wid., "mother of Jacob Towne, jr. wife," Mar. 4, 1804. CR


John, Apr. 26, 1732. CR

Joseph, Rev., June 30, 1725. [a. 66 y. GR1]

Nathaniel, Feb. 16, 1749. CR

Priscilla, wid. Rev. Joseph, in 86th y., Oct. 12, 1743. GR1 [Oct. 18, 1743. CR]


Lois, w. Sylvester, d. Israel and Lois Rea, a. 34 y. consumption, Aug. 20, 1833.


Mary Cleaveland a. 34 y., dropsy, Sept. 26, 1830.


Martha L., d. Paul and Cynthia, a. 1 y., Dec. 11, 1839. GR1


_____, ch. [Amos. PR1], of Georgetown, a. 1 y., Dec. 23, 1839. [Dec. 24. CR]

John, "died of ye Small Pox," Dec. 7, 1760. CR

CLARK (Clarke)

Bathsheba, "a young person," d. Israel, Mar. 8, 1753. [Mar. 7. CR]

Damarus, d. Daniell and Damaris, June 30, 1698.

Damaris, w. Daniel, Sept. 20, 1727.

Dorothy, d. "to the wife of Capt. Benjamin Towne," Dec. 23, 1761.

Hannah, wid., Nov. 7, 1744. CR

Humphrey, s. wid., Mary, "in the Public Serues," Aug. 23, 1758.

Humphrey, ch. Israel, May 30, 1782. [May 31. CR]

Israel, a. 88 y., Nov. 24, 1789. CR

Israel, a. 58 y., July 21, 1790. CR

Jacob, a. 54 y., Sept. 26, 1801. CR

Mary, d. Daniell and Damaris, Aug. 22, 1694.

Mary, ch. d. wid. Mary, jr., Feb. 24, 1757. CR

Samuel, inf. s. Dan., June 26, 1739. CR

CLARKE (Clark)

_____, inf. ch. Humphrey, Jan. 3, 1811. CR

_____, ch. Samuel, a. 4 y. 9 m., Oct. 9, 1835.

Anna, w. Israel, Mar. 26, 1788. CR

Anna, d. Israel and Ruth, a. 71 y., July 16, 1840.

Dan, inf. s. Dan, Aug. 10, 1741. CR

Dan, jr., "a young man who died suddenly," Sept. 24, 1764. CR

Dan, "an elderly man," Nov. 25, 1764. CR

Daniel, s. Daniel, Jan. 17, 1660-1.

Daniel, Jan. 18, 1749.

Daniel, s. Daniel, Feb. 29, 1776.

David, inf. s. Daniel and Damaris, Dec. 12, 1709.

Elijah, s. Israel and Marcy, b. Mar. 9, 1731, d. May 9, 1731.

Elijah, "a young married man," Nov. 12, 1764. CR

Elijah, ch. Daniel, Mar. 13, 1776. [Mar. 14. CR]

Humphrey, 2d, s. Humphrey and Mercy, a. 5 d., quinsy, Dec. 23, 1821.

John, Apr. 25, 1756. CR

Martha, wid., putrid fever, a. 84 y., Sept. 25, 1786. CR

Mercy, w. Israel, Apr. 3, 1756. CR

Mercea, d. David and Mary, a. 3 m. 6 d., scarlet fever, Mar. 17, 1847.

Ruth, wid. Israel, a. 86 y., old age, Sept. 24, 1824.

Samuel, "a youth," s. Israel, Mar. 7, 1753. [Mar. 6. CR]

Sarah, d. Israel and Marcy, Feb. 7, 1738. CR

Sarah, d. Israel and Marcy, Jan. 28, 1750.


Ebenezer, inf. s. Nehemiah, Mar. 20, 1804. [Mar. 12. CR]

Ellen Maria, d. William N. and Harriet, a. 9 m., June 14, 1843.

Experience, ch. d. Nehemiah, Apr. 27, 1795.

Experience, wid. Hon. Nehemiah, "died in Manchester, buried in Topsfield," a. 80 y., Jan. 21, 1845.

Lucy, w. Nehemiah, Esq., a. 29 y., June 6, 1791.

Lucy, unm. d. the late Hon. Nehemiah, b. Mar. 12, 1800, d. Dec. 5, 1838.

Lucy, d. William N. and Harriet, a. 13 y., June 19, 1846.

Mary, wid. Rev. John, "late of Ipswich," 81 y., Apr. 19, 1810.

Nehemiah, ch. s. Nehemiah, a. 3 y., scarletina, Apr. 11, 1796.

Nehemiah, Hon., M.D., a. 76 y. 6 m., Feb. 26, 1837. ["For 53 yrs. he was practicing physician in town and for about 50 yrs. he held the office of magistate. For several years he was a member of the senate. He also held the office of Judge of the Court of Sessions. His influence was great and good in the town and abroad and especially in this church. ". CR]


Jerusha, m., "belonged to Marblehead, supposed to be about 70 yrs. old," consumption, Nov. 17, 1831.


[Marlew?], wid., Feb. 27, 1740. CR


_____, ch. Micall, Mar. 27, 1730. CR

Lydia, w. Micael, May 25, 1748.


_____, ch. Solomon and Lucy Ann, a. 1 d., Jan. 23, 1843.

Lucy Ann, w. Solomon, d. Benjamin and Rebecca Perkins, a. 26 y., consumption, Jan. 24, 1843.


_____, m., of Salem, a. 48 y., consumption, Aug. 13, 1835. [unm. PR1]

COMINGS (Cummings)

_____, s. Isaack, b. and d. Aug. 28, 1660.

_____, s. Issaack, b. and d. Dec. 6, 1662.

William, s. John, Mar. 30, 1672. [1673?]. CTR

COMMINGS (Cummings)

Jonathan, s. David, b. Mar. 19, 1730-1, d. Apr. 5, 1731.

Jonathan, s. David and Annah, Apr. 1, 1731. CR

Pellityah, "a younge man," Oct. 27, 1776. CR


_____, inf. ch. Moses, July 10, 1780. CR

_____, ch. Capt. Nathaniel and Elizabeth K., a. 5 weeks, "having been born Mar. 3, 1837," Apr. 8, 1827. CR

Aaron, a. 63 y. rm. and abt. 20 d., "wound and bleeding gangrene, Jan. 14, 1816.

Abraham K., s. Maj. Nathaniel and Elizabeth K., "died at Elmina on the West Coast of Africa," a. 23 y. 4 m., June 7, 1844.

Ann Maria, w. John, a. 43 y., consumption. Oct. 9, 1844.

Bartholemew, s. Lot of Ipswich, a. 66 y., heart complaint, Sept. 17, 1839. [65 y. 10 m. CR]

Benjamin, s. John and Ruth, a. 13 m. nearly, May 24, 1829. [May 31. CR]

Dorcas, wid. [John. PR1], d. Elnathan Hubbard, a. 78 y., old age, July 11, 1844.

Eunice, wid. Aaron and d. Timothy and Eunice Dorman of Boxford, a. 67 y. 10 m., nearly, general debility, Jan. 19, 1823.

John, "suddenly," a. 32 y., June 24, 1800. CR

Joshua [s. Lot and Eunice. GR1], a. 15 y., scarlatina anginasa, July 12, 1795. CR

Sally, inf. d. John and Ruth, a. 19 d., Sept. 26, 1830.


Susanna, "at about half past eleven o'clock before noon, the body of Susanna Cook of Rowley, aged about 75 yrs., was found by the side of the road leading from Newburyport turnpike to Perkin's Mill dead. Probably perished by the storm," Feb. 15, 1821. [Feb. 14. CR]


_____, ch. Nicholas, Apr. 21, 1733. CR

_____, wid., Jan. 20, 1734. CR

_____, two chn. Joseph, "one aged three, & ye other five years. Both buried at once," scarletina anginasa, Aug. 30 and Sept. 1, 1795. CR

Asa, "a youth," May 9, 1754. CR

Cornelius, s. John and Martha, a. 56 y. 8 m. 10 d., consumption, May 19, 1816.

Hannah, wid. Stephen, a. 84 y., cancer, Oct. 19, 1839.

John, a. 72 y., May --, 1794. CR

John, s. Joseph, a. "short of a year," scarletina anginasa, Sept. 4, 1795. CR

Joshua, Sept. 21, 1778. CR

Lucy, wid. Cornelius, "at the Almshouse," a. abt. 70 y., old age, Mar. 19, 1830.

Martha, wid. John and d. Joseph and Martha Robinson, a. 94 y. 10 m. 14 d., June 11, 1815.

Mary, "a young woman," Mar. 15, 1763. CR

Richerd, "a middle aged man who was drownded," Apr. 15, 1769. CR

Ruth, wid., a. 71 y., June 29, 1800. CR

Stephen, s. Richard and Ruth, a. 61 y., nearly, consumption, old age, Oct. 15, 1821.


Jerusha, d. Nicholas and Kezia, Feb. 4, 1728-9. CR

Mary, d. Nicholas and Kezia, Jan. 29, 1728-9. CR


_____, ch. George, a. 14 d., scarlet fever, Mar. 17, 1832.

Catharine Mary, d. George, a. 2 y. 5 m., scarlet fever, "at 12 o'clock morning," Jan. 15, 1842.

Mary Elisabeth, d. George, a. 3 y. 4 m., whooping cough, July 30, 1836.

CUMINGS (Cummings)

Hannah, inf. d. Joseph, jr., "of Ipswich but died in Topsfield," Apr. 4, 1758. CR

Isaac, "an aged man," Oct. 12, 1761. CR

Joseph, s. Joseph and Abigail, "Small Pox," Dec. 24, 1729.

CUMMINGS (Comings, Commings, Cumings, Cummins)

_____, inf., youngest s. Joseph, Jan. 13, 1752. CR

_____, w. Capt. Thomas, Dec. 6, 1792. CR

Abigail, wid. Joseph, "Small Pox," Jan. 10, 1729-30.

Abigail, inf. d. Pelatiah, "died in Wenham," Jan. 23, 1770. CR

Abigail, wid., "an aged Woman," Oct. 5, 1771. CR

Anna [Annar. GR2], w. David, [b. 1710. GR2] d. Feb. 9, 1741. CR

Anna, wid. Rev. Joseph, a. 38 y., July 22, 1792. CR [July 23. GR1]

Catharine, youngest ch. Cyrus and Susanna, a. 10 m., Feb. 20, 1820.

Cyrus, a. 45 y., Apr. 26, 1827.

David, Cornitt [b. Apr. 15, 1698. GR2], d. Apr. 2, 1765. CR

David, s. Samuel and Eunice, a. 63 y. 10 m., "suddenly," Mar. 22, 1826.

Elijah, s. Joseph, a. 80 y., old age, Mar. 27, 1842.

Elizabeth, inf. d. David, Feb. 13, 1741. CR

Elizabeth, inf. d. David, Feb. 14, 1746-7.

Elisabeth, w. Jonathan, a. 52 y., Oct. 20, 1797.

Elizabeth, w. Jonathan, Nov. --, 1797. CR

Elizabeth, wid. Capt. Thomas, d. John and Elizabeth Perkins, a. abt. 72 y., old age and fever, Dec. 6, 1825.

Eunice, wid. Samuel, a. 78 y., July 20, 1811. [wife of Capt. GR2]

Eunice, w. Elijah, a. 51 y., Dec. 13, 1813.

Hiram, a. 11 y., Oct. 8, 1805. CR

Hiram, s. Sylvester and Judith, a. 1 d., Feb. 2, 1816. GR2

Israel, inf. s. Capt. Thomas, Jan. 22, 1764. CR

John, inf. s. Elisha, Sept. 24, 1747. CR

Jonas, a. 40 y., "fever of six weeks," Jan. 16, 1804.

Joseph, Capt. a. 101 y., Apr. ---, 1794. CR

Joseph, a. 80 y., Oct. 24, 1801.

Hitty, wid. [David. GR2], at Middleton [a. 66 y. GR2], Oct. 10, 1831. PR1

Priscilla, w. Capt. Joseph, Aug. 19, 1780. CR

Rebecca, w. John, "very suddenly," a. 22 y., Sept. 8, 1802. [a. 24. CR]

Samuel, m., a. 64 y., [Mar. 29. GR2] --- --, 1796. CR

Samuel, s. Rev. Joseph and Anna, a. 17 y., June 22, 1802. [buried the same day. PR1]

Sarah, w. Palatiah, "a middle aged woman," May 22, 1769. CR

Sarah, d. Paletiah, Feb. 1, 1778. CR

Sarah, w. John, July 22, 1781. CR

Sally, w. David, jr. of Salem, d. Daniel Porter of this town, a. 27 y. 10 m., Feb. 2, 1814.

Stebens, "Dyed by the hands of the Indians," July 3, 1706.

Stephen, "a young man who died comming home from sea," May 27, 1765. CR

Susanna, wid., a. 95 y., Sept. 13, 1766. CR

Thomas, Capt., Sept. 3, 1765. CR

Thomas, Capt., a. 65 y., Mar. 27, 1806. CR

William Porter, s. David, jr., and Sally, a. 18 m. [a. 19 m. GR2], Sept. 3, 1814.

William P., s. William and Sarah, a. 25 y. 4 m., inflammation of the bowels, Aug. 12, 1842.

CUMMINS (Cummings)

_____, w. Joseph, Mar. 30, 1791. CR

Joseph, "a youth," s. wid. Mary Clark, Sept. 4, 1760. CR

CURTICE (Curtis)

John, s. John and Prisilah, b. Apr. 16, 1697, d. Aug. 27, 1698.

John, Feb. 23, 1732-3.

John, jr., s. wid. Joanna, Dec. 21, 1739. CR

Mary, d. Zacheaous, Dec. 31, 1674. CTR

Sarah, d. John and Presilah, Mar. 29, 1706.

CURTIS (Curtice)

Hannah, twin d. John and Prissilah, b. June 8, 1712, d. Oct. 24, 1712.

Mary, d. Zaccheus and Mary, Oct. 21, 1683. CTR

Mary, wid., "in her 98th year," Aug. 23, 1745. CR

Prissilah, w. John, June 16, 1715.

Rebecca, d. Samuel and Hannah, Dec. 3, 1726.

Zaccheus, s. Zaccheus and Mary, Nov. 7, 1683. CTR