NorthShore Slavery


Russell, only s. Russell and Hannah, a. 17 y., June 5, 1823.

Russell, a. 42 y., Dec. 3, 1826.


Nathaniel, "killed by ye falling of gravel" [on the turnpike], July 23, 1805. CR [another man hurt so as to have his leg cut off just above his knee. PR1]


Lucy Abigail, d. Isaiah M. and Betsey K., a. 5 m., Oct. 7, 1837.


_____, inf. s. Asa, Dec. 26, 1765. CR

_____, inf. ch. Dudley, Apr. 16, 1768. CR

_____, inf. ch. Samuel, jr., Apr. 13, 1775. [Apr. 14. CR]

_____, ch. Nathanael, May 31, 1782. CR

Benjamin, s. Samuel, jr., Oct. 2, 1778. CR

Cynthia, d. Willard and Mary, b. Aug. 1, 1840, d. July 25, 1843. [Cynthia Allen, July 26. GR1]

Elizabeth, wid. Reuben, a. 69 y., Feb. 1, 1843.

John, s. Ephraim and Mary, May 26, 1729. CR

Joseph, "who died from home in ye Army," ––– ––, 1760. CR

Mary, w. Asa, Dec. 31, 1765. CR

Moses, "transiently in this town, belonging to Ipswich, aged 47, came to his end in a moment by a fall from the staging to a building," Feb. 1, 1816.

Moses Welch, s. Willard and Mary, a. 1 y. 4 m. 20 d., Sept. 9, 1834.

Nancy ann, w. Samuel P., a. 31 y., June 2, 1848.

Priscilla, w. Samuel, jr., Sept. 25, 1744. CR

Priscilla, wid. Samuel, Esq., deceased, his 2d w. and d. Joseph and Priscilla Gould, a. 83 y., May 27, 1797. [June 28. CR]

Rebekah, wid., Mar. 13, 1753. CR [Mar. 2, d. John Curtice. GR1]

Reuben, a. abt. 65 y., Feb. 1, 1841.

Samuel, July 12, 1748.

Samuel, Esq., apoplexy, a. 72 y., Nov. 14, 1785. CR

Sarah, d. Robert, Aug. 28, 1673. CTR

Susannah, d. Samuel, May 5, 1741. CR

Susanna, d. Samuel, jr., a. abt. 18 y., "in a very sudden & unexpected manner," Dec. 18, 1781. CR


Jonathan, s. Jonathan and Sarah, b. at Chelmsford, m., a. 58 y. 1 m. 3 d., consumption, Oct. 3, 1844.


_____, wid., Jan. 19, 1746. CR

John, inf. s. John, July 1, 1745. CR

Oliver, ch. John, Dec. 26, 1741. CR


Lydia, wid., "an aged Woman died very suddenly," Apr. 27, 1770. CR

Matthew, s. Samuel, sr., Apr. 16, 1714.

Matthew, s. Samuel, jr. and Mary, Nov. 14, 1714.

Meriam, w. Jacob, Apr. 10, 1716.


Nancy, w. Solomon, of Gloucester, a. 52 y., colic, Oct. 22, 1842.


_____, youngest ch. Richard, Mar. 17, 1737. CR

_____, d. Josiah W. and Elizabeth, a. 1 y., May 23, 1848.

Martha, d. Richard, Mar. 23, 1737. CR

William, s. Richard, Mar. 19, 1737. CR


_____, Mrs., bet. June 21 and Nov. 30, 1794. CR

Hannah, ch. d. Thomas, July 31, 1757. CR

Jacob, a. 52 y., Jan. 22, 1801. CR

Mary, inf. d. John, Aug. 24, 1745. CR

Mary, wid., "an aged woman," June 24, 1761. CR

Mary, ch. d. Stephen, Sept. 28, 1761. CR

Susanna, wid. Jacob and d. _____ Bishop of Rowley, a. 91 y. 10 m. 12 d., old age, Jan. 21, 1842.

Thomas, a. 80 y., Jan. 10, 1791. CR