NorthShore Slavery

BACHELOR (Batchelder) Index

Hannah, wid., "in ye 80th year of her age," Apr. 26, 1783. CR


Elizabeth, wid., "of Old Rowley. She was the mother of the wife of Charles Miller," a. 77 y., consumption, Jan. 28, 1835.


Thomas, Capt., Mar. 18, 1717-18. [a. 81 y. 6 m. 5 d. GR1]

Prisillah, d. Lieut. Thomas and Mary, May 17, 1719.

Thomas, 2d, Capt., Sept. --, 1725. CR

Jacob, ch. Thomas, Apr. 3, 1732. [Apr. 1. CR]

Samuel, inf., youngest ch. Thomas, Feb. 26, 1739-40. [Feb. 25. CR]

Elizabeth, inf., youngest ch. Thomas, Apr. 12, 1745. [Apr. 14. CR]

David, inf. s. Capt. Thomas, July 15, 1751.

Ebenezer, ch. John, jr. [Capt. John and Mary. GR1], Apr. 24, 1776. CR [in 6th y. GR1].

Thomas, Capt., Sept. 16, 1777. CR [in 67th y. GR1]

Sarah, wid. [Capt. Thomas. GR1], "a woman in years," June 29, 1780. CR [in 68th y. GR1].

Anna, w. John, cancer a. 66 y., Feb. 25, 1785. CR

John, s. Thomas and Hannah, a. 14 y. 8 m., typhus fever, Nov. 1, 1814.

John, Maj., s. Capt. Thomas and Sarah, a. nearly 82 y., "served and was commissioned in the French war which commenced in 1755, and commanded a company in 1775 and 1776 of the Revolutionary war," Nov. 11, 1815 [a. 83 y. GR1]

Mary, wid. Maj. John, d. "Rev. John Emerson, a former minister of this town," old age, a. abt. 80 y. 1 m., Dec. 16, 1816.


Hannah, w. David, Jan. 1, 1748. CR

Elizabeth, d. Cornelius, Sept. 7, 1749. [ Sept. 6. CR; in 3d y., Sept. 6. GR1]

Cornelius, inf. s. Cornelius, Sept. 22, 1749. [ Sept. 23. CR]

Cornelius, Dec. 20, 1749. [in 31st y. GR1]

Joseph, s. wid. Martha [s. Cornelius and Martha. GR1], Jan. 25, 1750. [in 6th y. GR1]

Thomas, inf. s. David, jr., Apr. 1, 1759. CR

Thomas, s. David and Hannah, b. Mar. 29, 1761, hydrothorax, a. 69 y. nearly, Mar. 10, 1830.

William, "a young person," s. John, Mar. 22, 1764. CR

David, "an aged man," Sept. 25, 1769. CR

Richard, s. David, June 14, 1770. CR

John, Dec. 31, 1774. CR

William, s. David, Feb. 26, 1776. CR

John, s. John and Sarah, b. Aug. 17, 1776, cancer in throat, a. 61 y., Oct. 24, 1837.

Sarah, ch. d. Robert, Oct. 10, 1776. CR

Richard, ch. 5. Cornelious, Nov. 1, 1776. CR

Betty, w. David, 3d, consumption, a. 22 y., Oct. 4, 1784. CR [Oct. 14. GR1]

_____, ch. Roger, a. 3 weeks, July 1, 1785. CR

Aaron, s. David, jr., Oct. 10, 1785. CR

_____, inf. d. David, jr., Jan. 21, 1787. CR

David, palsy, a. 73 y., Apr. 17, 1787. CR

Rebecca, wid., a. 80 y., Mar. 1, 1794. CR

Cornelius, a. 45 y., Aug. 21, 1795. CR

John, a. 59 y., "very suddenly," July 25, 1798. CR

Hannah, wid., a. 81 y., Sept. 14, 1807. [ Sept. 15, a. 77 y. CR and. PR1; Sept. 14, in 82d y. GR1]

David, s. David and Hannah, a. 59 y., July 22, 1812. [Cut his own throat about sunset and died. PR1]

Esther, wid. David, "long since deceased," d. Thomas and Mary Dwinell, old age, a. 95y, 8 m., Jan. 13, 1816.

Dolly [Dorothy. PR1], w. Thomas, d. Samuel and Dorothy Perkins, a. 51 y. 8 m. 12 d., cancerous breast, June 22, 1819.

Daniel, "died at sea," Nov. --, 1823. PR1

Sarah, wid. John, d. Capt. Thomas and Sarah Baker, b. May 24, 1743, old age, a. 87 y. 7 m. 12 d., Jan. 16, 1831.

Betsey, "at the Almshouse," a. 62 y., chronic infirmities, Oct. 27, 1835.

Sarah, w. Roger, a. 80 y. 3 m., Oct. 28, 1837.

Edwin Wallace, s. Nehemiah and Mary Ann, b. Aug. 27, 1837, croup, Mar. 6, 1838.

Joshua, s. David and Hannah, a. 70 y. 5 m., hydrothorax, Nov. 11, 1839.

Roger, s. John and Rebeckah, b. May 26, 1755, old age, Jan. 6, 1842.

Sarah, wid. David, d. Jacob and Sarah Peabody, "suddenly," a. 75 y., Mar. 2, 1845.

Humphrey Porter, s. Humphrey and Hannah P., a. 2 y. 11 m. 25 d., May 23, 1847.

BATCHELDER (Bachelor, Batcheler, Batcheller) Index

Lydia, w. John, a. 76 y., Mar. 2, 1812. [a. 75 y. GR1]

_____, ch. John, jr., a. 1 d., Dec. --, 1815. CR [Dec. 23. PR1]

John, s. John and Anne, a. 75 y. 2 m., strangury, Jan. 10, 1819.

Caroline Elizabeth, only ch. Joseph W. [and Nancy F. GR1], a. 18 m., scarlet fever, July 25, 1832.

Phebe, w. John, d. Isaac and Priscilla Averell, a. 67 y. 6 m., cancer, Sept. 26, 1839.

_____, s. Joseph W. and Nancy F., a. 2 d., Apr. 21, 1842.

Nancy F., w. Joseph W., d. Daniel Fuller, Esq., of Middleton. "She died in Lynn, whither she had gone on a visit to friends. The corpse was brought to Topsfield for interment," a. 40 y., hemorrhage, Aug. 6, 1842. CR

Sarah, w. Capt. Joseph, d. Amos Perkins, a. 70 y. 10 m. 10 d., old age., Sept. 24, 1842.

John, s. John and Lydia, farmer, widr., a. 77 y., old age, Sept. 20, 1845.

Sarah Ellen, d. Joseph W. and Nancy F., b. "in Middleton," a. 11 y., inflammation of bowels, Feb. 14, 1849.

BATCHELER (Batchelder)

John, "an aged man," Feb. 2, 1771. CR

BATCHELLER (Batchelder) Index

_____, w. John, May 5, 1760. CR

Ann, d. John and Lydia, Sept. 14, 1777. CR

Elizabeth, ch. d. John, July 6, 1745. CR

Jacob, s. John and Lydia, Sept. 7, 1777. CR


Symon, s. Francis, Jan. 29, 1660-1.


Jane, unm., Aug. 30, 1845. PR1 [see also Munday]

BECKFORD (Bickford) Index

Ira, s. Silas and Mehitable, "killed by lightning in the house occupied by Samuel Bradstreet in Middleton," a. nearly 13 y., June 15, 1820.

Dolly [Dorothy Balch. PR1], d. Joseph and Sarah, a. 3 y. and nearly 2 m., quinsy, Mar. 7, 1824.

Joseph Ira, s. Joseph and Sarah, a. 2 weeks, sore mouth, May 7, 1824. [May 8. CR]

Mehetable, wid. Silas, d. Daniel and Joanna Averell, "died in Beverly while on a visit, buried in Topsfield," a. 71 y., Aug. 31, 1845.


_____, inf. d. Jonathan and Hannah, Mar. 4, 1818.

BICKFORD (Beckford) Index

Silas, a. 68 y., old age, Dec. 17, 1838. [Dec. 16. CR]


_____, ch., Aug. --, 1835. PR1


_____, inf. s. Mary, Apr. 13. CR

Enos, ch. George, May 30, 1738. CR

Benjamin, ch. s. wid. Esther, Dec. 10, 1747. CR

_____, inf., youngest ch. Benjamin, Mar. 6, 1748. CR

Joshua, "an aged man," June 9, 1754. CR

Enos, inf. s. Benjamin, Sept. 4, 1758. CR

Abigail, "an aged woman," Nov. 7, 1758. CR

Mary, w. Deacon, "an aged woman," Feb. 8, 1767. CR

Daniel, Sept. 22, 1775. CR [a. 56 y. 7 m. GR1]

Sarah, w. Dea. George [a. 63 y. GR2], June 30, 1776. CR

Elizabeth [m., d. Daniel and Ruth, a. 33 y. GR1], Sept. 18, 1776. CR

George, Dea., "in the 92 year of his age," May 3, 1783. CR

Benjamin, jr. [s. Benjamin and Peggy. GR1], a. 17 y., scarlatina anginasa, June 2, 1795. CR

Margaret, w. Benjamin, a. 57 y., Jan. 23, 1805.

Ruth, wid. [Daniel. CR], a. 89 y., Sept. 14, 1808. CR

Cynthia, d. Capt. Daniel, jr. a. 8 y., fever. May --, 1820. CR

Lucinda, d. Capt. Daniel, jr., and Sally, a. 6 y. 9 m., June 13, 1820.

Caroline, d. Capt. Daniel, June 30, 1820. PR1

Daniel, Dea., s. Daniel and Ruth, and grands. Dea. George Bixby, a. 73 y. 8 m., old age, Jan. 5, 1825.

Sophia, d. Capt. Asa and Eleanor, a. 2 y. 9 2-3 m., Mar. 29, 1825.

Benjamin, "of Boxford, buried in Topsfield," a. 83 y., old age. [Bet. Feb. 4 and Feb. 17, 1830.] CR

Ruth, wid. Dea. Daniel, a. nearly 83 y., old age, June 3, 1834.

Daniel, Capt., a. 55 y., protracted debility, June 24, 1836.

Charles H., s. Daniel and Caroline, b. Feb. 2, 1840, d. Aug. 23, 1846. GR1

Silas C., s. Capt. Asa and Eleanor, b. Sept. 22, 1827, pleurisy, Feb. 22, 1843.

Daniel A., s. Daniel and Caroline, b. May 30, 1843, d. Aug. 29, 1846. GR1

Sally [Sarah. CR], wid. Capt. Daniel, d. Joshua and Sarah Towne, a. 58 y., dysentery, Sept. 9, 1846.

William H., s. Capt. Daniel and Sally, a. 20 y. 5 m., dysentery, Sept. 15, 1846.

John Q., s. Capt. Daniel and Sally, a. 17 y. 4 m. 28 d., dysentery, Sept. 23, 1846. [ Sept. 21. GR1]

Joseph, s. Benjamin and Peggy, "born in New Salem, NH, shoemaker," a. 76 y., Apr. 4, 1849.

BLAISDELL (Braisdell) Index

Daniel, "cut his throat at Hamilton," July 3, 1833. PR1

Mary, d. Samuel and Annis, a. 32 y. 5 m. 29 d., Sept. 1, 1847.

Sally, d. Samuel and Annis, at Ipswich, a. 21 y. 1 m. 15 d., Feb. 27, 1849.


William, s. Isaac S. and Cynthia, a. 3 y., worms, Mar. 20, 1825.

BOARDMAN (Bordman, Borman) Index

Nathanael, jr., Aug. 26, 1736. CR

Abigail, d. Nathanael, Sept. 13, 1736. CR

Joseph, May 18, 1737. CR

Abigail, w. Nathaniel, Aug. 11, 1749. CR

Prudence, wid., Oct. 28, 1755. CR

Nathaniel, "an aged man," Mar. 7, 1758. CR

Nathaniell, "who died form Home in ye Army," --- --, 1760. CR

Eunice, d. Capt., July 12, 1768. CR

John, jr., "a young man," Jan. 28, 1771. CR

John, Capt., "in something of a sudden & unexpected manner," Apr. 7, 1780. CR [in 64th y. GR1]


Jemima, wid., "an aged Woman, died very suddenly," Mar. 27, 1770. CR

BORDMAN (Boardman) Index

_____, ch. Daniel, a. 8 y., scarletina, Sept. 9, 1796. CR

Daniel, Capt., a. 51 y., May 1, 1803. [May 1. PR1; May 5. CR]

BORMAN (Boardman) Index

Daniel, Apr. 27, 1708.

Jonathan, Oct. 3, 1723.


_____, ch. Joseph, Apr. 12, 1730. CR

BRADSTREET (Broadstreet) Index

John, Jan. 11, 1717-18.

Sarah, w. Samuel, June 19, 1736. CR

Simon, Aug. 1, 1738. CR

Dudley, Aug. 23, 1743. CR

Sarah, wid., Apr. 7, 1745. CR

Simon, jr., Sept. 18, 1747. CR

Huldah, inf. d. John, Mar. 7, 1753. CR

Asa, "a young man," Apr. 14, 1759. CR

Elijah, Jan. 14, 1760. CR

Samuel, Dec. 1, 1762. CR

Henry, s. Henry [and Abigail, in 4th y. GR1], Mar. 23, 1774. CR

Susannah, w. Simon, Dec. 23, 1774. CR

Samuel, July 6, 1777. CR [July 7, a. 49 y. GR1]

Ruth, wid., Samuel, July 25, 1777. CR [a. 44 y. GR1]

Huldah, d. John and Elisabeth, Sept. 23, 1777. CR

Elizabeth, wid., "a very aged person, & ye only surviving daughter of ye Revr Mr Capen, the third ordained pastor of this Chh.," Mar. 22, 1781. CR

Simon, a. 84 y., Jan. 25, 1788. CR

Joseph, Dr., Oct. 5, 1790. CR

Asa, a. 25 y., "Killed by ye wheels of a loaded Waggon, which passed over his head." Oct. --, 1793. CR

[Cynthia. GR1] d. Moses, a. 2 y., Oct. 14, 1801. CR [Oct. 13. GR1]

Moses, a. 29 y., Oct. 29, 1801. CR

Elizabeth, w. John, a. 83 y., Nov. 13, 1801.

John, a. 90 y., Nov. 22, 1807.

_____, inf. ch. [Capt.] John, Aug. 19, 1808. CR

Polly, w. Capt. Dudley, a. 44 y. 1 m. 16 d., May 9, 1815.

_____, twin, inf. sons, Capt. John and Mehitable, a. abt. 3 weeks, Aug. 5 and 11, 1815.

Mehitable, w. Capt. John, d. Cornelius and Mehitable Balch, a. 37 y. 8 1/2m. Oct. 4, 1815.

Samuel, s. Samuel and Ruth, a. 52 y. 10 3/4m. "his death was occasioned by a fall from his carriage," Nov. 26, 1816.

Ruth, unm., d. the late Samuel and Matta, a. 25 y. 5 m., consumption, Apr. 9, 1817.

Henry, s. Simon and Anne, a. abt. 76 y. 9 m., Sept. 2, 1818. [d. in Boxford, late of Topsfield. PR1]

Polly, w. Asa, youngest d. Lieut. Jonas and Mehitable Merriam, a. 21 y. 9 m., Feb. 7, 1820.

Nathaniel, s. Samuel and Matta, a. 25 y. 1 1/2m., nearly, Nov. 3, 1820.

_____, inf. ch. Cornelius and Eunice, a. 4 m., Aug. 1, 1821.

Ephraim Wildes, s. Corneluis B. and Eunice, a. 3 m. nearly, fits, Jan. 17, 1824.

John, Capt., s. Samuel and Ruth, "a descendant of the venerable Governor Simon Bradstreet," a. 53 y. 4 m., Apr. 4, 1825.

Mehitabel, d. Col. Porter and Mehetabel, a. abt. 13 y., bowel complaint and fever, Aug. 10, 1825.

Moses, youngest s. the late Samuel and Matta, "at his house in Boxford," "late of this town," a. 28 y., Aug. 10, 1828.

Mehitable, d. Cornelius B. and Eunice, a. 5 m., "suddenly," Dec. 20, 1828.

Moses, s. William and Eunice [Fannie. GR1], a. 3 y. 4 1/2m., fever, Aug. 26, 1830. [Aug. 25. GR1]

Moses Cornelius, s. Cornelius b. and Eunice, a. 2 y. 4 m. 17 d., scarlet fever, Sept. 5, 1832.

Dudley, jr., s. Capt. Dudley and Polly, a. 36 y. 40 d., consumption, Sept. 25, 1832.

Dudley, Capt. a. 67 y., Apr. 23, 1833. GR1

Faustina, d. Cornelius B. and Eunice, a. 4 m. 29 d., June 3, 1834. [June 11. CR]

Marietta, d. William and Eunice, a. 16 y. 2 m. 24 d., fever, Nov. 22, 1834.

Elizabeth D. [d. Capt. John and Priscilla, a. 11 y., Feb. 22. GR1] a. 12 y., Feb. 23, 1835. PR1

Walter, s. Asa and Nancy, a. 1 y. 6 m. 25 d., ulceration of bowels, Oct. 18, 1845.

John, s. John and Mehetable, a. 35 y. 9 m. 29 d., consumption, Sept. 10, 1847.

Lydia, unm., d. William and Eunice, a. 27 y. 10 m., consumption, June 29, 1848.

Porter, Col., s. Dudley and Polly, "farmer, married," a. 59 y., dropsy, June 25, 1849.


Nathaniel, a. 88 y., May 18, 1790. CR

BRAISDELL (Blaisdell) Index

_____, d. James and Sarah C., a. 7w., whooping cough, Jan. 13, 1843. [Jan. 13, 1 son. CR]


Abraham, "A foreigner from Holland resident in this town several years," a. abt. 60 y., consumption, Mar. 29, 1816. CR


_____, ch. Mr. _____, "belonging to Marblehead," May 6, 1776. CR

BROADSTREET (Bradstreet) Index

Lucy, d. John, Jan. 29, 1776. CR

Mehetable, d. John, Jan. 29, 1776. CR


David, a. 19 y., Oct. 28, 1808. CR

Sally, wid., "Boxford," Feb. 11, 1829. CR


Arthur, "died in ye war," --- --, 1758. CR


George, May 26, 1658. CTR


Jedidiah, inf. s. James, May 29, 1759. CR

James "who died from home in ye Army," --- --, 1760. CR


Isaac, sr., May 3, 1706.


Oliver, s. John and Hannah, in 17th y., June 16, 1793. GR1