NorthShore Slavery


Thomas, s. Ebezener and Ruth, a. 6 y., dysentery, Sept. 5, 1842.

Hannah Elizabeth, d. Ebenezer and Ruth, a. 2 y., dysentery, Sept. 7, 1842.

_____, d. Ebenezer and Ruth, a. 10 m., whooping cough, Jan. 8, 1843.

Harriet, w. Ebenezer, 2d, d. Oliver P. Lake, "born in Haverhill," a. 26 y., scarlet fever, Oct. 29, 1845.

EASTY (Esty)

Isaack, s. Joseph and Jane, Apr. 30, 1683. CTR

Hannah, w. Daniel, a. 62 y. 2 m., Feb. 28, 1802. CR [Feb. 26. PR1 and. GR2]

Ester, wid., a. 100 y. 1 m., July 17, 1805. CR


Joseph, July 6, 1752. [July 5. CR]

Thomas, Mar. 2, 1756. CR

Joseph "in ye war," --- --, 1757. CR

_____, wid. "an aged woman," Jan. 18, 1776. CR


William H., July 18, 1832. PR1

_____, ch. Stephen, a. 4 y., bowel complaint, July 29, 1832.


Abigail, w. Jonathan, Dec. 27, 1739. CR

Joseph, inf. s. John and Elizabeth, Jan. 1, 1748.

Ebenezer, inf. s. John and Elizabeth, Mar. 12, 1752. CR

Cornelius Waldo, inf. s. John and Elizabeth, Aug. 7, 1753. CR

John, jr., s. John and Elizabeth, "at Haverhill in ye 23d year of his age," Feb. 4, 1754. CR

Sarah, ch. d. John and Elizabeth May 21, 1759. CR

Billy, s. Thomas and Lydia, b. Aug. 1, 1765, palsy, a. 70 y. 3 m., Oct. 29, 1835.

Ruth B., wid. Billy, d. Samuel and Ruth Bradstreet, b. Mar. 8, 1766, d. "in Boston, interred in Topsfield," Oct. 22, 1842. CR

Abigail, "a young Woman," d. John and Elizabeth, Apr. 24, 1769. CR

Joseph, "a Youth," Mar. 9, 1771. CR

John, Rev., "departed this Life Aged 67 years, five months, and four days. [4 m. 14 d. GR1] He was Ordained November 27th, 1728," July 11, 1774. CR

Elizabeth [Pratt. GR1], wid. Rev. John, a. 81 y., Apr. 1, 1790. CR

–––––, inf. ch. Aaron, Oct. 19, 1806. CR

Thomas, Lieut., s. Rev. John, a. 78 y. 3 m., May 9, 1813.

Thomas, inf. s. James W. and Lydia P. Stearns "of Salem, the same being a grandchild of Billy and Ruth Emerson of Topsfield," whooping cough, June 24, 1823.

Lydia [Porter. GR1], wid. Thomas, a. 84 y., old age, Feb. 5, 1825.

Joseph, s. Lieut. Thomas and Lydia, and grands. Rev. John Emerson, a. 50 y. 6 m., "suddenly," May 28, 1826.

Caroline A., w. Thomas P., d. Samuel and Mehetabel Bradstreet, a. 20 y., consumption, Apr. 29, 1831. [Apr. 30. CR]

Elizabeth B., w. Daniel, d. Capt. Joseph and Sarah Batchelder, "died in Danvers, buried in Topsfield, Feb. 20," a. 36 y., Feb. ––, 1849. [Feb. 20. PR1]

John, s. Daniel and Elizabeth B., "died in Danvers, buried in Topsfield, Mar. 17," a. between 2 and 3 y., Mar. ––, 1849.


John, s. Mr. Zarobabell and Grace, Feb. 2, 1697-8.

ESTEY (Esty)

Jacob, Oct. 3, 1732. CR

Abigail, d. Aaron, Feb. 24, 1737. CR

Esther, d. Aaron, Feb. 28, 1737. CR

_____, ch. Jacob, Apr. 26, 1738. CR

William, s. Aaron, Mar. 13, 1745. CR

Abigail, inf. d. Isaac, June 1, 1759. CR

Aaron, "in y(e) 85 year of his age," Apr. 21, 1783. CR

Daniel, s. Aaron and Esther, a. 91 y. 2 m. and abt. 7 d., "death caused by an accidental wound," July 23, 1830.

Mary, unm., a. 80 y., Apr. 15, 1846. GR2

Enos, s. Daniel and Hannah, farmer, married, a. 74 y. 2 m. 14 d., Feb. 24, 1848. [a. 76 y. GR2]