NorthShore Slavery

MAXEY (Maxcy)

Ebenezer, s. Benony and Mary, June 21, 1708.

Hannah, Nov. 1, 1737. CR

John, "killed at an attempt to take the Island Battery on Cape Breton," May 27, 1745. CR

MAXWELL (Maxell, Maxsell)

David, Feb. 7, 1754, a. 92 y. CR

John, s. John and Martha, Mar. 18, 1759.

John, Apr. 3, 1759. CR

Martha, d. David [wid. CR], Aug. 1, 1762.

Sarah, w. David, Feb. 24, 1726-7. CR


Caroline A., d. Daniel and Mary P. [Sept. 23. CR], 1836. [a. 7 m. CR]

Daniel N. [Newton. CR], s. Daniel and Mary R. [P. CR], scarlet fever, Feb. 28, 1845, a. 10 m.

Elizabeth, w. Daniel, Feb. 8, 1827, a. 38 y. GR1

Everett Ashman, s. Daniel and Mary P. [buried May 20. CR], 1837. [a. 3 w. CR]

John, s. Hazen [M. CR] and Thirsa, "By a fall," Nov. 22, 1848, a. 5 y. 11 m. 13 d.

Lucy [Caroline Augusta. CR], d. George W. and Sophronia, scarlet fever, Feb. 12, 1845, a. 1 y. 5 m.

Samuel Austin, s. Daniel and Mary, Jan. 21, 1833. CR

MILDRAM (Meldram)

Elizabeth, d. Orren, Mar. 16, 1847, a. 2 y. CR

Halcy K. [Charles H. CR], d. John and Nancy W., Apr. 7, 1838, a. 2 y. 5 m. GR1

Hannah K., d. Oren and Tammy, dropsy, Mar. 3, 1847, a. 2 y. 4 m.

Lydia A., d. John and Nancy W., Jan. 4, 1831. GR1

[Orin A. GR1], s. John and Nancy, Sept. 9, 1834. CR [a. 1 y. 4 m. GR1]


Hennery, Oct. 2, 1711.


John, Capt., Sept. 7, 1824, a. 61 y. CR

Rebekah, wid., Sept. 2, 1823, a. 83 y. CR


_____, s. Capt., dysentery, buried Oct. 7, 1805, a. abt. 7 y. CR

_____, s. Capt. J., dropsy in the head, buried Jan. 13, 1814, a. 8 m. CR

_____, ch. Capt. John, Aug. --, 1819. CR

Charles, s. John, Oct. 6, 1805, in his 7th y.

Elizabeth, wid., Feb. 14, 1703-4.

James, sr., Oct. --, 1696.

Jerusha, w. Caleb, May 16, 1737, a. 311 y. CR

John, Nov. 21, 1755. CR

John, Sept. 11, 1760. CR

John, s. Capt. John and Molly, Jan. 12, 1814, a. 8 m.

Jonathan, Dec. 3, 1727. CR

Josiah, s. John and Sarah, Mar. 17, 1730-31.

Josiah, "of a wound received aboard a Privateer," July 20, 1776. CR

Mary, wid. Jonathon, Oct. 22, 1728.

Mary, wid. [palsy and fever. CR], Mar. 20, 1813, a. 75 y.

Mary, d. Capt. John and Molly, Feb. 4, 1817, a. 6 m.

Paul Porter, s. William, June 27, 1832, a. 3 y. 7 m. CR

Rebecca, Sept. 2, 1823, a. 83 y. GR1

Samuell, s. Jonathan and Sarah, July 6, 1706.

Sarah, w. Jonathan, Sept. 2, 1712.

Sarah, d. John and Sarah, Oct. 5, 1730. [a. 21 y. CR]

Sarah, w. John, Jan. 3, 1744-5. [Jan. 4. CR]

Sarah, w. Capt. John[consumption. CR], Apr. 25, 1806, a. 45 y. [a. 35 y. CR]

William, Aug. 29, 1748. CR

William, buried Dec. 27, 1835, a. 15 y. CR