NorthShore Slavery


BLACK, Addam and Jean Black, servants to Richard Dodge and Josiah Dodge, int. Nov. 13, 1735.

BLACK, Jean, and Addam Black, servants to Richard Dodge and Josiah Dodge, int. Nov. 13, 1735.

_____, Deborah, woman servant of Joseph Herrick of Topsfield, and Sharpes, man servant of Samuel Gott, int. Jan. 14, 1737-8.

_____, Sharpes, man servant of Mr. Samuel Gott, and Deborah, woman servant of Mr. Joseph Herrick of Topsfield, int. Jan. 14, 1737-8.

_____, Vetu, servant of Capt. Thomas Choate of Ipswich, and Jack, servant of Lt. William Dodge, int. Dec. 3, 1743.

_____, Jack, servant of Lt. William Dodge, and Vetu, servant of Capt. Thomas Choate of Ipswich, int. Dec. 31, 1743.

_____, Dinah, and Manning, mulattoes, int. Nov. 16, 1744.

_____, Manning, and Dinah, mulattoes, int. Nov. 16, 1744.

BLACK, Sary, and Sepio Black, int. Oct. 16, 1748.

BLACK, Sepio, and Sary Black, int. Oct. 16, 1748.

_____, Grace, and Scipio, sevants to Daniel Gott, Apr. 19, 1753.*

_____, Scipio, and Grace, servants to Mr. Daniel Gott, Apr. 19, 1753.*

_____, Flora. servant of Dea. Thomas Chadwick of Boxford, and Primus, "Servant of ye 2nd wid. Mary Coe," at Boxford, June 10, 1753.*

_____, Primus, "Servant of ye 2nd wid. Mary Coe," and Flora, servant of Dea. Thomas Chadwick of Boxford, at Boxford, June 10, 1753.*

_____, Hazard [servant of John Gott. int.], and Judith [servant of Mrs. Jerusha Dodge. int.] of Beverly, Nov. 23, 1758,*

_____, Judith [servant of Mrs. Jerusha Dodge. int.], of Beverly, and Hazard [servant of John Gott. int.], at Beverly, Nov. 23, 1758.*

OTUM, Peggy, "a free woman" of Hampton Falls, and Primus Boorgilla, servant of Mrs. Mary Cue, int. Nov. 28, 1759.

BOORGILLAR, Primus, servant of Mrs. Mary Cue, and Peggy Otum, "a free woman" of Hampton Falls, int. Nov. 28, 1759.

_____, Argalus, servant of Jacob Dodge, and Phebe, mulatto servant of Richard Hubbard Dodge, Nov. 25, 1762.

_____, Phebe, mulatto servant of Richard Hubbard Dodge, and Argalus, servant of Jacob Dodge, Nov. 25, 1762.

_____, Boston, servant, of Ipswich, and Plassey [?], servant, int. May 10, 1777.

_____, Plassey [?], servant, and Boston, servant, of Ipswich, int. May 10, 1777.

_____, Patience, a maid servant, and Samson, a man servant, int. May 24, 1777.

_____, Samson, a man servant, and Patience, a maid servant, int. May 24, 1777.

BROOKS, Ceasar, and Phebe Boargillah of Danvers, int. Feb. 16, 1782.

BOARGILLAH, Phebe, of Danvers, and Cesar Brooks, int. Feb. 16, 1782.

FREMAN, Fortune, and Mrs. Phillis Bryant, Oct. 10, 1813.

BRYANT, Phillis, Mrs. and Fortune Freman, Oct. 10, 1813.