Prinn, servant lad to John White, bp. Aug. 10, 1712. CR1
_____, ch. belonging to Thomas Phips, bp. Nov. 28, 1762. CR5
_____, s. Robbin "freeman", June --, 1784. CR2
_____, d. Robbin Boyles, Sept. 30, 1787. CR2
Anthony, servant of Lt. Davis, bp. Apr. 18, 1742. CR1
Bristol, servant of Col. Sargent, Apr. 18, 1842. CR1
Broglio, ch. Cobiah and Dill, bp. Nov. 8, 1761. CR1
Cezar, servant of Elias Davis, bp. Jan. 7, 1732-3. CR1
Cezar, s. Tom and Dinah, bp. July 20, 1740. CR1
Cezar, s. Cezar and Flora, bp. Apr. 3, 1763. CR1
Cezar, s. Cezar and Flora, bp. Mar. 6, 1768. CR1
Candace, servant to Francis Norwood, July 21, 1745. CR3
Cato, s. Titus, servant of Capt. Sargent, bp. Feb. 7, 1751-2. CR1
Cato, s. Robin, bp. May 23, 1756. CR2
Cato, s. Robin, bp. Sept. 10, 1780. CR2
Celia, d. Dill, bp. July 13, 1755. CR1
Charles, s. Robert and Rhoda, Nov. --, 1808.
Cloe, servant of Mary Denning, bp. Sept. 24, 1740. CR2
Cloe, d. Titus, bp. Sept. 19, 1742. CR1
Cloe, d. Rose, servant of Capt. Haskell, bp. Mar. 15, 1746-7.
Cloe, d. Cuff, bp. Oct. 26, 1746. CR1
Cloe, servant ch. Rev. John Rogers, bp. Aug. 31, 1766. CR4
Cobenno, ch. Grace, bp. Sept. 21, 1740. CR1
Cornelius, s. Cuff, servant of Dea. William Parsons, bp. Jan. 29, 1748-9. CR1
Cornwell, ch. belonging to Mary Lane, bp. Oct. 3, 1756. CR3
Coff, s. Tom and Dinah, bp. July 20, 1740. CR1
Cuff, s. James, servant of William Allen, bp. Apr. 10, 1748. CR1
Dill, ch. Tom and Dinah, bp. July 20, 1740. CR1
Dill, belonging to Benjamin and Elizabeth Davis, bp. July 16, 1749. CR3
Dill, ch. belonging to Ambrose Finson. bp. Apr. 17, 1757. CR3
Dill, s. Cobinah and Dill. bp. Mar. 18, 1759. CR1
Dinah, d. Flora, servant of John Stevens, bp. Feb. 14, 1747-8. CR1
Dinah, d. Pomp, bp. Dec. 2, 1750. CR1
Dinah, d. London, bp. Feb. 29, 1756. CR1
Dinah, d. Robin, freeman, Mar. 24, 1782. CR2
BECKETS, Edward, s. Robert, bp. May 28, 1749. CR2
Eillis, ch. William Davis, bp. May 29, 1748. CR1
Elenor, d. Grace, bp. Sept. 21, 1740. CR1
Else, d. Tom and Dinah, bp. July 20, 1740. CR1
Else, servant of Francis Norwood, bp. Jan. 20, 1744-5. CR3
Else, d. Dick and Philis, bp. Mar. 12, 1769. CR5
Esther, d. Robin, bp. June 25, 1758. CR2
Esther, d. Cloe, bp. June 2, 1776. CR2
Flora, servant to Francis Norwood, July 21, 1745. CR3
Florah, d. Bristo, bp. Mar. 9, 1760. CR4
Flory, d. Dick and Phillis, bp. June 21, 1772. CR5
Frances, ch. Robert and Rhoda, Dec. --, 1806.
Franesco, servant of Dea. William Parsons, bp. Mar. 15, 1740-41. CR1
George Wise, s. Mary, bp. Sept. 19, 1802. CR1
Grace, d. Cuff, bp. Feb. --, 1744-5. CR1
Hagar, bp. Apr. 6, 1740. CR1
Hagar, d. London, bp. Nov. 10, 1751. CR1
Happy, ch. Tom and Dinah, bp. July 20, 1740. CR1
Happy, ch. Andrew and Eleanor Haskell, a girl taken from Boston, bp. Sept. 16, 1744. CR3
Happy, servant ch. Jonathan Fellows, bp. June 9, 1754. CR3
Happy, s. Cobinnah, bp. Aug. 24, 1760. CR2
Happy, ch. Jinny, bp. May 15, 1763. CR2
Harriet, d. Robert and Rhoda, Sept. --, 1810.
Isaac, s. Cezar, bp. Sept. 25, 1737. CR1
James, s. Fortune Nocols, bp. Aug. 15, 1805. CR2
Leah, servant to Francis Norwood, July 21, 1745. CR3
Leah, d. Dick and Phillis, bp. Nov. 26, 1775. CR5
London, s. London, servant of Capt. Sargent, bp. Feb. 7, 1751-2. CR1
London, s. Cezar, bp. Nov. 20, 1757. CR1
Lucy Davis, d. Mary, bp. Sept. 19, 1802. CR1
Mareer, d. Cloe, bp. May 18, 1741. CR1
Molley, d. Robin, bp. July 28, 1771. CR2
Mary, d. Pomp, bp. Apr. 16, 1775. CR1
Nancy, servant of Isaac Haskell, bp. Apr. 5, 1747. CR2
Nancy, d. Cezar, servant of N. Allen, bp. Sept. 1, 1751. CR1
Neviah, ch. Pomp, servant of Capt. N. Elery, bp. Sept. 1, 1754 CR1
Percy, s. Dinah, servant of Capt. Nathaniel Ellery, bp. May 28, 1749. CR1
Petro, s. Titus, bp. June 1, 1746. CR1
Phillis, d. Grace, bp. Sept. 21, 1740. CR1
Phillis, d. Floro, bp. Feb. 14, 1747-8. CR1
Phillis, servant of Daniel and Hannah Merchant, bp. May 18, 1755. CR3
Phillis, d. Titus and Cloe, of Capt. E. Sargent, bp. Dec. 4, 1757. CR1
Phillis, d. Fortune, bp. June 28, 1761. CR2
Pompey, s. Pompey, bp. Oct. 4, 1741. CR1
Pompey, servant of Capt. Elery, bp. May 16, 1742. CR1
Pomp, servant to Capt. Ellery, bp. Dec. 2, 1764. CR4
Prince, s. Robbin, freeman, bp. Apr. 16, 1786. CR2
Remember, d. Robin. bp. Apr. 19, 1761. CR2
Reuben, servant ch. Caleb and Annah Woodbury, bp. Oct. 7, 1744. CR3
Ruben, servant of Lt. Haskell, bp. Sept. 21, 1746. CR2
Reuben, s. Pomp, servant of Capt. Nathaniel Ellery, bp. Feb. 5, 1748-9. CR1
Rhodah, d. Pompey, bp. Oct. 4, 1741. CR1
Richard, servant of Dea. Warner, bp. Sept. --, 1744. CR1
Dick, servant to Francis Norwood, July 21, 1745. CR3
Dick, s. Dick and Philis, bp. Sept. 16, 1764. CR5
Robert, jr., s. Robert and Rhoda, July --, 1813.
Robin, s. Fortune, bp. July 21, 1754. CR2
Ruth, mulatto ch. Jedidiah and Martha Davis, bp. Sept. 18, 1743. CR3
Scipio, s. Tom and Dinah, bp. July 20, 1740. CR1
Scipio, s. Phillis, bp. Oct. 4, 1741. CR2
Scipio, servant of Col. Sargent, bp. May 23, 1742. CR1
Scipio, belonging to Joseph and Jemima Davis, bp. July 16, 1749. CR3
Cipio, s. James, bp. June 10, 1750. CR1
Scipio, ch. Fortune, bp. July 21, 1754. CR2
Scipio, s. Dill, servant of Capt. William Stevens, bp. Jan. 9, 1757. CR1
Cipio, s. _____, July 24, 1757. CR4
Seliah, d. Cloe, bp. May 18, 1741. CR1
Shela, servant ch. Joseph and Joanna Lane, bp. Aug. 25, 1754. CR3
Sip, s. Dill, bp. May 12, 1754. CR1
Silvia, d. Dinah, servant of Capt. Nathaniel Ellery, bp. May 28, 1749. CR1
Sylvia, d. London and Dinah, bp. Dec. 23, 1753. CR1
Sylva, d. Bristo, bp. Dec. 28, 1753. CR4
Sylva, d. _____, bp. May 18, 1760. CR4
Titus, s. Titus, bp. July --, 1744. CR1
Titus, belonging to Andrew Haskell, bp. July 28, 1751. CR3
Will Guin, s. Robin, freeman, bp. July 4, 1784. CR2
Woodbury, William, s. William and Flora (free negroes), Nov. 28, 1787.
Zaccheus, s. Robbin, freeman, bp. June 21, 1789. CR2
Zelom, s. Dick and Philis, bp. Apr. 27, 1766. CR5
_____, _____, ch. Mary, Dec. 28, 1693.
_____, _____, d. Jonathan and Mary, 14: --m: 1694.
_____, _____, ch. _____ and Lucy, --- --, [173- or 4-.]
_____, _____, d. _____ and ----y, Apr. 8, [173- or 4-.]
_____, _____, ch. Hannah, Feb. --, 1737-8.
_____, _____, ch. [Hannah?], Feb. 5, 1741-2.
_____, _____, ch. [Hannah?], June 7, 1745.
_____, _____, s. Elisabeth, Nov. 8, 1752.
_____, s. _____, s. Adidson, fisherman, Mar. --, 1844.
----N, _____, d. Edward and Hannah, Nov. 10, 1694.
_____, ---ah, d. Nathanaell and Ann, after Aug. 2, 1694.
_____, Nabby, d. Thomas and Sarah, bp. Nov. 23, 1740. CR3
_____, Nabey Clavend, d. William and Nabey, bp. Feb. 4, 1782. CR5
_____, Anna, d. William and Lydia, bp. Oct. 5, 1755. CR3
_____, Charles, s. _____, at Sandy Bay, bp. Jan. 12, 1797. CR1
_____, David, s. ---, bp. June 26, 1743. CR1
_____, Deborah, under ye care of Sarah Small, bp. Feb. 23, 1728-9. CR1
_____, Deborah, d. _____, bp. Nov. 5, 1738. CR1
HAS--, Dorothy, d. Joseph and Mary, Nov. 15, 16[94?]
--ANT, Dorothy, d. William and Naomi. Oct. 26, 1696.
_____, Elias, s. James and Bethyah [1693-4?]
_____, Eliza Foster, d. _____, bp. Sept. 6, 1818. CR1
_____, Elizabeth, d. _____, bp. Oct. 11, 1713. CR1
_____, Betsey, d. _____, at Sandy Bay, bp. Jan. 12, 1797. CR1
_____, Frederick, s. _____, bp. Sept. 11, 1811. CR6
_____, Hannah, d. Ro--- and Sarah, Jan. 25, 1693-4.
_____, Henry, s. Henry and Elizabeth, bp. Apr. 20, 1755. CR3
-ILLIAMS, Hulday, d. William, bp. Sept. 20, 1773. CR4
_____, Jonathan, s. _____, bp. May 1, 1743. CR1
_____, Joseph, s. _____, bp. July 23, 1797. CR1
_____, Josiah, s. George and Abigaill, Jan. 21, 1693-4.
_____, Loring Austin, s. William, Mar. 18, 1833.
_____, Lucy, d. _____, at Sandy Bay, bp. Jan. 12, 1797. CR1
_____, Lydia, d. _____, bp. Sept. --, 1743. CR1 [bef. Sept. 19?]
_____, Liday, d. Benjamin and Elizabeth, bp. Jan. 2, 1782. CR5
_____, Lydia Jane, d. _____, bp. Feb. 18, 1826. CR2
_____, Lydia Ann, d. William, Oct. 18, 1831.
_____, Pegge Dodge, d. Josiah, bp. Sept. 7, 1806. CR5
_____, Mary, d. Samuell and Mary, Feb. [1693-4?]
_____, Mary, d. Daniel and Anna, Oct. 24, 1729.
_____, Molly, d. Thomas and Sarah, bp. Nov. 23, 1740. CR3
_____, Nancy, d. _____ and Hannah, Sept. 1, 1784.
_____, Pelatiah, s. Ezekial and Mary, Dec. 8, 1694.
_____, Ruth, d. Nathanael and Ruth, Jan. 1-, [1693-4?]
_____, Ruth, d. Thomas, jr., bp. July 2, 1749. CR1
_____, Samuell, s. Nathaniell and Remember, Apr. 27, 1687. CTR
_____, Samuel, servant of Solomon Parsons, bp. May 11, 1746. CR1
_____, Sarah, d. Col., bp. June 20, 1762. CR4
_____, Sarah, grand d. Sarah Day, bp. Sept. 4, 1763. CR4
_____, Saley, d. Andery and Saley, bp. --- --, 1782. CR5
_____, Sally, d. William, bp. Mar. 4, 1798. CR1
_____, Sally Bradstreet, d. Josiah, bp. Sept. 7, 1806. CR5
_____, Thankful, d. _____, bp. July 28, 1775. CR1
_____, Warren Thaxter, s. James, bp. Aug. 29, 1816. CR1
_____, William, s. _____, bp. Aug. 18, 1805. CR1
_____, William, s. _____, bp. Sept. 8, 1805. CR1