NorthShore Slavery


BYLES, Robin, and _____ Prince, int. Dec. 24, 1715. [1775. TC]

Prince and Robin Byles, int. Dec. 24, 1715. [1775. TC]

Fortune and Rose, Apr. 3, 1752. CR2

Rose and Fortune, Apr. 3, 1752. CR2

ROBERTS, Mary, and Robin, May 8, 1755. CR2

Robin and Mary Roberts, May 8, 1755. CR2

Dick, servant to Capt. William Norwood, and Philis, servant to Anne Baker, June 28, 1763. CR5

Philis, servant to Anne Baker, and Dick servant to Capt. William Norwood, June 28, 1763. CR5

CUMMINS, Pomp, and Rosanna Perman [of Ipswich. int.], --ember 1, 1764.*

PERNAM, Rosanna [of Ipswich. int.], and Pomp Cummins, --ember 1, 1764.*

ANNUM, Judith, resident in Ipswich, and James Wignell, resident, int. May 5, 1768.

WIGNELL, James, resident, and Judith Annum, resident in Ipswich, int. May 5, 1768.

Flora and Prince Hall [of Boston. both free. int.], Aug. 20, 1770.*

HALL, Prince [of Boston. int.], and Flora [both free. int.], Aug. 20, 1770.*

Gibbs and Prince, servants of Capt. Gilbert, Nov. 12, 1775. CR2

Prince and Gibbs, servants of Capt. Gilbert, Nov. 12, 1775.

CLEAVES, Phillis, and Joshua McNeal of Norfolk, May 10, 1776.*

McNEAL, Joshua, of Norfolk, and Phillis Cleaves, May 10, 1776.*

Bacchus, servant of Winthrop Sargent, and Dinah, servant of Samuel Saword, Nov. 13, 1776. CR1

Dinah, servant of Samuel Saword, and Bacchus, servant of Winthrop Sargent, Nov. 13, 1776. CR1

COWARD, Cornelius, and Taff, int. Dec. --, 1776.

Taff and Cornelius Coward, int. Dec. --, 1776.

Dill and Andrew Perkins, Oct. --, 1780.

PERKINS, Andrew and Dill, Oct. --, 1780.

COWARD, Flora, and William Stone, both free, int. Aug. 5, 1786.

STONE, William, and Flora Coward, both free, int. Aug. 5, 1786.

DALTON, Gloucester, and Phillis Freeman, both free, Sept. 9, 1787.*

FREEMAN, Phillis, and Gloucester Dalton, both free, Sept. 9, 1787.*

DALTON, Thomas, and Polly Freeman, both free, Jan. 12, 1792.*

FREEMAN, Polly, and Thomas Dalton, both free, Jan. 12, 1792.*

ROSS, Richard, and Peggy White, residents, both free, int. July 9, 1792.

WHITE, Peggy, and Richard Ross, residents, both free, int. July 9, 1792.

ALLEN, Patrick, resident, and Dill Perkins, both free, Dec. 4, 1792.*

PERKINS, Dill, and Patrick Allen, resident, both free, Dec. 4, 1792.*

PORTER, Catey, and Robert Wanton [resident. int.], both free, Nov. 22, 1794.*

WANTON, Robert [resident. int.], and Catey Porter, both free, Nov. 22, 1794.*

DAVIS, Caesar, resident, and Jenny Wanton, both free, int. May 14, 1796.

WANTON, Jenny, and Caesar Davis, resident, both free, int. May 14, 1796.

FREEMAN, Lucy [Freeman. CR2], d. Cornelius, and Spencer Freeman, free, Sept. 17, 1797.*

FREEMAN, Spencer, and Lucy [Freeman. CR2], d. Cornelius, both free, Sept. 17, 1797.*

GARDNER, Jenny, and Money Warsaw, resident, both free, int. Feb. 15, 1799.

WARSAW, Money, resident, and Jenny Gardner, both free, int. Feb. 15, 1799.

PAUL, Eliza, d. _____ Paul, a mulatto, and Hetty Williams, Sept. 26, 180-.

WILLIAMS, Hetty, and Eliza Paul, d. _____ Paul, a Mulatto, Sept. 26, 180-.

FREEMAN, Polly, and Fortune Nicholls of Boston, both free, int. Jan. 19, 1804.

NICHOLLS, Fortune, of Boston, and Polly Freeman, both free, int. Jan. 19, 1804.

FREEMAN, Robin, and Rhoda Toby [of Boston, both free. int.] Dec. 30, 1804. CR2*

TOBEY, Rhoda [of Boston. int.], and Robin Freeman [both free. int.], Dec. 30, 1804. CR2*

BUNDLEY, Isaac (alias Isam) [resident. int.], and Delia Perkins [both free. int.], Mar. 16, 1805.*

PERKINS, Delia, and Isaac (alias Isam) Bundley [resident; both free. int.], Mar. 16, 1805.*

PERKINS, Hitty [free black. int.], and James Williams [free black; resident. int.], Sept. 30, 1806.*

WILLIAMS, James [free, resident. int.], and Hitty Perkins [free. int.], Sept. 30, 1806.*

DALTON, Molly, and Simeon Peters [resident, both free blacks. int.], Jan. 15, 1807.*

PETERS, Simeon [resident. int.], and Molly Dalton [both free. int.], Jan. 15, 1807.*

FRANCES, John [resident. int.], and Leah Freeman [both free. int.], Mar. 27, 1808.*

FREEMAN, Leah, and John Frances [resident; both free. int.], Mar. 27, 1808.*

RINGGOLD, Thomas [resident. int.], and Hitty Williams, both free, Jan. 4, 1809.*

WILLIAMS, Hitty, and Thomas Ringgold [resident. int.], both free, Jan. 4, 1809.*

BROWN, William, of Boston, and Diana Jackson, int. Jan. 5, 1816.

JACKSON, Diana, and William Brown of Boston, int. Jan. 5, 1816.

DAILEY, Robert, resident, and Frances Putnam Freeman, both free, July 10, 1827.*

FREEMAN, Frances Putnam, and Robert Dailey, resident, both free, July 10, 1827.*

HASKELL, Lucy, and George Sharp [both free. int.], July 24, 1827.

SHARP, George, and Lucy Haskell [both free. int.], July 24, 1827.*

BARRET, John, of Newburn, NC, and Mrs. Lucy Sharp, int. Sept. 11, 1836.

SHARP, Lucy, Mrs., and John Barret of Newburn. NC, int. Sept. 11, 1836.

WILLIAMS, Caroline, of Manchester, and George Williams, int. Nov. 12, 1843.

WILLIAMS, George, and Caroline Williams, of Manchester, int. Nov. 12, 1843.

FIELD, Charles H., a. 25 y., b. Beverly, and Rachel Sharp, a. 20 y., int. Jan. 9, 1847.

SHARP, Rachel, a. 20 y., and Charles H. Field, a. 25 y., b. Beverly, int. Jan. 9, 1847.


_____, _____, and Aaron Smith of Marblehead, int. --- --, ----.

_____, _____, and Sarah Ring, Mar. 20, ----. [1703-4.] TC

_____, Elizabeth, and John Pearse, husbandman, Nov. 4, 1643.

_____, Joane, and James Averie, Nov. 10, 1643.

--NES, Issabella, and John Person, -uary 19, 1692-3.

B----, Sarah, and Thomas Row, Jan. 8, 1695-6.

DA---, Em, and Eliezer Elwell, Jan. 21, 1696-7.

_____, _____, and John Dowse, int. Apr. 23, --- --, [17--.]

_____, _____, and --mar Haskell, Jan. --, 1703-4. TC

_____, _____, and Hannah Eveleth, Feb. --, 1703-4. TC

_____S, _____, and Lydia Haskall, Feb. 3, 1703-4. TC

_____, Rachall, and _____ _____, June 10, 1703. TC

_____, _____, and Rachall _____, June 10, 1703. TC

_____, Rebeckah, and _____ Bennett, July 13, 1704. TC

_____, Elisabeth, and _____ Norwood, Sept. 25, 1704. TC

--DNER, Rebeckah, and Samuell Witham, Dec. 5, 1705. TC

----GS, Abigaill, and Joshuah Giddings, Dec. 10, 1706. TC

_____, John, and _____ _____, int. Feb. 14, 1707-8. TC

_____ _____, and Elias Davis, int. Nov. 17, 1715.

_____ _____, and Elizabeth Burnes, both removed to New Gloucester, int. --- --, [174-?]

_____ _____, and Elizabeth How of Ipswich, int. --- --, [174-?]

_____ _____, and wid. Susannah Parsons, int. Aug. 25, [174-?]

_____, _____, and Benjamin Gray, int. Dec. 7, 175-.

_____ _____, and Martha Marsh, --ber 23, 1756.

_____, Rachel, and Isidore Doucett, int. Nov. 22, 1760.

_____, Elisabeth, and Nathaniel Clark, int. Dec. 12, 1760.

_____, Agnes, and Caleb Elwell, int. Mar. 30, 1775.

_____, Susanna, of Ipswich, and William Gilbert, at Ipswich. Dec. 21, 1780.

_____, Betty, and Jeremiah Parsons, Sept. 16, 1781. CR2

_____, _____, and Sarah Dennison, May 10, 1807. PR291

_____, _____, and Mary Clark, Oct. 14, 1844. PR184