NorthShore Slavery


_____, Abigail, a free woman, and Jethro, servant of Adam Brown, Mar. 29, 1769.*

_____, Archelaus, servant to Jacob Dodge of Wenham, and Phyllis, servant to, wid. Mary Lufkin, Nov. 8, 1751. CR7

_____, Binah, freewoman, and Peter, servant of Samuel Adams, Nov. 25, 1776. CR2

_____, Bristo, and Venus, servants of Daniel Giddings and Samuel Sawyer, int. Dec. 5, 1767.

_____, Bristol, servant of Rev. Edward Payson of Rowley, and Jane, servant of Mr. Crompton, int. Mar. 6, 1730.

_____, Bristol, servant of Capt. Ammi Rhuamah Wise, and Jane, servant of Capt. John Harris, int. Mar. 11, 1731.

_____, Caesar, servant of Stephen Emmerson, and Jane Sleigh, July 31, 1747.*

_____, Caesar, servant of Francis Choate, Esq., and Phillis, servant of Jonathan Cogswell, May 29, 1765.*

_____, Cuffee, and Nanney, servants of Thomas Lord, Oct. 19, 1732.*

_____, Dille, servant of Jacob Storey, and Reuben, servant of Lt. Thomas choat, int. Feb. 29, 1772.

_____, Dinah, servant of Maj. Appleton, and George, int. Jan. 16, 1741.

_____, Dina, and Plato, servants of Dea. Whipple, int. Jan. 1, 1742.

_____, Dinah, and Edward, servants of Francis and Thomas Choate [servants of Francis Choate and Thomas Burnham. CR4], Sept. 30, 1777.*

_____, Edward, and Dinah, servants of Francis and Thomas Choate [servants of Francis Choate and Thomas Burnham. CR4], Sept. 30, 1777.*

_____, Farnam, and Cato Pierce, Oct. 28, 1778. CR5

_____, Flora, and Tom, servants of Mr. Benjamin Crocker, Sept. 6, 1726.*

_____, Flora, and Scipio, servant of Joseph Rust, int. Apr. 8, 1761.

_____, Flora, and Titus, servants to Thomas and Francis Choate, Esq., Feb. 12, 1767.*

_____, Flora, servant to Capt. Daniel Goodhue, and Jethro, servant to Capt. Jacob Dodge of Wenham, int. Oct. 29, 1774.

_____, George, and Dinah, servant of Maj. Appleton, int. Jan. 16, 1741.

_____, Jane, servant of Mr. Crompton, and Bristol, servant of Rev. Edward Payson of Rowley, int. Mar. 6, 1730.

_____, Jane, servant of Capt. John Harris, and Bristol, servant of Capt. Ammi Rhuamah Wise, int. Mar. 11, 1731.

_____, Jane, and Peter, "servants belonging to Mr. Staniford and Mr. Lord," int. May 11, 1751.

_____, Jane, a free negro woman, and Scipio, servant of Samuel Potter, Nov. 21, 1771. CR2*

_____, Jethro, servant of Adam Brown, and Abigail, a free woman, Mar. 29, 1769.*

_____, Jethro, servant to Capt. Jacob Dodge of Wenham, and Flora, servant to Capt. Daniel Goodhue, int. Oct. 29, 1774.

_____, Jack, and Violet, int. Dec. 29, 1743.

_____, Jupiter, servant of Samuel Adams, and Tidey, servant of Isaac Appleton, Nov. 8, 1751.

_____, Jupiter, formerly servant of Rev. Mr. Jewett, and Violet, servant of, wid. Rebekah Dodge, Oct. 10, 1779. CR2*

_____, Kate, servant of Joseph Cogswell, and Prince Freeman, Aug. 28, 1780. CR2

_____, Lott, and Ruth, servants of Lt. Nathaniell Bradstreet, int. Jan. 17, 1746.

_____, Mercy [servant of Dame Elizabeth Adington. int.], and Robert Mingoe [servant of Symonds Epes, Esq. int.], Apr. 14, 1729.*

_____, Nanney, and Cuffee, servants of Thomas Lord, Oct. 19, 1732.*

_____, Peter, belonging to Mr. Wade, and Sarah, belonging to Mr. Burnum, Dec. 18, 1729.

_____, Peter, and Jane, "servants belonging to Mr. Staniford and Mr. Lord," int. May 11, 1751.

_____, Peter, servant of Samuel Adams, and Binah, freewoman, Nov. 25, 1776. CR2

_____, Pheebe, servant of Dea. Mathew Whipple, and Plato, int. Sept. 4, 1762.

_____, Phyllis, servant to, wid. Mary Lufkin, and Archelaus, servant to Jacob Dodge of Wenham, Nov. 8, 1751. CR7

_____, Phillis, servant of Jonathan Cogswell, and Caesar, servant of Francis Choate, Esq., May 29, 1765.*

_____, Plato, and Dinah, servants of Dea. Whipple, int. Jan. 1, 1742.

_____, Plato, and Pheebe, servant of Dea. Mathew Whipple, int. Sept. 4, 1762.

_____, Reuben, servant of Lt. Thomas Choat, and Dille, servant of Jacob Storey, int. Feb. 29, 1772.

_____, Ruth, and Lott, servants of Lt. Nathaniell Bradstreet, int. Jan. 17, 1746.

_____, Ruth, servant of Moses Bradstreet, and scipio, servant of Mary Platts of Rowley, at Rowley, Oct. 27, 1768.*

_____, Sarah, belonging to Mr. Burnum, and Peter [Dick. int.], belonging to Mr. [Jonathan. int.] Wade, Dec. 18, 1729.*

_____, Scipio, servant of Joseph Rust, and Flora, int. Apr. 8, 1761.

_____, Scipio, servant of Mary Platts of Rowley, and Ruth, servant of Moses Bradstreet, at Rowley, Oct. 27, 1768.*

_____, Scipio, servant of Samuel Potter, and Jane, a free negro woman, Nov. 21, 1771. CR2*

_____, Tom, and Flora, sevants of Mr. Benjamin Crocker, Sept. 6, 1726.*

_____, LAKE, Thomas, resident in Ipswich, and Pamelia Safford, int. Sept. 11, 1807.

_____, Tidey, servant of Isaac Appleton, and Jupiter, servant of Samuel Adams, Nov. 8, 1751.

_____, Titus, and Flora, servants to Thomas and Francis Choate, Esq., Feb. 12, 1767.*

_____, Venus, and Bristo, servants of Samuel Sawyer and Daniel Giddings, int. Dec. 5, 1767.

_____, Violet, and Jack, int. Dec. 29, 1743.

_____, Violet, and John Onessimus, int. Sept. 1, 1768.

_____, Violet, servant of, wid. Rebekah Dodge, and Jupiter, formerly servant of Rev. Mr. Jewett, Oct. 10, 1779. CR2*

ADAMS, Henry [William Henry. int.], and Elisabeth Haskel [Aug. CR1] 12, 1810.*

BOSTON, William, and Betty Harris, int. Oct. 3, 1778.

CHADDOCK, John, and Rose Harris, Nov. 29, 1781. CR5*

CHEEVER, Peeley, and James Safford, Dec. 4, 1828.*

CHOATE, Phillis, alias Cogswell [formerly servant of Jonathan Cogswell. int.], and Plato Whipple [formerly servant of Dea. Whipple. int.], Aug. 18, 1785.*

CLOSS, Abraham, of Beverly, and Judith Lee, June 8, 1806.*

DAVIS, Deborah, and Prince Jacobs, Dec. 20, 1778. CR5*

DICK, Peter, servant of Mr. Jonathan Wade, and Sarah, servant of Mr. Thomas Burnum, int. Nov. 15, 1729.

DODGE, Flora, and Peter Fletcher, Oct. 28, 1778. CR5*

EDWARD, Peggy, and Joseph Lemmon [Armer. int.], June 15, 1787.*

FLETCHER, Peter, and Flora Dodge, Oct. 28, 1778. CR5*

FREEMAN, Caeser, and Lydia Freeman, July 18, 1774. CR5*

FREEMAN, John, and Elizabeth Sidney, Dec. 16, 1810.*

FREEMAN, Lydia, and Caesar Freeman, July 18, 1774. CR5*

FREEMAN, Prince, and Kate, servant of Joseph Cogswell, Aug. 28, 1780. CR2

FURLONG, Hampshire, and Rose Pickard, Oct. 21, 1781. CR5*

HAGINS, Dinah, and Charles Lewis, residents in Ipswich, Sept. 25, 1802.*

HALL, Charles, and Catherine Story, May 31, 1804.*

HALL, Nancy, and William Pollard, residents in Ipswich, Oct. 29, 1801.*

HARDEN, Peggy, of Bradford, and Scipio Sevvee [?], int. Apr. 18, 1767.

HARRIS, Betty, and William Boston, int. Oct. 3, 1778.

HARRIS, Rose, and John Chaddock, Nov. 29, 1781. CR5*

HASKEL, Elizabeth, and Henry [William Henry. int.] Adams [Aug. CR1] 12, 1810.*

JACOBS, Prince, and Deborah Davis, Dec. 20, 1778. CR5*

LEE, Judith, and Abraham Closs of Beverly, June 8, 1806.*

LAKEMAN, Elisabeth, a free woman, and Nathaniel Samson, a free man, int. Aug. 10, 1787.

LEMMON, Joseph, and Elisabeth Rowell, int. Mar. 5, 1719-20. CR4

LEMMON, Joseph [Armer. int.], and Peggy Edward, June 15, 1787.*

LEMMON, Peggy, and Paltiah Lewis, Oct. 15, 1812.*

LEWIS, Charles, and Dinah Hagins, residents in Ipswich, Sept. 25, 1802.*

LEWIS, Paltiah, and Peggy Lemmon, Oct. 15, 1812.*

MINGOE, Robert [servant of Symonds Epes, Esq. int.], and Mercy [servant of Dame Elizabeth Addington. int.], Apr. 14, 1729.*

MINORS, Nancy, of Newbury, and Ruben Safford, int. Dec. 8, 1810.

MORRIS, Member, and Jesse Shorter of Hamilton, Mar. 24, 1808.*

MORRIS, Quammono, and Kate Wallis, Nov. 26, 1778. CR2*

NEDSON, Titus, and Easther Story, May 1, 1793.*

ONESSIMUS, John, and Violet, int. Sept. 1, 1768.

ORNE, Violet, of Hamilton, and John Taylor, at Hamilton, Oct. 7, 1799.*

PATCH, Jane [servant of John Patch. int.], and Caeser Porter [of Salem. int.], Sept. 29, 1778. CR5*

PERVIDY, Peter, and Deliverance Story, Aug. 25, 1774. CR5*

PICKARD, Rose, and Hampshire Furlong, Oct. 21, 1781. CR5*

PIERCE, Cato, and Juda Farnum, Oct. 28, 1778. CR5

PILLARD, William, and Nancy Hall, residents in Ipswich, Oct. 29, 1801.*

PORTER, Caesar [of Salem. int.], and Jane Patch [servant of John Patch. int.], Sept. 29, 1778. CR5*

ROWELL, Elisabeth, and Joseph Lemmons, int. Mar. 5, 1719-20. CR4

SAFFORD, James, and Peeley Cheever, Dec. 4, 1828.*

SAFFORD, Mehitable, and William Sprint, July 31, 1833.*

SAFFORD, Pamelia, and Thomas Lake, resident in Ipswich, int. Sept. 11, 1807.

SAFFORD, Ruben, and Nancy, Minors of Newbury, int. Dec. 8, 1810.

SAMSON, Nathaniel, a free man, and Elisabeth Lakeman, a free woman, int. Aug. 10, 1787.

SHORTER, Jesse, of Hamilton, and Member Morris, Mar. 24, 1808.*

SEVVEE, Scipio, and Peggy Harden of Bradford, int. Apr. 18, 1767.

SIDNEY, Elizabeth, and John Freeman, Dec. 16, 1810.*

SLEIGH, Jane, and Caesar, servant of Stephen Emmerson, July 31, 1747.*

SPRINT, William, and Mehitable Safford, July 31, 1833.*

STORY, Catharine, and Charles Hall, May 31, 1804.*

STORY, Deliverance, and Peter Pervidy, Aug. 25, 1774. CR5*

STORY, Easther, and Titus Nedson, May 1, 1793.*

TAYLOR, John, and Violet Orne of Hamilton, at Hamilton, Oct. 7, 1799.*

WALLIS, Kate, and Quammono Morris, Nov. 26, 1778. CR2*

WHIPPLE, Plato [formerly servant to Dea. Whipple. int.], and Phillis Choate, alias Cogswell [formerly servant of Jonathan Cogswell. int.], Aug. 18, 1785.*