NorthShore Slavery


LEMMON, Joseph, and Elisabeth Rowell, int. Mar. 5, 1719-20. CR4

ROWELL, Elisabeth, and Joseph Lemmons, int. Mar. 5, 1719-20. CR4

_____, Flora, and Tom, servants of Mr. Benjamin Crocker, Sept. 6, 1726.*

_____, Tom, and Flora, sevants of Mr. Benjamin Crocker, Sept. 6, 1726.*

_____, Mercy [servant of Dame Elizabeth Adington. int.], and Robert Mingoe [servant of Symonds Epes, Esq. int.], Apr. 14, 1729.*

MINGOE, Robert [servant of Symonds Epes, Esq. int.], and Mercy [servant of Dame Elizabeth Addington. int.], Apr. 14, 1729.*

_____, DICK, Peter, servant of Mr. Jonathan Wade, and Sarah, servant of Mr. Thomas Burnum, int. Nov. 15, 1729.

_____, Peter, belonging to Mr. Wade, and Sarah, belonging to Mr. Burnum, Dec. 18, 1729.

_____, Sarah, belonging to Mr. Burnum, and Peter [Dick. int.], belonging to Mr. [Jonathan. int.] Wade, Dec. 18, 1729.*

_____, Bristol, servant of Rev. Edward Payson of Rowley, and Jane, servant of Mr. Crompton, int. Mar. 6, 1730.

_____, Jane, servant of Mr. Crompton, and Bristol, servant of Rev. Edward Payson of Rowley, int. Mar. 6, 1730.

_____, Bristol, servant of Capt. Ammi Rhuamah Wise, and Jane, servant of Capt. John Harris, int. Mar. 11, 1731.

_____, Jane, servant of Capt. John Harris, and Bristol, servant of Capt. Ammi Rhuamah Wise, int. Mar. 11, 1731.

_____, Cuffee, and Nanney, servants of Thomas Lord, Oct. 19, 1732.*

_____, Nanney, and Cuffee, servants of Thomas Lord, Oct. 19, 1732.*

_____, Dinah, servant of Maj. Appleton, and George, int. Jan. 16, 1741.

_____, George, and Dinah, servant of Maj. Appleton, int. Jan. 16, 1741.

_____, Dina, and Plato, servants of Dea. Whipple, int. Jan. 1, 1742.

_____, Plato, and Dinah, servants of Dea. Whipple, int. Jan. 1, 1742.

_____, Jack, and Violet, int. Dec. 29, 1743.

_____, Violet, and Jack, int. Dec. 29, 1743.

_____, Lott, and Ruth, servants of Lt. Nathaniell Bradstreet, int. Jan. 17, 1746.

_____, Ruth, and Lott, servants of Lt. Nathaniell Bradstreet, int. Jan. 17, 1746.

_____, Caesar, servant of Stephen Emmerson, and Jane Sleigh, July 31, 1747.*

SLEIGH, Jane, and Caesar, servant of Stephen Emmerson, July 31, 1747.*

_____, Jane, and Peter, "servants belonging to Mr. Staniford and Mr. Lord," int. May 11, 1751.

_____, Peter, and Jane, "servants belonging to Mr. Staniford and Mr. Lord," int. May 11, 1751.

_____, Archelaus, servant to Jacob Dodge of Wenham, and Phyllis, servant to, wid. Mary Lufkin, Nov. 8, 1751. CR7

_____, Jupiter, servant of Samuel Adams, and Tidey, servant of Isaac Appleton, Nov. 8, 1751.

_____, Phyllis, servant to, wid. Mary Lufkin, and Archelaus, servant to Jacob Dodge of Wenham, Nov. 8, 1751. CR7

_____, Tidey, servant of Isaac Appleton, and Jupiter, servant of Samuel Adams, Nov. 8, 1751.

_____, Flora, and Scipio, servant of Joseph Rust, int. Apr. 8, 1761.

_____, Scipio, servant of Joseph Rust, and Flora, int. Apr. 8, 1761.

_____, Pheebe, servant of Dea. Mathew Whipple, and Plato, int. Sept. 4, 1762.

_____, Plato, and Pheebe, servant of Dea. Mathew Whipple, int. Sept. 4, 1762.

_____, Caesar, servant of Francis Choate, Esq., and Phillis, servant of Jonathan Cogswell, May 29, 1765.*

_____, Phillis, servant of Jonathan Cogswell, and Caesar, servant of Francis Choate, Esq., May 29, 1765.*

_____, Flora, and Titus, servants to Thomas and Francis Choate, Esq., Feb. 12, 1767.*

_____, Titus, and Flora, servants to Thomas and Francis Choate, Esq., Feb. 12, 1767.*

HARDEN, Peggy, of Bradford, and Scipio Sevvee [?], int. Apr. 18, 1767.

SEVVEE, Scipio, and Peggy Harden of Bradford, int. Apr. 18, 1767.

_____, Bristo, and Venus, servants of Daniel Giddings and Samuel Sawyer, int. Dec. 5, 1767.

_____, Venus, and Bristo, servants of Samuel Sawyer and Daniel Giddings, int. Dec. 5, 1767.

ONESSIMUS, John, and Violet, int. Sept. 1, 1768.

_____, Violet, and John Onessimus, int. Sept. 1, 1768.

_____, Ruth, servant of Moses Bradstreet, and scipio, servant of Mary Platts of Rowley, at Rowley, Oct. 27, 1768.*

_____, Scipio, servant of Mary Platts of Rowley, and Ruth, servant of Moses Bradstreet, at Rowley, Oct. 27, 1768.*

_____, Abigail, a free woman, and Jethro, servant of Adam Brown, Mar. 29, 1769.*

_____, Jethro, servant of Adam Brown, and Abigail, a free woman, Mar. 29, 1769.*

_____, Jane, a free negro woman, and Scipio, servant of Samuel Potter, Nov. 21, 1771. CR2*

_____, Scipio, servant of Samuel Potter, and Jane, a free negro woman, Nov. 21, 1771. CR2*

_____, Dille, servant of Jacob Storey, and Reuben, servant of Lt. Thomas choat, int. Feb. 29, 1772.

_____, Reuben, servant of Lt. Thomas Choat, and Dille, servant of Jacob Storey, int. Feb. 29, 1772.

FREEMAN, Caeser, and Lydia Freeman, July 18, 1774. CR5*

FREEMAN, Lydia, and Caesar Freeman, July 18, 1774. CR5*

PERVIDY, Peter, and Deliverance Story, Aug. 25, 1774. CR5*

STORY, Deliverance, and Peter Pervidy, Aug. 25, 1774. CR5*

_____, Flora, servant to Capt. Daniel Goodhue, and Jethro, servant to Capt. Jacob Dodge of Wenham, int. Oct. 29, 1774.

_____, Jethro, servant to Capt. Jacob Dodge of Wenham, and Flora, servant to Capt. Daniel Goodhue, int. Oct. 29, 1774.

_____, Binah, freewoman, and Peter, servant of Samuel Adams, Nov. 25, 1776. CR2

_____, Peter, servant of Samuel Adams, and Binah, freewoman, Nov. 25, 1776. CR2

_____, Dinah, and Edward, servants of Francis and Thomas Choate [servants of Francis Choate and Thomas Burnham. CR4], Sept. 30, 1777.*

_____, Edward, and Dinah, servants of Francis and Thomas Choate [servants of Francis Choate and Thomas Burnham. CR4], Sept. 30, 1777.*

PATCH, Jane [servant of John Patch. int.], and Caeser Porter [of Salem. int.], Sept. 29, 1778. CR5*

PORTER, Caesar [of Salem. int.], and Jane Patch [servant of John Patch. int.], Sept. 29, 1778. CR5*

BOSTON, William, and Betty Harris, int. Oct. 3, 1778.

HARRIS, Betty, and William Boston, int. Oct. 3, 1778.

DODGE, Flora, and Peter Fletcher, Oct. 28, 1778. CR5*

_____, Farnam, and Cato Pierce, Oct. 28, 1778. CR5

FLETCHER, Peter, and Flora Dodge, Oct. 28, 1778. CR5*

PIERCE, Cato, and Juda Farnum, Oct. 28, 1778. CR5

MORRIS, Quammono, and Kate Wallis, Nov. 26, 1778. CR2*

WALLIS, Kate, and Quammono Morris, Nov. 26, 1778. CR2*

DAVIS, Deborah, and Prince Jacobs, Dec. 20, 1778. CR5*

JACOBS, Prince, and Deborah Davis, Dec. 20, 1778. CR5*

_____, Jupiter, formerly servant of Rev. Mr. Jewett, and Violet, servant of, wid. Rebekah Dodge, Oct. 10, 1779. CR2*

_____, Violet, servant of, wid. Rebekah Dodge, and Jupiter, formerly servant of Rev. Mr. Jewett, Oct. 10, 1779. CR2*

FREEMAN, Prince, and Kate, servant of Joseph Cogswell, Aug. 28, 1780. CR2

_____, Kate, servant of Joseph Cogswell, and Prince Freeman, Aug. 28, 1780. CR2

FURLONG, Hampshire, and Rose Pickard, Oct. 21, 1781. CR5*

PICKARD, Rose, and Hampshire Furlong, Oct. 21, 1781. CR5*

CHADDOCK, John, and Rose Harris, Nov. 29, 1781. CR5*

HARRIS, Rose, and John Chaddock, Nov. 29, 1781. CR5*

CHOATE, Phillis, alias Cogswell [formerly servant of Jonathan Cogswell. int.], and Plato Whipple [formerly servant of Dea. Whipple. int.], Aug. 18, 1785.*

WHIPPLE, Plato [formerly servant to Dea. Whipple. int.], and Phillis Choate, alias Cogswell [formerly servant of Jonathan Cogswell. int.], Aug. 18, 1785.*

EDWARD, Peggy, and Joseph Lemmon [Armer. int.], June 15, 1787.*

LEMMON, Joseph [Armer. int.], and Peggy Edward, June 15, 1787.*

LAKEMAN, Elisabeth, a free woman, and Nathaniel Samson, a free man, int. Aug. 10, 1787.

SAMSON, Nathaniel, a free man, and Elisabeth Lakeman, a free woman, int. Aug. 10, 1787.

NEDSON, Titus, and Easther Story, May 1, 1793.*

STORY, Easther, and Titus Nedson, May 1, 1793.*

ORNE, Violet, of Hamilton, and John Taylor, at Hamilton, Oct. 7, 1799.*

TAYLOR, John, and Violet Orne of Hamilton, at Hamilton, Oct. 7, 1799.*

HALL, Nancy, and William Pollard, residents in Ipswich, Oct. 29, 1801.*

PILLARD, William, and Nancy Hall, residents in Ipswich, Oct. 29, 1801.*

HAGINS, Dinah, and Charles Lewis, residents in Ipswich, Sept. 25, 1802.*

LEWIS, Charles, and Dinah Hagins, residents in Ipswich, Sept. 25, 1802.*

HALL, Charles, and Catherine Story, May 31, 1804.*

STORY, Catharine, and Charles Hall, May 31, 1804.*

CLOSS, Abraham, of Beverly, and Judith Lee, June 8, 1806.*

LEE, Judith, and Abraham Closs of Beverly, June 8, 1806.*

LAKE, Thomas, resident in Ipswich, and Pamelia Safford, int. Sept. 11, 1807.

SAFFORD, Pamelia, and Thomas Lake, resident in Ipswich, int. Sept. 11, 1807.

MORRIS, Member, and Jesse Shorter of Hamilton, Mar. 24, 1808.*

SHORTER, Jesse, of Hamilton, and Member Morris, Mar. 24, 1808.*

ADAMS, Henry [William Henry. int.], and Elisabeth Haskel [Aug. CR1] 12, 1810.*

HASKEL, Elizabeth, and Henry [William Henry. int.] Adams [Aug. CR1] 12, 1810.*

MINORS, Nancy, of Newbury, and Ruben Safford, int. Dec. 8, 1810.

SAFFORD, Ruben, and Nancy, Minors of Newbury, int. Dec. 8, 1810.

FREEMAN, John, and Elizabeth Sidney, Dec. 16, 1810.*

SIDNEY, Elizabeth, and John Freeman, Dec. 16, 1810.*

LEMMON, Peggy, and Paltiah Lewis, Oct. 15, 1812.*

LEWIS, Paltiah, and Peggy Lemmon, Oct. 15, 1812.*

CHEEVER, Peeley, and James Safford, Dec. 4, 1828.*

SAFFORD, James, and Peeley Cheever, Dec. 4, 1828.*

SAFFORD, Mehitable, and William Sprint, July 31, 1833.*

SPRINT, William, and Mehitable Safford, July 31, 1833.*