NorthShore Slavery


_____, Martha, "young," 17: 8m: 1743. PR5

_____, Billah, "ye Servant of Deacon John Lewis," bur. Sept. 19, 1756. PR6

_____, Caesar, "Man Servt. of Daniel Mansfield Esq.," bur. Aug. 5, 1757. PR6

_____, "woman belonging to Mr. Byles," bur. abt. Mar. 17, 1759. PR6

_____, ch. belonging to Joseph Gould, "Lost Oct. 2 & Taken up Dead," Oct. 14, 1760. PR6

_____, Caesar, "Negro Boy of Dr. Aborn's," Feb. 25, 1764, in his 9th y. CR2

ROWE, Breda, consumption, July 28, 1800, a. 68 y. CR5

BREED, Sharper, consumption, Mar. 20, 1802, a. 20 y. CR5

_____, George, drowned at Rhodes' Mill, Aug. 7, 1811, a. abt. 20 y. CR5

LEWIS, Phebe, w. Hannibal, July 4, 1814, a. 80 y. CR5

MOODY, Priseller, d. True and Sylvear, Mar. 29, 1828, a. 2 y. 5 m. GR1

FLETCHER, Margarett [Mrs. PR1], Aug. 25, 1833.

BARNES, Priscilla, wid., Dec. 22, 1836. [a. 33 y. PR1]

MOODY, Sylvia, w. True, Sept. 19, 1840. [a. 41 y. PR1]

MOODY, Priscilla, d. True and Sylvia, Sept. 20, 1840. [a. 6 y. PR1]

MOODY, _____, ch. True, bur. Oct. 4, 1840, a. 2 y. 4 m. PR1

BUSH, John, paralysis, Jan. 16, 1847, a. 52 y.

JOHNSON, Hannah, inflammation of the bowels, June 21, 1848, a. 19 y.

TERBON, Mary Ann, b. Virginia [w. James. PR1], cholera, Aug. 31, 1849, a. 35 y.


_____, Nathaniell, s. _____, Dec. 27, 1686. CTR

_____, Abraham, Mar. 29, 1720, in his 30th y. GR1

_____, _____, "A stranger who Fell off his Horse & Died at Lewises," bur. Oct. 25, 1759. PR6

_____, _____, "a Child born at the Widdow Hallowell," bur. Jan. 11, 1762. PR6

_____, _____, "A woman yt. Liv'd at Jno. Mowers, Mother to Debh. Jones," bur. Dec. 14, 1763. PR6

_____, _____, "A Stranger Taken up on Nahant Beach," bur. June 29, 1768. PR6

_____, _____, "A Stranger taken up on Nahant Beach," bur. Oct. 26, 1768. PR6

_____, _____, "A Stranger taken up at ye Black Marsh," bur. July 25, 1769. PR6

_____, _____, ''a Child found Dead in a Pond," bur. May 1, 1772. PR6

_____, James, bur. May 1, 1829. PR1

_____, _____, "Irish woman," drowned, June 20, 1845, a. 27 y.

_____, Margarett B., w. John, dropsy, Aug. 19, 1845, a. 32 y.